Vol. Xw No. 272 OONCOU1, N. C, MONDAY, MAY 5 1808 Whole No 1178 SOLDIERS FAREWELL! A GRAND EXERCISE IN THE COURT HOUSE 8ATUROAY EVEN I NG TEARS STOOD IN THE EYES of MANY. Devotional Exercise Held Sunday Kveniner The Soldiers Tdrned Out in Full After Quartering? In Their aijd sentimental songs around the camp fires. ; He announced that the ladies would now present the flag madVby their own hinds, and he hoped that it would be returned without a stain of dishonor. Misses Lallah Hill and Fannie Young then rose and presented the flag to Capt. Hill, who in feeling terms receiyed it and pledged the fihftrart.Ar lft.ftf.0 wprp hrnnrrkf. ?nfni Christian profession and faith in the army of Noi them Virginia. . The prayers of the. pious would 0 with them and hallow every scene in their soldier life. He' exhorted them to fight a good fight and keep the faith and invoked the blessings of heaven to brine them all bade or be the comfort of any that might fall. iT - . - "Am I a 8oldier of the Cross," was sung, when Dr. Davis most feel fidelity of the company that not a stain of dishonor should .soil its sir ingly addressed them. The occass cred folds. He took special pride ion brought no joy, no pleasure to in the fact that it was made bv the him. War brings sadness. For each Armory Sunday wiRht They Bade daughters of women who had with Qeparung one home and desolated nearts. We Have YOU FURNISH THE FEE C - WE DO THE REST. will do it well for Company. some special That' all we ek you to do c r- there is a desolated thmgsm ladies' ana Muses' nish the feet. We wiif not on y da a ' ji i - mxtoitls ana sanaais. Jirsr, uthe rear, out we nviaiilt;siiu i"CHs inrrncn. : lainillAl taminina hflvniom maris om . . nntf linntanma ma Af 7oiffu V. ftll Th citizens of Concord and the pretented flage to our soldier father. e A , , ... " ' ler"8 Oxfords, m Black and count, met m the court house at 2 Col Means responded to cal. and J"" SLlLS wl vesting tops. Also o.j iL -oi.u 4 4 j f . , . . A. uB-wyum umc vmiBMBUBmo plain ana parent ieacner trim- p.-m., Saturday the 30th to extend expressed his admiration for the of ftlK med ot popnlar prices. to Capt. Edward Hill and his com- young men who sprang forward at There are right and wrong motives Second, a good soft Kid pany, the Cabarrus Light Infantry, the first call of their country. He that lead men to war. The cause Strap Sandal, turned sole,com formal courtesies on the occasion of urged to gallant soldiery and recited now is not to take vengeance-on the fortable and stylish at $1. ki0;Q Just the thine for honse wear. rA Lf bo; m n ufc -A if L torritorir ik i. Lots of comfort and seryicE mi . m I ' i . . . i I . i f Vta vuotno rf onffavimr I IOT Qi 1111)16 ,11 OneV.. mere was a prolusion or nowers, wun veins iuu 01 ngnting oiooa. ; umo Lu tuo QueuuK Lots of children's and misss and deft hands arranged them in Mr. H S luryear being called also namamty. bpaio nas gunerea ope3 Qxfoids and strap sandals, bouquets while the company lingered spoke tcehngly of the readiness of MU UVU 01 in" IuuauuautB 01 ua black and tan. intk m.rnh. thpir rtflnmift to a nII frnm lU u B,ttlu UJ Y OH Can mid Wttat , VOU ci j t i.t. -i . , . half that number. Drive her out of want here, and the prices all At 2:20 they filed into the aisle in coantry to deliver the oppressed , . ;-4U u u waui uc, ami mo ltOD a" martial order und were seated on tne I from the cruel hands of ruthless m. 1. . ,1 - - , - - --- , me veneraoie aivme mvosea r Cik right middle tiers of seats. tyrnnny.. He reminded them that nni1,; uPHain(y nn thptT1 with thp VdnnUIl XX. rCLZCr At 2:30 Mayor Crowell called the they were the sons of fathers who special prayer that all might return meeting to order. Rev. W 0 Alexs acquitted themselves in defense of to us. andtr led in prayer. I their sense of right. 1 Ev. Alexander felt that the pa- Mr. M H H Caldwe 1 said he was 1 tience of the hearers might be taxed addreBS to the company, and iutro. not able to counsel the; young men already but being especially asked duced the speaker of the day, Eav. in matters of war, but v his first imi for some parting counsels he would J D Arnold, who addressed Capt. pression in childhood was of the do injustice to such requests, and-to Hill, the companv and the audience horrors of war. He warned them the fullness of his own heart were in his eloquent way i that the Spaniard is treaoheroos ef to De silent. ; rr t j . ,1. . - . -j 1 j . , ' . . , I i He urged serious coaaideration of He referred to the peculiar mci- and would stab yon in the dark. He ' , fe , . , i .xi. . J , j xi service to the God of battle. A good dent that the stars and stripes are to had lived among them. But they t . . . . , , , , , ' J Christian could not be a bad eoldier. all the symbol of national glory and were cowardly and cruel. He hoped He ve them biapartibg blessing also the blue coats the pride of our none would ever fall into Spanish an(j his hope for a safe return, soldiery, while