Vol. Xi. No. 276 0ONCOK1J, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 6 1898 Whole No 1176' tf H rW J MANILIANS TENDER ANCE SPANISH SUPPLIES BEING- LANDED. The Manila Cable Soon to be Repaired Eng- land is With Us. rl TeleorJm to Daily Standard. t . ij jr aLivi o , Spaniaids Espying Plans. Camden, May 5 . Spaniards ere arrested in the ship yards here today 1 getting'plans; of the gunboat Prince ton. ;.. Reported at tbe Canaries. New York, May; 5. Washington dispatches to Journal aay that the Spanish fleet has been reported at the Canary Islands. Favors the Annexation. Washington, May 5. The senti ment of the majority of the House committee favors the annexation or - i Hawaii. The vote will be taken! Tuesday. A Capture Ordered Immediately. . Key West, May 5. It is reported that Sampson orders the capture of Matanzw immediately. Miners and boldlers Combat, - Madrid, May 5. At Murcla, 30 miles from Carthagena, eight thou sand miners battle with the troops They endeavor to burn the public railroad buildings. They were re pulsed with heavy losses. Rioting is extending rapidly. Martial law is proclaimed. THe Olivet Sails. Tampa, May 5 . The Olivet sailed ihiB morning with troops, Watson commanding. Other transports rapidlycoangi Manila Still Being Held. New York, May 5. DispatcheB to the New York Journal from Singa pore gay that the Americans still hold Manila and are exercising the powers of tbe governments The Americans have: reduced the forts and destroyed the Spanish fleet. The leader of the insurgents ' has been supplied with arms for the rebels . Tender Their Allegiance. Wasbington, 1.24 p. m. Secre tary Long received this morning bis first dispatch from Wilman from Hong Kong since the battle of Manila, , reading "Many of the wealthiest families of Manila ten der their allegiance and petition for citizenship. . Span ish Supplies Arriving. Key Weat. 1:24. Two 8panish ccnooners with supplies fpr Gen. H J n T and THEIR ALLEGI - - - - r Blanco were brought in this morn England Will Not Intervene. London, May 6, 1:32 p. m. Eng- land this morning snubbed tbe pow era that are advocating intervention. ; Cable to Be Repaired. : . jWashington, 2 30 p. m. Secret tary Long is informed from Hong Tfnncy fho.kf.ViA- Manila nM TOill soon be repaired. H Porto Rico to be Taken Tomorrow; w-u: 4. o in . muL M J administration expects Porto Kico to be taken tomorrow. The Cabi net officials said this afternoon that important news may be ex pected by Sunday. Key West, May 6, 3.17 p. m.-j- Captain Ltchapelain formally pro- tested against the capture of the Li I , Fayette and demands the removal of the prize crew. Official Programme of tbe 20th o i- May Celebration. M vv - 4, . i thePade at iu.ou u uuv;& uy i . xv o urovaru ui the Monument Association and Chief Marshal of the day. Veterans by I, Leon, om.mander, and Harrison Watts, Uhief Marshal of the Veterans. March of the Continental Brigade under the direction of Heriet Clark- son. Commander-in-Chief. ? .... , . ....... , . Review of Confederate Veterans by Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, Mrs. D H Hill, Mrs. Eufus Barringer, the Generals composing the North Carolina division, and bur honored gue&ts. . h Opening of Ceremonies, by FjB McDowell, President of the Meck lenburg Monument Association, j Prayer by Rev. Dr. J R .Hower ton, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Charlotta. i Address of welcome by Mayor E B Springs and Gov. D L Russell.15 Reading of the Declaration by Capt. A F Brevard, of Lincoln County. jj Reading the .Observer's prize poem by Col. H C Jonos, of Char lotte. Introduction of Hon; AdliaHE Stevenson, of Illinois,; the orator of the day, by Dr. Joseph' Graham, Vice-President of the socikHbn; Brief speeches by; distinguished invited guests'. li I Ceremonies will be concluded by F B McDowell, President of tW As Bociation,. . ; . The Monument .will bei unveiled by the following young ladies, descendants of the signers, viz; Re VioVnK Pha'mKftra -" Jn lift A To Yftnrl nr ' Mary