; " , ;, -5 It ' 1 - . j I : - I; :- i : i. !:-" ' i i 1 (1 I ' s 1 I ' 1' l ; 1 1 ' 8 ;. IS I'f ? i S 3 ) 1 ft1 r i . .1! S J I J I i i ' " , 8 Si 1 M ! ! I ' 1' - U' j r'-i ' 3 - ;. i1 ; . , f J i i U'l t. : f j .1 .-: i ! i ! ; t r j i 5, , 1 8 ! ' Sfl 9 -n Wi . ; , -editors and Proprietors. i OFtlOE IN BRICK BOW. f Tdb Standard is published CTcry day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. bates or subscription : One year. . . . . . . ... . 00 Bix months. L 200 Three months.. ...... ..i 10 One month. . . . . . . . . . . . ; -5 Single copy. ... . . ... . . . .05. The VVefkj Standard is a four-page, ei- t-column paper. It has a larf jircalation in Cabarrus than ar . jther paper. Price S1.00 per annum, in advance. j ) advertising rates r Term3 for regular advertisements tnade known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord,1 N. C. CiKNCORD. APRIL' 29 1898 Raise Provisional. The southern newspapers are &oiu the farmers and all the peo ple of this section eood i service when they urge the planting of larger food crops and the; raising ot more hose. The war came up on us when it was not too late to provid at least partially,! against the . ;:!amity of short tood sup plies in the south this year. Already the prices ot provisions have anvanced and they I will go higher as the war advances. It passes comprehension that the great majority of the farmers . of the south have e;one on' year after year reiving upon the west for their meat and bread when they could hare raised it at home for lass than its ordinary cost Now that like price of corn, the price of wheat, the price of meat, the pric of everything to eat, is sure to go up and may remain unusu--ally high for a year or lODger, it would" be the height of tolly to de pend upon the western supply in- stead of our own farms. I ttt i i. 4. H i ,i We hope that the war cloud s lyhicti has been lowering for some time has tiven our ! i farmers a warning which t Ley Lave! j heeded And that the south iil have a larger product of hog audi hominy than usuil this vear. Durham Sun. . ; ! ' . It is to be hoped that Spain trill learn some lessons in civil failure from the United States. The President's liberal f methods in dealing with her commerce on the seas and his avowed purpose to have no privateering, the ad miral's paroling of an pfiicer to gratify his great desire to see his family and the: kind reception of prison era should bring a smile on many a Spanish cheek and show them the heights of civilizatidh to which they have not attained. Too Much Of the Commercial. Sara the Philadelphia Record : J ustice Patterson, of New York, in a speech before the Law Club ot that city recently, deplored the fact that the law had become so largely, a trade instead of a pro fession ; and on the following day Dr; Edward Everett Hale, in an address betore an educational body in the same city on "Mor ality in the Public Schools," made the declaration : 'There is daDger of the managers of a great ma chine taking more pride in the machine and its workings than in . li "i . i j mi " me results it turns out. xnis is the danger in our public schools." These words will, of course, be resented as the views of pessi mists ; yet they come from men qaaHfiec to speak as public teach- -6 coming simultanebusly they gain an emphasis Which must command attention. We are ac customed to flatter ourselyes with the idea that our development along material lines necessarily involves a corresponding develop ment along intellectual and moral lines. However that may be, the fact can no longer be denied that the commercial instinct is begin- ning to dominate almost every ac tion of our people. lnterostins: Statistics. In answer to questions j by "A Rbel " the Charleston News and Courier eays, "The reports of the adjutant general of the United States in July, 1865, show j that the armies of the United States on May 1, 1865, included 1,000,51 men of arms. Of that number 176 800 were Germans, 144,200 Irishme n, 53 500 British Americans, 45 500 English men and 79.00, other foreigners." Editor Hull, of the Rock Hill Herald says that the largest; muster roll cf the Confederacy ; for troops ready for duty at one time was 472, 781 on January 1, 1864, -whiie the number mustered into service irom first to last was about 600,000. For Over Fi-ty Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing j Syrnp has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers fGr their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the cnild, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is- the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve, the poor little sufferer immediately! Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twtnty-fiye cents a bottle, j Be sure und ask for "Mrs. Winslows SootfL iLg Syrup" and take no other kind. THe Julia Slacrudet Clnb ; jj Met with Mrs. W R O Jell last Tuesday. The absence of several of the members was much regretted, but this void was most charmingly filled by the guests present. The author for the day wag J M Barri. TTa moa on Inliklfl j ! - " m subject, that the meeting was long ,J . . V , . ; B anil AnthnoiaotiP Tho nlnK la . 