Vol. No. 275 CONCOUl, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 5 1898 Whole No 117S SIX SPANIARDS KILLED await several other vessels soon tot join in forming a very formidable fleet. This, however, is thought to he only a trick report. Certainly she must expect to lose Cuba if she And Sixty WoundedBoth Flags Are Foatii delays long in cfferiug her aid. The worst for Spain probably is her internal dissensions. Biots are reported with little donbt of their Nothing Heard From Dewey. SPAIN - IS CAtliED UPOW TO QUELL THE RIOT-ST. PAUL ORDERED OUT. , I " i (By Cablegram and Telegram to Daily. Standard.) ' i ! Spaniards Killed and Wounded. I To hall Immediate j. Key West, May 5, 1 p. m.- The Camden, May 5, 1 p. m. -The St. Leyden returned this morning after Paul i8 ordered ta sail immediately, orous action. Projectiles are being correctness. The government is yery unstable and may be revolu tionized. Oar government, however, pre-j sumes on nothing but the most vig- hurried to San Francisco in immense supply for Commodore Dewey's use. A second call for volunteers is Big Lot YOU FURNISH THE FEET YTE DO THE BEST. Til ! L landing two expeditions. iue urdt expedition carried a dispatch to sl8h Gomez The second landed west Philadelphia, May 5, 1.25 p. m. Hayana, aided by the Wilmington's The Allen steamer reports haying spoken of, and Congress how in a shells. A charge was made, oix signtea opanisn vessels on jnow oco puij w mc Spaniards were killed and sixty Foundland Sunday. The German eery appropriation and provision ... - - . . . I - - ' - . -. ! I wounded. The Spaniards retreated, reports being chased by Spanish war Boththe American and Cuban flags ship. are floating over the island. Many rifles were landed tor tne insurgents. women in tne Riots. Madrid, May 5, 1.40 p. m. Sol- Kothlnjj Hcarrt From Dewey. ,. . . : , dier nonce shootmc into mobs in T.oMfJnn Mflv ft 1 n. m. lhe i .1 - cludiner women in several cities in Eistern Telegraph reports notnmg " - ; ; concerning Dewey f-r the worst. . Generals Lee and Wheeler have been' nominated as msjjr generals, together with others, and will doubt 2 cents yard. less be conhrmed by the Senate at once. That's all we sk you to do H r- nish the feet. We will not only do of 34 inch Qreandie worth 12i the reet. but we will co it veil for cents per yard. We are going $2 50. to let them go at 6i cents Black Satin Duchess, Armure Silks, Brocaded Silks for Skirts. See our 25 and 35 cent Shirt Waists. Pretty fine Scotch Lawns, Spain. PERSONAL POINTERS. Rev. C L Miller, of Rowan Cannon & Fetzer Company. Porto Rico Calls for Help. Kingston, May 5, 1 p. m. The Governor of Porto Rico has appealed to Spam to quell the riots. COMPANY "L"frOTES. News From Onr Boys As Talcen From Their Camp. The News and Observer this special from Washington sayine that (Thursday) morLing has the fol- Vice President Hobrt announced lowing note3 of our company that that Commodore Dewey's j report rnmiTrnN nvvPnvKnv county, passed through Concord yesterday on nis way to Mt. neas- Ibe Spanish Fleet moving Admiral I ant. Knmntnn Also f3ktiA In ltrnnl Nnnti. isn Dissensions-Ammunition for Drs. M A Foil and P A Barrier Dewey More Volunteers to Be Call-J passed through OUT city this mom d for-Lee and Wneeler Major Gen- :ntr i-fltnrnintr tn thftir hnmoa in Aft Pleasant, after attending the Medi- After going to press Wednesday cal 80ciftty in Charlotte. evening Te Standard received a fancy will be of inter fl Commissary Sergeant, Harry P Deaton. Corporals: Marshall Mabrey, Ross Cox, E W Winecoff, Andrew Grier, Horace Russell, Burton Rutledge, Walter Linton, W E Hess, C H Brown, Charles Durham, Dolph Hamilton, and Frank Brumley. The privates get $13.50 per month and their board and clothing, which is equal to about $40 per month. The Quartermaster General of tha United Statesjhas tegraphed that men rejected by the surgeons will have to pay their own way back home. Lieutenant Marshall, who has charge of Commissary and Quarter master's departments, yesterday moved hi& office to the city. He ;s in the Women's Exchanee building, second floor, corner of Fayetteville and Morgan streets. Ciertrade Barrier Dead. Miss Gertrude Barrier died at her home in Ghambersburr township Friday, aged about 21 yers. She had been an invalid for a long time. The intprment was at Fif th Creek church Saturday, tbe funeral ser vices being conducted by Rev. J 0 Shellv. Statesville