in the late war they hands. Rev. Arnold followed with a most were lcoked upon as the embodiment ; Professor Lewis having been re- tender and fervent prayer, of the enemy. But no matter under quested to represent the Concord Ly AU Hail the Power of Jesus what flig the true man marches he ceum made a brief but very intruc- Nanc," was then sung with a hearty is the same. tiye speeph, reviewing the Spanish will and Bev. Alexander closed the Fitzhugh Lee, (great applause) cnaracter through the leading bis- meeting with the benediction, said the speaker, would be the same toric periods of the nation. Spain- : they bid 4.LL farewell. Lee in blue and marching under; today, said the speaker, is the 6 pain Capt. ti ill and his company, the Old Glorv that he was in the t?rav. of everv neriod. of her historv in Cabarrus Light Iufantry, were in and under the cross of the Confed. point of character. The battle crv. readiness this (Monday) morning finest cargo of Golden Oak Suits ever shown in this part of North Ca, erate battle flag. The stars and said he, is "Uod defend the rights u-OXJ u V1"' "" with an immense mrong 01 citizens We have everything in Oxfor&c except your feet. An ounce of satisfaction is wortfe. a ton or taiir. oaueiaunuu with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, Dry Miller; Shoe Furnishers. All a Mistake. Our "War Car, City of Knoxville," is safe in port, loi d jd with thei stripes were the glory of every hero The cause is the highest impulse of of the land from Washington doxin humanity and the United States is to the late Vance. None despised the representative of liberty and it, though once held aloft by an in- right. I vading enemy. He would be with them, but In responding to this the first call there is as yet no crisis that would they were but true to Southern he- demand the abandonment of respons roism to be in the front for the de- sible stations in life fense of a good cause. . Sunday evenings services. He deplored war, but believed the At r the appointed hour, 4 15 Buler of the Universe sometimes 0ciock, Capt. Hill and his company unsheaths the sword and puts it marched into the First Presbyterian into the hands of brave men to cut church at the gentle tap cf the down the incorrigible. : drum, followed by the signal corps - He attributed the growth, the in full dress uniform and were atno.. "nrf ft nrpflticp nf nnr na. seated :n the tront miaaie pews. ; tion to the fact that God was recog nized and the stars and stripes were the emblems of right. The choir sang "Only an Army Bother.,, Bev Thompson made an appropriate prayer. Nearer My God to Thee'' was then sung. Rev. He anticipated the tender recol- Rankin read Eph. 6, 10 24. Rev. lections that Would crowd into their hearts as they remembered the scenes and the endearments of home and thought many would sing of the 4 Girl I Left Behind." Get her picture, said the speaker, and a Bi ble. Carry both near the heart and draw happiness in solitude from both. ! He urged the singing of patriotic ! Arnold then addressed the soldier boys. He had not expected agaiaj to witness such a scene and knew that the hearts of the whole community throbbed with his in anxious solem nity.l But soldier life is not neces sarily a training school of yiee. ; ! Lee; Jackson, Gordon and a score of our great leaders w( re Christian men; In the late war there were some of the fineet types of Christian that literally lined the streets from the square to the depot, where there was almost a pack. The Veterans had resolved on Saturday to meet and escort the volunteers to the depot. Capt. Caldwell at the head of 67 of them, kept step to the drum and fife, the latter being played by Mr. Noah Correll, using the same tunes that he used to escort the Cabarrus Black Bovs and the Cabarrus Guards to the depot in 1861. : When the veterans arrived at the depot they opened rants through which Capt. Hill led his gay and dashing young men, in all the pride of j youthful chivalry greeted by cheer upon cheer by their senior warriors. Two cars were on the siding into which the company was comforta bly; placed. While in waiting for the train, there was hand-shaking in farewell greeting with commin glad impulses of tender grief, calm thoughtfulness and bouyant levity. s The train movedofi at 6:37 amid the waving of hats and handker chiefs and kisses from the finger- jj (Concluded on Second Page.) Una. She was not captured by the Spanish FJeet of high prices as res ported. , She was safely guarded into port by our Gunboat, "High PrksE Exploder," with 100 mattresB, aboard, at prices xanging from $1.25 to $15.00. Hearing is believiner, seeing is the ra'ied truth. Yon can hear from anyone that has ever been in our store that we have the "stuff' an we make the prices. ' . r What we say unto one we say unto all . Come and see. Bell, Harris & Company. P. S. we are still m the undertaking busi- ness at the old stand. See Bell. Residence Phone 96. StoreJ?bone 12.