4l ... ,. u paneniiy awamog nis new novel, "Celebrated Tommy." Mre. Odell served with her delicious refresh ments, the most beautiful and lus j cious strawberries, which.; of course, must have been of her own raising. Ig. Miles'ritj niit art guaranteea to stop THE" mi WAB WOMEN used v to think " fe male diseases " could only be treated! after "lo cal I examina tions" jby physi cians, j Dread of s u c h j treatment kept thousands of modest j ! women silent about their suffering. The in troduction' of Wine of Cardul has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders- do not require a physician's attention at alU The simple, pure i meow taken In the privacy of a woman's own home insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Cardui re- Sulres no humiliating examina fens for its adoption.! It cures any disease that comes under the head cf "female troubles' disordered menses, falling cf 1 the womb, ' .. whites," change of Hfej It makes -r women beautiful by making therri well. It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store. : " j For adrlce in cases requiring' special ' dlrsctioas. address, giving- symptoms, the "Laaies Advisory Department," The Chittanooc Medicine Co., Chatta nooga. Tena. ' j . ij ; - W. I. ADDISOH, M.D., Cary, Miss., says: I use Wine of cirdul extensively in my practice and And it a most excellent preparation for female troubles." - fci liif ( can n inn W ! 111119 i 51 A REGIMENT REBELS Tbe fnrth Mrylnd Br.W WP at Pimllco nn Btorn to Balti more. ' . , ' j, iTttf Baltimore Md., April 57.-ThH Fourth Kegiment, Miylnd Guardi, ha broken camp at Pimlico ind re turned to the armory in this5 city. It has reported they have rebelled because of dis.atiafaction at not having been aesientd to active ser- ho tt,npri Wilmer. the Fifth being assigned to that honor. Tbree Clieer for Col. Armfield. , v, I Oq Thursday nigbt at nearly o o'clock, when The Standard re-j ceived a dispatch statin i that J F Armfield, (rf Statesville, bad been appointed Colonel of the First Regiment of Volunteers, it wa3 at once, read to the Cabarrus Light In fantry, which was then on drill in the streets. There cheers at once went op for Col. Armfield. Tnis ought to make every mem ber of this company feel proud to think that their former Colonel of the then Fourth R giment is yet to be at the head of their columns. loo Much Orler to Bear. A Newton lady whose son left home yesterday to enlist in the army was so overcome with grief that she swooned away at the de pot. The mother followed her son to the train and, although he hid in the car, she found him and pleaded with him to stay at home. He was obdurate, however, and the mother's words fell on deaf ears. She had to leave the train as it was pulling out and fainted away on the platform. -Salisbury World, We Want Yon to look over o ar line of Silks, Satins, Lawns, Organdies, Dimities and all kinds of dress goods. We are having good sales on some very wide black brocade for Skirts at 50 cents. This is really a 65 cent value. Beautiful line of Percales 36 inches wide for 6c, 7 l-2c and 10c. dur line of ready made Shirt Waists are just the thing for com fortable wear. They are cool, well made, beautiful in fit4 and appearance and low enough in price. Vety Respectfully, H L. PARKS L CO. e o o Special Ladies' Fast Black Seamless Hose, Spliced Heel and Toe, at 7i cents per pair. 2,000 yards of White .LawnjiOrgandies, Dimity onnartfl fttfi. at 40 cents -Ft ' per yard. Here is the grandest offering you ever heard of while the leiiths are short, they are sufficient for children's dresses, shirt waists aprons,bonnets, ties, handkerchiefs, etc., for ladies. Also a lot of printed Organdies at 10 cents per yard. Printed Lappetts at 7i cents per yard. Special offering of Mill ends of Bleached Linen Table Damask, 6J inches to 2 yards wide. at42i to 95 cents per yard, worth 50 cents to $1 40 per yard. These come in 2, 21 and 3 yard lengths. All nice, smooth goods just like the full bolts. Come to see these goods; they are finer and pret tier than you anticipate. The Racket Is Full of Genuine Bargains. White Lawn SunBonnets at 25 cents. Same make as oui, Percale ones. Very Respectfully, D. J. BOSTIAN. -is- HEADOUA.vrERS F03 GROCERIES. We are better prepared this season than eyer to please the public with ; BARGAINS IN ' V BAGGING and TIE? , Corn, Oats, Rje, Ship Stufl Flour, &c. We carry the largest stock or Nnnff, Tobacco, Candles,! Soda, Canned Goods, Soap, Coffee, Sue ar, Salt, Oil, Molasses Heats, Potash, Tinware, Matches, Etc. in the country, and can give you some startling prices. We will buy your Cotton, Eggs, Corn, PEAS, FLOUR, ETC. We are also agents for the Spach" Wagon. Will sell a factory prices. P, W D, u. Wholesale at dsKetail Grocer. ( Concord, JS. 0 PHONE NO. 27. WJADE W1E A M AN I at v KLt,fusmvELi CUBE taken intim . 'Thll -trC L " vxnsumptIon .if tiee. rice. Circnlar For sale in Concord, N. Q., by J P Gibson, Druggist. .I xoiuna tne money. PrimuUUIa." txjpkeeB (full treatment) for 2.m SS Offenn per pound, worth 7 to 25 cent. Handles Bars Pedals Saddles Larhps Bells Toe Clips Graphite and everything else in the line of. sundries. Largest stock of Bncyle Sundries. In town. Prices Eight. Y0RKEsVADSl70RTfl & CO Needs No Explanation. Madison, N. O., Aug, 4, 1897. Goose Greas3 Lmiment Co., Greens boro, N. Cv Dear Sirs Please ship us at once me gross Goose Grease Liniment. W are entirely on t Don t fail to ship once. . Please give us jobbers price It is the best thing we h yeeve rse WO Jones & Oo B acm en's Arnica Baiye. The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ghappr Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ale 4.iu jrupuons, ana posiiiveij u 'lies1 or no pay reqni-ed. It jaaranteed to give o'tatief action ' monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box- For sale at P B-Fetzer's Urng stored M Li Yoca in, Cameron, Pd., saTS ! was a sufferer for ten years, try ing most all kinds of pile remedies, but without succes. De Witt's Witco Hazal Salve was recommended to fflf I used one box . It has affected permarent cuie for piles DeWip Witch Hazil Salve has no eqaate-. Gibson's Drug Store. V V