Vol. Xi No. 2737 CONCORD, N. C. 'THURSDAY, JUNE 16 189S Whole No 11731: SITUATION SATISFACTORY. FOR FOUR YEARS. Cubans Join tne Slarlnes and They Drive the Spaniards Rabbi Swincrs Arouml Santiago and Takes n Good Landing; Place The Veulvus.Miafces Up Things on Her First Effort. Caldwell, the Negro Who Has Been Collectlgg Money for the Coleman Factory Withont Authority, Goes to the Penitentiary 1 1 PERSON Ali POINTERS. ! v-Mr. Will White, of Mill Bridge, is in our city, today. . . I - v Miss Addie Boeer retarried loaf ?.Vf f r rr TFMivaVkAtla -rvT1 art a For several years a negro named h rr .f a;; R A Caldwell, has hfifin aicino War. contractor jen on, tormeriy a , o - wn PAiom.n w, resident of this place, is in our city interest now that of Santiago is Coleman of this place some . . f . ? f airily progressive and. satisfactory. trouble by collecting money. Since &m At Guantanimo the marines have ine uoieman lactory nas oeen oemg ; w; built he has been going over our vihiud av uuiuo ui iier imer, State collecting funds for the: Cole- Capt J M 0delL man factory, when he had no au- i Prof; George McAllister re- thority in the least to collect any turned this meaning from Eliza- I m . m m . ... . funds. Detn college alter attending .he For the last several months offi- commencement, cers have been on his track and j - Rev. Homer Earnhardt, of Mt. some time ago he was arrested at Pleasant, is visiting at the home of Fayetteville. He was tried and Mr- Charlie' Koblnns at Cannon ville. TT . 11 1 A r A l- frtr.r nHfir of rua mo,'DMf 0'0 no win leave lomonow ior ASQt IUUUU gUlt IJ IX U UUU J-UUglD VI (AbU o cour. The superior court has just met at Fayetteville and a card re- been joinea Dy a numoer or m-ur-gents and are disposed to advance rather than to retreat. They attack ed the guerillas Wednesday and cap tured their camp and killed about 40 Spaniards. None of the marines was seriously hurt. Two (Jubans were killed and four were wounded. The importance of the victory lies in the marines' filling up the im portant source of water, a good well, This Ought to interest the men. THIN GOODS FOR WEATHER. BLACK ALPACCA ' BLACK SICILLIAN " BLACK BRILLIAMTENE 2rv HOT CATS 7S KM Mi .1 vr i v. - lay T , V - -- Ty , f t Con AND YOU FURNISH THE FEEr WE DO THE REST. REGULARS, - STOUTS SLIMS. a n - oo -i. i ju. cvu -t-r vjx oulu, loop rnat s all we asK you to do r r than regular price niah the feet. AVe will not only da -Job lot of Mohair fce8t but we-wili d0 lt wel1 fo: yille to. attend the Teachers' Assembly. J r. . i 1 1 i i i Mill r. im Tirri ri r i a rna nn d n Ti7 n a ri lt . i .- ... uuuunua" j reived tnis (inursday) morning ing may be much less troublesome. from Fayetteville by AVarren Cole Much satisfaction is felt that the mn flnnnnnnfl ihnt PfllH7ll waa Cuban Commander Babbi has passed found guilty and sentenced to the around Santiago and has captured penitentiary for four years. The the town of Aguadores about five jury were out only three and a half nii lea south of Santiago where there minutes in making their decision are good iron wharves, suitable for Caldwell, it is thought, is from landing the heavy artillery which Greensboro. In quite a number of Gen. Shafter has with his expedi-1 instances Caldwell would call tos tibn. gether a meeting of the citizens of Erom Gen. Babbi's circuit it was I the different towns and would cbl- found trjat the Spanish commander lect the money and put it in his I j? rVlIl iVlorriSOfl tiago practically givina: up the 1 .GROCERY- Suburban towns. A Staff of Tin Soldiers. ) Admiral Sampson ordered the War Correspondent Fred Merntt New Orleans to destroy some new bas the following to saj about Gen. HofongivA tvnrlro a holf mi la ooof I Lice O DlaH ! . I In h tlnsnttAl rarn. nraoh Smc RO nn n-r or jsioro vveanesaay. xne aamiraii -vreu. xjcc, a cvcijuuuj uuwof f gvy5as;.MV' ;iVUUI01IJ jw wuiv- yw.w jy- T X m aw the work dpne and aingnaled to an ideal leader. JNot only has he worked at the bleachery, and who 0.1111011 & Het7er LI J '. .KSr 1 lCl Fresh SARATOGO CfHIPS Made out of New Potatoes., Hot Stuff, AT coats at one half their real value. Serge Coats and Coats and Vests. Extra length coats for preachers and oth er Professional men. Its bad economy to wear your high priced heavy suit in this sweltering weather. One days wear in this extremely hot weath er injures a nice suit more than a weeks wear in ordinary weather. You can be more com fortable at loss cost in a regular summer out fit. ' . $150 We have everything in Oxfords except your feet. An ounce of satisfaction is worth-, a ton of talk. Satisfaction gses with every pair of shoes we sell. . Respectfully, Company. Shoe Furnishers. General Order No. no cease firing after 20 minutes of op the instincts and bearing of a sol- went with Captain HilPs company erations, and complimented the dier, but he has a record of which from here, has now been transferred crew. ' I anyone, soldier or civilian, might be to the Hospital Corps, whioh has res The Vesuvius was pat to work prond. But his staff that, aa Rads cantly been organized. When Mr. scon after she joined the