Vol. XxIt Ety. 2730. OONCOUIX N.i P., SATURDAY APRIL 30 18&8 bv'j.-H IVholeUo 11753 SITUATION QUIET. Tho Veterans Meet. As per previous call the Wew xpectea irom ine -aciuc ucnieatirate Veterans met in fiqnadron-Chlcfcamausra Troops in - . lampn-Tbe Spanish Sloop,' ingra- j ; 100 ofc itf.ouii.iu,, cla, Captured With Important ew April 3U, 1898. CaDt. D A , . . ' l J ,. Caldwell Bresidinsr. . He exs The situation this (Saturday) ,,lainea thfi nWeAf.. nf , mfto morning is quiet enough along the . . - line of battle: so lar as news goes.. as that of arranging for Snails neutrality decree is in attendance on the Mecklen eubstance as follows : huTS celebration embracing 1. Forbids - the equipment of the unveiling of the monui privateer? in Portuguese waters, ment to the signers of the 2. Forbids the entrance of pri- declaration of independence vateers in .Portuguese waterB. May 20ri775. n t t I : w i a rermiiB oeingerenis io maae Adintnnt J "R. thn a short stay at Portuguese ports. .4. Defines legitimate trade a regards belligerents and forbids trading in goods which may be considered contraband of war. read the invitation by the Mecklenburg Camp 382 U. C. v . borne discussion was ins dulged in as to what day the I " "W A 5.- Warns Portucuese and for- Veterans woul a go. A mo eigners in Portugal against ac- tion prevailed that the Vet tions contrary to the security of the erans meet in Concord on the State- 19th and take No, 11 south - 6,-Refuses protection to any in bound, due here at 11:23, ! This settles the mattfr of the Li- . . , .., . . w y eterans wno win attend; 62 PERSONAL P0INTER8. I Parks King returned home last night. Mr. M. J. Freeman returned homer last night from a business trip, rj -Hotel Clerk Deberry Fisher has gone home to spend Sunday with borne folks and friends. Mies Alma Deaton, of Lvnch- burg,' Va., who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. M G Deaton for some time, has returned home. Fancy Cakes Jam Up Fresh, AT- Spanish fleet's making the Cape Verde Islands a base of operations. The flaet is said to have left the islands, though it is said that a part of the fleet has suffered some injury and has put back to port. The remainder, it is said, has part were enrolled. ltrms From Klnellry. j R-:T. W O Alexander, of Concord, was with us Friday night atPatferson Mill church. He brought out hia ed. If so, it is plain enough that gramophone and gave us a concert. they mean to fight us like the Cu Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 We Have ' some special things in Ladies' and Misses' Oxfoids and Sandals, First, a very handsome line of ) Zeigs ler's Oxfords, in Black and Tan, with vesting tops. Also plain and patent leather! trim med ot popular prices, j Second, ,a good soft Kid Strap Sandal, turned sole, com for table and stylish at $1. Just the thing for house wear. Lots of comfort and service for a little money. Lots of children's and misss es' Oxfoi4s and strap sandals, black and tan. j v - You can find what you want here, and the prices all YOU FURNISH THE FEE r DO THE REfeT. That's all wpfikycn tc tc fur nish the fet. Ae will not cn)yz the rest lut we will do it y ell for $2 50. Bellslous Services Tomorrow Eren-I right. Tomorrow evening at 415 o'clock There was a small admission fee union religious services will be held bans have fought them, dash in and charged. We enjoyed the concert at the First Presbyterian church, do mischief ; then get away without f brv much- A 8reat many never uad The soldiers will turn out iu a oody staying to see the end. heard the wonderful tnachine before and the public is cordially invited to The most, momentous issue iust Tne amoant realized was $5.60, at end. before us is that of our Pacific which goes to cancel a small debt on Squadron, which is expected to en- our school building. .' j counter the Spanish fleet beside the j The Rey. I G McLaugbliD, pastor j0 soine One of These Churches Tomor- defenses at Manila, the principal of Back Creek A R P church, is morrow to WorshipThe Pastor city :: of the Philippines, which is visiting his son, W J McLaughlin, of j and Congregation Will said to! be the obiective ooint. Kindlev. this week. Rev. I G Me-I Be Glad to See Whatever unfavorable news may Laughlm is now in his T8th year, come Irom there may be greatly hale and hearty. He has been There will be no services at St. distorted too at first, for the Span- preaching 53 years, rnd has been James Lutheran church tomorrow Cannon & Fetzer Company BE SURE TO GO 0s m We have everything in OxforSs except your feet. An ounce of satisfaction is worCh a ton of talk. Satisfaction goas