Daily Standard. Editors and Proprietors OFFICE IN BRICK ROW. The Standard is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : One year . ....... ... ... .$4.00 Six months...... ....... 200 Three months.. . .... 100 One month .35 Single copy. ... .05 The Wefkj Standard is a four-page, H-v t-column paper. It has a larp" jirculation in Cabarrus than jther paper. Price S1.00 per aniium, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES . Terma for regular advertisements made known on application. r Address all communications to THE STANDARD, i Concord, N. C. CONCORD, JUNE 21 1898 TKE 'VESUVIUS A FEARFULENE3IY T - -T ll - L J 1 . xjy iur i ut: uuutib wuuueiim out come of modern war appliances is the pneumatic high explosive gun. The Vesuvine is a war vessel es pecially for this method of combat. On soma account that we know not the dynamite guns are stationary ;and are built into the ship. Toe Vesuvius has three dynamite guns M feet long that carry a shell of 14J inches; the bore is 15 inches. "The dynamite charge is capable of being hurled two miles, though the orce is com pressed air and not powder. Like the mortar I gun, these dynamite guns are fixed and oan't be raised or lowered. To 'throw a shell a short distance a small amount of compressed air is ased. To throw it far a larger amount is applied. JVhen we think of the ir made by a little joint of dynamite, and then think of a shell 14-2 inches m - - . W M V diameter and 7 feet long filled with -500 pounds of nitregelatin, Mhich is one ana a nair times the power of common dynamite, furled against a fort or ship, what would be the iar I it would simply destroy any thine I,- u I c . that the ingenuity of man has ever - -? ' , wu luwitu, viup auuu a uiug m a fort and it would be a fort no iinore. Hurl one into a c''ty and there would be .a large area cleared awy. If it were known that Lieu tenant Hob8on and his seven heroes WPTfl Tinf. in Mnrrft xra urftnlr! ovnonf j uuui u iuo v couTius uau wiped her out of existence. If it were possible to send these -explosives as far and as accurately as the ordinary heavy shell there would be little use for armored ves tfela, heavy guns and mighty forts. The only safety is in keeping such -monsters back at a harmless dis tance. It is believed that an explosion of Cl 1 1 TT fft VlOOV f Vl O f 4-1-1 r 7sianrin V . A one oi tnese sneils witnin oU feet of a war yessel would destroy it. At San FranciBco a 200pound shell was shot into the Bide of the mountain and it tore out a hole 65 feet in circumference and 35 feet deep in the solid rock The Vesuyiu8 has made a good beginning, and if she meets with no jiiaiittp tuerc m uu teiuug now out of the Spanish spirits before they stop their useless fighting. It is true that the Vesuvius is mot using nitro-gelatin, but gun cotton, whioh is very much less iorceiui, out ine explosive iorce is still beyond the ordinary conception and is altogether too formidable to Teslet or survive under . THE ON LY 'irua liood Furlfle prominently in tr.e public eye to t day is Hood' Sarsapai i) la. Therefore et Hood's and Wt 7 HOOD'S. 600 Imiuunes Gathered t Macon. Macon, Ga., June 18. The Tnird Regiment of Immunea being mooo lized at this place has about 600 men so far. Tents have been pitched and men are b?ing drilled j daily. Recruits come in on every train aLd the full quota of ail companies will be reported by July 1 Lieutenant Colonel James arrived todar, and sajs be never saw such splendid specimen 8 of physical manhood, Col. l iy is pleaded with the progs ress he is making. , A conductor Snot At. Captain Tucker, who is conduc tor on No. 35 the fast mail, had a thrilling experience on his trip yes terday, one whioh came near making his last night's run his last one. ; A1 Franklin Junction, during the stop nf tViA train. An nnlcnown man whom he pat off the train on hia last trip np, for being disorderly; fired at .1 Captain Tucker fi?e times. Two of the balls went thiongb his clothes and one would have entered his heart but for a book which he had in his pocket, Charlotte Observer. j - Bryan and Bis Regiment to be As signed to Gen. Lee's Corps. Washington, June 20. It is re garded as probable that Col. Wil liam Jennings Bryan and the Nes braska regiment under his command will be assigned to the army corps crmmanded by Major General Fite hugh Lee. There is excellent au thority for the statement that the assignment will be made. , i Baseball Yesterday. 8t. Louis 0001 0 1 0 00 -2 Philadelphia Pittsburg New York Cincinnati Baltimore Cleveland Brooklyn Chicago Boston Louisville Washington 31402004 014 2 30 03 00 1 x 9 10000000 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 6 0 1 3 5 217 00001120 04 00000 610 07 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 Ox 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 04 1 0 0 0 5 0 2 Ox 8 oi oooo o o o-r For Over Filly Tears Mrs. Winslow's Booming Syrup has Deen uaea tor over hf ty years bv millio0 'mothers for their child. ren while teething, with perfect sue nBa t u " '."ool, Ub- cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the . best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold bv druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-fiye cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslowa SootL itg Syrup," and take no other kind. '. ' Henri Gilbert, a French newspa per man, has a job which will last him five years, unless he pegs out. On a wager of $10,000 he has uns dertaken to walk around t tie earth in