Saily Standard,! V Editors and Proprietors v.. raai OFFICE m BRICK ROW, tfe-E Standard is published ev3ryday Sunday excepted) and ijolivoied by carriers. "RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION . One year. . . ... 1 . . . . .$4.00 Biz months. 200 Three months. .......... 1.00 One month. 35 Single copy. .05 The Weft? i Standard is a Jbcr-page, p; -column paper. It b&s&lar-' jirculation in Cabarrus &sa sr jther paper. Price 81.00 pr &Quum, in advance. ADVERTISING rates : Terma for regular advertisements Tcade known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. GGNOORD. JUlNTE 10 1898 OUR VF.RltlTY ASSAILED. We try our utmost to be truthful (give in a vein of humor some times) we also are very desirous of be ing; accommodating to oar citizjce (e?en though they be not subscribers is The Standard) in withholding new that is not essential to public iatereat when from good reason we are requested to do so, but we aek thtt too much be not expected of us and teat we be spared the provok. ixigaess of reflecting on our veracity Whes. our rights, our motives and tb fair mindedness of others cons earned would dictate a more gener ous construction of our acts . i . ..." In this we'have reference to the ftct that on last Saturday morning Rv.5 J Payseur, chairman of the city school board, came into oar ofllceg&d asked the senior editor to ij nothing in the paper with res gcrd to the teachers and the graded scf&eol etG , that day. We understood it to refer to editorial or local notice c the affairs and we readily gave ar consent and oar promise. Liter uv t&e day the secretary of the board, L Miller, placed in the hands o the city editor a notice to teachers ft file their applications etc, (as sated in Saturday's isaue) over his official signature. When we saw the notice in proof (they were repeated in. our local column) we did not fELick for a moment that there was caything wrone: in their being there or that the promise we had made w&s to forestall the publication of im act regularly passed in the board ai made the duty of the clerk to publish. We would have been very fir irom making a promise to thwart the action of the board and we do pal understand that we violated our premise as made or that we did wrong in publishing Mr. Miller's notice as it appeared, yet the chair man saw fit to attack us with the eh&rge of infidelity to our promise and will accept no other construc tion of our course. We repeat that ne nops too much will not be a9ked oE U8, Mr. Payseur wore a contemptous mien when we told him that Mr. MlllerV notices were to be paid for at regular rates, Mr. Pavsear seem iupj tQ think there should be no fee Tee Standard has good and only goad motives for the efficiency and tha well being of our graded schco aad it does not propose to wield a particle of influence in the matters belonging to the board. it, nas entire confident in wisdom and the integrity of every . . via chairman and raatrrof that board excepted the it confiiently hopes best. We have no axe to this matter bat we have a reputation for veracity of which we feel honorably jaalous. We; can tot conceive who ia wronged in the pub lication of the notice referred to and therefore thirik it the leaa excusable in Mr. Payseur to ruthlessly inflict a cruel wound on oar feeling?. Bat with this we hope to end all relations with- him till we cm depend upon him for the treatment dne one witha out sinister motives or real error. MORE MUMF1CEMIE BY 51 It. DUKE. And now we see that Mr. W Duke has giyen an extra $5,000 to be spent on Trinity College grounds. This on top of the $100,000 gift shows the pleasure there is in giving. We rejoice to see such munificent gifts and we praise the giverj but we doubt very much if humanity would not be the better without the whole tobacco business by which the habits, very unfortunate we think, are made to congest great heaps of wealth to a few spots while through this tobacco habit ignorance, poverty and squalor are bo much augmented over the land . We would like to be wealthy ana bestow laige earns on favorite and noble cauaes, but we are content to labor on in frugal straits with little to enjoy or to bestow rather than gain desired wealth from an enter prise that we believe is really a curse. We have no condemnation, however, for those who take a less Birious view of it than we and when so gathered it is well that jsach wealth is liberally bestowed on such institutions. HOBSOJK'M INHERITED BRAVERY. ' Good blood will show itself' is a truim and Lieutenant Hobson's heroic feat, grand and unique as it is, is the less surprising when his mother's noble dignity is reyealed by I the following story. When her ecn by his cbmlric deed, made the name Hobson stand forth among names as a star of first magnitude amid the pale clusters of the milky way it was observed that there is a mortgage on her home. A movement was inaugurated af once to reise the money by subscription and relieve her of the debt. The movement was of the most generous impulse but the brave mother of that brave eon declines to accept any public contributions and eases the public mind by stating that the indebtedness is not much and that she will be able to meet it. N j wonder that that son is brave and noble, " Charlotte is now pulling for the State mobilization camp She has strong claims and we do not see why she should not have it. If the war lasts till we get the Abberdeen we'll enter the race against her. Lieutenant Colonel Owens. In regard to Mr. Geo. W Means' regiment of moonshiners, which is being organized, the Shelby! Star has the following suggestion to make : "We respectfull present the name of Col. Amos Owens, the famous Cherry Mountain moonshiner, for lieutenant colonel of the regiment and our claim is based on "senior ity in service," Colonel Means will please appoint at once and sive a split in the Cleveland con tingent of regiment. Rev. Benny Dead. From the Salisbury Sun we learn that Kev. J C Denny died on Thurbday the1 7th and was buried 1 at Phaniel church cemetery on " Wednesday. ! ihe rroermlwe Farmer