I- 1 j It is Easy to Catch a Cold, But not so easy to get over it, unless yon try our j SYRUP OF WHITE PINE, for coughs, colds and bron chitis. It is inyaluable. It is pleasant to take, aad contains nothing but harmless ingredi ents. It will cure a cold so quick that it will not giye you time to realize that you have caught it j . Gibson's Drag Store. MANUFACTURERS OF ; Fine &inrhams2 Outing Cloths. Plaids, Sheetin t ' - . z t - j and. Sal Bas f Dealers m GENERAL MER HADISE ' Q" . ' Buyers of COUNTRY PRODUCE oi all kind? ana 4-toot wood always wanted-1 est -orices for; same. NTe invite an inspec tion ot all the o-oods we manmacture. 1UELL MFG. Co Concord N,c Offer the business public a re liable.permHnent, conservative and. accomodating ' banking institution-' JVe solicit your, business with th assurance of--honorable -treatment nd due appreciation of your pat; ronage. , .u ; If we can serve you at any ; time ' be glad to have you come and see us. . -;-; ! f LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS. TO CUSTOMERS r Gapital and SultIus$70 000 4,D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier J. M. OPELL. Pres. 3 1 ' 0 ft: UU Efttlly Quickly, Permanently Restored m a nt i cti p ri com ri c ioid vith "written rnax- antec to Cure Insomniar Fits, Dizziness, Hysteria, Nervous' Ocbnitr, Lost Vitality. Seminal Losses, ramnj xvi cmory IDC resuioi uver-wo. vyorry, Sieknessrrors .off Ycntfh. or Over-indulrence. Price 60c. snd .ll ; 6 boxts $5. For Kjnick, .poittjre toAd lastinrresalts in Sexual Weakness, Impotency, Kervous Debility and Lost Viiaiityw fflfeOW -LAStL -ECUWdoublt trenrth will rive strenrth andlone 16 evry part and aficnt cure. xoo Pills $1 cnecx m a perm ; oytxu Cheapest fcB d best.' mail. : , . . M. LTMafsh & Ob., Aeentf 'Con- ill lnnMojig k 1 nran FREE A bottle of the famous JapMtse Urn PetleU will be riven with a $i box orjaorc of IXax netic mrvine. Iree. Sold only kor ii'. ; icord, N. O. ' j SAi E OF TO LOT. Rtr irirfna arA anthoritv of a de cree of the Superior Court of Cabar rus conntyi North Carolina, in a special' proceeding, entitled Sarah jane Oanady, by her next friend, D. J Chambers is Rose Ann Gibeoo and 'husband,. Charles Gibeon, Eli Oanady and R A Brown, I will, at Commissioner, sell at public auction at the Ooart'-bonse door in Concord, N. 0., on Monday, the 2nd day oi May, 1898, at one o'clock, p. m., t certain town lot in .said town o Concord, ad joinine the lots of Pau. Miller, Rjcbel Phifer and others, the metes and bounds of which are as follows, viz: Beginning at a stake, corner of lot No. ' 12 on John stcn street and runs with said street N 42i W. 10(1 feet to a stake, then N. 54 E 60 feet to a cornerof lot No. 11, then with lot No. 11 S. 42 J E. 100 feet to a stake, another cor ocr 'of lot No. 11 on N. W. Bide of street, then 8. 54 W. 60 feet j to the beguiBirig, containing 22 square poles, more or less, and being the jot on which Eli Oanady now resides, i Terms of sale : One third qf purchase money cash, the balance to be paid within six months from date of sale and secured by bond with approTed security, bearing ins interest at six per cent per annum. This April 1, 1898. T ! Morrison H. Caldwell, Commissioner. Thousands of sufferers from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures cough, colds bron chitis, pneumonia, Gripp, asthma, and all throat and long diseases. Gibsons Drag Stor V i A torpid hyer robs you of ambi tion and ruirs your health. Des Witt's Little E rly Risers cleans the liver cure constipation and all atom acn and liver trobles, Gibson, s Drug Store, ki Ms For As Sheriff ot Cabarrus countv and Oy order of tha boara of Oommis sioners of said . county, delivered te. me on Monday, the 13ch day of September, 187, and by authority of Section 51, of. laws of North Ciroli na, 1897,;Chapter J"69, I will sell at the court bbuse'door in Concord, N. 0.,'on Monday, the 2nd day of May, A. I). 1893,. the lollowing tracts: or parcels of land in said county for the taxes due thereon, viz: No. 1. i. 100 acres Eocky Kiver O A j . , Blacjc-dwner: , .1 $13 36 31 acres Reedy Creek Zeb M Johnston owr ; i No. 3. 36 acres Rocky River ; N M ? Sims owner - I , 30 acres CoAule Creek Elizi G lass owner ' j 1 82 1.76 2 78 . No. 5. 14 acres Snow land. Jo;. M BambHrdt owner 1 40 8 acres JotoBaratarclt, G O ijarriDger owner j , acres 'Cook and' Scott,' Billy Cook heirs owner, 1892-1897 : . - . . , . 42 12 55 27 acres W C Coleman. - Geo. M Walter agt C Bbfet owner- v. ' . 1 25 10 acres Bn6ald creekjacob Peacock heirs owner . : .No. a ;i L35 acre Keidsville Joe,Bar- . ner owner No. 9. ; ": 41 acres M Jane Eurr owner doable tax I , No. 11. I acre Will McDonald, Joe "" "Alexander owner for '96 and '97 , acre Hill and Fetzery 24 6 84 301 isaw Uradhaw ownerzz 33 No. 12. Ward 4. ; 1 town lot, Depot street I ! . NatpiamstfrAr 1 1 V 5 00 SherifL t.r, u rera- Thirty life iU&&ki&? tioD. That is how long Aolntf 77- -- "Mh- . " J y it 'saVes their from pilci ,tfle was cured by agin consente4Md wyitake IpaiVinHhtt X A5?ible ree boxeg of DeWitt'g Witch Hazel discussion of the "Place o( Qir zJBl ' -. . " : :- i I, . " " " : ; ' v . ' - : .' , .. ZmS" - : ' . ;, - A YOUNG H YPNOTI8T, The Ex-Miner ImproTlnff VlslUnr i xvews. From our Forest Hill Correspondent. , Mr Tom