A' y ' ' 5 Vol. Xi. No. 274 CON CORD. N. bi" BDKES D AY; mXY 4 1898 Whole No . Tf " In good spirits! i TAILED A SPANIARD CAUGHT TAMPERING WITH MAuAZINES. Dewey's Report Thought to Be on ibe McCnllouffh, "Which lias Been Sljf hted Spaniards Bias sacrelngr. Kingston, May 4 British Con- the naval battle! but probably riot of later operations. Latest advices are that Madrid is Tne Bfys Are AU wn-a. Lexmeton under martial law. v I Yonnff Man Taken In .V Bright JLlfe H 18 a part of the Spanish pro camp Lire, THE PHILIPPINES TO BE KE.&r liM 9' -'-"n. r ra j mil ' i naieign, jn u., Maya, isy. join our Cuban Squadron. The m, i . - : . . rbanrfla nr. tw ful moJ The trip here was without mci riot be sighted, and if attacked even dent.1 and the i illy old gent, R P by the! whole fleet at sea there is a Saunders,' kept the crowd awake lively hope that she will prove and Q a 8tate of merriment all the firms I tn thA nrnnBinn The topedo boats cut a poor figure way through, amid the ocean waves. ! The camp is situated in the north The second grand scheme . o"f the ern part of the city's suburbs, ju;t Spanish government is said to be to ed8fc of lhe State f air grounds, in a rine in one grand effort in the Cu- beautiful pine grove. . Tents are too' i i ur j u ban watftra tKo -crv thhntr mnnt numeroaS tO COUnt, but there Will uesiiou uy uur uavm jurco. . i do none too many lor toe troops as Big Lot YOU FURNISH THE FEET" V E DO THE REST. " That's all we ask yon to do ijr niah the fpet. We will not only do sels ordered thither. iafds. , Fired in self-defense and The capture of the Argonanta thev larrive. At 2 30 o'clock this of 34 inot Organdie worth 12i the rest, but we will do it well for was arrested. Three British ves-Lfif tZ : uol -afternoon-, the Queen City Guards 1 , w -iL . oiuxuoau u liuui tuu lauv vuau a w jjuvi i t m VJ tXXCiXL ... v4 ixi.c on Doara uoi. v icenie ae uarujo xne i iw""id uuivu, brother-in-law of Gen Wevler beside Charlotte, and the Wayne3ville and nineteen other Spanish officers, and suiik,, f TT T7 A mU TVr L. x , uusuuk, xo impuTioVm a d now. full of fcoldiers, and the , , , , . , j A Cuban expedition under Cuban ; " m Cullough has been sighted and is offices, but under the auspices of soldiers are fu 1 of punk, or Band believed to be bringing Dewey's ihe United States left Kev West witches. Tuesday for the island for the pur- A t 7 o'clock this evening an ag- repuri. H"00 i U1 "pDulu I trrpirfttinn of with thA lnsnroAnta I w e l . t-: l- T : i. : The Postmaster General has pro Pr aing me ru xxegiuieut, ar iu Black Satin Dnchess, u Taffeta Silks, t; Armure Silks, Brocaded Silks for Skirts. See our 25 and 35 cent Shirt Waists. Pretty fine Scotch Lawns, Kingston,, May 4.Tllefugees yided for a United states postoffice camp, there beirg 12 companies fleeing to Santa Cruz. Cubans in Cuba for the benefit of our troops mastered in fleeing to the coast. No resale ffitSsan- l.ca. nations will be available. Spaniards massacre- tiago. and it is now occupied by the held tomorrow mornmg, and it is lUubanswno recoeniza the rules of in area tn&t tne test win oe too se- v Inivil wnrfarA and lif a nrt nrnnftrtv.'l tm on ma nf nni man ar protected. ! i uiii.a tVia mnanv Washington, May 4 President The most natural thiug for the i . '. J mttji KSa rrM; fV, Spanish is to gather into the chief b '"s"- McKinley said thw . morninR that f M b Mr. John A Sims, Mr. and Mr. . ... i . . . ,,i . the Philippine Islands would be re (United States the chance to care for parish and Lewis Craven, who is a student at the Mechanical College, were among the first visitors at the camp. Oar boys are- in good spirits and mafce a fiae ahowiog. ,lDr. Archey has been assigned quarters in the surgery department, I nl m- a 1 000 soldiers, com-P cents yaru. - M Cannon & Fetzer Company. tained. the suffering Cubans. Philadelphia,May 4 A Spaniard was caught this morning tampering with magazines at St: Paul Cramps; A NEW COMPANY. Madrid, May 4. Garlists rising. Bloody riots in Seville, Valencia, Barcelona. . l Company of Home Guards Orjan lel In a Abort Willi An Excep tionally Patriotic Meeting: Over tne Limit Reached In a Snort Wblle. We have everything in Oxford except your feet. An ounce of satisfaction is worths a ton of talk. Satisfaction goes with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, Dry Miller According to call the citizens and sho3ts a bright light through Shoe Furnishers. EIGHT MEN REJECTED. Eighty-Three Snorns Into the Uni ted States Army. f By Special telegram to Thk StaW dard. '. .1 Raleigh, May 4 Cabarrus Light Iufantry brought: 91 recruits. Eightv-three sworn in United turned out well at the court house Tuesday night for the purpose of organizing a home guard. Mayor Crowell opened the meet- mg, ana as sea rroi. uewis to act as pres dent and Wade Barrier as sees t i .