Daily BtaadiaMi Editors and Proprietors OFFICE IN -BRICK ROW. The Standard is published very day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION . P One year. . . . .... ...... $4.00 Six months.....:....... 200 Three months. ...... . . . . 1.00 One month ,35 Single copy. .05 1HE WEFK STANDARD j IS a four-page, p: t-column paper. It has a lar" jirculation in Cabarrus fthana- ,ther paper. Price 61.00 per anuum, in advance. jk ADVERTISING RATES : Terrn3 for regular advertisements snade known on application, i j Address all communications to THE STANDARD, JConcord, N. C. CONCORD, MAY 17 198 Z Tlie Wheat Prospect; Vry little wbeat this year A CLOUDBURST' IN RALEIGH. t ., .,-- -. - - i . r. . r ? Four Were (toyed from Drowning Two Women Resetted by a Slan Wbo - - ' ' "" ; 1 i " t " - Swam WitU Them Out of i Nine Feet vf Water-Two Children Saved Also -Cellar Flooded O --L.lffnti.lnff Stunned a Soldier at Camp j Grimes. The Raleigh correspondent of the Charlotte Observer of j the j 16th says: . I J The greatest storm of rain,1 light ning and thunder ever known here raged last night for. two hours. It came all they way from1 Norfolk. The wind at one time attained a velocity of 32 miles an hour. There was not a fraction of a second that the lighning did not glare and the roll of the thunder; never ceasing, was accented by ear splitting crashes, which made the 1 1 earth quiver. The rain all fell in 35 minutes, and during that, time nearly 3 inches descended. The total rainfall was 3 21 inches. This breaks all the bureau' records. There were volleys of hail,! which atone time continued for 15 min utes. Spanish Fleei Demolished And the fight continues to wax warm. News comes in by telegram and ever v mail brines -us crlorious news of Victory. The latest news is with our immence stock of Dry Good and Notions. We are pre pared to offer them at prices to money saving custom, that will do you as much good as to hear of Spain being wiped off the face of the earth For the latest Novelties iu thin Summer Dress Goods, Organdies, Lawns, etc., we hpve them. Tie Racket Store. Gents's Furnishing Department, . White Shirts at 25c. Laundried Colored Shirts, 24c. up. ' White Shirts with colored bosoms I at 42c i or . the prettiest line of Shirt rnTtJA auria wifh f.wn fnrn VJnwn Muslin TTnArw . Woiaf I -1 rM-v,rJ C C!ll '- 4- r rt I - I AU . uiuu viumuq 1U UUa (UU VUbbUU tt drowning, in low places. waters were dammed. One of these was near the Seaboard AirJ Line's shops, where the water rosej nearly nine leet. A man , saved two Pacific coast States, bat an excellent 7 t : crop in all section east of the Rock ies, .may be considered a fair sum 2nay of the crop reports for: thie seaeoa. Aq exceedingly severe drought, especially in California. ..as made it extremely doubtful whether the three States of Califor nia, Oregon and Washington which usually export 40,000,000 or 50,000, 00 bushels, will hate wheat enough for home consumption. ! j This condition is offset in all the ether wheat grjwing sections by an unusually favorable outlook. ! In Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas, where Ihe wheat is already beginning to head, the prospect is fair that last year's crop of 85,000,000 jbusbels will this year be txceeded by 15,000, 000, raising the aggregate to a round 100,000,000 bushes. While the crop in the States farther north and east is not so forward ; the Avmter wheat outlook is promising, and a large acreage of spring wtSeat has Ibeen sown. . ; In this story of wheat crop failure the 6torm. Three pine trees in the i . T" ' , ? 9 - j j vn tne racinc slope ana of excel lent camp were struck, and some men wheat prospects elsewhere U written the advantage of our great expanse of territory with its diversified cli mate. Famine and scarcity are like 3y to be unknown while the, govern ment of the United States remains intact, for scarcity in one section is fartain to be offset by abundance m another, and enough for all when distributed. - ' - j we cannot be excelled. For the latest and most popular Skirt Goods we are strictly in it. See our Canvass Cloth, Black Mohair 50 inch. Satin Duchss 27in. jl uauo curves iu. You can save money by seeing us. For the best fitting Corset buy Thompsons Glove fitting ; we have them . For Sash RibboU fee us. For tne rrettiest and cheanest It was a terrible night. 