Vol. Xi No. 2710 CONCORU, N. C., TUESDAY, APRIL 19 189.8 Whole No 1171B MIT SIGNHD Y KT. . !"'. ' A CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS. 1 1 PERSONAL FOINTERS. : I !;' ; Mr. G I 14 W Oald left last night Bill to be Introduced Today Anlhor for 6o,ooo or 70,000 Men-state Miii- Ior Lynchburg, V a., after spending Ha Technicality Avoided A Second ipunaay Wltn US. van ior 100,000 May Be Issued. PKOBAKLY WILL HAVE THE PRESIDENT'S SIGNATURE AT FIVE O'CLOCK. Spam tVill. Be .otllied Promptly Troops On the Move The ftixth Cavalry fioneSouth. President will sign resDlu- The twin at nnp.fl Washington, April 18. Repre.. sentative (Hull, of Iowa, chairman of the House committee on (military affairs, will tomorrow' introduce an administra'ion bil1, authoring the President to issue a call for volun- i 1 1 teers to the number of 60,000 or 70,000 men It will be considered Troy,jMontgomery county on bui .Mrs. I Frank Patterson and sons, Frank and Bernard, were in pur city today from China Grove. Mr. Dallas Pitts returned this xtorning from a business trip in and around Mt. Pleasant ' -Mayor Crowell baa gone to ess. place.! ;.r - i Court is in session at that at once py the committee, its pas and notify Spam to sage expedited as rapidly as possible tv.cuate Cuba. Troops on march. Und will take effect immediately upon the President s approval. Its terms wUl authorize the President A cabinet meeting was called for to call on the various States for 5 this evening at which the Presi- quotas in making up the aggregate, dent is expected to sign the resolu- By; reading in this way, instead of tions and Spain will be immediately HPecific looking to calHng out Newest Thing in ine various ocaie miuiia, win avuiu not fied. several embarrassing technicality , The War Department is notified the mail one being the constitu- ES1G1 that all troops are practically on the tional inhibition on sending State raove or will be presently. ;The 6th militia out of the country, while volunteers so called for can be t-Olljf IHUl KJV LA VU 1.1 VU1 JL Ul I i ir.-r V, . ordered It is THEY COME TO TERMS. anywhere. likely that if the situation develops into such g ave proportions as is how expecttd, a second call for t r r s r r 1 - Ill'l 1 The Senate and House Agree The 1UU.UUU volunteers will ue ibbucu uv senate's Resointions Adopted wih uae President. The necessity for this immense number, however, is I y. .'; Town v now id CFICKEN TAMALE and : IT'S MELLOW. They are both great. Ervin & Morrison GROCERY a rart of the First stricken oat- It Means War All the Name. The agony of suspense is now we think, practically over. Ihe Senate ana! ! House came to termB Monday night between 1 and 2 o'clock We save the Senate resolutions Mon day and the final agreement reached is only the change of the latter part of the first resolution. - Tae resolution is as follows: First, That the people of the island of Cuba are, and of right ought tol be, free, and independent and that the government of the not clear to the military authorities at this time. The draft of the pres ent war measure has mst been a large number of invited friends the United States hereby recognizes the; Qraven QQ We8fc Depot street quite republic or uuba as xne true an lawful government of that island." Strike out all after the word in dependent and you have the jun action in theJJMonday's issue of Th Standard. 1 The Efouse desired very much to strike out the words r,are, and" New York Safe From Attack. 'Mi- ' . I The Scientific American contains grated ! by the War Department a; cut and description of the defenses officials and the leading members of of Sandy Hook commanding the the military committee hava already the lower entrance - to New York conferred with the War Department City-. authorities on the necessities on this ! There are 16 mortar guns that line, the latter having announced throw projectiles of 1,000 pounds that a maximum of 80,000 volun- each, including 100 pounds of high teers would be sufficient at this timeJ explosives. These have a maximum range of Another Pleasant Evening: Spent. ALJLiiL TnniA-n u u ; lUVD.UillCOi JL001UDO IUCSO tUCID fllO Monday night at the home of Mies & ef 1Q miles, and rapid fire guns, ditches, &o. for ab8ault8. These mortar batteries are do wn 13 a science. If you haven't time to study this science go to a store where you can 'be sure to find clothing de signed and made by Artuits and se lected and handled with tact and taste. We have a stock of clothing that meets the requirements of the most fasudiou8 taste. If you cme to us we can turn yoa out a WELL DRESSED MAN, and it don't erst a fortune, either. We'll save jou from $5 to $10 a suit, and fit you just as well and giyt you as good material, ifo doubt about it at all. Cannon & Fetzer Company. YOU KUiiNI3'-l T'ilK FEE . K riE uJ ST. TntV 1 1 m - K "v 'U fuT- ni? t n r w iu-, 017 the f on. v w v r, veil for 52 50. a83emDlea to spend tne evening, which occasion was civen comDlin mentary to her visiting friends, Miss behind concrete walls of great Fleta ! Brown, of