Vol. Xi. No. 2728 OONCOHIX N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 28 1898 Whole No 11728 DAI W WASH mGTON-MATANZAS BOMBARDMENT CONFIRM ED iSAVCJ DEPART- j - MENT PLEASED. attack our coast cities instead of going to Havana. Blanco keeps lip the .idea that he can hold Havana without the aid of the fleet. n i . . . I panisn vessels are cruising ahout Gibraltar on the lookout I for I PERSONAL POINTERS. ' Mr. DouglaBS Hartman has gone to Salisbury to spend the after noon. " Mr. John A Barnhardt, of Pios If ext Engagement Expected at Manila Troops - to Mobilize Monday j. V To Start From WajnesTllle. j 1 Special from the Charlotte Observer to Tns Standard at 2.30 p.m. j Most exciting day in Washington since Maine disaster.' News of bombardment of Matan zas confirmed. " j ' ' " ! Navy department highly pleased at success of Sampson in silencing the batteries. j ; any merchant vessels , that may neer Mills, came up on the train come along. I this morning to spend the day. ir irii. ' x? j Go to tbeCaKwik. j l lueBsra, vv auer Linton ana Let it be. distinctlv understood Max Barker were granted permis- that all who are in sympathy .with sion to 8pend th ernoon in SaU the organizuion of Confederate 1 y" 7 reiurn ,om?n Veterans or the Dauenters of I the Dr. Tyson, one of Norwood's Confederacy are expected tonight most Promi.nenk citizens and one of ine omcers in me new cotton mm in Caton's Hall. i I The Daughters with escorts will . - - ' ' lead off, and all who will join in will add to the fun. Some of our beet musical talent will treat us to choice music. M T Bear in mind that the Daughters want the proceeds with which w to be erected there, was seen on the streets this morning. ; Mrs. J W Todd, of Charlotte, returned home this morning, after spending yesterday with, her friend, Mrs. C B Frazier. to Mr. D J Bostian returned this morning from Montgomery countv. buy a pretty banner for the veterans. wnere he wa8 called by the sick- Havana not to be nreel on unless J.ne aaugnters nope to make it a nees of his child. It is somewhat necessary to maintain blocKade. 03t enjiyable evening, and we hope better. . . .1, nothing will prevent a fall house. Mrs Judee Bovkin has re Next engagement expected at Ma .. . L : , . . L j m Juage .ooyKin nas re 1 he first prize cake is in the show turned to her home in Raleigh, niia. aq vices auiuuHiy awaucu window at Dr. Fetz r's, and you after spending several days at the from there. need but to see it to make your home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Governor orders troops to mobil- mouth water and brace you up j for B F Roer8 iza Monday. Special tram starts then from Waynesyille. A TASTE OF WAR. the contest. There will be no tickets on! sale. The admission fee will be collected at the entrance, 15 cents for children and 25 cents for the grown.up,ftbe - - 1 1 J 11 ai navana lilockade Is Still Enecinai-uufcio, cagca ouu an utuers. A Good Hani Hade Bjr Americans namia io ue iHeu , A Bicycle Accident. The taste of war was given the A young man ran over a small Spanish at Matan zas Wednesday at child at Fetzer's corner this CThurs- Fancy Cakes Jam Up Fresh, All These Styles AND PLENTY OTHERS Jot Down This Fact. Viz: That when you Want to get clothes for yourself or your bojs, or for anybody else, that will give per fect satisfaction in wear, in fit and style; clothes that will please not only youi self but your sweetheart or your wife and all your friends; clothes that will mark you as a well dressed man, come to our store. We've got the goods. We've got variety in style. We can fit the tU and the low in stature. We can fin a. - . the lean and the stout, the straight and the bent. 1 We can please the old and the young, the grave and the gay. Above all we can sell you cloth mg at lees price than you can bay the same quality in the Statf . We save a profit in buying. . We give what we save to our customers. Our prices are bound to be the lowest. We give money back if except jour feet. price is wrong, or goods not right. YOU FURNISH THE FEET WE DO THE BEbT. TbatV h) we you to dt fur Dish the ffft. We will not only do tie Test rut we will to it well for $2 50- e. Ay ( ' We have everything in Osforda 12-57 o'clock. They were erecting dayN morning , with a bicvcle. 