Arrival of, Tr Ainu. '.j! j Tie following change of schedule took SPANISH KLEE r GONE. '. 30- 12 3S ' 62 vtdSeoi -July 4. Ib97.. 12 o'cLx:. V SOUTHBOUND. aNo. f 2rivfcd at 6 27 m. " lU.ud a m, " 7-0" p di, 8.58 pm, v l."0 p m (tieikQJ SOUTHBOUND. j Wo. 37 arrives at 8 49 a ui, 11 44 44 10 2JJ a m, 7 44 4 8 53 p m, 35 9 25 pm, 61 " 44 7.40 a m, (freight) No. 35 36, 37.aod 38 stop only at Chan 4 i Npnnish py t n Shot Troops to Move-tab t Be Invaded mi Once. Special 4rom the Charlotte Observer to Tub Standard at 3.30 p. m. j The navy department is official ly informed of the departure of the Spanish fleet from the Gape i Verde Islands. Vessels headed south. Their totte. Concord, 'SaJsbury. Greensboro Vand Danville. iPasBeneers for local destination is unknown. poimi oeiweea iiiese siaiions wiu uaye 10 -"use the other trains. Wade Barriek, City Editor. TELEPHONE No. 11, We have one lot of Bicy '' ' : -i cte Tiles that we cl n save you money on W. J. Hill. 'Opposite Post Office. It ia . repoi ted that a sailor on the Monitor Terror has been tried as a spy and sentenced to be shot. He is a Spaniard. j ! I Preparations are making to move troops to Cuba at once. - MASS MEETING ; fiferybody Requested to Attend the Meeting: Before the Departure or Our Boys. The citizens of Concord; and county ar, requested to meet in the court house on Saturday evening at 2 o'clock to participate in oresentiner! a flg to the yolonteer soldiers from 5, CLOSING OUT SA OF Jewelry BUSINESS SHORT ITEMS. - Paragraph ?d, penciled and Properly Placed Here. 1 - 'The Reformed cnurch is having a new painting both inside and out. OflEerings For This Week. 200 Yards Beautiful Scrim at 'SJ ceDta per yard, 1 lot of 3-4 Percale co or absolute' ly good, 4$ cents. 3 pieces of Lappets iu most popular shades to go at 9 cents. We have about 150 y.irds of 10-4 sheeting we will close this week at 12 cents. Every thing in our entire stock at Mtanufacturers COST to wind up busi ness at once. .Tools, fixtures and goodwill for sale at a great bargain. ' A. J, & J. F.'YORKE. n 1 i i. j 1 m 1 . -r ii uuucoru ueautu J Pr". -cawara These are bargains no one can afford tun The prospects are for pretty 'weather now. The forecast says: i'Fair tonight and tomorrow. I ' Screen doors and windows from rtbe -cheapest to the highest at a28 tf. JT Pounds. Mrs. D J Bostian and little cliild have returned . from Montgomery -county, where they have been visi t -dng friends and relatives. Messrs, Sam Pemberton ad Tom Hearne. both of Albemarle, have gone to Hot Springs, Ark., on; ac count of ill health. The small boy of John Ury, col ored, was thrown from Mr. James P Cook's -horse Thursday evening, lie was hurt, though not seriously. Whether you go to war or stay at home, you should have a policy in the New York Life. . See about it. J. F. Hurley. There will be a marriage at Can nonville on next Sunday. The parties are Mr. Wm. 8 Blackwelder, son of Mr. J AC Black welder,! and Miss Ida Cline, daughter of Mr. J C Cline Bo .h parties are from Csti nonville. : I A few short addresses of encour agement will be made, und arrange meois perieciea to accompany our soldier boys on their departure to the depot. The Veterans will meet in the conrt houee at 12;30 to perfect their arrangements to attend the 20th of May celebration at Charlotte, and will remain in session and partici pate in the exercises of the citizens and volunteers. Let everybody turn out and encourage our soldier boys. D. A. Caldwell, Capt. Com. U. O.-V. J. L, Crowbll, Mayor of Concord. to mise. Respectful! lirfs lair . M$ uiven Away hree. FOR SALE. One house and lot id Mt. Pleasant, now occupied by Rev. Paul Barringer, containing acre of land, also vacant lot of same size adjoining on the north side. Apply at this office, The Boys to Go Monday. Capt. Ed. Hill has received or ders to have his company in readi-. ness to leave Monday morning for Raleigh. An order was issued this morning to each member stating to him that his name was now on the motor onil foilnro fn fnmnlw rtrWVi rvr. , 1 j , , w .tU 1 rTo the girl under 14 years ol dwho u0i0 uivs bnn t0 oar 8tore the greatest nam- 10 tUe ArtlCie8 01 W ar. Wf nnr fnll vorfioomonfa nnn. Plans are being made for religious taining BUCK'S TRADE MARK, oprvirPH nn Minnav ai nrnnnn n nnr, rrom enp newaninara or our citv. the comDahv ' and will I be! an- The range is now on exhibition at tail ana complete. our sore. You are invited to call hvTK'Kics lo nOnY Stock of Milliner company nounced tomorrow. i l l Parents, remember that your boy will enjoy The Standard, and we will cive them the Daily for $3 00 per year. I This Is No War News. . BUT SOLID FA.CTS; We have the largest 1 line of I Dry Goods Sn Towp, and we are prepared to sell at as low figures as any one. we can saow you the prettiest line of Dress Goods and Shirt Waist Goods on the market. We simply defy competi tion on Wash Fabrics of the very latest styles and patterns. - French