with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, Dry Millec, Shoe Furnisher;s. if?h have the cables. The Chickamauga troops have gone to Tampa, Fla., and are ex pected to be on Cuban soil probably in a week. They consist of 6,000 infantry, 3,000 cavalry and 500 artillerymen. pastor of Back Creek 43 years. j Rox. morning or tomorrow night. Nest Riflemen's pacifhop, Charlotte Vfhfi Oretrnn has bftfln hfiard frnm. wants to become a mobilization cen having parsed the Straits of Magel- tre for regular troops. We fear our lan. She will put into Montevidio neighbor is reaching out for too for coal. It has been Baid that she much; Gastonia Gazette. j Propose to lakcusin, in the absence of the pastor, Not content with being a recon there will be no services at St. An- . i - centration camp for the Hornet's drews Lutheran church tomorrow. Regular services will be held to morrow morning and tomorrow night at Central Methodist church. - All a Mistake Our "War Car, City of Knoxville," is safe in port, lo did with tfas finest cargo of Golden Oak Suits ever shown in this part of North Cars- is ordered to return to the Pacific. QNoi at all. We only want our share This is not confirmed. and if you and Concord dont quit Services at the Reformed church liia. She was not captured by the Spanish Fleet of high prices as vs Gen. Blanco -still says, and ofiiH growlinc- we will take vou both in tomorrow morning at 11. o'clock ciallv too. that no damage wasdone and make vou oar suburbs. Situated 4 tomorrow night at 7:30, by ported, - ' " i I i. . .... . . the Spanish at the Matanzas bom-l as you are, one on each aide of us- Kev- W. i. btublebine, ot balls- bury. 0m bardment. ' you are hanging oh to our coat tails The Newport captured the En- and trying to gain notoriety out of gracia on Thursday with a crew of the face that trains and other pass 17 men with important messages to ing events on their way to o from the Spanish. Charlotte sometimes stop at your The report that a Spanish spy; stations, Charlotte News. ! was on the Terror is now denied Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plain field, 111., makes the statement, that she caught cold, whichs settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by Her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hope less victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure ner. Heir ctruggi8t suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; 8hp bought a bottle' and to her delight found herself ., benefitted from first dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottles, found her self sound and well; now does her own housework, and is as well as he ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at P B Fetzer'e drug store. Large bottles 50 cents and $L00. AJ1 right. We've always been:a little shy of the Hornets' West, but j .. since these buzzers are not bad to sting we've lost some of our objec tions Te Preach the Annual Sermon. Rev. W C Alexander, of this place, has been selected to preach the annual sermon at China Grove at the closing of Prof. P B Wright's school. Dr. W J Martin, of Davidson college, will deliver the annual address to the members of tue Literary Society. ! I : " . . Postmaster Patterson has placed smajl bowls at the postoffice win dow in which are moist sponges for the public to seal their letters and) place their stamps on without the inj uriou8 practice of licking themi There will be services tomorrow mprnmg ana tomorrow nigat ai Forest Hill Methodist church. IThere will be reenlar tr vices at we make the prices. the Presbyterian church tomorrow morning and tomorrow night. She was safely guarded into port by our Gunboat, "High Prico i , Exploder," with 100 mattress' aboard, at prices ranging from $1.25 te ftiK nn. TTeftnnp is believmer. seeme is the raKea trutn. lou can fcesr from anyone that has ever been in our store that we have the "stufF7 anl What we say unto ope we say unto all. Come and see. i l STATE OF OHIO. ) City of Toledo, ( Lucas County, ) Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said fim will pay the sum of Oae Hundred ; Dollars for each and-every case ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hail's Catarrh Cure ! ; Fbank J Cheney. Sworn to before me and subcrits edin my presence, tho 6th day of December, At D. 1886. ! Bell, Harris & Company. P. S. We are still in the undertaking bu ness at the old stand. See Bell. A. W GLEASON. Notary Public. V SEAL Hail's Cdtarrh Cure is taken:in tern ally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfces of the sytem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c, r Besidence Phone 90. Store Phone 12 -'j. J! n 'A 1