Vol. Xii. No. 2729 0ONCOm H, (D.r FRJDAY, APRIL 29 1898, AROUND THEY GO. from their ve-dftyalkutting rapid .fire guns made it exceeding-! i - m w . a a miw-i m i a a- . a i aa Every One Walks Graceraliy-tmj i vwrvo .Y? ah compete ror the Prizes-Nome Aa Attorney Puryear said, the oc- Uvey . Spanish gun was silenced Fail wmie others Oam. uaeiun. was one mat is notn intellect and it is believed that it will be The cake walk Thursday night pal and artistic. was fairly successful, though not Remarkable Re8Clie. impossible for - the Spaniards to relit the fortifications in time for defense. One Spanish, gunner sent several shots fairly near the New York but none hit her. It is amusing to read the Span ish account which says the Ameri- roarinsly so. The hall would have Xf M, , , . . ' i V, , . : vMrs. Michael Curtain, Plamfield, accommodated more bd4 the jovial I11m makea the Btatement, that she feature would have been enhanced caught cold, which settled on her by a more general participation in longs; she was treated for a month tbe walk. Each presence, though, by her family Dhvsician. bntVrew meant a contribution to the Con- worse. He told her she was a hope- cans were oblied to retreat and feratP banner and ever? featnre of Uess victim of consumption and that tnat several were Killed. tufl p,.niniy pniavabie no medicine could cure ner. Her i At about 10 miles ofl Cordenas The male quartette, consisting of suited Dr:-King's New the inonito Terror an the gun- T . , . Discovery for Consumption: she boat Machias Captured the large We Have some special things in Ladies' and Misses' Lentz Crittenden Keesler Z . - -r-. rr jtn j ngs in .uaaies' ana misses' n tw;n n . bought a bottle and- to her delight Spanish steamer Guido bound OxfoidS andean dais, Firstf, and Watfon rendered -Tenting on found herselT benefitted from firit from Corunna to Havana with a 1 f ww. aoee. one conunuea hb ubo ana cargo of provisions and money Old Kentucky Home." The latter after taking six bottles, found her- thought to be for the Spanish was good, but the former was to tne sell sound and well; now does her troops. writer's mind rendered with such 1 own: housework, and is as well as The steamer put out her lights exquisite harmony and touching she ever was. Free trial bottles of and tried desperately ;to escape, pathos as to be worth the. price of is Great Discovery at P BFetzer's but four Ihots from the Monitor a very handsome line of Zeigs $2 50. lers Oxfords, in Black and Tan, with .vesting tops. Also plain and patent leather trim med ot popular price's. Second, a good soft Kid Strap Sandal, turned sole, com YOU FURNISH THE FEET VE DO TEE BEST. That's all we el yen to rc fur nish tie feet. ..We will not only do- tbe Teet. but we will c"o it well forr. i J A . Mr. cfnM T .a winr A KC' Ann I ; , 1 JOTliXUL ailQ StVllSU HI admission if such effort can be said h 6 1 6 j and one from the gun boat, two of Just the thing for house wear. to haye monetary value. It was ex credingly gratifying, f Toe walking was p'easing till it came to contesting for the booby nrize when the house was literally .iumm Baiwinj. f bus, and she surrendered just in From the nnivfirfliU Renord' we time to aYOia neT guns tnat Hammer Hchool Commencement Ex ercises L.aylne: Corner Ntono ii 1 . 7 which went crashing through the Lots of comfort and seryice hnaf onTivi'nfift tVio Omrin fhftt Lots oi cniiaren's ana miss J , " THE STATE UNITE RSITY. N pilot house, and one striking for a little money. h rciiidn fnnf Lots or cniiaren7 : -V. 3 Jl ' ' J i " -i 1 L fiffmf fn PB,an wpta tnn ncrAr. I 68' UXIOIU8 ana Sirap SanaaiS, Of , Klnilr onI rt - . . broucht down. Peonle tf ten nav for snmflthin to lanph about, and see that the summer school there were De3ng trained on her. .-5 .ho. rnKfthiv ant TinU will be from June 21st to Jnlrl9:K I Tbe splinters from the pilot for their money. j Commencement will begin on The contest having been finished, onay, tne ma or May. wnn nac- r. i t r t l l v:.ii -calanreate sermon by Key. Wilber Prof. J D Lentz in a hisU)rical and patriotic speech presented that g . HoQThomag Q LL superbly., trimmed cake to Mrs. John ,D.-of RaleiKh wlll deliver an ail. Wadsworth and Mr. A J Yorke., dre88 before the law school Mon- Mr. H S Purjear m presenting day Senior class exercises will is estimated at $400,000. Her the second prize, a beautiful cake, tajje paCe Tuesday. Senior orations crew consisted of 36 men. to Mrs.,H M Barrow and Prof. J D will be Weduesday, and also anaa Lentz, traced the origin of the cake dress by Hon. Hannis Taylor, LLD walk to the colored race and from of Mobile. Ala. former minister to v there clear back: to nowhere. His I Spain . speech afforded a good J)it of mem- After conferring degrees, etc., bouse were driven into the breast ot a opaniara ana mniccea a probably fatal wound. Captain Kichiondb himselt was. slightly wounded by the same means. The Guido is a steel cruiser 360 feet long, 41 teet wide. The prize I ou can nna wnat you want here, and the prices all right. Cannon & Fetzer Company. PERSONAL POINTERS. Insurance Agent J SC Garpen- A' 1 A I 1 A ! 