Kerneraville. and 8tren2th and the men who work Misa Myrtle Cook, of Pomona. them do not see the enemy, or even The eveLinr was spent moat rj!easi thebay, but take their bearings by antlv i m ffames of diffe ent kinds a irj rthe position of tne making it .read, "That the people of and the bappine88 0f everyone wai enemy is made known by- tele the island of Cuba ot ngnt ougnt to looked after by the hostess,: Miss graph from observers some distance be free and independent, but the Ada Cr n ' , H away. -It would be next to inipossi -oate woum doi to iu il. l, 1q the course of the, iyening .rer ble for an enemy to reach the der will be noted that as it stands Con. fre8hments were served. . Some ex fense, while its projectiles would be eress am not recognize repuunc celleQt VQCal mu510 wa8 ftlao ren- kext to resistless. of Cuba as the true and lawful go dered hy Bome of the excellent taU ernment of the island. Kf , 1. rhe Monument up, In all the forms of speech from Ere long, though, this jovial and ); The monument at Charlotte is the Piesident's message to the joint jolly crowd had to draw meir con now complete, we learn, thb ntedle action of the two Houses it means vercations to a close, as it was bors having, been placed Monday I for Spain to get out and qau her - so-called dominion, her oppression lemori8 of the pleasant occasion and her extermination ngnt at our lingering with themetill. door. That deliberation and wise caution should go with haste is gratifying and we now have only action before us. The measures will be duly signed before this is read in type we hope. Spam will be dulv notified as an ultimatum. How W time will be allowed her : Pavement in front of the stores was remains to be determined by the President, but it will be but short. P. 8, $3 hats for $1.50, Latest Styles. We have everyiniug except your feet. 2- ixi Osfordt An ounce of satinf action is wortfc a ton of talk. Sat.bf action goec with every pair of shoes we sell. Resp cfully, 9 Dry m Miller Shot Furnishers. pur mother county and our Qieen City. We persist in sharing the joys if not the glor of this splendid consummation. Now for the 20th. Thousands of sufferers from Will Have to Enforce It. This (Tuesday) morning while the wind was blowing considerably our ftt.fpnHnn nnn nallpd hv Mavor . 4.- . grippe have been restored to healtb Crowell to the fact that the law r7A -. , ' . . u , - by ... One Minute Cough Cure. It Ljuiuaijr uuica iuugu, uuiuo Uiuu" c hi tie, pneumonia, Gripp, asthma, and all throat and lung diseases. Gibsons Drug Store. Now For Business. Through Stock taking, and finding balance on right side, we doff our hats and off our coats ani: roll up our sleeves, and we are after you for your business in ths Furniture fnd House Furnishing Line. Bujing a - we do in car lots for spot, cash gives us a long It a I over smt 11 dealers. We expect to do mom business during the year '98 than any previous year of our existence. We have the stock, we have the prices, we have the rabbit loot with the horse shoa thrown in We ara not giving away goods neither are selling goods. at pr below cott. We are in-the business for the monep we can make out of it. If you wantja Suit of Furniture, Poplar, Oak, Wt laut, Birch, Birds Eye Mapb or Mahogany, we can suit you in qualityand price, JT you want a Parlor Suit Ranging in price from S16.C0 to 75.0C Ca!A and see us. If you wan a Side Board. Ward Robe, Cylinder Top Boot Case, Office Desk,tExtension or Parlor Table, Picture or Picture Frames Easels or what nots, do notf ail to see us. Should eed a BASEBALL SCORE MONDAY. Washington Baltimore ; iSew York Boston Philadelphia Brooklyn Louisville Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0302001 3 x-9 40 1 20 1 0 0 x 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 12 f 0 0 5 2 2 0 0 2 213 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 03 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 0050020007 not; being kept by some of the merchants, and at the same time he said that the matter would have to be enforced in prder that our streets would not have such an uninviting appearance. Some would better take warning. I. of 1- Notice. i I Concord Lodge, No. 51, tonight a 8 o'clock. Work in R. of E. Knights, Attention ! ! ' J as. C. Fink. C. C. 1 Durham Sun : Thanks to per sistent scientific experiment the odorless onion is now a reality. This pervasive vegetable which, on account of its distinguishing quali ty of "keeping its memory green, ' J has so long been shunned is now entitled to recognition as a civilized s .j, . . institution. Baby Carriage In ycu J business, we t :int; wehave thi beat line ii'the State to sibct from. Cook Stoves. The Star Leader is said to be the beU. Tvventy years guarantee on fire back. Look at them, and you will Ibuf themwhen you hear the price ' , Baby Renders, Boy Wagons, and every thingto bef'found in a FinrW Class Furnit are Store. Call'andfseejus. Bell, Harris & Company. OurMr, Bell will answerallfcallsdayjor nightlin tLf ! J as,' R. Young, E. of R. & S. T3ndertaking2Department. 1 i r ii