fleet and yard Kipling would say, is another Moore first went there he was giyen sent three . two-hundred pound story. It is, with one or two notable la position in the Division hospital .charges of gun cotton that landed exceptions, composed of tin soldiers and has now been enlisted in regular with such terrific force sq to jar the men who know nothing of the du service for three years, instead of American fleet two miles away. required' of them, and who have two years, as a private. - They will Much satisfaction was expressed at little to recommend them beyond be allowed commutation of rations To The People Living In Concord, Cabarrus QountV' this first effort of the dynamite tne fact tnat they are the sons of at the rate of 75 cents per day, it cruiser. . Mr. Chal Oolcibrooks Dead. Mr. Chal Holdbrooks, eon of Mr. Wm. Holdbrooks, of No. 4 town ship died on Wednesday evening tlieir fathers. Altogether, it is a I being impracticable for the governs staff most fearfully and wonderfully ment to furnish them subsistence. m q r? q PT.it" inatonAa f V uro l a rn it . xovcuv, " U Wonuded Soldier. Cxeneral L,ees own son, (xeneral A soldier pagsed through on No uranis granason, v ice-rresiaent 36 Wednesday morning on his way nooaris .son, a vuDan woo can u t.AaM:Ai Wo0v.; n;f and Forty Miles Around. TT . ' f i 1 m TT 1 j .inns ntn. m nnanmnn m r. nn ns hroohad h.en sick onW a 8hor't bnt littIe Eo,isb. nd bthere he beine taken there for treatment time having been in Concord less wae aPPintment oame llem bJ A week or two a3o while acting as than a week aBo. Mr. Holdbrooks Tirtne of 8 ' stron8 PolltlMl. Pnl1 gnard on the platform of one of the was about 25 years of sge, and had . 7 . Z , 1 carB whlle going from Mobile to "a,u,uK Ui UkUCO iur yuoiviyii. Tampa ne waa thrown in some way "And this, more than any ether betweeil the cars.- His leg was cut thing," said a prominent army officer ofl! 3ust above the ankle, but blood to me confidentially the othtr night, DoisoQ havin2 8et in, his leg had I ia f ho nonaa nf f Yta A oloo in ennin. I - .. ... . - - (Thursday) evening at 2 o'clock. " wv w;. . ' 2. r een amputated tnree times and was The funeral was preached by Rev.r ; 6 V . ,r"."w , 7 pot healing yet. J.ne last time it wuuoo uuoiucoo iu i0, ci.uC uuh was amputated above the knee. Enow now to nave it done or Know- Anna Gould's fins band Fish is a Duel . QrQ i lUg) KUtJ HIO MVgtVWVAUg IIUVU USUI, the misfortune to lose his wife a little o?er a year ago. . His remains were interred in. the cemetery at Trinity . church this 7&8 preached 1 V R Stickley. Ordered to Leaye. 11 Paris, Juno 14 Count de Castel- t . - i A Madrid. June 13. Duke Almc i i rum Tfr r u Miii, liiiiiMMwiiHP&K.iini 2 lane the husband of Anna Gould ' been 0nj(jkaman and, he dovar de Rio, Minister orForeign fnnTht-a Hnal tnia mnrnitlO txnt.nl " I A flP Unm nyriarari KnnrT (In Kuan O I knH a. anfa Ama inrft ia TT1 T I I Henri Tarot, the editor of the Petite , . ao ; former Spanish charge d'affaires at 4 Republigue Francaise. . 1 J, 5 m, , - u---- came here, and yet they were corn Three rounds were fought, swords . l . zsj- 7. j v .... , . , m' 4 pletely fitted out and armed within wounded in each round, the wounds dajs after their armal. None, being only slight in the first two; ne said, eyer had to wait more than 7 I ' l J 1 1 1 i.T in the third a eevere wound in the a weeK' anu a,i " right forearm ended the duel.- ficers knew the.r business. The duel was the outgrowth of Pera the North Carolinians have Editor Turot'e comments on an act ben in camp over three weeks and of infanticide by a servant in the still tney need many things. Tois count's household. Telegram. laer remark applies as wen 10 ma other regiments nere. ' .. The ills that never come are the fountains from which flow the bits terest streams of human wretchedness.- It was simply "Hobson's choice" that resulted in the brilliant achieve ment at Santiago. Affairs, has ordered 8enor Dn Bosc. Washington, and Lieutenant Car ranza, former naval attache tbere to leaye Canada. The government has authorized Governor-General Blanco to enter tainpropositions fcjr an exchange of Lieutenant Hobsca and the other prisoners taken wien the American collier Merrimao was sunk off the entrance to the hirbor of Santiago de Cuba. "'""( The Papal Co! sol had a long conference with the Minister of the Colonies. It is much commented upon. Attention ! You are hereby commanded to report at once, if not earlier to tha? House "ol .'Bell, Harris & Compatray. ' And inspect the handsomest line of Bed Room Sets in Oak, Walnut, Mahogany, Bird's Eye Maple MVk 4VJ AAJi Ji Am Ever shown in Concord. Parlor Suits, Ward Kobes, China Closets Side Boards Extension Tables, Parlor Tables, Hat Backs, Easelp.. creens, Rocking Chairs, Diners and Common Chairs', Bed3, Dresses Bureaus, "Wash Stands, Picture Frames and everything to be found in a first Class furniture store. v LOW PRICES, ; Col.-Cpmmandnngi. WHEN IN NEED OFJANYTHING IN THE UfffDEK TAKING DEPARTMENT DCN'T FAIL TC CALL ON BELIi y If ft 51ore 'Phone Q)0

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