J Springs Davidson, Caro Bre vard, Mary Oates Caldwell, Alice Graham, Julia Jackson Christian, Mary Irwin. i PERSONAL POINTERS. Misses Winona Cook and Mars garet Fisher, of Mt. Pleasant, were seen in our town this morning. Dr. Hyraes, of Raleigh, spent last night with his friend, Mr. B F Rogers. -Rev. C B Miller is in Salisbury today, where he is attending a meet ing of the Executive Committee of' the North Carolina Synod. Fancy Jam Up Fresh, AT- p - c- m j n El Vlll OL lYlUrriZUIl i GR0CER5, The streets of Manila are so mod- en a8 10 M01'84 f kP'g wlth They are perfectly straight, macad amized and provided with ample granite walks. Of these the Escolta and Roearia are the best. In both there are excellent shops, kept prin ... .. r f i . ci pally by Chinese merchants, most of whom came from Amoy. Tin- roofed houses line each side of both thoroughfares. Ex. Children like it. it saves their lives. We mean Oe Minute Cough 7 Cure. . the" infallible remedy for cough, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, bdo an tnroai ana n ?roleB .G,bSon'd Dr ng Store. and all throat and lung The weather around Manila was a little Dewey when tbe Commodore hailed the Spanish fleet Durham 8nn V The roost fascinating invert- J tionoftheage. Aiwaysready to entertain X. f skill to operate it andrepro- -'C Hiina tho mnsip nf hands. OT"- lb requires uu chestras, vocalists or instru- tn! snlnistfi. There 13 ing's entertainment at liome or in the social gath- TiAthitKr IiVp it. far nn even enng. xou can sing or uu. iu nuu ""i reproduce immediately and as often as "desired, your song or words. utner so-caiiea laiKiug luauniiies icpmuuto only records of cut and dried subjects, specially prepared in a laboratory ; but the Graphophone i3 not limited to such performances. On the Graphs thone vou can easilv make and instantly reproduce o-ecords of the voice, or any sound. Thus it con- stantiy awaKens new iuitrtuauu iu unaiiii jd c vj. iresh. Tne reproaucuons are ciear auu umuauu. Pmnrinnrinnno orfl enlif f nr Old an( ' uiapHuiJUUHuo aiu oum iui viu up Manufactnred under the patent of Bell, Tainter Kdison and MAcdonald. Our establishment Is beafl. quarters of the world for Talking Machines an$ Talking Machine Supplies. Write for catalogue. Columbia- Plhoiniograph Co. DEPT. 30, 110 B- Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md, New York, V arip, Chicago, St. Lou iaV Philaaelphia, Baltimore Wash 5 ington Buffalo. d&w u5 Thousands of sufferers from grippe! have! be?n restored to health! by' One Minute' Cough Cure. It quickly curer coogh, colds bron otitis,: , pneumonia, Gripp, asthma, and. al) thrpat and . lung diseases . Gibsons Drag Stori Cakes Big Lot of 34 inch. Organdie worth V2 cents per yard. We are going to let them go at 6t cents' Black Satin Duchess, Taffeta Silks, 4v Armnre Silks. Brocaded Silks for Skirts. See onr 25 and 35 cent Shirt Waists. Pretty fine Scotch Lawns, 2 h cents yard. Cannon & Fetzer Company. All aoMistahe. Our "War Car, City, of Knoxville," is safe in port, loaded with the finest'cargo oflGralden Oak Suits ever shown in this part of North Caro lina. She wasjnotlcaptured by the Spanish -Fleet of high trices as re ported. SheBwas safely guarded into port by our Gunboat, "High Price s i , . . . j Exploder, with lOOmattress' aboard, at prices ranging from $1.25 to 15.00. Hearing is belieTing, seeingis the ra'ied truth. You can hear from anyone thatihas ever been in our store that we have the "stuff' and we makelthe prices. WhatwesayIunto onetwe sayuntorall. Come andCsee. Bell,f Harris 6cCompany, P. S.EWefare still in thelnndertakingibusi ness atfthe old stand. See Bell. Residence Phone 90. YOU FURNISH THE FEE T WE DO THE REST. That's 'Ml we ek you to do 'lC -nisb tbe feet. We will not only ao the rest hut we will co it well for $2 50. 7 We have everything in Oxfords except jour feet. An ounce of satisfaction is worth a ton of talk. Satisfaction goes with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, Dry 4t Miller, Shoe Furnishers. StorelPbone 12. r