ArrlTal of Trains. The folio wing change of schedule took effect July 4. 1897. 12 o'clocfc; o. 8 arsives at 6 27 a m, :. 36 "10 00 am, 12 44 " 7-03 p m, 38 " " 8.53 pm; 62 " " 12.15 p m (lreigiu SOUTHBOUND. No. 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, 11 " "1123 am, 8 53 p m, 9.25pm, 7.40 a m, (freight) JNo. 3536; 37 and 38 stop only at Char 'fcrtte, Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro .nd Danville. Passengers for local points between these stations will haye to use the other trains. 7 " 35 61 CI (t (C (( tt Wade Barrier, City Editor. TELEPHONE NO. 71. See change in Cannon & Fetzer'a Take Inem om of Town. Some of the people of CannonTille are cbmplaioiDg considerably of the pepple not 'taking their dead dogs unhide of the incorporation of the town these days. Sometime ago the carcasses of four dogs were found not ao far from one of the residences at Cannon ville. This u a violation of the law and should be looked af ter. Baseball Yesterday. Rev. Qarrifcto Nouth Otrolmo. Rev. Mark Harris, who has iaat been licensed as a minister bv the Concord Presbvtery, haa eccepted a narge at MoClellaudsville and Mv Pleasant, bear Charleston, 8. U. Key. iiarris is from Harriaburj; and has jast completed his theobgic a course. Brooklyn New York Cleveland Pittsburg Boston Philadelphia Louisyille Cincinnati ! .1 ' 1 Chicago Sc. Louis Baltimore Washington 0104 oaio x 6 00 100 000 0-1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 03 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0-4 2 1 0 5 0 1 1 2 x 12 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 46 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 05 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 Ox 4 00000000 00 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 x 8 0 0 1 0 00 9 0-1 BUSINESS LOCALS. . FOR RENT. A 5 room house. tf- " I N0 & PATTER80N. FOUNDA ring with six keys. Call, and pay for ad., and get keys. TO RENT.-A house on Spring street. Apply to ? je30. J. Dove. FOR SALE A Union Cracka jack wheel in excellent condition. Call on Wade Barrier. Have your business letters, leeal documents, etc., typewritten. Sec recy guaranteed. Call at telegraph office. ' iiS AH persons indebted to me will please call upon W G Means. Esq., and settle. 1 have left all accounts and notes in his hands for collection L. M. Archby, M. D. May 2, 1898. ; FOR SALE. A fin fresh milch cow. Will be sold by the 18th, last Come quick. J, A Rankin, jeiv. Coot 71tzgerald Hurt. Aunt Rachel Fitzgerald, as she is called, mother of Coot Fitzgerald, the negro who escaped from the chm gang some nays ago, received telegram; from Lexington Wednes day evening saying that her boy had been struck by a train. Nothing scarcely can be 'found out about mm. At the time of sending the telegram h8 was still senseless. His body seems to be mangled somewhat Notice of Dissolution: Having closed out our stock of jewelry to Mr. W.,C- Oorrellr we this day dissolve our ! . '- co-partnership any outstanding claims against us should be presented at once to John F Yorke. AIL claims due us will be re- ceipted for hj John F. Yorke, wh.0 is author- ized both, to pay anj- claims that may be against us, aad colleciwhatK due us. Thankful for, favors bestowed on us while in business we are, Yours truly,. . A West Virginia man who went to Hagerstown Md., to have a cai buncle cut from his back -was very much surprised, as was also the doctor, when an old bullet dropped out, which had been shot into him during the late unpleasantness be- 'tween the States. Morning Star. The State? Normal . .. and Industrial College Offers he voung "women of the State thorough! prof essionaJ, literary, classical, scientific and industrial