60me fortifications. The Pruitan The little child waa nnt RArinnnlvl and the Cincinnati ODened fire for 1 u AT- 18 minutes and spoiled works. Hear the hit. I f Admiral Sampson expressed him- As in all cases this was an W- ErVin & MomSOIl An nnnoft nr satisfaction is worth ChnOll & FetZer a ton o talk. Satisfaction goes with every pair or snoes we sen. Keepectfully, Shoe Furnishers. ' Company sell as satisnea wiin me resuns. ent, but riders in taming; the The bpanisn returned tne nre; nut 8treet corners should be very care- no damage was done to tne Amen- fui a8 thev are verv liable to! riin GROCERS can vessels as none struck a vessel. The blockade before Havana seems effectual. It is not known how many slip through but every tow and then one does not make it. y The monitor Terror capture the steamer Ambrosa Bolivar off .j Car- mto some one. Reckless riding as in this case is the cause of such strict laws being paesed against bi cyclers in some places, and if such as this happens often the town might see fit to lessen the speed of riders through the streets. So, in in order that We have somerbrivi denas Wednesday, night. It j had -660,000 in silver and a cargo of leges, let our riders be careful and bananas for Havana. not abuse them. It is confidently . expected! that , auk Par?fi finndrnn will take WVAi " f ; Remarkable Rescnc. Manila in the PlnliDDiue Islands as o Von hoBA nf nnflratinnp f The Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, L,lke Fiction. Prof. Lewis said at the to A re ception that fact spends its time . trying to reproduce fiction, All a Mistake Our "War Car, City of Knoxville," is safe in port, loaded with the Here's its verification: The Span ish Lieutenant Del Pino, who was finest cargo of Golden Oak Suits ever shown in this part of North Caro- all hnn.t mAtcincr hifl I r , - cn An(nAH htr fViA Snonion TTloof. nf nion nnpq no row way to visit his home, explained to ouo WttB - ...w. , Hear Admiral Sampson that he was n . , on f arlongh to see his wife and child, I insurgents will of course co-operate. iU" makes tne statement, tnat sue tne latter ot whom he had never she was safely guarded into port by our Gunboat, "High Price - 1 lA. t-i t. .iii. j ' - 1 Tf ia Knnod tViflt. niir flfifit ithfirfi caugm coia, wnicn seuiea on ner flppn anr1 Wiflhed verv much to see may be able to clear the Pcific bcean unge; sne was ireaiea ior a monin tbem Tne Admiral took his parole pioder," witn iuu mauresb aooaru, yino xuuKmB uUUi of Spanish Ships. j UBriaui pujrmu, v and lefc him g0 to itee his loved ones. A dispatch from Havana claims wor8e- ner 8ne.was a nPe . . . . '!.': Mooa victim nf nnnRnmnt.inn and that that the Spams'! steamer Monies- v An interesting MeeiinB. . . J 1 J . ! TT u r . m- s.onnwMno meaicino cuuiu cure oer.j xier errai irom UUIZ WllU , . , 4 j Tr- XT From our Forest Hill Correspondent. - drugsist suggested Dr. King's Newr .wk ..- Kiv.rt Discovery for ConBumptiop; she Much interest is being manifested -1 hoi th fSn.ni.h ,lr,hJ bought a bottle and to her delight among the large congregations that Leigera was attacked near Cardena found herself benefitted from first attend the meetings at Forest H.ll by an American tarpedo boat de dose. She continued its use and under the earnest and impressive stroyer The Leigera it is said after taking six bottles, found her- preaching of the pastor,Rev. Arnold, answered with, 11 shots by Which self sound and well; now.dQesher At a request of prayer some thirty the American vessel was injured own housework, and is as; well as 0r forty stood up an the congregi and retreated. But this is Spanish she ever was. Free trial boUles of tion Wednesday night, news. Dispatches say tbat she re- this Great Discovery at P B'Fetzer s This series of meetings will con no? ?n.nrxr W. imnmnflr hand, drug store. Large bottles 50 cents tinue through the week. All are v,v,a . wv .-j j f , t. , A ' . a m t V; r mTT " S15.00. Hearing is believing, seeing is the? rased truuo. xou can near from anyone that has ever been in our store that we have the ,'stui, and we make'the prices. What we say unto one we say unto all. Come and see. ..' ...... . v Bell, Harris & Company; P. S. We are still in the undertaking busi ness at the old stand. See Bell. ling that injured one of her en gines. - . ': . ! . Dispatches from Madridl claim that the Spanish gunboat Elcano of the Philippine Squadron captur ed the American Bark Saranac with 1,640 tons . of coal, the very thing the Spanish want worst. ThiB too is Spanish news. It is asserted and denied that the Spanish Flotilla r has left the Cape Verde Islands. More j or less and $1,00. most- cordially invited to attend these meetings. Gone to Synod. Revs. M O 6 Scherer and U N Miller, of Mt Pleasant; Revs i 0 B Miller and H A McOul lough, of this place; Key. 8 D, Steffey, ;of 8t Getting Alone Very Well. Mr. Peacock, lha young man whose leg was amputated some days ago at Forest Hill, is getting along cut off verv well. The limb was John's, and Mr. and MrsJ Clay 1 about three inches above the knee. Blackwelder, of Cannon villo, left He withstood the shock tolerably Residence Phone 90. Store Phone 12, this (Thursday) morning for Bur lington, where they attend the Lu- uneasiness is felt that this fleet may theran Synod of this State. well. Brery woman nte&r Br. Allies' Pain VWX i. i V 2