ArrtTAl of Trnlna, The following change of schedule took j effect July 4. 13 odocic. V NOHTFIBOUND. No. & arrives at 6 27 a m, - M 44 44 10.00 am, 12 ..." 708 p 38 " 8.53 p m, 62 14 4 '12.1' p in(lieiiii SOUrilBuUNi); No. 37 arrives at 8 49 a in, u 14 11 23 a m. 7 , " 8 .3 p m, 35 " 9.25 p ni, ei 4. 7.40 a m, (freight) No. 35 36, 37 and 38 stop only at Char k)Ue; Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro and Danville. Passengers for local ooints betweea these stations will have to use the oi her trains. Wade Babriek. City Editor. TELEPHONE NJ. 71. 1f the "Ayes" and "Noes" were Taken 2t would be found that a large majority of people who bought cheaper wheels found them more expensive in the end than the "best" would have been, the - BICYCLe The large United States flag floating over the Racket store now floats at half mast in honor of juuoigu "uuoo uauio its utJar to every North Carolinian. ! Some fighting was engaged in Sunday! afternoon above Forest Hill by some negroes but no one was badly hurt and the law at this time has not yet taken any action about it. f Mr. Claude Thompson, of Salis bury, spent Sunday in our city. Mr. Thompson has been taking a course in pharmacy at Raleigh and will soon stand his examination before the State board; The remains of Miss Fannie Fry, who died at Charlotte Sunday, were brought to Forest Hill for burial Sunday night. She formerly lived at Forest Hill. Her father died at that Place sometime in the past. The poetoffice windows have been treated to some curtainB with the prominent 'words "Concord Post office" on them. This is quite an improvement and makes it look much more up-to-date and will aid the bewildered postoffice seekers. From a letter to his home folks i ' we j learn that Mr. Paul Caldwell, who is now in camp with the Mary land guards near Baltimore, took his:oath of-allegiance a few dayB ago; for services for two years as steward. WATCH This Space For PRiCBS This Week. Price $6o DON'T MAKE A SECOND MISTAKE; See Ramblers. Lesly & WAtson. RUNS AN ACCOUNT W.J.Hill Opposite Post Office. SHORT ITEMS. -C'nraerrapli )d, readied and Properly - ' s Placed Here. Meeting of Phyllis tonight at 8:30. Fresh strawberries every day at m 16 Dove & Bost's. Judge Montgomery is attending court in Polk county this week. Russian Face Massage or com plexion brushes, at Fetzer's drug store. ml7 Miss Minnie Lentz, ot this place, is visiting friends in Salisbury. . In ; Another Person's Kanie Canght Up With After Running; the Account for Several Weeks Sow Behind the Bars. i . . - . - For several weeks a negro named John Plunkett has been buying different articles at the store of the Cannon & Fetzer Co., and has been having them charged to the account of Dr. Lilly. This has been going on and nothing in the least waB sus-j picioned until Saturday, when be wanted some drestf goods, he claimed, for Mrs. Dr. Lilly. Ooe of the en ployes at the store, wishing to conf ault Mrs. Lilly, stepped to the tele phone to ask her a question about the goods. Bat this was a fatal blow to John Plunkett, for this told the tale. In a short time John Plnnkett was not to be seen ' Investigations were then made about the account. The account il ; reached, we are informed, about ten ENTIRE SOLD EVERYTHING IN OUR STOGK MUST BE , AND YG U C AN BUY IT AT COST FOR GASH. SIF YOU WANT TO BUY ANYTHING SOON IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY AT ONCE FOR WE ARE GOINC-STO CLOSri. IT OUT. A J. & J. F. YOR.KE, Jewelers, cojstooirjd, jst o. mi DID YOU KNOW that we are selling Thin Dress Goods cheaper than anybody? 500 yards of fine Figured lawn 30 inches wide, real value 10c, which we offer at 5c per yard. Beautiful effects in Organdies, very sheer, 10c, 15c up- to 48 cents. Organdies m plain whi figures and solid color-. We have just the thing you want for a commencement dreo. This is a rare opuortnnity to possess a real nice thin dress t a small cost. 500 yards of figured lawns 2h cents. We have a great drive in some linen dress skirts ready at 98 cents. Now this is not- the cheap kind, but a pure linen skirt, well mad, 6 inch hem, and worth fully onethird more. Sizes 23 to 28 waist, and 39 to 44 length. When these are gone -ve can get no more at the price. Duck skirts as low as 48 cents. 