: 9 8 -4' ! "4' i Vol. Xl No. 2739 CORC.OR1X N. C. SATURDAY, JUNE 18 1S9S Whole No 11739 .iii - i h l (v 5? Iff CAMP CUBA LIBRE Ihc Boys Enjoylnar Exceptionally Good Health Tbonsandi of Visitors Witness Their Reviews A Former Minister of Concord in the Virginia Kegiment. Camp Cuba Libre, Jacksonville, Fla., June 16, 798. To The Standard : During the past several days I have received many personal letters from various people in Concord who want to know a great deal about the welfare of our boys, and to answer thein in dividually the quartermaster of this company would be compelled to go into the hands of a receiver, there fore 1 wish Ihb Standard to kindly publish-the information fur nished. All uneasiness on account of sick nes3 should be dispelled at once, for every member cf Company L is ens j lying excellent health, and only two have been in the hospital since locating in thia camp, namely, Pri vates Iddings and Barger. Both have been discharged, and are drill ing regularly. As to the daily menu we have the usual supply of government ra tions, bef, bacon, dried beans cniojoe, old potatoes, coffee, bread etc., with seasonings. From savings on f fe8h bread, the boys are occa eionally given pies. Potatoes, beans and other things which cannot be utilized from one issue to another, are sold for cash or bartered for fresh vegetables, such as snap beans, tomatoes, corn, cabbige, etc, of which the boys get plenty. Th& eryerr:menfc hfr- provided ehoes and underclothing, together with uniforms, and every man is well prepared en that score. As to tne rumor concerning Capt. Hill charging the soldiers for the underclothing donated by the Oan non & Fetser Co . , it ia simply ab surd, and no one with ordinary in telligence would believe any such slaneroua report. The shirts were iued to the ones who were in need of them immediately after our am val from Kaleigb, and nothiog whats ever . was intimated concerning "charges" or ''pay" for them. Every member of Co. L has requested me to denounce the rumor through The Standard. Some one asked if it is hot down m r m 1 -ITT ere. Jonn onerman savs "war is Hell,7' and one can only get an idea of what weliave to endure by corns bining war with this Florida climate. The heat is intense only during the middle cf the day from 10 to 2 General Lee spends most of his time in camp, at division headquar ters, and reviews the three brigades cnce a week. These brigade reviews are very interesting aod are wits messed by thousands of visitors. There are no drill duties between the hours of 8 a. m., and 4,30 p. m. Passes are issued the men to go at liberty wherever they choose during tbe interval. In the evenings passes are good until 9 o'clock, after which if caught out of their respective Uea or in the city, the provost goard takes them in charge and de livers them next morning, - Privates Hednck, of Lexington, I'ioyd Sherrill and Cicero Harris, of Concord, have been honorably diS' charged from the service on account cf physical inabilities over which they have no .oontnl. Others may be discharged later. The boys are well fed and clothed and are in excellent spirits, eagerly Waiting for marching orders. Mr. Archey, who ranks as first lient but is on Col. Armfield's staff. Steward Paiks Kins has been transferred from the regimental to the division hosDital. and will verv ikely be mustered into the regular service. The North Carolina band has added several new pieces, and is fast gaining distinction in superiority. It is one of the most engaging or ganizations of war, and adds pleas ure to the marching orders. Rev. Wright G Campbell is here with the Second Virginia E giment, and is adjutant to the Colonel. His visits to the North Carolina camp are very much eu joyed, and they are frtquent. Priyates Mabrey and Brumley are yery much interested in baseball, add exprets a desire to be with the boys this season-r-'and there are others . " ,. Messrs. Ed and Tom Bacon, two former Concord boys, have in their possession a small toy gun, presented to them 28 years ago by Mr. RE Gibson. They prisa it very highly. Nearly all the beys of our corns pany have made them bunks, two stories, and sleep very comfortably upon them. She I11 the Best Cooking. Craven Bros, have been having something quite interesting at their store last Thursday and Friday evening, having offered a email range to the girl under 14 years of age who made the finest biscuits. On Thuraday afternoon the judges de cided that the beet biscuits were made by little Mies Addie Lee' Young, daughter ot Mr. John Young. On Friday afternoon little Miss Grace Hughes, of Columbia, S. C:, who ia here visiting her un cle, Rev. G G Harley, succeeded in making the finest. Then came the trying contest between the two girls, which resulted in Miss Young's favor. The judges, who had to eat some of every one's biscuit, were Mesdame3 H M Barrow, A B