1 People line of Millinery don't fail to see nere win never lorget it. There our line. were some narrow escapes from For a real good Suit of Clothes at where the correct prices we can suit the most fastidious. HATS. Mats : Now in this line we are headquarters For a No. 1 Umbrella or Parasol women there by swimming out Prces with them Tr nU For the handsomest line of Neck- alSO refinUfld ' Thfl nnwor hnnoa nf hncr nur lina the street car company was flooded . ?r a1Qtlflst and prettiest line rik r 1 , organs just come and feast your with four feet of water, ; Cellars eyes were also flooded, and inf that of Now don't forget that we have th Barnes Bros, State orin ters. therp on,er 7ou at BOTIOM A I V I 1. 1 I iF,, DTin Oil tTTA AOlT . a . - waa ueavy loss 10 paper stocK and come and see us and we will nlease nrintftd matter. Th motor w0 juu, several feet deep in the, Morning Post press room, and the paper conld not appear. The lightning was something terrible. It struck in the city and collars for 50c. Balbriggan Underwear from 25 to 50c. per garment. LGentsV Linen collars, either stands ing or turn down at 6ic Large line of Silk Club Ties at 10 to 15c. Socks 5 to 40o. Good Suspenders at 10c. Straw Hajs 8 to 60c. Statflomiary. Note Paper at 10c. per lb. Colored French Crepon Paper and Envelopes at 15c. per qr., and 24 envelopes, worth 25c. Box Paper 10 to 50c. per box. Good White Envelopes 3c. up. Square Linen ones at 5c. DRY GOODS. Remnants of Wnite Lawns at 40c, per ib. Printed Laqpets7$c. yd Printed Organdie 10c. yd. Percale 25c. per lb. 8jc. Staple Ginghams at 02. Remnants bf Ticking 7c. LADIES' FURNISHING DEpj lull sizes and of ?ood material as cheap as the common run of tha XcJrtbs ern made garments. Shirt Waists with white collars, 42c Printed Lapette; Waists without collars only 43c, worth 75c. Pacale Shirt Waists at 45 to 80c' Shiit Waist Buttons at 5c. per dcz Ptrc de and White Lawn Sun Bon nents at 25c. Gauze Vests 4c. up. Hose, assorted, up to Opera ieegth at 45c. See our 7 12 seamless Hose. RIBBONS. Double faced Black Satin Sash Ribs bon at 25c. per yard. Nice assortment of Tafferty, Moire and Satin Ribbon in staple colors, Also a nice line of Stripe and Plaid Ribbon will be in by Saturday, Also 15 styles of Shirt Waist Silks to come in Saturday. D.P 11 Very Respectfully, D. J. BOSTIAN. p. s. And don't forget that we tne mciiall Patterns v,, .u uauuuo t iAV.,tiZU. uiaucs. I 1 if People wondered how) th'e ' eoldier8 eaSt T? ' Y .lr.mCMm,...J.i J heapest and best in the world one tent was blown down there. wet. The and very few soldiers c;ot sentries kept their posts, despite DR L N. BURLEYSON w Offers his Professional services to the citizens of Concord and vicinity. THE LATEST NEWS FROM: THE say they flt the s'aock. Ope bolt Office over Marsh's Drug store Th? confirmation of Judge Ewart las not jet been made in the Senate. He is to appear eoon in his; own be half. There is little doubt that the nomination is a bad one and if con i rmed at all it will be largely due $0 the fact that his opposition, Sena tor Butler, is less the right sort of 2nan than himself and laagely hin ders the cause he advocates, j We have it from credible source that evi dence most likely to defeat Evart is not volunteered because to help But ler to score a victory is as j undesira. ble probably as to allow a moderate 3y bad judge ta be promoted. I . '" First to Die for the Flaff. It is worth while also to remem "ber that the South furnishes the Srst sacrifice of this war. Ensign Bagley was a native of North Oaro 31na; With his blood he Jhas sealed Kie union in arms of the j North and South. A people who once fought against the Stars and Stripes send ftnfl'nf t.hftir nnna v lis." ;: . ww uo jure s sacri fice for the honor and glory of that f agr There is no North and no Souih after that. We are all Worth Bagley's countrymen.