education. An nual Expenses $90 to $130. Fac ulty of 30 members. More than 400 regular . studentSi Has matriculated about 1,500 students, representing every county in the State except two. Practice and I Observation School of about 200 A, pupils To secure, board in dormitories, all free-tuition applications must ; be Mill Hill. N. C, made before Augusta.. uorresponaeace inviieu irom inose ue-. All nersons indahtarl in Dr siring competent trained teachers. Pu inaeptea to Ur. Fo? cataWae and other information, Archey by account will please set tle same at once. W 6 Means, tf. Address d&w ai. PRESIDENT McIVER, Greensboro; N. C. Gome and Sale! crp TASTELESS rui- ad; Mrs. G G Richmond has gone to Lenoir to visit her daughter, Mrs. Barnhardt. j Mrs. Ed. Fisher has gone to Lex- W iJLyUA-&A 1A VVDCjA. Ul li II LI W 1 Lll .relatives. Master John Barrier, son of Mr3. Moll ie Barrier is quite sick with malarial fever. ' Miss Elma Cole left this (Thurs day) morning for Asheville to at tend the Teachers' Assembly Misses Carrie and Aanie Alexan der, of China Grove, are visiuog their friend. Miss Fannie Lippardi Mr Tom Cannon has returned to his home at Spartanburg, after spending several days here with ixelatives. The Juvenile Missionary Society of Central Methodist church will serve refreshments in the Litaker building tonight. Messrs. Billy Weddington and Joe Fisher returned this (Thursday) evening from Konoke college where they have been attending school . Mrs. R A Brown entertained quite a number of yoking folks at her elegant- domicile Wednesday night. The evening was spent most pleasantly. Elegant refreshments were served. The stockholders of the Coleman factory met Wednesday in our city. They had quite a long meeting, but -nothing of public interest is definite yet. They are now trying to decide on the purchase of their engine and ib oiler. Mr. Charlie Correll has arrived in oar city to stay this time. Mr. ta-JMondaV.' June - lS.ZComeJQaiiailro relFs family will not move here un-1 ! r lassurance of honorable treatment tii next month. He has already Things ox& so Ibrightjand freshQlooking: here ppreia :p- taken charge in the iewelrv store n . -iL , j -i i . n. ttt. If we can serve you at any time forrrprlv occnuied bv A.J. & JF. Yuu Will lUigou tuau wiouoiu wBicoaiig.u vv c De giaa 10 nave you come w i .'. , . . . . . ana see us. - Torke. - are alwavson tne moveiljBellaiiiCK.S sMmmMJ liberal accommodations :-T. M I" I : - J it seems to do toe iucje qi mei . g vninyv ladies ofCentral Methodist church II 1 WiY til 11 11 1 A 1 . ll I M ! ' 10 nave a rainy nigm wnen inej wish to have some kind of enter- Have you an Organdie dress i&inniont for the . church, and as we to buy ? Then we can do you are needing rain they have decided scood. I Very fine plain white tc serve ice-cream; sherbets, and Organdie extra wiae sold at cake in J. & J. F. .YORKEs, Jeweleri,,, C. Dobbk & fa At iTucker's Store, 4 23 andll2&Eayettevilltreet, Raleigh, N. C. jEminnieinise Suunnnnier Sale-- n n n off Seasonable- : QOQDi DressJ : Goods making up a UR !DJIESS GOODS Department in ifi iiicT Acmnnn cnD Anii i ts. sate r.seawu. IV WVWI r WW w m-mwm m mm a , ( aK a WARRANTED. PRICE & U CtS. GALATIAItLSNOT. 16.1893. Pavt Medicine Co.. St.Louls.Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last year, COO tattles of GROVE'S TASTBJLiBSS chllOj 'itiwiu ana naye hnnsht three eross aireaay trus rear, in , an our ex perience of 14 years. In the: drug, bosix .ess. have navnr-imM nn urtinle that jrjvTtv such tinivi irsal satis Xaetioa as your Tonic ra truly. - Special Table Some 5.000 vards -ttmn v dWUiUUittfiVW . ' " J.. A.U dealers guarantee Groves Taste-t.ere formerly-priced $1.00, $1.25 and lc o . - ; ii.5o per yard, now your choice for rever ana maiaria m an 1 its fornix 44 cents peryanfc. 