Vol. XlI. -No. 2738 CONC01U, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 17 1898 Whole No TWO BOMBARDMENTS. Siiutiuco Gels n 'lliirrt Hose anilfai- intiroiiu a Second Half a Million 1'oiiihIm of; Projectiles Ilurled at jtiiUKO Poor Sjmniard Sur ?riil to Find Himself in Camp at Uuafitinamo. Admiral Sam peon bombarded Santiago for the third time Thurso day morning about daylight. At midnight before the Yesuvius tried her hand again and sent two charges of gun cotton of 250 pDunds r J " PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Robert Sappenfield came over from Charlotte this morning to visit relatives. , Presiding Elder Brooks arrived in oiir city this "morning and will spend Sunday here, having come to hold quarterly conference. Miss McLinn, one of the teach A Flensing Letter. I We tase the privilege of publish- iing the following nrivate letter be- Mrs. Garrison has returned to 111 . lieving that the author will surely ner nome at .Bessemer. oe much less offended than Misa Annin fihinn oirnm. surprisea at our exercise or a ques J F Shinn, is vesitin at Mr. L D tionable privilege. Our apology is Duval's. that an endorsement from such source is sufficient temptation. , Oar defense is that there is more in few words aa to the relation of the schools and the press than we usu- allv find, and that it contains news h over the ridge and dropped of ; - . tUm in the bay with the hopa of the College that we most gladly pre- destroying some of the Spanish tor- 8ent: to the public: pedo boats The peculiarity of this Mt. Pleasant N. C , June 16, '98. ers at Elizabeth college, left this -fch.an regular TDrice txpiueivy its mat ii uiuacb uu repurur skit, u u Darner. I - K-. vj vm niu Miss Mvrtice Thorn Dson at Salis- This Ought to interest the men. THIN GOODS FOR HOT : ' WEATHER. BLACK ALPACCA -BLACK SICILLIAN BLACK BRILLIANTENE COATS . AND REGULARS, - STOUTS SLIMS. All at 33 "oer cent less Job lot of Mn"h n.ir i j i ii. u:i I a xt rt I uxihh lvivmce xnomnsnn at wan k rnart ikip rat.t .m oury, alter spending a short while uuc nail Liit?ii two chirges made . no report. The erally pretty- bay, but I DBnally ?f w" "Br f. ycuuoi third chaige siruok near the mouth find time to devote to The Stand- Cline. nF-thp hurhnr and nnpnPd an -prior- nuu Dcmum lttU fcU uo u n. mu i waraea wnen lao so. i want o ex- 1 Trpsfl m v hiirh annrniaf.inn nf thp bardment beyan at 5:25 and lasted , , f r . . worit you are uoing, ana or your success in editin? a first class week- projectil weighing 500,000 pounds ly of high moral tone. Also I want 1 A l . T . I . were uea m tne aicaCK. It was tfi thank von for thP tia 1 ttln mon terrific and it is belieyed did torri tibn of the college and ita work in ble havoc to the feriifications. One this week's issue. I often think that ia Hftirf tn "hnvp hr-rn tntallv dfistrnved. I r.hfl nrp.psi and nnr fnafifntinna nf El Morro was spired as Lieutenant learning e.ro rncre intimately related Hobson and his men are said to be than is generally understood. The there, otherwise it is believed it press stands for enlightenment and . i i - . would be little less than a pile of furnishes good reading at small cost Jryi 11 & rXOYXSOW rum?, xne cspaniaras nrea viffor ana tne colleges ana otner scnoois ously but hit nothing. Not a ship make intelligent readers. So here we was struck and not a man was hurt! go. Success to vou. Oar prosneots i - - on our side. They were silenced for next year are brighter and more quickly, but when the fleet moved encouraging than since I have been the Spaniards came out of hiding connected witn the institution. and fired a number of shots without reaching the fleet. The Texa?, Marblehoai and the Suwanea bombarded the brick fort and the earthworks at Caimarena ut Guantima bay about 2 o'clock in the afternoon for one hour and a half. V After knocking tha fort pretty well to pieces tbe Tezas threw in a 12-inch shell, almcet demolishing the fort . ' Th9 Marblehead then drew clo3ernd drove the Spaniards from the earthworks. During the afternoon a half starved Spaniard came into the camp at Caimarena desiring to be fed but expecting to be killed. He Yours truly, ' M G G Scheree Snake Stories. Mr. J R Biggers reports to ua a days ago. Coot had succeeded in snake story. They are all taken getting a few miles on the ether side with a grain of salt but Mr. Biggers of Lexington and had eat down on says you may take two grains of the railroad and fallen asleep. The salt with this and it will save the southbound train Wednpcdav better. He was with some harvest morning struck him, hurling him hands Tflumiay that had a buoket off on the ground. He was knocked of water near some larere rocks, senseless. The flesh is torn on his When they returned black snake 6 feet 9 seeming to be after a drink himself, was seriously hurt, but all hopes for His snakeship was immediately dis his recovery are now entertained. patched, which was an act of mercy H wa8i by the aid of a number of Serge Coats and Goats and Vests. Extra length coats