I ArriYnl of Trln, rrhe following change of schedule took ort Julv 4. 1897, 12 o'cl jet. NORTHBOUND. 8 arrives at -6 27 a m. No. " 12 38 - . 62 "10.00 am, " 7-08 p m; . " 8.53 p m. ' -12.15 p in (lieinUi SOU I'll BuUNJ). ?tfn 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, "11 " "II 23 a in; v 7 44 44 8 53 p m, . . " 35 k " 9 25 P m' 6l " 44 7-40 a m, (freight) No 35 S6, 37 and 38 stop only at Char Jntte Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro 'ind ' Danville. Passengers for ' local 3ointt betweea these statious will have to use the oiher trains. AVade Bakriek. City Editor. TELEPHONE No. 71 5 & If the "Ayes" and " Noes" were Taken Jt would be found that a large majority of people who bought cheaper wheels found them more expensive in the end than the 'best" Would have been, the bicycle; Price $6o ,OOWT MAKE A SECOND MISTAKE,0. t See Ramblers. W. J. Hill. Opposite Post Off ce. A MAKBlAQjS To j Take tflc Visiting friends Oiher Sei From Hit. Pleasant. Mr. James Miaeoheimer. of Char PfgV Jrt ; Monday ou his wayto AlbemVle' Key. J A :Lii dd, formerly of , thia pWcebut who has bee a in Ohio for fi?r yearp, baa returned and is now living in tne old Lutheran pus svnagp. 1 It is rumored that Mr Gas James, aupenntendent of the W R Kindley t oon milts, will be married soon to Mi as Bessie Misenheimer daughV, tr of Jacob Misenhejmer, ueceased, Messrs. Tom Johnson and Frank Cannon Jri were bere Monday niieh4. Two certain young ladies "know the rest." Misses Wilhelmena Weimer, Ella Bar u bard t and Mr. Btfn" Seiz'er are visiting friends in our town. Simuel E Gate, of Charlotte, gave a grphophone exhibition in the Sjeminary bail last Saturday night The; proceeds were for the benefit of the Seminary. The band boys report a good time on their trip to Unionville- The band entertains many fears for oce of their younger members, as bis heart was somewhat affected during the trip . Mr. L J Foil has sold bis house and 'ot to Mr. Adam Nussman, of No. 7 township, and has bought the Heilig home place. Dr. P A Barrier has been very sick witn a bilious attack. i r. Lilly, pf Concord, was called Monday. VVe are glad to learn be is improving. We are also glad that Mr. W G Barringer U improving after a few days illness. A Notheb. SHORT ITEMS. FHraeraph Ml, renciled and Properly Placed Here. See chaLge in Cannon & Fetzer Cos ad. & Co can interest See their ad. H. L. Parks you in corsete. ' Miss Jennie Patterson, one of the teachers at the graded school, is at her nome at China Grove. Miss Ora Hoover is teaching in her place. (Jot Their Jtlan. As was noted in The Sandard Tuesday Ed Bradshaw escaped from the chain gang .Monday. Tuesday night Supervisor Smith and Deputy; Hill placed themselves near the Heed pond, expecting that Ei might be sighted. Sure enough they were tewarded. Mr. Smith sprang . upon his man like a cat on a mouse. Quicker than thought El struck Mr. Smith with a short, thick gum stick that he was carrying, and downed him. j Will Brown was with Ed, and Deputy IJill had two before him, with Smith temporarily disabled. With the very persuasive power that The thunder storm, Sunday night was feaifol m Durham. The lights larks about a pistol point Brown cuing wati lerriuu uul nu uvea wcic lost. Five pattern red plaid and! striped "crown" nainsook for - ... e'iirt waists at 10c, worth 15 to 20c. per vard. The Racket. ml8. was made to stand aside. Smith ' i soon rose and collared Ed, who tried to defend himself. Hill held' one band on Ed's arm that ; held the stick, while be held the i piMol to Ed's breast and told him to surren I will continue to make cabinet Mer or die. '1 - "i.- size photographs at $1.00 per dozen Ed ig on the gang a8 usual today. until June xst. - o n o ixiubi. i t o.:u :j. n oil. I mr. olui tJi uairico , a cuiuu 1 1 V. I A'. W I t. 1 break ot the skir on tne lett Do you need any screen doors or eide of bis 8kun, He 8ay8 he does windows? If so, call on J. T. not care for the 8troke Jn COnsiderL rounds, who is preparea to iurnisn , them in all sizes. v orir aone witn & & - neatness and dispatch. tf. LOST A purse containing $26 70 all in greenbacks except $1.70, between Concord and Mt. Pleasant. Will satisfy the finder. - Frank Lowder. Mr. R A Brown is putting tip his machinery and will soon begin maks ing brick at a new yard near Town creek, on the Concoad road. Salisv bury Sun. i Supt. D vMatt Thompson, of the Stafesville Public Schools, is . exs pected tonight to attend the closing exercises of the Concord High School "tomorrow. Mr. C R White left Tuesday night for New Orleans, where he will attend a meeting of tbe South ern General Asaemblv of the Pres byterian church. He will be gone! nearly a week. V f : The two different councils of Jr. O. U. A. M.'b will turn out in ' bodies tonight to attend the lectures at the court house, which lecture mil be directed to them, thofagh the public is invited and expected to attend. Remember the lecture is free. The '. members of the two WA TCH This Space For councils wiir galia. have on their all PRiCBS This Week. LESLY & WATSON. !