5 different paterns of real wide curtain scrim worth 10c, for 7$ cents. We are also showing some very pretty curtain swiss in both the white and yellow dot. Just received, Pa- trolling Ties for both ladies and men. I Yery respectfully The latest assignment of troops that we have noted is that one N. C. regiment is for Tampa and f the other for Washington. Misses Mammie Urv and Hattie doUars Weddingtdn have returned toj MtJ Jonn who was in hiding, sent: a Amcena to school after spending friend of his to Chief of Police. Bo- several days at home. j i ger Saturday niht to ask him what The ladies of Central Methodisi would be the chances of a comprom ; ilk . I church will serve ice cream, straw-Use, which was nothing more than a berries and cake Tuesday night on confession on the part of John, the lawn at tho Methodist church. Chief Boger sent him word that he ComDlexion brushes preserve would have to come and show him- beauty, remove wrinkles and black- 8elf, which he did. When! John In Uncle Sam's hands count for heads and give a lovely complexion - . . 0 , .j, H . . , and youthful bloomfor sale at uj mu, j Fetzer's drug store. ml7 a late hour he was arrested and the mi n t t t i . i ':aa witnesses were sent for and his trial Thft Rr.hnol Board has decided . i i i that it would be unwise to give held aboat 12 ,clock Saturday night holiday on the 20th owing to its oaf ore -beq. mil nearness to the close of the school He was found guilty of stealing -term. P (Sl2llnlMI?Sl . I bobbin & Ferra TAS TELES TWO GOOD MAXIMS '! and was bound over to conrt oa a $50 Do you need any screen doors or bond, and in default of same he now " . . ' . i 1.. . .. ..' .i' 1 .) a! iAmoe Tf on nn . . i . lingers renina tne oars or me tv uuuno i -- ww, - i . Pounds, who is prepared to furnish county hotel them in all sizes. Work done with Some articles that he had bought - . '1 J ', AT I . ! neatness ana aispauju. v tx. f . aatQrdflV nl(yht and re. I ! " J , Mr. James Bell, who was formerly turned to the store. He had sold employed at this place, but is now 80mti 0f the flour and meat to ! all employed in Charlotte, was m our negro who was running a sQori wnue on DUBiuwac A young, man was seen on his wheel in .our town Sunday with a new attachment by which J his umbrella is always held over him. This is a new thing and one hardly knows what it is when they see it in the distance. With this improy ment be can not complain j of the much. Two good ones that will count much for you in tne purchase ot FURNITURE, Stoves, Matting, Lam p s, Easles, Window Shades, Curtain Poles and many other things used for household pur poses. O ur assort ment is most co m pr e-hen- sive, tho quality highest and the prices lowest, and if the ar ticles are not right we make them right. IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. Galatia. ILX&. Not. 16, 1893. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. . Gentiemeni wo bum jem, w uuvuo v GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have bought three gross already this year. In all our ex. perience 01 u years, iu tuo ni uubuicoo, uo.,a never sold an article that gave such universal eatia fontirvn tm wnnf TnnlC YOUTS tTUlV. miwvwm - ,t- rn-oT, fcrw A.11 dealers guarantee GroveB Taste less Chill Tonic to cure chills, fever and malaria in all its formp oa 5at f (Tucker'a Store) 123 and 125 Fay etteville Street Raleigh, N. C. Just now very stylish Printed Fo ulards and India Silks Our Styles are prettier than other Stores. We have the tastiest buyer in America. Our PRICES are al- so lower man ' , v a m - L JLm mum LetussendyGU Samples and y ou will send us an order. WRITE TG US- DOBBIN & FERBALL. CONCORD LOD4IE of V KNIGHTS of HONOR nflPr iha liiinin arr nubllO ft T6a liable,permanent, conservative and accomodating banmng institution. We solicit your business, with tne assurance of honorable' treatment A Fish Moiy, : M ;! jD oiir undertaking Departs nd due appreciation oi your. pat jaw of a carp fish which Mr. Jesse ment we are prepared to give rP? fag' pftn SMVt; you at any time Girmongot from one that he caught best services. A full line 01 w De giad to have you come in' his trap, it is quite a curioaiiy. uoiuus auu uaivoto. i . I LI BER. A II 7VCCOMMOD7VT IONS rne nan wnen cauguw wSucu w tttt a Uh h H j TO CUblUiicKo pounus, air. xtuuu auwab . t ' ; i . i iDapiiai anu juih"s' wwwj oA mRnrAd two feet and four r'rzm RfAC B. COAiui,, asnier4 : TIZ n i u avwi urw. j. m. opiums. Meets on the second Friday even in' of each month . Hall in the rear of Dr.TV OHotxsv tons Dental rootafc. ; This lodge has paid to the f ami . lies of its deceased members twenty thousand dollars since its organizan tion- - ' The Knights of f Honor is now in its twentyfifth year of existence, and has disbursed; up to the 14th of January,, ibvis, more than sixty one millions of aohias to the tTmted States . . - :. For further-. information call on, N. P. FETZER or K L, CR4YE hot rays of the sun.