Iled A friend sends ua thr following from the last issue of the Progress ive Farmer, with the qKry, ';Is this true?" ' The clipping is as follows VV have it from the lips of an attorney fo; the Southern Railroad Company, that, 33 out of the 36 members of the new State commits tee of the' so-ailled Democratic party, are lawyers, and that 6 of these are paid attorneys tor me Southern Railway Company." No, it is not true. It does not approach the truth. It was known to be untrue when published, and was pubU8hd because it was not the truth. But it is by such false hoods, however, that the Farmer and Caucasian hope to deceive hon est people, deceive them to their own hurt, that the falsifiers may continue to fatten at the publio crib. Raleigh Pest. Nubjeet for Romance. It will be remembered that there was quite an ado made o?er the marriage of Miss Nellie Grant to her English suitor, Sortoris. He proved a scamp and Nellie cot a divorce. She had an American admirer who fojght in the Confederate war, and is the last surviving officer on the staff of lStonewah'7 Jackson. He is now Gen. Henry Kyd Douglas, U. S. A , of Maryland and it is said they are to be married in the fall . What a pretty subject for a ro mantic tsle. We all want to do something. A dispatch says it is proposed in Ken tacky that -each distiller furnish a barrel of the ardent to put the sol diery in good fighting trim. We don't think that is needtd. Our Southern boys have plenty of sand in the gizzard and nted no snakes in the brain. Lt Kentucky send her blue grass for the mules, but our soldiers will do the fighting without the Bourbon. . Iu Receivers lianas. New York, June 7 The Arkell Pablishingicompany, which pub lished Judge and Leslies' Weekly, aid the Judge company, the old concern, have gone into hands oi receivers. For Over FI ty fears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, . It 'will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggistB in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye cents a bottle, Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows SootL iLg Syrup," and take no other kind. State of ohio. v City of Toledo, ( Lucas County, J , Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said fim will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J Cheney. Sworn to before me and subneribs ed in my presence, the 6th day of December, A D. 1886. ksealT f A. W GLEASOS, t ) Notary Public. Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken ins ternally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfces of the sytem. Send for testimonials, free. . F, J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c, , v a iu ieary, nerson, Mien., writes curing more piles here today than all other remedies combined. It cures eczema and all other skin diseases." J P Gibson. :.'--. . CORSET DEPARTMENT. Summer corsets 38c. up. Dr Nossah. a $1.00 Corset for 48c This corset is so constructed that continuous motion throws the strain on six combined steels, making it impossible break at the sides; C. B. Corsets 85c. Four or five ocher makes iaaging from 20 to 60c. HOSIERY, i Ladies Hose at 5 to 50 cents. Black Lisle at 25 cents. Full Seamless Hose at 7 1:2c. up. j Drop stitch ribbed Hose 10c. up. Nice line of Gent's Black, Tan and mixed Sox at 10, 15 and 25c, includs ing drop stitch stripe Gauze Vests 4c. up. HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladies embroidered Swiss at 10 to i 35 cents. ! Plain white at 5c... Plain all Linen at 10 cents. Very Respectfully, D. J. Bostian., THE LATEST NEWS FROM THE FRESH FROM THE WIRES EACH EVENING IN THE DAILY STANDARD. ITS THE LASEST NEWS OUT AND WHJ NOtPATRO NIZE gOUR HOME PAPER. IN ORDER THAT A PAPER WAY THRIVE IN OUR CITY IT MUST HAVE THE HEARTY CO-OPERATION and PATRONAGE of its PEOPLE. ' Price of DAILY STANDARD: ' One week ....10c,1 One month.. 35c Three months $100 Six months 2 00 One year....... .y. ..... . 400 ' One Minute is not long, yet re lief is obtained in half that time by the use of One Minute Cough Cure' It prevents consumption and quickly cures colds, croup, bronchi tis, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lung troubles. J P Gibson. M. .rt DENNIS, Contractor and Builder I respectfully solicit the patrouage of the people of Concord. As for my work being satisfactory, I only ask that you "give me a trial- j22. The New Mer chant Tailor Has opened up over the Steam Laundry . Suits Trot Z ' Up-pants order from 3.oo up. Cleaning and repairing a specialty. Al work guaranteed. V respectfully soUci 1 toe patronage of my past customers. Jy RICHARD H JEFFERSON. Koboa rain Ge o Dr. Miles Store. Good Note Paper aL, lOe P( r ib SHIRT DEPARTMENT. Gents' White Shii t s unlautdered 25 cents up. Laundered 4dc. up, Colored 24c. up. A nice line of 5cCl shirts. Tuff bosom 75c. Gents' turn back cufifa 10c. a pair A few pairs of Youths' cuffslat 5C. ' Gents collars at 6 worth 10c. Gauze Shirts 15 to 45c. NOTION DEPARTMENT. Job fine Nos. 6cord Spool Cotton at 1c. per spool. The ec lors off but O. K. for basting. Our special brand, N,"M. N. (need no name) Machine thread at 3c. per spool nas steadily increased in popu larity for two years. Try it. Musquito net 5c. per yard. Bleached tafcjle Linen 42i to 95c, per yard. 5 Nice stock of all silk Ribbon. r - NEW. STOCK ! 20 til Series COHCOBD PEBPJETUAI. BUILDI AHO LOAN ASSOCIATION. Books are now open for subscriptions to the 20th series of Stock in the ConccrJ Perpetual Building: & Loan 'Association, first payment due Saturday, June 4tii. This Association has now in force 12 ser ies oi stock, having paid oft X series and the 8th series, amounting to about $10, ooo, will-mature and be paid oft in Sep tember. Call on the Secretary and Treasurer at Cabarrus Savings Bank and subscribe. J P Allison, Pres. . H I Woodhouse, Sec. and Treas. The human machine starts but once. You can keep it going long est and most regularly by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation and all stomach and liver trouble J P Gibson. V

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