Landmark. This lady was a daughter of the late Caleb Barrier, brother of Dr. IP A Barrier, Mrs. R 0 8 Miller arid others. Tne Indignation Meeting:. The colored people held their in dignation meeting Wednesday night for the purpose of denouncing one of their brothers, George Green, for putting out some mischievous re reports. In order that some that might be prejudiced should riot express themselves, a committee was appointed to drt ft resolutions. ; The matter seems, as first stated, to have aiiien by some children talking to each other and the matter did not amount to much. had arrived, that Manila wis taken and the stars and stripes are floating over the Philippines: We of course r i i do not claim verity for dispatches, . . I ! but we would be surprised ; if this shoald not le verified very soon. Spain should stop this war by ac ceding to the demands of a great nation as superior to her in mag nanimity as in power. But it seemi she will not. and the worst is sure to come. The landing of troops on Cuban soil is not coming just in the line of expectation, but it would be less than the wisdom possessed by our leaders if movements could un dergo no modification by develop, ments. It is not known where the Span. ish squadron now is, but it is en tirely probable that it is heading to intercept the Oregoa and the Mari etta, now on their way from Rio, or possibly is making for her only coal ing station in Cuban waters :at Porto Rico. S j ; Admiral Sampson has moved' out, and we are left to find out his in is sion later. The uiOBt probable theory, however, is that he will take or destroy the coaling station at Porto Rico, and will then proceed to hunt for the Spanieh fleet, which should soon be found if it is actually coming this way Spam seems desperate enough just now to r venture on such a course. f 'Probably nothing would please Admiral Samnson better than i to join in the one grand issue Cakes We have everything in -Osfordi except your feet. An ounce of satisfaction is worth a ton of talk. Satisfaction goec with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, Dry Miller, Shoe Furnishers. Jam Up Fresh, AT- Ervin & Morrison All a MlStahC. QR0CER5 Our "War Car, City of Knoxville," is safe in port, loaded with the e3t and expectancy. Dispatches indicate that the Spanish fleet has returned from the Cape Verde Islands to Spain to TheCnnPKftl Ml w v PHOUC ' j finest.cargo of Golden Oak Suits ever shown in this part of North Oaro- Una. She wasjiot captured by the Spanish Fleet of high prices as re ported. She was safely guarded into port by our Gunboat, "High Price u The most fascinating inven- to entertain. It requires no Exploder," with 100 'mattress' aboard, at prices ranging from $1.25 to BKinvo operate u ana repro-i $15.00. Hearing is believing, seeinglis the i aed truth. You can hear from anyone thatkhas ever been in our store thatiwe have the "stuff' and we makelthe prices. j Whatjwe sayunto onewe say'untorall. ICome and'see. Bell,jHarris &Company.3 ' . " ' . P. S.S:-Werare still in thelundertaMngjbusi ness atlthe old stand. See Bell. duce the music of bands, or chestras, vocalists or instru mental soloists. There ia nothing like it for an even ing's entertainment at home or in the social gath ering. You can sing or talk to it and it will reproduce immediately and as often as desired, your song or woras. Other so-called talking machines reproduce only records of cut and dried subjects,,6pecially prepared in a laboratory ; but the Graphophone is not limited to sucn penormances. un me urapno thone vou can easilv make and instantly reproduce records of the voice, or any sound. Thus it con stantly awakens new interest and its charm is ever fresh. The reproductions are clear and brilliant. ana up Eiapliopfiones are sold tor S10 Manufactured under the patents of Bell, Tainter, Edison and Macdonald. Our establishment is head quarters of the world for Talking Machines and Talking Machine Supplies. Write for catalogue. Columbia Phoimograplhi Co. DEPT. 30, 110 E Baltimore St., Baltimore Md. New York, Pans, Chicago, St. Lou is, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington, Buffalo., d&w h5 ' j Ok Thousands of sufferers from The situation is one of keen intern grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures cough, colds bron chitis, pneumonia, Gripp, asthma, and all throat and lung diseases. Gibsons Drug Store, Residence Phone 90. Store!Phone 12,