-i-New York Tribune, Republican. I i fell quite near Col. Armfield's tent. Iu the fair grounds, where five companies of the Second Regiment are quartered in one of the big buildings, a bolt of lightning struck the dome and stunned - John E Lane, of the Morganton contingent of Capt. Edmund Joneaj company. The surgen got him around all Je 9. Telephone No. 36. He is not 0 lightning right in a few minntpq. in the leasturt. The broke a window in the same build ing. Several soldiers felt the shock somewhat. Beats the Klondike L Mr. A C Thomas, of Marysville, Tex,, has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years he suf fered untold agony from consump tion, accompanied by hemorrhages: and was absolutely cured I by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this: marvelous cure; would have itt even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Trial bottles ! free at P B Fetzer's drug store. Regular size 50 cents and $100. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. - Those Chairs ; Never before offered eo cheap. Thirty-three large rocking uphol- stered chairs worth $2.50, for the next ten days at only $1.39. Think of itk one dollar and! t.hirfWwr,;nA ".JlUlUfl cents, cash. Orayen Brothers. One Minute is not nntr vt. rn lief is obtained in half that time by the use of One Minute Cough Cure It prevents consumption and quickly cures colds, croup, bronchi tis, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lung troubles. J P Gibson, The human machine starts but once. You can keep it going long- ??7a.nJ Tmost rularly by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation and all stomach and liver troubles J P Gibson. The Cuban question and politi cal issues sink into insignificance with the man who suffers from piles. What he most desires! is relief. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles. J P Gibson. M. L. Brown & BRo. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE ' STABLES. Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibuses meet all passenger trains Outfits of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on hand pXnd ChW0yf th0r0hbrtf FRESH FROM THE WIRES EACH EVENING IN THE DAILY STANDARD. ITS THE LASEST NEWS OUT AND WH HOT PATRO ': ... NIZE aOUR HOME PAPER. IN ORDER THAT A PAPER MAY THRIVE IN OUR CITY IT MUST HAVE THE HEARTY CO-OPERATION and PATRONAGE of its PEOPLE. Price of DAILY STANDARD: One week. ....... One month. .... : . . . . . . Three months. ... . . . . . .............. . . Six months.... One year. ... ....... . 10c. 1 eon $1 00 2 00 4 00 3 For Over Fi-ty Fears Afrs. Winslow's Sootning Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions nf mnfVioa 1 u-w.uc.o lUf Wieir CQlIa-l rr ren while teething, with perfect sac. Largest " owtueB cne diw, softens TT3 2 fl the gums, allays all pain, en a OHCVBe colic, and is the heat Ii Diarrhoea. - It will relive The ' 00 - xtuiueuiaieiy. bold bv St8flln everJ of the world, 1 wenty-fiue cents hofi t ' .-s K.j.p, ana taKe no" other kind. Handles Bars Pedals Saddles Lamps Bells . Toe Clips Graphite and everything else in the line of sundries. stock of lurid lies Prices Rigiat; yOBIMlDSriOBTil & Cfl Bacfcien'sj Arnica Maire. The Best Saive in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappr Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ale un Eruptions, and positively cures ilea or no pay requi-ed. It ia guaranteed to give otatisfaction ol monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer'a Drug store. Late to bed and early to rise pre pares a man for his home in the skies. Early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes lift longer and better and wiser. J P Gibson. All persons indebted to me will please call, upon W G Means, Eq j and settle. I have left all accounts and notes in bis hands for collection. . L. M. Abchey, M. D. May X 1868.;- - V 1 :-

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