D. BjUHUEH & Editors end Propri6tcP3 OFFICE IN BBiCE ROW. The Standard is published everyday. (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. ' BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : One year. .... . . . . . . $4.00 - Six months .-. . . ..... . . 2 00 Three months.. . . . . , . . . . 1.00 One month ............. .35 Single copy. ..... . .05 The Wefk x' Standard is a four-page, e; jt-column paper. It has a larp jirculation in Cabarrus than ar . ther paper. - Price $1.00 per anuuin, in advance. - advertising rates : . Terma for regular advertisements Tnade known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. CONCORD. JUNTE 16 1898, Did Their Job Well. By way of enuring those sons of their fathers and grandsons of their 5 . 3 .. . . Maj. Kassell Harrison, Mnj. Hobart and Lieut. Algernon Sartoris to in ipect some car loads of potatoes for the 7th Corps tht remained too long in the cars and b:came- often sive. However it is said to the credit of these young men that they did the disagreeable job up well and won ttie commendntion of th? General. Re-Enforced By Cubans. Washington, June 15. The Nun 7y Department today po3ted the fol losing bulletin : ''Admiral Samp son reports that he has been rein forced by several hundred Cubans and that our forces at Guantanamo are in very satisfactory condition. The town of Aguadores has been occupied by the troop3 under Gen eral Kabi. The men under Gen. Garcia are co-operating with the American forces." A Boj Deserter. W S Houston, who a few weeks ago went down to Kaleigh amid cheer3 and flags and enthusiasm, was carried back today in handsuffs, a dejected, miserable looking boy. He belonged to Company, "C" 2nd Regiments. C. Volunteers, had de eerted, went home and been caught. Hewaa quite a boy, and very likely had very L li tile idea what he was doing either when he enlisted or when he deserted his post. When asked by a reporter ,why he lelt, he said he wasn't half fed.- Greensboro Record, Original Observations. The best way to kill a falsehood is to let it lie. Sin is the torpedo boat destroyer f the loul. Men of small calibre are Mme times the greatest bores. The sermon more than an hour long is a clerical error . Our new bottling works at San tiago seem to be a grea t success. The man who looks at everything through money never sees Yery fair. Love is the sunshine of the soul, provided you don't keep it bottled A good character is a great battle ship ot defense, when protected bv lbs sure batteries of love and kind ness. Orange (Va.) Observer. ' Greenville (Pitt county) had a $10,000 fire instead of .. preaching last Sunday morning. Statesville stayed at home and took care of small pox at the same hour but aelther would be willing to exchange with us for our break in the services on Sunday evening of May 29th. j SHACKLES FOUND Owner Can Get Them By Calling: On Guard - For the Had Doys-Another Family. Lost. Forest Hill Correspondence. Mr. and Mrs. J S BiJes left for Montgomery this mornitig tobj poae a month. Rev. J D Arnold has returned homo froin Virginia and other points. He has been attending a reunion of his college class. Cant. J M Udell went to New York Wednesday on business. Mr. Jno. Sweanngan was on "guard doty" last night until 10 o'clock, trjing to kftep the mad dogs from crossing the guard line. They all-seem to have passes, as the re port of John'd gun was not heard. He was appointed by Veterinary Burgeon Harrington. Mrs. Wm. Utley and Mrs. W H Perry, of Chin Grove, spent Weds nesday with their sister, Mrs. M L Moore. . T Mrs, M L Moore and daughter, Misa Myrtle, left this (Friday) mnrnincr fnr Winnfnn t.hftir now homo. Mr. Moore has been in Win eton for some time. Miss Annie Kizziah, who has been right sick, is improving. Mumford Simpson came in Wed nesday morning with a pair of con yict shackles. They happened to be in his hand and not on the usual place to wear these bracelets. They are supposed to belong to "Coot" Fitzgeraid. They will be given him if he will come and make the proper description. i ; Two More ot Our Boys Discharged. From War Correspondent Jr7red Merritc in the Mewa and Observer we note that two more men-from Company L have been discharged on account of physical disabilities in this last examination, which is call ed the trimming process. Those named from Company L are James W Hamilton and Cyrus W Lowry. The second expedition to Manila Jeft Sin Francisco Wednesday. It consisted of 3,500 men. in I erjjl 1 Ja Q B I Will Take Placei TP i mm l.l I mm ?nuav Instead of 15th and 16th. Telegram from Buc Kange Uompany: "Representative delayed. Wot here until 16th." Cookinc: will beciu at Two rv day afternoon. Be sure to ccme Craven Smallpox In Iredell. The disease in and around Statesyille that we noted some time since as small pox, Jias been confirmed as