Waller has his gnn loaded and ready for the fray. He says the birds are about to ruin bis arden. We now ha?e Hying on our hill a young hypnotist only 13 years ild. He seems to be right well up m hypnotism. Mr. Upchurch, our policeman, is kept buBy these days chasing tramps; To see the train going and coming every day to the mill. with three and f mr car loads of goods doesn't loo Jr. so much like war yet. The joui g man Robinson, who fell in the gold mine while on his way to the fire, is able to walk about ftpain. He is a firm believer in the hbse and reel. The young lady, Miss Cole, of McAden?, who has been visiting her friend, Miss Maggie Smith, re tnrned to her home this morning. The Slfirnni Corps Not Included. j After our boys have been drill- ing in inejr aiguai wuia iui uno awhile and have been made to re cruit to the desired number, Adju tant General Cowles telegraphed Thursday evening that the Signal Corps was not included in the first call for volunteers. Bat, ,. . ... V i t as the boys had already deoided to volunteer for the coming war, quite a number ot them at once enlisted in the Cabarrus Light Infantry. We commend the action of these boys in the above. Even though they will not make a sal ary of $35 or $40, as they would haye done in the Signal Corps, still they volunteer; their services to serve in : the army at a small salary of $13 per month. 'But the prospect is that some oi them will see better, tlays. v xne iouowing appearea in ine Raleigh Morning Post : "The Signal Corps at Concord has got grit, and tile boys are made 61 the right kind of stuff. Un der the call the Corps could not be mustered into the .troops, arid up on being so notified, Capt. Smith, J)f the Corp, wired the Adjutant General last eyening ; '1 and my my men have volunteered in Com pany G, Fourth Regiment, at Concord as privates. We're at your call, lou can t down the North Carolina Signal Corps. We all y olunteered for North Caroli na. Look for tis Monday.' "If it is; possible, the Adj utant General, will have the Corps reor ganized rafter the troops are mus tered in.-" Tiro Suspicions Characters. On Thursday night on. his way home from the cake walk, a young man of our city espied two persons sitting on the steps at SIoops shop, and as they were bundled up with their overcoats and sitting on the steps at such an hour inlihe night, the young man. named the . matter on the telephone to a person. After notifying the police:he it wasoundtor be' hief bf'Police Bo ger and'Jaifer ilillv. They were the tptighlf saBpiciou8 looking characters that were-VeeD, x T DcItTer An Address. Mr Holland,Tbompson, who is Sf conducUnt, t the- Concord HigH1 ocaooL at ai& piacet uaa.peau aekea 110 rr WE rA&E ASSfekilKG ifr THE EXCIUSIVE- USE OF ITCHES CASTORIA," , DR. SAMUEL ivas the originator of " C now bear has borne arid does the fae-simile signature of This is the original "C ASTO RM wfueh has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it As the hind you have always bought st yfj-ieC" on e and has the signature of Cxcc wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President March 24, m8 ( ' Do; Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. . "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed r THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STRCCT. NEW YORK CITY. Robbed the Grave A starling incident of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia; was the subject, is narrated as follows: UI was in a most dreadful conition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunkea, rtongue coated, pain con tininually in back and sides, no appetitekept on, gradually grow ing weaker p!ayvJby j day. Three physicians had given me up. For tunately, a friend advised trying 4Electric Bitters, rarid to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for thiee weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the other victimvi'.'.QVehe should fail to try them. Ooly 50 cents per bot tle at P B Fetzer's Drug Store. D A t If ache and Eheuhatism renevec DA T Mllas' tferye Piaster- TABTELES IS JUST AS COOtJ FOli flVinrrn:,l WARRANTED.' ; PRICE 50 cto. GEOVE'8 TAimiS feVM )f Gentlemen:We soldlaTt rs fiLi" IV pOTranceox 14 -years,, in. tti IruK b aro iracn TuarenMU satis hare rarA' fPitocure cniirs; mwm LETTER THE COURTS ? OUR EIGHT TO THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND AS OUR TRADEMARK. PITCHER, of Euanriis, Massachusetts A STO R I A " the same that i on every wrapper. You. The Cabarrus County Loan I Imm has been organized with over a thou sand shares. The first payment will bedne Saturday, April 9tb, 1898, and payable to L D Coltrane, Secre tary and Treasurer. This association will loan on town and county property . Take stock with us and help build up our county. Shares, par value, $100, payable in Installments of 25 cents per week. Books now open. For stock or information call on L. D. COLTBANE.Sa Sec'y. and Tress. W. B. ODBLL, Pres." It is a great leap from the old fashioned doses of blue mass and naoseooa phyeics to the pleasant little pills known as De Witt's Little 'Early Bisers. They cure constipa tion, Pick headache and biliousness. Gibson's Drug Store. in mmskiB k a. t t. Building, ASSOCIATION cured 4,' " ft. -

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