1 Just what's leftover trom a busy season! n I wmc uavc uaiy one aress lenrtn. hence & I the great sacrifice. xxx K3xxvyx u wu& wxxu- -i. xxxkj &x v w vv ; ww, kuo uDmOM """V " I oDoii't tliey Interest yon.? If n n.i lianie.permHnen cuuservauve hu oi a . . DOBBIN cfe FEREALL. A reat time m whiclx to feast the eye and make the purse feel glad- Some things have been slow sellers. Some things weSaddgin lust to make things lively. riSomefl things Sare ii til 1: 11 iimi 1 1 mill r.11 IUDMUUIU UMMVUttlUOii the Litaker building to- 48 cents per yard for this spe night. Let the people and the rain both come tonight. cial sale 33 cents. 35c. plain vVMte Oreandie now 19c. One piece of 26c; fine pink Muslin Underwear. Gf SfSSfflBS J. M. ODELL, Pres. ' If you are interested in tliis , v - - r liiiR. whv. inst cTron in onr 0URiV;BU5ibS5 nw. CONCORD LODOE of ; KNIQHTS of HONOR. Meets on the second Friday eyea ins? of each month. Hall in the rear of Dr-W O Houss ton's Dental rooms: m This lodge has paid to the famii ties or its aeceased members twenty WRECK ON THE SOUTHERN. Organdie 19 cents. About 4 . ' ; solid i colors in Organdie at XweutyFoar Cars Gu Into a Washont 2i Cents. These are line -Ensiueer, Fireman, Flagman ana I gQods CUt tO the Core. 200 vards of white ducK wortn iu Danville, Va., Jnne 15. At 9 t yard to go for 5c o'clock tonight a serious wreck oc- About 100 yards of remnants ourred on the Southern Railway, 0f percal, 3& inches wide, v. i j UUlvU ' VI J- AS L. " i uiv . uu I t JJ J.KJ X. VV F) .w gineer Gary, Fireman Sales,. Flag- Percals we sold for 7ic Plain S alierMi9r"ScKS AIRSE. WITH Z THE 1 attend to your wants. Beau STANDARD. tiful white skirts, gowns, etc.; at greatly reduced price. The . Bell, Harris & Co., furniture deal garment ready made for just era and undertakers. about the cost of tne material, j B J Bostian, racket store These garments are well made n. w n pptTPr irnD. Rfro of gBod domestic and nicely &SiFetzer Co. Jdry goods or,i fhis crraaf. ra.tinn and Nothing. . t. man Pace and Brakeman O'Connor, of extra, freight No. 229, south bound, were all more or lesi se no u sly injured. The wreck was caused by a washout and was com plete. Twenty-four loaded cars composed the train many of them ate totally destroyed. ,; SVery woman rcoa Dr. Milea1 Fain tllla. White Lawns, also figured lawns, at 21c yard. JN arrow ibbons for trimmings in' all rolors c kind, and this great reduction brings them to you so low that you can afford to lay them away for future days. Uome and see. Odeli Manufacturing Co., ; deaU ers in general merchandise. G W Patterson, wholesale dealer Brown Bros., liverymen. Drv & Miller, shoa dealers. Dr. J P Gibson, drugs. Craven Bros., furniture dealers and undertakers r; Cabarrus Savings iBank. . Concord National bank. Ervin & Morrison, grocenea. K L Craven, coal dealer J AC Black welder, coal dealer. Lesly & Watson, dry goods. A J & J F Yorke, jewelry. D P Day vault, general merchan dise. j H L Parks.&JCo , dry goods, SC The Knights of Honor ia now in its? twentyfifth year of existence. anu nas aisoursea up to tne 14th of January, 1898, more than sixty one millions of .dollars, to the United Dtates. For further information call on N. D.. FETZER or K. L. CRAVEN DR. L'fN. BURLEYSON fifT-e? Kit. Dt-nr:,., i i i uicudivUui services to the citizens of Concord and vicinity. umce .over- marsJas Drug Store.. Je 9. j Telephone No. 36. ? M, L. Brown & BRo. .LIVERY; FEED AND SALE STABLES, Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds furnished promptly; and at reasonable prices Horses and mules always on hand or sale. Breeders of thoroughbred Poland China Hrgs, f