-'"' t 1. i 11 ii. lUo ir aiu iisg CORSETS ' rBB CORSETS I'Sy"' I CORSETS W& Oiir stock will be offered atjcqst, but a few days . . longer. The time to buy is now. A. & J. F. YORKE, Jewslers,, coisrcoED. asn c. )oti k ferra TASTELESS G El DLL t m mm IS JUSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts. 1at.tta. Tixs.. Not. 16. 1893. Gentlemen: we BOiu last year, ouu uoiueu v. GBOVB'S TASTJSljJfiSS uniLiU 'XUiMiu ana navi k....,v.. .v.MA irnnsj olronrtv thin von r. Tn All nu r ex uvjunkAV mii-w bvbh ....w j m - WAmAVkA . (ID m 111 III U 1 I l"l I IT llllKIIIflNH 1 1 11 V " never sold an article that gave such univeraal satis zacuon &s your xoiuo. xour iruiy. All dealers guarantee Groves Taste less Chill Tonio to care chills, fever and malaria in all its formp The Poneopd Na (Tucker's Store) 123 and 125 Fayetteville Street Raleigh, N. C. Just now very stylish Printed Foulards and India Silks Our Styles are prettier than other Stores. We have the tastiest buyer in American Our PRICES are al- . so lower than any other Store. Let us send you Samples .and you will send us an order. WRITE TO US- DOBBIN & FEREALL. CONCORD LODGE of ' KNIGHTS of HONORJ Knowledge Gained of Experience makes the Don a sadder but wiser individual. The knowledge gained in purchasing your Furniture and Stoves aad Floor Matfng bere saves you money for other, parposes andr gives you satisfaoTion in possessing at email prices reliable and hand some articles for housenola uses. Full line from which to select, and a variety of styles and designs and assurance of' satisfaction in every purchase. Best attention given to all Fu neral Wors, Oalla answered at all times. - . Craven Bros. 'Phone No. 19. Bring Your Pictures to Us to hi 9 " Framed. r Offer the business public a re liable, permanent, conservative and accomodating banting institution. VVe solicit your business with the assurance of honorable treatment wnd duo appreciation of your paU ronagsi. If we can serve you at any time be glid to have you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS Gapital and Sulplus$70 OOOj D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier, " J. M. OPELL, Pres. The Cuban "question and politi cal issues sink into insignificance with the man who suffers from piles. What he most desires, is j relief. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles. J P Gibson. , The human machine starts but wv - 1 M T once, xou can Keep it going long est and most regularly by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, 'the famous little pills for constipation and all8tomach and liver troubles. J P Gibson. Meets on the second Friday even in of each month. Hall in the rear of Dr. TV C Houss ton's Dental rooms. This lodge haa paid to the f ami lies of its deceased members twenty thousand dollars since it& organiza tion- The Knights of Honor is now in its twentyfifth year of existence, and has disbursed up to the 14th of January, 1898, more than sixty ono millions of aollars Jo the united States. . For further information call on N. D. FETZER or K. L. GRAVEN M,L. Brown&BRo. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES, ' Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on nana or sale. Breeders of thoroughbred Poland China Hogs tf or Over Filty Tears Mrs. Winalow'fl Soothing 3yrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their cniio ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor liflo an PPPTftr immediately. Sold by l UVViV M i.nrvyiata in ftvprv part of the world. 'Wi Ugg'l"lu " J . - I mrfTTfiiro rPTir.a ft bottle. " Be sure amd ask for "Mrs. Winslowa SootU- 'iLg Syrup," and take no other kind. DR. L N. BURLEYSON Offers his Professional services to the, citizens of Concord and vicinity. Office over Marsh's Drug Store. Je 9. : Telephone No. 36. 1 One Minute is not long, yet re lief is obtained in half that time by the use of Oae Minute Cough.Cure It prevents j consumption and quickly cures cids, croup, bronchi tis, pneumouii, ia grippe and all throat and la ug troublee. J P Gibson. - ' -"" ----r-; Nobody need Jbave NeuraKla- (JetDr.Mn Pain yilitromlruggistx9u9 wfc4osV