Ginghams, French PercalJ French Organdies, Loyely shades mf Phsse Black Silk Duchess. Spac will not ollow us to 'mention anything like ourjstock. m j j .Don't toTev inac we are also ud to dateon Clothing, We have a big line cf Boy's and Children's Clothms Our Stock of Mens' Hats is All the 1 Tracker's Store) 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. WE ARE SELLING Black Grenadines. Our success has been unprece dented in BLACK SILK GRENADINES. We; imported a grand line and are able to give the lowest prices lower than any other Dry Goods Store. Send for Samples. case gang To tbe Ctialn Uansr Thirty Days- 1 ... , A large negro was brought; be fore Esq. Pitta this (Friday) morn ing by Policeman Bost for beating on the train. It was a plain and he was sent to the chain for thirty days. The negro griev ed somewhat over his. sentence and had some one to write to his rwife for money to release him. Et .-gave his name as Jess White and says he is from Winnsboro, S. 0. To Arm ana Feed Them. w 1 Senator Stewart, of Nevada, in troduced a measure m the Senate Wednesday looking to the equipment and the provisioning of Oabafi sol diers for the war. It was referred to proper committee. j and examine it. Collect advertise ments from news aners trom March 10 to May 1 1898. Another Postoffice Clerk. i After May 7th, Mies Janie Rich mond, who has for quite a jwhile been one of the clerks at our nost office, will sever her connection at ' that place. In her stead will be '" placed Miss 'Ella Blume, daughter of Mr. W H Blume. She has al f ready begun learning her duties. Y m fe i v-- ox s n s nnd hei 3 in H i?- SjMSuUiiriil.c. .v'nich gives Uiem pure hiuoil, i !''ooi :! vi 'tii imcf niititbd CTTiSM Patriotism. These times of war every man wants to be as secure as I possible in every respect. The New York Life Insurance will issue pplicies the same as ever. If yqu j serve in the arnrjyour policy is good for the full amount. It you go to Cuba or join the Navy, however, an extra premium will be charged. This will not void your policy, but will be a loan on the policy. Every man in the State and Na tional Guard can carry insurance for the protection of his family and not have" to pay ' an extra premium. This is the j Liberal War Policy ol the best and most patriotic company m the world. See me before you go. Jfayments easy. Indemnity certain. j J P Hurley, Agent. can't be Surpassed, and prices are low. Come and 3ee us andjbe Conyinced 'J3 D. P. DAY VAULT v M. L; Brown & BRo LIVERY, FEED AND SALE . STABLES,3 Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on nana or sale. Breeders ot thoroughbred Poland China Hogs tf We have also a perfect lining at 25c per yard for GRENADINES 86 inches wide, Fast Black, and with the "Swish" of a Silk, nearer Silk than anything ever made. A Grenadine Dress need not be EXPENSIVE. Try us on BL1CK SILK GRENA DINES, and write to us when you want Dry Goods or Kindred Wares No jtrouble for us to answer your letters. DOBBIN & FEKRALL CONCORD LODGE of, KNIGHTS off HONORS Meets on the second Friday even in or of each month. - Hall ia the rear of Dr.W O Houss ton'p Dental rooms. This lodge has paid to the fami lies of its deceased members twenty thousand dollars since its organiza- tion. ' The Knights of Honoi5 is now in its twenty'-fifth year of existence, and has disbursed up to the Hth of January 1898, more thanlsixtv one millions of aollars to the United States. SFor further information call on N. D. FETZER or K. L. CRAVEN. A little boy asked for a bottie of "get up in toe morning as fasv aa you can, ;, tne druggist recognized a household name for ''De Witt's Little Early Risers." and gave him a boU tie of those famous little pills for constipation, sick headache, liver and stomach troubles. Gibson's Drug Store. THEY ARE OFF. The trouble has begun and;the haugh ty Spaniards will soon bid.adieu to the island of Cuba. We are rapidly bidding adieu to our FURNITURE ' and- MAT- TINGS an( our records of sales and values eclipsing past records. (7e have still some excellent values on hand and bargain seekers should look them over. Values stand out prominently in every article, and lower prices you can't find. A large line of handsome Window Shades, Hurtain Poles and fixtures- and Hammocks See our prices on these be fore you invest your money. Craven Bros. Furniture Dealers and Undertakera Use Polish Pearl To clean your Bicycle; 10 cents can at - I I Yorke's Jewelry Store. I iMt Call for Town Taxes. If jour town taes are not paid by next Saturday the 30 th day of April, 1898, your property will be advertised and sold. Respectfully, Jno. K. Patteesoit, Town Tax Collector, TH ' C i a rue UiWai FarlUer proRiirtiit. in tne public eye to day is IIco;! - :ar parilia; Therefore fret tiocvr. TTTANTED AGENTS to sell our it.. . v Presses, lUcanixrjj. Raggage snd v -i.Sr c-v-". V. W. IKmIMA; CO

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