- ft reary. omp life. OORRE POKDEKT. MR3. DAY VAULT DEAD. Wife of Mr. Daniel Day vault, or No. 4 ! Township, Dies at the Age of Newrly jElffhty-Five Years. ! Mrs. Elizabeth Day vault, wife of Remarks were made by some of "au'l "J'. ' our most prominent citliens, stating Jane; passed away last Batnrdaj th .dviBab.iifv of '0,,,idn '! night at 12 o'clock at her home in AH a Mistake Our "War Car, City of Knoxville," is safe in port, lo.d d with the States Army. Atwell, Alexander, company of home guards in order ; . f Qv Blackwelder, Gheen, Gheen, Smith, that we might have some such order reached the ao;e of 85 yeari. , . ... -i rr-.-i -i.j L i. rsl Mrs. Day vault has been helpless uusnmg, ana ieesier rrjauieu uu to can upuu m to UJ Y k ...i flfwt norfln nf anlflpn SnitR Aver shown in this Dart of North Carrw distuibance. As was stated it would ror ine ia8t ur uvc - " had to be conveyed about .in tne I . . . . . .... lina. Due was not uapiureu uy hid oauiou i'jodi ui uiru ji.icj no physical examination. Capt. Hill was the first man to Inot be likely sign from North Carolina. H. P. Deaton. NOTHING STARTLING ' 11 nt Intensely " Interesting The Ca bles Cut Hope That Dewey Han Jtanllfi Madrid UnderAfarshal LaW Want to Intercept the Oregon May Ulve General Battle to Ramp- that the comnanv wnnicl aver h called into actual v. service, and even then would not be Mrs. DayvaulUeaves behind , her ported called un m to leave our State. f i A laf for nraa rpftd frnm Mr .Ino: uauuie. The funeral over tne remains was seven children four sons and three She was safely guarded into port by our Gunboat, "High Pries A Sims, stating that m a conversa-r . ir . Exploder "with 100 mattress' aboard, at prices ranging from $1.25 to preacnea, at inc. vxneau lveturujcui 15.00. Hearing is believingri seeing is the naked truth. You can hear froai anyone that'ihas ever been in our store that we have the "stuff an& we makelthe prices. What jve say unto one we say unto all, JCome andjsee. Children like v it. it saves their . We mean O .e Minute Cough the mfalUble rernedv for tinn with Adiatant General Cowles ....a fuf if a onmnonir wa nrn. church Monday by Rav. Paul Bar- ized at once they 'would be equipped Jringer son-Gen. Weylers Brolher-ln-Law 1 with 'clothes and arm9. i .j ! jj n rnntire With 19 llthr NnnniKh I . r . . n The next m order was tne enrolls uvea. vr lit vvi r vumciuv am kMuiunw - ; . .1 -n .. n Jmonf nf msmhftrd. and ere lonc thb I vure. munications to Be op.uei an4iLnmhfir W8S ,arffer than we were aiJ cough, colds, .croup, bronchitis, Postal Service Established on the Island. ! There is nothing startling along the war line today. The wires are cut, and there is no fresh news from Manila. Commodore Dewey would not be - likely, to cut them. It is much more likely that he has in flicted further calamity on the i n a. i. i 1 , - grippe, ana an mroat ana jung lowed, nut in oraer io nayinenuu troubles. -Gibson's Drug Store. number all names were enrolled. the election of officers, which re- rflliCy Eulted as follows: V : Prof. EBLe is, Captain. 1 I i W S Bingham, 1st Lieutenanti I Tom J White, 2nd Lieutenant. ! The enlistment roll was at once Cakes Snaniards and like their . eemi bar- siened by quite a number. A meet- barons way of destroying their if wasocalledri8(Wed Uaj ) Uiy Hi ab o. v uiMunf on wuvu time they wish to complete the en- liatmpnt m full ana decide on a ships and going down rather than to surrender to an enemy whcee: magnanimity they can't appreciate,! they have cut the wire that wouldf have fallen into the hands of the Americans. It. is confidently be-: lived that Dewey has captured Manila. C .. It is entirely probable that news will reach Hong Kong today, giving an official report1 of Jam Up Fresh, Rail Hf-fo-t-ic frTCtrmrriT'1S7 P. S. We are still in the undertakingSbusi- ness at the old stand. See Bell. -AT- n&me for the company . - The old-TeterarispreseritJ; fppk greatdelightn peeing the yqungr C. MnCAn men bfieritig ,their jBeryices turned tHeirthankana': apprecia tion. : Comman der penson Qaldwell reniarked afterwards to: ns that this eeemed to be almost a recora-oreaKer in roipp a complete comnanvii in about thirty minutes. GR0CER5 Residence Phone 90. StorelPhone 12 neAT SALES prove tne greai ment of 1 Hood's r Sarsaparilla. Hdo'dfSrsaparilla i sells 'bedaub - it J accomlisbeB G P EAT C U If EO 4