such by Dr. Wertenbafcer, the expert. There are eleven cases, all of whom haye about recovered save three, and they are not in apparent danger. No very great alarm is felt though the diaease has taken considerable hold. A pest house is being arranged and a rigid quarantine is expected to crush out the disease soon. The churches were closed last Sunday as a precaution. Strange to say, every case is among the colored people, as, we believe in every other in stance in our State since the late presence of the disease. For Over FiUjr Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess., It Boothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-nye cents a bottle. Be sure iad ask for "Mrs. Winslows SootL- iLg Syrup," and take no other kind. Salisbury's Juniors Contributed. ; i From the Salisbury San we see tha te Junior Order of that place has adopted a resolution to contrib ute $40 to Company L, a number of whom are from Rowan county. This is one of the first councils to contribute in this way to the sol diers. The ladies of Salisbury are also serving refreshments for the purpose of raising some money. The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa, says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills he ever used in! his family during forty years of housekeeping. They cure constipa tion, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in size, but great in results. J P Gibson. ritest I - t i!7lk i ; Stove and d not reach Hock Thuts- and have a gcoii ti me. Brothers. The CORSET DEPARTMENT. Summer corsets 38c, up. Dr Nossah, a $1.00 Corset for 48c This corset is so constructed that continuous motion throws ihe strain on six combined steels, making it impossible to break at thejides. C. B. Corsets 85c. Four or five other makes ranging from 20 to 60c. HOSIERY. Ladies Hose at 5 toO cents. Black Lisle at 25 cents. Full Seamless Hose at 7 l-2c. up. Drop stitch ribbed Hose 10c. up. Nice line of Gent's Black, Tan and mixed Sox at 10, 15 and 25c, includs ing drop stitch strips- Gauze Vests 4c. up. HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladies embroidered Swiss at 10 to 35 cents. Plain white at 5c. Plain all Linen at 10 cents. Very Respectfully, D. J. Bostian. THE LITEST NEWSJPROM THE FRESH FROM THE WIRESZEACH EVENING IN THE DAILY STANDARD. ITS THE LASEST NEWS OUT AND, WHg NOT PATROJ NIZE CJ0C1R HOME PAPER. IN ORDER THAT A PAPER WAY THRIVE IN OUR CITY IT MUST HAVE THE HEARTY CO-OPERATION and PATRONAGE of its PEOPLE. Price of DAILYiSTANDARD : One .week ; ......... One month Tiree months .......... Six months One year . "I think De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the finest preparation on the market for piles." So writes John C Dunn, of Wheeling, W. Va. Try it and you will think the same. It also cures eczema and all skin diseases. J P Gibson. M. .rt DENNIS, C o h t r ao t o r and Builder I respectfully solicit the patronage of the people of Concord. As for my work being satisfactory, I only ask that you give me a trial. j22. The New Mer chant Tailor Um opened up over the Steam Laundry. Suits nude to order from S.oo up-pants made to order from loo up. Cleaning and repairing a specialty. All work guaranteed. V respectfully solicit the patronage of my past customers. , J? RICHARD II JEFFERSON. . j 111.. jilS J 'y jts -cure. .VlH'U ui! QU i-v Store. Wood Note .Paper at 10c per lb SHIRT DEPARTMENT. . Gents' White Shirts, unlaundered 25 cents up. Laundered 40c. mv Colored 24c. up. A nice line of 50c shirts. Puf bosom 75c. Gents' turn back cuffs 10c. a pair A few pairs of Youths' cuffsat 5c, Gents collars at 6i worth lOcf Gauze Shirts 15 to 45c. NOTION DEPARTMENT. Job fine Nos. 6cord Spool Cotton at lc. per spool. The colors off but O. K. for basting. Our special brand, N, N. N. (need no name) Machine thread at 3c. per spool has steadily increased in popu larity for two years. Try it. Musquito net 5c. per yard. Bleached table Linen 42 .to 95c, per yard. Nice stock of all silk Ribbon. 10c? 35c $1 00 2 OO 4 OO I . NEW STOCK 20th Series COXCORD PERPETUAL BUILDIACT ASD LOAM ASSOCIATION. Books are now open for subscriptions to uie 20th series of Stock In jhe Concord Perpetual Building & Loan Association, first payment due Saturday, June 4th. Ths Association has now in force I2ser le& ot stock, having paid oft 7 series and the 8th series, amounting: to about $10, 000, will mature and be paid oft in Sep tember. Call on the Secretary and Treasurer at Cabarrus Savings Bank and subscribe. J P Allison, Pres. H I Woodhotjse, Sec. and Treas. The editor of the Evans City, Pa., Globe, writes, "Oae Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cared my children after all other remedies failed." It cures couehs. colds and all throat and lung troubles. J P eA (H ache5 and Rheumatism renevej j l Mllas' fcferve Plaster