4 Arrival of. Trains. effect July 4. 1897, 12 o'clock. NORTHBOUND. , No. 8 arrived at 6.27 am, " 36 " " 10 00 am, 12 u " 7-08 p m, 38 " ! 8.53 Dm. ' 2 , " " 12.15 p m (iie.ea SOUTHBOUND. "11 " "1123 am, i " 7 " " 8.53 pm, " 35 14 " 9.25pm, . 61 . . a 740a m (freight) No. 35 36, 37 and 38 stop only at Char lotte, Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro and Danville. Passengers for local points between these stations will haye to use the other trains. Wade Barrier, City Editor. TELEPHONE NO. 71. See change in Cannon & Fetzer'e? ad. The longest day in '98 has now passed. ' ,. r I ' Mrs. Will Shoemaker is visiting at the home of her father at David son. Rev. J E Thompson has gone to Mt. Airy to visit his brother, wno is sick. He will return before San day. Mrs. W L Gilbert, of Charlotte, arrived in our city Monday evening to visit her iriend, Miss Jessie Deaton. Dr. H N Miller and wife, of Mt. Pleasant, have gone to WaynesviPe to attend the meeting of the Prees Association. - WANTED Two or three fami lies, with spinners, spoolers and reelers for our mill. G. W. Patterson, je23. MT g Company. Mr. Charles Boger, of No. 10 township, went down to Mt, Holly Monday to visit his brother, Rev. WJ Bogcr. Presiding Elder Dr. Brooks held the quarterly conference of Central Methodist church at that place Monday night. Tickets on sale at Dry & Miller's store. Privileges, for season of '98, admit to ground and grand stand. also share pro rata in net receipts. Concord Base Ball Association je21. Miss Connie Cline has gone to Washington to visit her friend, Miss Blanche Rueckert. From there she goes to Lovettsville to visit some lady friends. -The Pythians will enjoy them selves tonight at the court house lawn, where refreshments will be served to the Knights, their wives and sweethearts. A royal good time is expected. See the new advertisement of the University, which is steadily grow ing in public favor. The enroll ment of 508 students is remarkable, being the largest in its history. We are glad to learn that Esquire H C McAllister, who received a fall in Salisbury a week or. two ago, is gradually .improving and is able to oversee his work. It is thought that the Spanish government will put the photograph of Dewey on their postage stamps, as that is the only way that they can devise to lick him, so we are in formed. Mr. Luther Ethrid, of Newberry S. C, who formerly resided in Con cord, arrived in our city this (Tues day) morning to spend a few days with his friend, Rev. H A McCul- lough. Editor J B Sherrill lelt this (Tuesday) morning for Waynesville to attend the meeting of the Press Association. Mr. Sherrill is secre tary of the Association and says this meeting promises to be a very interesting one, there being quite a good attendance of the old members and also several new ones. Mr. Houston Ctc'irane, of Char lotte, is visiting Mr. D J Bostian. The Epworth League of Central Methodist church will meet tonight wilh Mrs. R L Duval. Mrs. S L Klutz has returned home after visiting her mother, at Marion, for several days. Mrs. D J Bostian and little child (are visiting at the homeof Mr. Mar tin Boger at Flowes. Mies Ola Hamilton has returned home, after visiting the family of Rev. J A Linn, at Mt. Pleasant. 1 Mr. Dolph Mangum, of the Uni versity, arrived Monday night and is visiting his friend, Mr. Robert Keesler. - . ; i Mr. Press Lud wig and two sons returned to their home in Georgia Monday night after visiting Mr. Lud wig's mother and brothers at Mt. Pleasant for several weeks.J Mr. C W Russell, of Winston, spent Monday night in our city at the home of his father-in-law, Mr. A G Heathcock, at Forest Hill. Mr. Russell is a special policeman no w at Salem. He formerly lived at this place and clerked in the store of Mr. S J Lowe. A letter to the family from Ser geant James Hamilton, now at Jacksonville, and who was dis charged on account of physical in ability, informs us that he will not be at home until he can succeed in getting his transportation, which; according to Mr. Merritt's corres pondence, will be some time yet. vj BUSINESS LOCALS. ; TO RENT. A house on Spring Street. Apply to ! je30. J. Dove. i FOR SALE. A Union Cracka jack wheel in excellent condition. Call on Wade Barrier. All persona mdebtpd to me will please call upon W G 'Means Edq., and settle. 1 have left ail accounts and notes in his bands for collection L. M. Archey, M. D. : - May 2, 1898. AU parsons indebed to Dr. Archey by account will please set tle same at once. W G Means, tf. The State Normal and Industrial College Offers the voting women of the State thorough professional literary, classical. 6ubuuui; auu luuusinai euucaiion. A.H- nual Expenses $90 to $130 Fac ulty oi members. More than 400 regular students. Has matriculated about 1,500 students, representing every county in the Btate except two. Practice and Observation School of about 200 pupils To secure board In dormitories, all free-tuition applications must be made before August l. Correspondence invited from those de siring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information, Address PRESIDENT McIVER, d&val. Greensboro, N. C. - -, ..... -V7, The Prettiest Lot of Flag Pins AND- fc Attention Confederate veterans of : camp 212 of Cabarrus County. You are requested to assemble at the conrt house in Concord on July 2nd, 1898, to perfect arrangements to attend the reunion at Atlanta, Ga., on July 20, 21, 22 and 23. Fair for round trip will be 1 cent per mile each way. D A Oildwell, Com. TASTELESS HI Q lL 03 WW .Jl.ll c. IS JUSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. Galtia, Ills.. Not. 16, 1893. