. ' : , ' VkK:"" 4't:H-" " i ; ft ' . . ; . . -' ;1 : f ' i Vol. Xjl-. No. 2715 CONCQUTX N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 15 1898 Whole No 11715 1 1. ! f PRACTICALLY UNCHANGED months and the officers for four months. He thinks provisions scarce in PERSONAL POINTERS. 1 Dr. McNairy, of Crescent, was Havana and that the city would I n e tocay- THE SENATE: HANGS Unanimous Consent to MmH Dl.cn.. .ion Asked for By lvls and Teller .....i Declined By President llobart Forgets Himself mid Addresses the Callarles Gen. surrender quickly. M Dr. Wakeheid passed through He does not believe that the Concord this morning on his way Spanish provided 000,000 for the nanieisvicev reconcentradoes. ! to Albemarle SOME INTERESTING NEWS! L,ee Talks -Freciy iums opnmsu! Snt filiation oi lnsuriteuts uiJVBT; f rom nmiin's xora A lioj Acciaesi ally Snoots Himself A Lady Found JDead. The growth of the wheat and oats . slble. j The country now stands on feverish suspense at the delay of -of the United States Senate. -Miss Ella Belle Shirey went out .to Mt. Pleasant this evening to spend Sunday with friends. Mr. John C Leslie, of Char lotte, was seen on the streets this evening. Rev. W C Alexander and Mr. in onr section is checked considers tft ftrfi ftttfinrlinor fVio moof. mi nnnonnrTT -il fVmf ! 01V ovine laio xruai.. jluc xruii, & , n u in nnr section IS Killed. M " aujij b ua must be born with as it can' which is in session at Mooresville. imircl J A certain resiaent or bmitnrs ' Senator Davis wanted -unanii Ford must be preparing for the Mrs. L J Foil returned to her mous consent to close debate at 5 coming war, as he has bought hims home at Mt. Pleasant yesterday nVlnMr Thursday To this Sena- self a pistol. You can hear the reJ 67ening after visiting her friend, is a science. If you haven't time to tor Daniels objected. One obi eel Port f or mile3 the8e cold froaty Mrsv Dr' Misenheimer, of Charlotte. 8tody this science go to a store where tion breaks the unanimity and de- mornings. - - you can )e sure to find clothing de. feats such effort in the Senate. Mr. Easter has passed. Our old hen YOU FURNISH THE FEE E DO THE UEST. Tbat'jj all wh you u to fur nish th Jppr. AW will not only do the ree, but we wilj do it well for $2 50 are visiting her. Teller wanted to limit speeches to had gone to setting about a week or fifteen minutes. To this Senator two beforehand, and we had no eggs Daniels also obiected and of for the occasion. ! i! ; .- - i i j- x course it fell toT the ground. V John Yow; the 10 -year-old son Spirited and pathetic speeches of Mr. .Stufel Yow, accidentally were made for prompt actiori. shot himse f pome lime ago while sigoedand made by Artiuts and se lected and handled with tact and tastp. We have a stock of clothing that meets the requirements of the most fastidious taste. If you c:me to us we can turn you out a WELL DRESSED MAN, Also leanred and sage counsels handling a piatcf. Dr. Love was TomatoeS,beanS,lieW were offered, all of which it would called, but failed to find the ball. Iris -potatoes radish- and ifc don,t cost a fortune, either, seem should move all auditors if The ball penetrated the boy's thigh.. ' We'il save you from $5 to $10 a seem should move all auditors they did not conflict. The ball penetrated the boy's thigh On Sunday, April 10th, !Mw. A novel sensation was produced Seanie Furr, the widow of Mr. Wil- when an effort was made to con- son Furr, was found dead at the tinue the session till a conclusidn barn.. The coroner's verdict j wps should be reached. The galleries that -she died from heart trouble, applauded noisily when Vice- Htr borne was in Stanly county President Hobart addressed tbe near the Cabarrus and Stanly line; fTollpriPis nrderinrr the annlause to I A, 15. t"" i o sr tr f cease. Senator Gray shouted "The chair himself is out of order. tJS, IcluUUc cXjUxx bugdl Unit, and fit you just as well and give npac qt I you as good material. No doubt anout it at alt Ervin & Morrison Cannon & Fetzer QR0CER5 Company. P. 8. $3 hats for $1.50, Latest Styles. Children like it, it saves their Iivpa. Wp mpan' Aafl M in n tft flnn ah He has no right to directly ad- Cu the infalMble remedv for dress the people of the ganaries. congb, colds, croup, bronchitis, 4,Such a thing has never been be- enppe, and all throat and lung ffnrA-.intihSTiRtfl."ilfinlftrfidSTJa. t 'oubles . -Gibson' Dnug Store.! tor Bate, of Tennessee. Others a Good Entertainment. I joined in humiliating the chir We know of nowhere that our for the blunder. J people could get half the reat en- The Senate adjourned at G 15. joymenc for 15 cents as at the graded Some twenty Senators desire) to school exercises Thursday night; in make speeches and if they are kill baton's Hall. j . jj heard there is no telling when Of coarse the imperfections cf action will be reached When a Jiu,e "totE" c mm be e?ilyiorer The Potrifid Wernau. TRULY REMARKABLE SPECIMEN. We have everything in Oxfords except your feet. An ounce of satisfaction is worth a ton or taiir &atieiaction goes with every pair of shoes we sell. : Respectfully, Dry Miller, Shoe Furnishers. Now For Business votps reached for the resolution it may cause much delay before