Vol. Xjl No. 2727 CON C01ll N. C. FRIDAY, MAY 27 ISPS Whole No 1172? CLOSING DAY I president Mckinley an nounces THAT NOTHING 1 IS KNOWN OF IT. For the Graded School Pretty Dec orations and a Profusion of Flow ers Delightful Music Address By Prof. Claxton. The graded school's annual liU erary closing: took place this (Fri day) in the court house. The place was made one of rare Though Some Think Cervera Left Last Saturday. and Telegram to the Daily Ty Cablegram Standard. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mrs. R A Brown returned trom - - . A Salisbury this morning, after spend ing a day or two at that place. Mr. Holland Thompson has re turned from Mooresville, after at tending the funeral of Prof. Jay Lentz's mother. ' Two Men Killed in to Explosion. Hazardville, Conn., 1 p. m. -Two men were killed in an ex plosion of the powder works here this morning. The Report that the Spanish Fleet Is at beauty . The windows were beau- banuaroae uioa beems to Be False. j ' 'liiiiiv i .11 i i.ni iihii ju i w i t . w ii unnriM 111 red, with one of white between, al ternated by blue with white between. From the chandelier o?er the bar streamed to the right and the left the red, white and blue bespangled with stars, while Old Glory was in evidence everywhere. A rich array of potted flowers and verdants taste fully arranged made the scene re semble a' picture freah from the easel of a master artisy while the aroma from the flowers and the per fume sent whirling from the rims of the maidens' fans made one feel as if in a sea of beauty and loveliness just drowning in an at moapbere of attar. Rev. Alexander opened the exers cises with prayer. Prof. Keealer at the organ led the children in the song cf our native pride, "The Old Spanish Fleet Not At Santiago. Washington, 1 45 p. m. Presi dent McKm ey has announced that nothing is really known of the Spanish fleet. Secretary Long said that there is no confirmation of the report that Ceryer is at Santiago de Cuba. . Fancy Cakes BIG LOT Jam Up Fresh, OF J J 1 . N YOU FURNISH THE FEET WE DO THE REbT. That's all we ask yon to do f pish the fret. We will not orlyds the Tee tut we wili do it well far $2 50 ' : . , AT- Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 AN ACCIDENT. Ladies' Shirt Waists Worth 35, 40 and 50 cents, to go for Spanish Ncont Sighted. Key West, 2.36 p. m. The Wil- North State mmgton has. sighted a Spanish prof. Lewis then read his reporf, scout fifteen -miles out trom here a synopsis of which appears in The yesterday. They were unable to Standard today. chase it on account of lack of coal. He spoke of the faithfulness of The Bancroft is pursuing her. the graded school faculty and ten dfred his devout thanks for their loyalty and geniality. j He called attention to the effi- Mr. Anjrnstns Rass Is thrown From a Loud of Cotton and Kuti Over By the Wagon Both Bones in IS Is L.egr Broken. This (Thursday) morning, Mr. Augustus Bass, who lives about gee OUT 2 1-2 ailu dC i Lawn. 25 cents. is is disabled. A Mistake Abont the Baltimore Washington, 2 35 p. m. .It ofiicially denied that the Baltimore cienCy ana the faithfulness of "I 1 "I I Rev. Logan in the operations of the colored branch of the I city Spauish Secret Service. Lui M tUn. lUnul,lm BUIHJU1 UX1U. Bain luui buiuuu uiU4, Key West, 2 35 p. m. There is Rev. Logan, eflectual work had existing; evidence that a Spanish been accomolished. during I the Becret seryjce thronghout America tem T6ry much beyond the ordi- Has oeen aiscoverea. jerom tnese o a ;n tv. ,oiwi facts, many arrests are promised. To Protect Our Mines and Harbors. Washington, 2:35 p. m. Alger sent the Senate a communication today, cf the Draft bill providing schools. At this point Prof. Keesler's class presented to him a beautiful baton. He accepted it j gracefully. While waiting for the train to arrive with the sneaker. Prof. P P for the protection of mines and har- claxton, the school entertained hnrs and authorizine nnes lor vio lating the regulations. r the audience with "Dixie,; "My Old Kentucky Home" and "I'm Gwine Back to Dixie. ' j We will endeavor to give a svnoosis of : the Professor's excel- 90 9 lent address later. A Belief as to Cervera. Key West, 2:35 p. m. The be lief is growing that Cervera left Santiago de Cuba last Saturday. Senator Long has offered Newland's resolution for