Vol. Xw-No. 2727 OONCOU1,-N; 0., WE p N J?S D AY, APRIL 27 1898 Whole No 1172? SITUATION STEADY. EERSONAL POINTERS. certainly be made upon them "by Mr. Butler and ha riftrtv n. hnn- ditto of ''co-operation.'" I aril - -Attorney J' 1 Jlsn dleman, of and have always been a bi-metal- "ulJ Wtt A" UUi luua ist. I endorse the Chicago plat- Detective Shaw, of Charlotte, form. I would rejoice to see Mr. was 8een in our city this morning. Bryan elected President, but I am r Esq. Hill and son, Capt. Ed. not willing to see my party enter Hill, are both unable to be at their the open market and bid against store today on account of being Sick. ,-it 1 Tlie Powers Will Be Neutral-Armed, Vessels JLeaye Seutral Ports Pre-; par Ins: to Land on Cuba A. Spanish Officer Captured and Three Prizes taken. - While there is nothing new and startling in the line of war news the nntcortiDaa nf nrpnarjitions leaves vuticmuww w i'-sr . T j mr t istakethat there will be Btir- ," yon party xor mr. rni- ier ana ms ionowers, at the upset mriPA rt xrnti n nr f nr Him ir i hia In response to the governments e xi 7 " TZmrr notification to the powers that a alhes fr the most important offi- raOCy condition-of war exists and has ex- es aliec ing the welfare ot the fated' since the 21st comes the assur- tate. -Lhe tight here is one be- ances that the laws of neutrally tween barbarism and civilization will oe observed. It is doe to this -between white men and negroes, fact that our Pacific Squadron has manipulated by unprincipled dem- lef t Hon? Kong, a British port in agogues. Mr. Butler and his China, also to this is to be ascribed friends put the latter in power and the departure of the Spanish fleet they have degraded and dishonor- from the Cape Verde Island', a ed the State. It he wants to undo possession of Portugal. ; his toul work because it was foul, mU- Woa i car, a A V a vaf-n if. 1ft Vfirf flQQV In H Ci fift' if VlA liberal nrinciDles of rights to Spanish wants to undo it, only on condi- fcrVlfl CC lYIOrriSOn . i ,:; Cakes Jam Up r ' Fresh AT- 0R0CER5 Tessels. tion that .he and his followers Lieutenant Rowan of the United shall continue to hold office, I will States Army h s Veen sent into neyer agree to accept such Mcon daba to arrange with the insurgent dition, because it would be Icon government for landing United doningv a great crime, and would St tes trocps. . j aflord no substantial relief to j the The Mangrove captured the. people. I will be no party to any Spanish boat Panama Tuesday with &UCQ infamous transaction.) I 39 Spanish p&esenger refugees and WOuld sooner make open war jup a valuable cargo of provisions from on sncn scoundrels than to vield New York to Havana. Tne Panama to thtir demands. If we cannot A letter from Mr. Pa d Oaldwel1, wa3 within abc ut 40 miles of Havana win without such dishonorable a young man of this city, but who when overhauled. i mPthnA Hefpnf W for several years has been employed The gunboat Newport also took . .A -f iL in Baltimore, is now living the life two voeeels the sloop Pacqoete anclL,,! ;4. ui. i u - - j icutuu ji aguiu uottci tuau niu i'j suh means. ) ; I know this is not "practical politics," but I haven't much re- s NOW IN CAMP. Spends Ills First jfigtit In tamp and -Finds Tbat Soldier's Life Is Not Fleasant by Any Means. . . of a Eoldier. He is a son of Con tractor Denson Caldwell, of this place, ana is rememoerea oy or people! . ... By profession he is a pbarmaoist. pect for practical politics at best, . ,fta . n , nnh . and none at all for this particular species of it. j j "' ' However, I am out of politics of and has been called out as steward in the 5th Regiment tt the Mary land Guard 8. After spending his first night in camp he wrote a letter which the writer read. He at once expressed his surprise theschooner Pireneo. The torpedo boat, Porter,! cap tured a Spanis'i lieutenant, Pedro Femandines, who was returning o his family on a small vessel. The Minneapolis and the Colom bia have left the Flying Squadron fnr flp.nntinor nnmoflea. Thev have csrrier pigeons by which to send kind' a,?d my Piniol,s aro ?! back messages. ' Altwl wm4ucu ttUJuuov x ao not expect to be a delegate to that he had had to leave a nice cozy the State convention. 1 shall cer- home and a good soft bed and in its ir we cannot, win without sucn tainly not ask to be ; but ifI am, place had slept out on the ground xieieai i T a 2j., m. - i c wuiio x win uu ttuyiuiug w lUUUUO LntlT Camp 18 OUt BIX . UJIlro irom honest white men to act together the city of Baltimore. On their to rescue North Carolina from the way out to their camp be says people degradation with which she is af- were lined on both sides ana no flicted, I shall never agree to ac- sooner thao ranks were broken the complish even that high purpose people were shaking hands with by offering a higher price to tbe them. demagogues who betrayed her- to He, however, does not have to drill return to their duty, than that of- like the othert, neither does he have