Young, A S Day vault, Esther Gib son, C B Miller and Miss Rose Har ris. The plates were numbered and no one knew one from the other until their number was obtained. UNDER FLAG OF TRUCE. Golnjv to Jfegotiate With Blanco lor !d : Exchange oi Hobson. Washington, June 17. Captain Nicholas Ludlow, of the monitor Terror, left Key West today under flag of truce for Havana to nego tiate with Blanco for the exchange of Hobson and his men for Spanish prisoners now at Fort McPherson, Georgia. Secretary Long credits the Madrid dispatch that Blanco has been or dered to eflect an exchange, and believes Hobson and his men will be free within a week. Five O'clocjs Teas. Mrs. R A .Brown had some other invited friends at tea yesterday and also invited a nnmber of young folks to her house that night to spend the evening most pleasantly. Mr. and Mrs . M J Freeman have a few of their friends at tea at their residence on South Main street this evening, be f 6re leaving for Baltimore to spend the summer. Or. Miles'-HKn Mills are ganttorfo headache in 20 i3iia"tf "Qz& cent a dnw1' i PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. S J Lowe returned this morning from on a business trip. Misses Jopie and Bessie Craige, or Salisbury, are visiting at Mr. John Allison's. -Messrs. C J Harris and Lester Coltrane have returned from Wil- i - mington, where they attended the meeting of the Khorassans and Knights of Py thias. Fresh SARATOGO CHIPS Made out of New Potatoes. Hot Stuff, AT- Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 THE TROOPS IN GOOD CON- DITION. Gen, Miles Returns From Tampa to Washington lleinforcements Will Not Be Sent to Gen. Shaftr The Cadiz Fleet to Scare Agatn-Ioomy Situation la Manila. Gen. Miiet&return to Wash ingtonas said4tr have inspired much satisfaction in that he reported a satisfactory condin tion nf thft trnnns Tt. is nnt! believed that it will be neces sary to send a reinforcement to Gen. Shaf ter. The consid eration of the expedition to Porto Rico is now claiming attention. There seems little doubt thai tB&t is to be the next objective point to suffer as little delay as possible. The exchange of Lieutenant Hobson and his seven herpes is retarded and giyes no lits tie inconvenience and Janx iety. Gen. Blanco claims, that he has not been authorized to make the exchange. In the meantime through fear that they are in El Mprro nothing can be done to demolish that fort, which in itself may be causing the delay. The departure of the fleet from Cadiz is again intended to bother somebody. The most gloomy situation exists in Manila, according to dispatches. There are heavy desertions of Spanish native soldiers to the insurgents and the Spaniards will soon have to retreat into the walled part of the city if the insurgents continue to press them. The good news part is that the in surgents are not corr mitting excesses as has been feared all the while that they would. It is even said that . Captain General August i's family has been captured by the insurs gents. "jWe told little Dick he could choose his own birthday present." WVhat did he choose V H He said he would take a soda fountain and a bass drum." Chi- ca2rp ReCOrd. fS This Ought to interest the men. THIN GOODS FOR HOT WEATHER. 1 BLACK ALPACCA BLACK SICILLIAN MAIS: BLACK BRILLIANTENE REGULlRS, - STOUTS AND SLIMS. All at 33 -oer cent less than regular price. , Job lot of Mohair coats at one half their real value. Serge Goats and Coats and Vests. Extra length coats for preachers and oth er Professional men. Its bad economy to wear your high priced heavy suit in this sweltering weather. One days wear in this extremely hot weath er injures a nice suit more than a weeks wear-jun oxcunary weather. You can be more com fortable at loss cost in a regular summer out fit. Crash Suits $2.00 up. Cannon & Fetzer Company. MEEDS NO The Leaders" in every sense of the word- an easy winner oer all a stove all we ask you to do is call and see our line of "Leaders." You will buy- Prices -Rf rTii ' Our line of Furniture and House Furnishings are complete "Car Lbts," "Spot Cash," tells The News. Small dealers are not in it. Thanking you for past favors, and we hope to merit a continuance of the same. Bell, Harris t Company Our Undertaking Department, under the management of ore: Mr. Bell, can't be excelled in North Carolina, "Embalming a Specialty.,, Calls answered day or night. Store 'Phone 12 X i - i t YOU FURNISH THE FEET VvE DO THE REoT. That's all we sk you to do f y niah the feet. We will not only do the rest but we will do it well foi $2 50 ' We bare evervthiDff in Oxfcrt 10 w except ycur feec. An ounce of satisfactjoo id worth a ton cf talk. Satisfaction go$s with every pir of shoes we eejl. Respectfully, Dry .Miller,. Shoe Furnishers. BOOSTING-. others. If you need g ..Residence 'Pnone qo. v i5. i. y t k t- c j ( i! i i i i . if' ' J CI j r ill 'at .i j, 1 1 .$ r.