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and havt bought three gross already this year. In all our ex perience of 14 years. In the drug business, hare never sola an article mat gave sucn universal eaua taction as jaur Tonic Tours truly. All dealers guarantee Groves Taste less Chill Tonic to enre chills, fever and malaria in all its foruip- . TkSieiMialBaL Military Belts YOU EVER SAW". Our Show Wis W. C Correll. it. Cloud Hotel, Concord,. N. C. This up-to-date Hotel has been recently re-painted and rooms fitted up with all im provements and conveniences, of modern times. Rates $2.00 per day ; special rates by the week or month, and to Theatri cal and other traveling Companies. Patronage Solicited-Mrs- M. C Dusenbery Manager. Jy 20. The Oldest Inhabitant Can't recall a merchandising in stance approaching the showings we are making in all kinds of Furniture. For varietv, ona'itv. usefulness as well as for prices. e are offering bargains in tha popalar sense of the word. We'll save joa money on every purchase now and a quick in vestigation of our claioia will save you most. We want you to examine our line of BUCK STOVES. The great Offer the business public a re liable,perminent, conservative and accomodating banking institution' ..LlTSSSrS-Si The New Mer Bnd due appreciation of your paU ronage. If we can serve VOU &t anv time I Has opened up over the Steam Laundry. Suits be glad to have yOU COme made to order from 8.oo up pants made to order and See UP. from l3.oo up. Cleaning and repairing a specialty. I IRFP7VL ACCOMMODATIONS Allwork guaranteed. I respectfully solicit the TO CUSTOMERS Gapital and Sulplus$70 000 D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier. J. M. OPELL, Pres. patronage of my past customers. Jy 4 RICHARD H JEFFERSON. "I think De Witt's Witch Haaei Salve is tbe finest preparation on the market for piles." So writes That ATvuiTDTTQr wiTii TRT7 John 0 Dunn of Wheeling, W. Va. THAT ADVERTISE WITH . I tit Xr it and will think the 8ame. OUR LIVE BUSINESS WEN. HD I G DEPT. Half - Price for all of our Fine Trimmed Hats. On the 25tli of this month Saturday next, Miss McKnight's season is up, and we must set rid of our fine hats. This will be a great loss to ubut we deem it best so we can show rQ-rrr rrmmr a anrl noTrr White Enamel Lined. There are I . rv s harro onH rfirna ova i rr rT - . ' ' 1 UUUO UCIIKJA . BUU UliOCO BID X tUM Everybody can now afford to buy another summer hat. I Great : Reduction. On all fine Untrimmed Sailors. Now is the time. Just think i of buyins a hat at half price. X lil lu u& uno Th Chief Burgess of Milesbure, best Way tO Clean Up pa1 says DeWitts Little Early the balance Of OUr Risers are the best pilla he ever used summer millinery in his fampy darins yearf of 1, o v, mrcw nouseKeepmg. i. ney cure consupa 1CL UllOX Li XX XX UCll x y VVOl any part, so the ad- vantage is ours ana yours- ) I H L Parhs L& STANDARD. Bell, Harris & Co., furniture deal. ers and undertakers. D J Bostian, racket store Dr. N D Fetzer, drug store. Cannon &JFetzer Go.,dry goods and clothing. Odell Manufacturing Co., deal ers in general merchandise. Q- W Patter son , wholesale dealer -Brown Bros., liverymen Dry & Miller, shoe dealers. Dr. J P Gibson, drugs. Craven Bros., furniture dealers and undertakers, Cabarrus Savings Bank. Concord National Bank. Ervin & Morrison, groceries. K L Craven, coal dealer JAG Black welder, coal dealer. Lesly & Watson, dry gocds. A J & J F Yorke, jewelry. D P Day vault, general merchan dise. H L Parks &Co f drv poods. lry it ana yoa It also cures eczema . and all skin diseases.. J P Gibson. M. .ri DENNIS C o n tjr act or and Builder I respectfully solicit the patronage ; of the people of Concord. As for my work being satisfactory, I only asks that you give me a trial. j22. M, L Brown & BRo, LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibuses meet all passenger trainfV Outfits of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on hand or sale. Breeders of thoroughbred Poland China Hrp. tf DR. L N. BURLEYS0N We carry at all times from the cheapest coffin to the finest burial case. Call answered day, or night. Craven Bros. Phone No. 9. tion, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. mall in size, but great in results. J P Gibson. The editor of the Evans City, Pa;, Globe, writes, "One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies failed." It cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. -J P Gibson,. STATE OF OHIO. City of Toledo, Lucas County, ) Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said fim will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure- Frank J Cheney. sworn to Dei ore me ana suDscrms ed in my presence, the 6fch day of December, A. D. 1886. sl1 A. WGLEASON, Notary Public. Hail's Catarrh Cure is takeniins ternally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surf ces of the sytem. Send for testimonials, free. . F.J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c, . Offers his Professional services to the citizens of Concord and vicinity. Officeover Marsh's Drug Store Je 9. Telephone No. 36. JnHVOtlC uhtt s j.ni due w ti ni Blood CONCORD LODGE of ; ; KNIGHTS off HONOR Meets on the second Friday even- in of each month. Hall in the rear of Dr.W O Hou3 . ton's Dental rooms. 1 Thislodfre has paid to the faxmV lies of its deceased members twenty thousand dollars since its organiza tion. The Knights of Honor is now in its;' twenty-fifth year of existence, and has disbursed up to the 14th of January, 1898, more than sixty on millions of dollars to the. United States. For further information call on N. D FETZEB or K. L. CRAVEN Sick headache, biliousness, con stipation and all liver and stomach troubles can be quickly cured by using those famous little" piUa known as DeVitt,8 Little Early Risers. They are pleasant to take and never gripe. J P Gibson. H 111

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