fered bv their nresent allies to re- be on guard duty. Their menu j - r - - - - All These Styles AND PLENTY OTHERS. Jot Down This Fact. - Viz: That when yoa want to get! clothes for yourself or your boys, or for anybody else, that will give per feet satisfaction in wear, in fit and style; clothes that will please not only oarself but your sweetheart or your wife and all your friends; clothes that will mark you as a well dressed man, come to our store. We've got the goods. We've got variety in style. We can fit the tall and the low in stature. We can fit the lean and the stout, the straight a a tne bent. We can please the old and the young, the grave and the gay. Above all we can seil you cloth mg at less price than you can buv the same quality in the State. We save a nront in bnvinc. Wb m' what we save to our customers. Our prices are bound to be the lowest. We give money bark if price is wrong, or goods not right. Cannon & Fetzer any. YOU FURNISH THE FEET , VTE DO THE BEbf . That Vail rs yru to dc fur nish tt e ffet. We will not enly de tfcei refit tut ve will o it vell for $2 50. COL,. WADDELL ON FUSION. Dishonorable Methods, Let Come." Corrip ; ; We have everything in Oifords . except your feet. ; An ounce of satisfaction is worth ? a ton of .talk. Satisfaction goef - with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, Dry Shoe Furnishers. M Miller, A representative of The Morn ing Post was in Wilmington re cently and understanding that a letter had been addressed by Chairman Jones, of the National Democratic committee, to Col. A M Waddell, of that city, requested that Col. Waddell permit The fost to publish his reply ,'which is as follows : Wilmington, N. C, April 0, '98. Hon. James K Jones, Washing ton, D. C. : Dear Sir : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th inst., enclosing copy of your address as chairman of the Democratic national com mittee, and have carefully read what you say in regard to the policy which ought to be pursued in the campaign of 1900, and your appeal to me to go to the State convention and work for this policy. main with them. Local self-government by white men is infinitely more important to us than the silver question, and if we cannot get it peaceably with out trading with Messrs. Butleri & Co., we will get it by force at their expense, "and don't you for get it." ';: ' !: -: 1 have plainly given you my honest convictions. j , Yours truly, j j (Signed) A M Waddell. Kaleigh Post, '24th. for breakfast is hash and for supper corned beef. He failed to say any thing about dinner. He also accented the fact plainly that a nice box of eatables from home would he highly appreciated, and not a crumb scarce lj would be wasted. All a Mistake For Over TiUy Fears!! j f : i. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 3yrup has You say that you "understand ben. use, over fifty years ren while teething, with perfect sue- M Li Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says l was a suffere'' for ten years, try ing most all kinds of pile remedies, but Without Bacces. De Witt's Witch Rbzel Salve was recommended to me. I used one box. It has affected a permanent cuie for piles De Witt's Witch Haz 1 Salve has no equal. Gibson's Drugstore. perfectly the difficulties by which you (we) are surrounded in North Carolina," etc., etc. Permit me to say that I am sure you do not understand the Teal situation, or the plainness of the path of duty and self-respect which lies before Democrats here; for, if you did, I am sure you would not ask or expect them to accede to the demands which will cess, it soocnes tne cniia, soicens the gum 8, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye cents a bottle, jjBe sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows! SootL- iLg. Syrup," and take no other kinpY Our "War Car, City of Knoxville," is safe in port, loaded with the finest cargo of Golden Oak Suits ever shown in this part of North Caro lina. She was not captured by the Spanish Fleet of -high prices as re ported. She was safely guarded into port by our Gunboat, "High Price Exploder," with 100 mattress' aboard, at prices ranging from $1.25 to $15.00. Hearing is believing, seeing is the naked truth. You can hear from anyone that has ever been in our store that we have the "stufF? and we make the prices. What we say unto one we say unto all. Come and see. Bell, Harris & Company. P. S. We are still in the undertaking busi ness at the old stand. See Bell. Constipation Causes fully half tbe sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indi- .XI is gestion, bad taste, coated TN ant tongue, sick beaoacne, m- i -somnia, etc. Hood's Pills I II II II JJ) Besidence Phone 90. Store Phone 12. Kohodv tieed hare Nenralzla. Get Dr. Mlleaf Pain ylls from drosglsts. "One cejfc dose" . enre constiDation and all Its results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. AU druggists. Prpnarfid bv C. I. Hood & Ck., LowelL Mass. Xbfi culy Fills to take with Hood's Sarsaparillai