for preachers and oth er Professional men. Its bad economy to wear your high priced X3d V V D U1 U 111 tllia sweltering weather. One days wear in this extremely hot weath er injures a nice suit more than a weeks wear in ordinary weather. You can be more com fortable at loss cost in The Escapee! Convict in Jail. AC UlCtl S ULLLIIlt?! UULU" Supervisor Herbert Smith re- fit. v turned Thursday night with Coot Crash Suits $2.00 Up. Cannon & Fetzer Fresh SARATOGO CHIPS Made out of New Potatoes. Hot Stuff, AT GR0CER5 Fitzgerald, the negro convict who escaped from the chaingang several I YOU FURNISH THE FEET: " WE DO THE REST. That's ail we ask you to do f sq uish the feet. We will not only icy the rest, but we will do it well foxc $2.50 We have everything in Oxfords except your feet. Company. An ounce of satisfaction is wcirifc? a ton of talk. Satisfaction goss with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, Dry; Millei Shoe Furnishers. uenerai uraer I NO. they found a neck somewhat and his arm is bad- np, 0 if- ' inches long, lybrdised. It was thought that he 1 0 1 ne PeoPIe Living In Concord, Cabarrus County and Forty Miles Around. for hp wan an loan that t.n tpll Vn'a persons, lodged in iail and will verv was very much pleased at his treat. girth dimen8ion8 wouId oil the probably have to stay there a week atory. I or two before he is taken back to the chaingang. Coot dreaded to see raent and said he and many others would have come before but they did not ixnecfe anvthinar but to bf killed. .-A Th First Regiment How Equipped. We nofca the following from War Correspondent Fred Merritt: The complete equipment for the First North Carolina regiment, with the exception of a change of rifles, has been received, which consists of blankets, aiguillettee, blouses, chev rons, canvars fatigue coats, canvass trousers, Canton flannel drawers, campaign hat?, legging, blue flannel shirts, cotton undershirts, muslin eMrts, sewed shoes, cotton and oalen socks, suspenders, stripes, rnbber ponchios, axes, hatchetSj lves, spades, stoves, camp kettles, tents, colors, whistles and hand lit ters. None of the other regiments are yet completely equipped . The heavy criticisms, a3 they ap peared in the News and Observer, were shown to General Arnold, whereinhe was charged as being a featherbed officer . The next morn- la5 he moved out to camp and es blighedhis headqaarters. Mr. M O Sherrill informs us that Herbert Smith, and, it ii thought, y his brother. Mr. Tom Sherrill, who W0U1Q nave wiea 10 maKe nis e8CaPe Uyes near Mill Hill, killed a copper irom ine irain naa nel;Dfta a Sooa head snake some days ago which oaance measured 3 feet and 7 inches length and 7 inches around his body. Attention ! are hereby commanded to report at once, if not earlier to- House of Be!!9 Harris Compaey And inspect the handsomest line of Bed Koom Sets in The ailstes Have a Time. One of the busiest, most winning little scenes in the town has been at Craven Bros', store yesterday and to day; To see the little lasses with their sleeves up playing the future mis tresses of households and making biscuits for dear life no, for that pretty miniature Buck range has been interesting enough to hold the attention of aome of our bachelors. We regret that we could not linger around more ourselves. Quite a Display of Irig-htnlng-. It was quite an exciting time in the central telephone office Thurs day evening while we were getting our good rain. The lightning seemed to strike the wires considerably. Odc time six balls of fire could be counted coming out of the lightning arrester. The reports were almost as loud as Tbe Firemen's Tournament. The 10th Annual Convention Una State Firemen's Association Ok, Walnut, Mahogany, will be held at Goldsboro on July 26th, 27th and 28th. This occasion is quite enjoyable not only to the Fireman, but also to the people, and a large crowd always attends. Salisbury's City Editor Married. ; Mr. Leroy Smith, city editor c f the Salisbury Sun, was mauled on Wednesday evening to Mis3 Valda Malone, in Franklin. Miss Malone is from Salisbury but was visiting relatives at Franklin. Jay Sims Selected. ! There are 30 applications handed :p to Adjutant General Cowles by telegraph operators in tne United States Signal Corps, but only 10 are wanted. The Adjutant General has already announced that he has selected Jay Sims and three others, Bird's Eye Maple ' and Curley Bircisi Ever shown in Concord. Parlor Suits, Ward Eobes, China. Clouts Side Boards Extension Tables, Parlor Tables, Hat Backs, Easv? creens, Rocking Chairs, Diners and Common Chairs, Beds, Dtsssgr Bureaus, Wash Stands, Picture Frames and everything to be fonnc! m a first Class furniture store. LOW PRICES,1 : GoL Com inrn 304150 WHEN IN NEED OF.ANyTHIKG IN" THE UTDES TAKING DEPARTMENT DCN'T FAIL TC;C ALL ON BELI QO. g Store. 'Phone-1: 5feJ53SS?1f "JP1! are guaranteed to stop cJie ln20 mlnntes tDe cent a dos the shot of a pistol. ; leaying only six more to be selected.

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