five years. By the route he pro poses to foot, it 'will be 41,500 miles. He began his job in Febru ary, 1895, and has made 32,220 miles. Morning Star. i Will "A Ooncordite" please rise and tell us what HanselFi history means by saying that Virginia Dare was the first white child born of English parents in America ? We didj not know that English parents bore any other than white children A level-headed judge in St. Louis happily solved a problem thai would have been a perplexing one for a judge with a less resourceful knowledge box, A divorced couple had two children, and it was de cided that the father should take one of the children, the mother the other but they couldn't agree as to which each would take, and this is the problem which the wise judge solved by deciding that they should at the end of each year exchange children and thus take it turn about. Morning Star. THE YELLOW FEVER. Surgeon Harrar ends Very En couraging Report to Wnshiuuton. Washington, June 17. The most encouraging news about the yellow fever bituation in the South yet re ceived; came in official dispatches to the Marine Hospital Service to day. Surgeon Murray, one of the experts at McHenry, Miss., wired an official report today that he be lieved the yellow fever is confined to the town of Mcllenry. Surgeoi Carter, who has been making thorough investigation in that fiela reported that he had nearly com pleted the investigation of the places and houses along the lines running into lVJcHenry, south of Hattiesburg, and that there is no fever at any of them. The reports also show that the people of Mcs Henry are co operating in the work and there is '7 houae-to-house are Very hopeful, though by no means confident that the danger is is past. 4 m Tbe Nlnj;lu Skale, M uy lied er Good JLaff. The "Singin Skule"- of Mr. and Mrs. Jedediah Bobbins wuz given at Mr. Hiats Ker sina last nite and it were a grate sucksess. -.Mrs. Jed tuk the bossin ny the Skule er way from Mister Jed un bossed em two. Der wuz fun an' lots ut it. The Yeller Kid wuz dere, an' him an' Dary Doodle and Shadrach Weller haved demselves ezef dey hed jist kum from Hogans Alley. All de members uv de Skuie hed der windpipes in good trim. Dere wuz hundrids uv grown up pepul an' plenty uv kids in de congregashun an' all uv 'em hed er good laff fram fust to lastl That is the way the pupils of the school would talk to you about it. To be plain, however, it must be said that the "Singin Skule" given at the Park last night for the benefit of Camp Hampton made a notable hit. It was charming and on an entirely new line. Messrs. Bertram and Willard and those who took part deserve the greatest praise. The fun was fast and furious. The audience in size and quality was immense.- Columbia, S C, State, July 30, 1897. Tomorrow Is tbe Day. Tomorrow evening Concord and Greenahoro will scamble on the diaQ mond at the Miller Park for the yictory in baseball; The time of be ginning the game will depend large ly on tbe weather. : If it does not look like rain it will hardly com mence until after 4 o'ctok. ;J; The bojs are on the diamond this afternoon practicing. The Greens-, boro boys will arrive on train No. 11 tomorrow morning, which is due here at 11.15. Our boys have no fear in meeting their enemy and feel that they are amply prepared with all necessary ammunition. i As the game begins late in the afternoon, it will be impossible for The Standard to hold open its forms until after the game, which will possibly be nearly night. Marriage Idcense, Marriage license was issued Sat ureday to Mr. John W Honeycutt of Forest Hill, and Miss Julia Lomax, of Cannon ville. f Mr. John Lentz, of No. 8 town ship, was granted license Monday to marry Mies Sophia Furr of Kn 9 township. The CORSET DEPARTMENT. Summer corsets 38c, up. Dr Nossah, a $1.00 Corset for 48c This corset is so constructed that continuous motion throws the strain on six combined Steele, making it impossible to break at the sides. C. B. Corsets 85c. Four or five other makes ranging from 20 to 60c. HOSIERY, Ladies Hose at 5 to 50 cents. Black Lisle at 25 cen;s. Full Seamless Hose at 7'l-2c. up. Drop stitch ribbed Hose 10c. up. Nice line of Gent's Black, Tan and mixid Sox at 10, 15 and 25c, includs ing drop stitch stripe Gauze Vests 4c. up. HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladies embroidered Swiss at 10 to 35 cents. Plain white at 5c. Plain allXinen at 10 cents. Very Respectfully, D. J. Bostian. ARE YOU A T S hdLEJ A Home Paper Containing Is of Interest SEND IN YOUR IN ORDER THAT A PAPER WAY THRIVE IN OUR CITY IT MUST HAVE THE HEARTY; CO-OPERATION Price of DAILYr One week. . . . . , . - i One month. ..... Three months. Six months.. One year. . . , . Store. EL Good Note Paoer at 10c per lb SHIRT DEPARTMENT. Gents' White Shirts, unhung 25 cents up. Laundered 40c. Colored 24c. up. A nice .line of so, shirts. Puff bosom 75c. Gents' turn back cuff3 10c. a pair A few pairs of Youths' cuffat oc Gents collars at worth 10o. Gauze Shirts 15 to 45c, NOTION DEPARTMENT. Job fine ISTos. 6cord Spool Cotton at lc. per spool. The colors off but O. K. for basting. Our special brand, N. N. N. (need no name) Machine thread at 3c. per spool has steadily increased in popu. larity for two years. Try it. Musquito net 5c. per yard. Bleached table Linen 42 1 to 95c, per yard. Nice stock of all silk Ribbon. SUBSCRIBER Home and Other News That To Our Readers. SUBSCRIPTION. and PATRONAGE of its PEOPLE. STANDARD ............ ioc?: . . 35e $1 00 v. ......... .J.... 200