the annexation of fact tliat Concord is soon to Hawaii as an amendment to tne four miles aboye Enochville, and almost directly west of China Grove, metwith an accident just in front of the city cemetery. He, together with three other men, were on a wagon, which had on it five bales of cotton. Some dis tance above the cemetery the team seemed to want to trotioler- ably lively, but were not runni g away. The road being a little rough, one of the bales on top fell off and knocked Mr. Bass oil also, throwing him on the double tree. His body then went between the double tree and the front axle and was- dragging him along. The front wheel of the wagon passed over his left leg just above the ankle and broke both bones. He was dragged some distance betore the driver succeeded in stopping the team. Drs. Caldwell and Stevens were called m and the bones were placed together. .He was then taken home in a conveyance. Cannon & Fetzer Company. We have everything except your feet. in Oxfcx& To XiOse One of Our Residents. - f . We are sorrv to note the war revenue Bill lose Mr, Charlie Frazier and family. Mr. Frazier has been here only a few months, but since here he has gained the admiration and esteem of our An ounce of satisfaction is jrziHii a ton or laiK. caiiJBiauiiou r&szzz with every pair of shoes weselL Respectfully, Dry - 'Mille& Shoe Furnishers. NOT MUCH NEWS. All a Mistake Rose-James Wed dine. Thursday evening about 5:30 IVf r AT J p,i n VeBt Deoot street. Mr. people and la especially liked Ang James, who is night superin- by a number of our young omiftnt nt the Patterson mills near men. Mr. Frazier has; accept- this place, was married to Miss ed a position as foreman of the Nora Rose, daughter of Dr. Rose, of Model Steam Laundry, of Mt-Pleasant. of Charlotte. It is j not yet Only a few friends were present. definitely decided who will The ceremony was performed by k M Frazieys ; place here Rbv W C Alexander, After the vaiS T Kev. vv u Aieiauu . foreman of our Steam Lann- marriase ..the ..couple w.ent.out.to Potiorpnn mills, wherethev will ry M. CA VVv w Vr a - live. Our "VVar Car, City of Knoxville," is safe in port, Jo-dsd with finest cargo of Golden Oak Suits ever shown in this part of North list lina. She was not captured by the Spanish FJeet of high 1 rice3 t& n2ir ported. y w "'.'"..)'' . . She was safely guarded into port by our Gunboat, "High Priss Exploder," with 100 mattress' aboard, at piices rcnging fiom SL25la 15.00. Hearing is believing, seeing is the r aed trut'a. YcucanJ! Some Items Received Too JLate Tbnrs day Don't Know Where the Fleets Are Tne First lleglment Under Iee. We can see nothing in the war situation today changing in the least the "status of things on Thursday. After going to press we received the expected news frQ31 anyone thatihas ever been in ourlstore that wtt':ave the "stuff"! that a movement is to be made on . we rx ae the prices. What we say unto!one;we say unto all. Come and see. 1 Dromiuentiy in day is Hcad' u-.-;' : i ?'.(.', i Farlfiei ..ii.jiio eye io GREAT SALES prove the great ment of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood Sarsaparilla sells because i P,ATCURE5 A Ceatb at CannonTille. Mrs. Cline, wife of Mr. George Cline, died at her home on Cedar rnierefore I Streei ai uouuuuyjuo ; 'OOP'S afternoon. For quite a long while Mrs. Cline has been lingering with the dread disease consumption. The remains were interred in the cemetery at Mt. Gilead Reformed church today (Friday)r The fhneral was preached by Rev,; H A McCul- lougb. Cuba at once, also that a revolu tion is imminent in Spain and the Queen is considered in danger but refuses to leave, also that that, Admiral Sampson reported at I)ry Tortugas to communicate with the president. It is a fact that no reliable news can be had as to the whereabouts of the Spanish fleet, though it is hoped that Commodore Schley has it bottled up at Santiago de Cuba. x. a Our First N. C. regiment is to be under the command of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee. There is a rumor that Spain is now anxious for some means ot obtaining terms ot peace. This, though, is apt to be disappointing like most of our hopes in th Spaniards. Bell , Har r is&Cc mpanjc PS.li- We are stilllin the undertaking bu ness at the old stand. See Bell. Residence Phone 90. f Store Phone 12