getting a joint resolution by both houses. The Scientific . liiblt Closes Here Saturday, April 6th, ami Should Be Seen By Every one. 4'Tne Beautiful Woman Turned the Io7ero of children to Scone" is certainly creating more (and it is to he hcpel the petrified talk than anything that has been in in Concord for some time. That the in speoimtn is genuine adm'its of no Through Stock taking,. I nnrl linrtinrr Volonio rn r! nrVi f cir?o Ttro fln-pf" rnT" liofa ntlH nff nnr ntci f a o r II Till T.i! IlfIl 1 1 milll "ElC- I ""v"r i"v v" xt-juw u.vi -wa uuvu ' looked bv woman is the only human form feown who?e heart doea not bea : l,-.S ; 1 l i.,u:li i -. i - 1 - n l The singular phase of the Bitua- ; f Q0UDr AC a y ana svsjtet mie awKwaraness iormea minrosconicai v esaminea ana 18 soiue of the m-st laughable patti; vouched for by thousands of pby ' But tboir better parfs were ; ab- gicians, scientists nd geologist?. soiutely. charming while they ; in- ! Men of. national rcpu'ation ail over the country attest. to the body's gen tion is that those most spirited in their sentiment in favor of prompt and vigorous action, involving measures more rigid and explicit than tho president are the ones now causing the delay of action. They seem to prefer no action; to such as does not como up to their ideas while many are willing to have less than a completeness: of their ideas-to stop human suffer ing on the island. ; Dispatches show no signs! of weakening on the part of Spain. Indeed it is now said that the viueen Regent would abdicate the throne it the Spanish ministry were to weaken. j uen. Lee speaks freely to the! Gold and other valuables! are Senate Committee, implicating being shipped freely from Havana uen. weyler in the blowing up ol to New York for safe: keeping till ppired j"y to parental hearts pand exquiai;e Fatisfctioa to ambitious instructors. While.ull the perform anc23 wee goo:', jea highly credit able, the illustration of the tenj vir gins was so real, bo solemnly f im preesive, that had it been thebnly feature it would have been a: sue cessful effort. The full chorus sings ing was very gratifying. We are glad that the childhood of the town enjoys such advantages,' and we ten der our congratulations to both the trainers and the performers. I the Maine but exonerating Gen. Elanco. He does not think there is the slightest possibility j of Spain's conquering the insurgents. Ho says, though, that he does not think the insurgents liave anything more than the skeleton and all throat and lung diseases. form of a government a moving ' Gibsons Drug Store, j f ! capital, but that the Spanish sol- " - - rpK dierjhave not been paid for nine feliff IS -; .' ! M the war clouds roll away. 1 I 1j Thousands of sufferers! j from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Cough Ourei It quickly cures cough, colds bron .kin nnantnnnia fJ-ri n r o a f Vi tt a uineness. We doubt if anything ever csme to Concord, or any other city, 0 well and favorably endorsed, so deserving of good, patronage, tto and see the Fpscimen and you will join in the belief of all preceding you. Remember the exhibit closes here tomorrow night at 10 o'clock-, and all who have not by that time embraced the rare opportunity ot seeing the great wonder will cer tainly miss a chance of a lifetime. Dis Last Sermon Tonight. Rev. Church, of Statesville, who has been assisting R;v. Payeeur in a series of meetings at the Baptist church, will preach his last sermon tonight. The subject on which he will preach tonight is one that is highly appreciated by all tbo3e that have hard it in the past. The sub ject will be '-TheDdvii." Rav. Fayseur will 'continue the meeting until Sunday night. Dur ing this series -of meetinga "sixteen names have been added to the roll of membership of this church. roll up our sleeves, and we are after you for your business in the Furniture pnd House Furnishing Line. Buying a we do in car lots for spot., cash gives us la long leal over smsll dealers. We expect to do more business during the. year '98 than any previous year of our existence. We have the stock, we have the prices, we have the rabl it loot wiih the horse shoa thrown in. - We are not giving a vay frcodb neither &re we selling gcods at or below co. t. We are in' the business for th ? money we can make out of it. If you want.a t Suit of Furniture, Poplar, Oak, WtT.ut, 'Birch, Birds Eye Maph or, Mahogany, 'we can suit you in qualitygnd price, If you want a Parlor Suit Ranging in price from $16.00 tol75.CC Call and see us. If you wan a Side Board, (Ward Robe, Cylinder. Top Bcok Case, Office DeskExtension or ParlorjTable, Puturetor Picture Frames Easels orj v 1 i l cu . ccla.1 to see us. Should .need a Baby Carriage In your' business, we t-iink we'thave tho best line inthe State to select from. Cook Stoves. The Star leader is said to be the bet t. Twenty years guarantee'on fire back, j Look at them, and you will buy them rwhen you hear theprice - i " ' Baby Renders, Boy. Wagons, and every thing to beH found in a Firtlt Class Furniture Store. Call and see us. v i s . Bell, Harris& Company. ; Oar Mr. BeliwilljansweralFcalls'dayornigntinthe Undertaking Department. s j -I j. i 1 i HI i 4 f -