1 A ier arrivea in tne city iasi niguw. Clerk Gus Hartsell went up to We have everything in Oxfords except your feet. An ounce of satisfaction is worth a ton or taiir. oatiBiacuon goes with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, .. Dry Miller, Shoe Furnishers. ment. I t will be the laying uf the corner Prof. Crittenden then called up stone of Alumni building and its Salisbury last night. Mrs. R E Gibson and Mr. H M WiU format presentation to the institu. Mr. Buz Griffin, of Salisbury, son to receive, the boohy prize. He tion by Hon. Julian 8 Carr, of the is in our city and will probably en- thought that in that contest be had class of '61, and response by Hon. list in the military company. WAR BECOMING REAL. gotten a longslooked-for glance at I Francis Winston, on the part of the scientist's missing, link, and that trustees. a regiment of the kind paraded in Cuba would put a sudden end to the war. He had seen specimens of draggle-f opted, lank8tepping, wab blegaited curiosities but' to them he gave the cake. The piano kept up strains chiefly of martial music. ne TJfin tenant. .Toa (rnnrl man want up to China Grove last night on military business. " . , , Mr. P S White, of Westminster, S. C, is in our city. He was ordered All a Mistake Our "War Car, City of'Enoxvilie,V is safe in port, lo-dad with the- Cuba to be lnraded-Troops to Move nere by. the Southern Railway com- finest cargo of Golden Oak Suits ever shown in this part of North Caro- tnnxaa a Brilliant Affalr-Th O.ilif I pany to fill; Mr. YOUng Cal4well 8 a valuable Prize-Tbe -First Blood; blace when, he left with the soldiered I lina. She was not captured by the'Spanish Fleet of high prices as re jlc now seems seiweu tnai uuua intt vJaidweiJL is not going now place is to be invaded at an earlv dav: hbweverrMr.: White and bur towns- xae wnoie eveniDga exeruweo p . steamers hare been man; Mr. tesly, are very intimate were eDjoyedM asort of' Baltimore chartered. to transport' troops Iriend&th b Cloyer Unb.mveron. .v, j The,tr.ooP3 at QiickaMKuKa are The. jadges. apppiMed to. ectod t0 be orderod to Jact-- w,t keenest eye . the moat graced, Hie, Fla., and those at Nev and nngracel ts ot the jbw briean8 'to Tampa: TKo; advance by conBist.ed of Mesdames R A . r ionnii Brown and SJ Lowe, Miea Lila Bar-. far4 to Cnb.al!l be ab? P rett, Kev. J 0 Davis and Mr. D Br A. , T ! i Coltrane. There! wis quite a diff- Whl1 preparations, for i the erence of opinion, but they at lkst moyement to Cuba goes on no reacbetheirldeoisiops. 'v 1 8 M ?Pned to , dnd In order that ; everyone might be our; 9Past cities against any danger fortunate "enough to get a cake, of a dash by Spanish gunboats; proper personV passed'-arcund some The monitor Passaic is ordered small ones tcTalt fl from Tort Royal, S. C, to' New In the centre: of the hall was a Orleans and the monit9r JNan fine chocolate cake, a piece of which tucket goes , from Wilmington ta was to oe va&en oj every memoer iu i iano tuc pitwo ui ouo xttDDttiu ; The shelling , ofvthe defense at Mantanzas seems to have more significance than, at firs appeared! The merioaii Ves&rtCBihakl raney Cakes ... Jam Up Fresh AT- the house. Tbe cake contained a gold ring, several needles and : a thimble. Whoever found the thim ble in their piece of cake never con fessed it. ' : , 0TE8. The hey-diddle-dijdlle walk of the lady that gained the "booby" prize waa'injuriouB' to bneV sides. In the contests for the cake of caka, iib strangJiQw.some.changed Epyin & Morrison jR0CER5 ported. . She was safely guarded into port by our Gunboat, "High Price Exploder," with 100 mattress' aboard, at prices ranging from 81.25 to $15.00. Hearing is belieyingi seeing is the raed trut'i. You can hear from anyone that has ever been in our store that we have the "dtufF' audi we make'the prices. ' . What we say unto one we say unto all . Come and see. Bell, Harris & Company P. S. We are still in the undertaking busi ness at the old stand. See Bell. Residence Phone 90. Stor:Phone 12. ing;al recoirioiianMri lorcA:with- es oi'Matanzas wheWfheiSpa e& fireS Wi3reaSM me ewiorr,: wiiicn w.; men . The farmer, the mechanic ana the bicycle rider are liable to u n expected cuts and braise?. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing WinCn WAS.; tnen i uarM It. Vi a nnlnlrW. furthest away, mped wup : closer ' ftn i is a well known cure for piles, iiope i .- V - St .1 t f 1 4 . - ... 7

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