FOURTH OF JULY j - .. CleJbration at Jacksonville--A Grand parade of Solrtiers Two Ww Mem bers Arrived to Join the Companyf Scrgcant Hamilton Prbbly to Be- nun in Jacksonville. Camp Cuba Libre, Jacksonville, Fla., July 3rd, 1898. ' Tomorrow being, the anniversary of tbe great Fourth, the occasion wilt be celebrated herd in grand style. A military parade consisting of 12,000 soldiers will be one of the wain features of the programme, and the line of morch m reach from Camp 0cb Libre to Bay atreet, in the city of Jacksonville, a distance of more than two mile. The procession will bfr. headed , by Gen. Lee and staff and conspicuous the line will be a regiment of m$J mounted on Itocky Stara- in malea. (Jre.t preparations haye hi patriots at anarly hour Sat- nfar hv nnnmnj? hrecracKers aru other combustible stuff." The "sol diers all dread the Jong and tedious march and subsequent ceremonies. 'An&ft'g the visitors at camp dor mg the past week wero Mrs. Bacon and daughter, Mrs . Barker, of Salis bury, who are here visiting Messrs. Tom and Ed Bacoii and their son tid grandson, Max BarKer, who is with Company L. - Two new members have been en listed in Company L. One Spates Miller of Rocky River, who arrived this morning and Ed t'Vaikins, a former resfnt ' of. Montgomery county, but who has lived in Florida for the paat six years, in the railroad business. moans Li. naa otsanjzia y Dase te$m and- is Miow tiioroehl.v eouinDed. The teinfecornnrises Mk- -breyrafnley, Grferarn, Hess, iiouEC n e, 15 lu a ter, A 1 exander, oh s ton and Cahiir. Dorooral Brown and Willie Trice afid substitutes.. Ihe boys will endeavor to sustain Concord reputation inside the reii- mental lines, and challenorpi thn o Concord team to play on ' their grounds, provided the guests will bear .their own expense. 1 ' A great many of Company L's soldiers are spending the day at Pablo Beach and fSt. AuguBtine, while others are passing the time i& various occupations. But for the fact that there are no1 drill du ties Sunday, one could nnt nntinp thft difference from a week day; Rehg- ion . ..-li.j 'L uu Bfyibo io icwjgicu up in great shape, the boys go according to their inclination.. Sergeant James W Hamil on, who has been discharged from the service, "Will yery likely remain in Jackson- jille for awhile as there is a salens did place open to him with the H & W B Drew Company, dealers in books, stationary and artists sup plies. z- The members of Company L. are in excellent health, and as for drill 1Dg and appearances, is the crack company of the regiment. Capti Hill and Lieutenants Goldston and Goodman tae special pride in the men and encourage them in every practicable way. Band coircefts take1 place at the. Windsor hotel, General Lee's eadquarterse,very. night from-7- to IO.- Thousands f soldiers as well a8 civilians," crowd the ' balconies, atreets and thecity park, to pass a pleasant time; " DATdlT, ' Shall A GL0RI0U8 VICTORY. Cervera Bashes On or Santiago Har- bor Sunday nornins and One By One Ills Ships are Bored, Fired and mown Dp a xnniiinff Chase Bat the Spanish Commander Surrenders and is Congratnlated-7-JXe lueses 350 Men Killed. 160 tTonndJed and About 1,500 as Prisoners Santiago Proba bly 5ow Suffering a Fierce Bom bardment Our Loss One Man Killed and One Ship a Little Hurf. As the Daily was well on its way through the press Monday even ing we received a dispatch from fVa Piharlnfto nkoovnA Imh'm.. V.. q tVlB a-. nd the ntter ftnTlih:laMnn nf JL once proud and formidable Spanish squadron undr the command of the almost invincible Cervera. We held thft rlfttiprtill toa nnnlrl VlaoVi Xffo for each, patron, telling the ft ood without explanation and glorious enough for fillinc onA fnn nf inv Wo nnnlrl a, andI ,f EOthing m e were to be had. The story in mm ute detail is too elaborate for most readers but all along down the ages the story will be told with some new item that will embellish it, After constant watching fgr about six weeks with the bottie supposed to be corked, with Santiago to a fair extent holding her own and appar ently determined not to yield, it was not surmised that a dash would be made an $ that too in open daylight at 90 o'clock. But it is the unex pected that occurs. V . It was Sunday morning and p fol ably there was as li tie idea of any great events near as at any time since the SpanishVfleet wasnknown to be in the hatbor. Admiral - Samp- hon had: aaf ranged .a, meeting with en. onaiier anii; naaauea to tne lastwardtr lie" missed thejyrht. hen the fleet, was discovered puK ting oat there was hurryidgUo bead the vessels toward themarK'firing opened'at once. The mostgiaphic pen wlU donbtlees l depifct the' sublime scenes of that naval contest. Cervera had the Cristobal Colon the.Almirahte Oquendo, the Infanta Maria Teresa, the Viscaja ancd the two torpedo boat destrovers, the Furor and the Pluton. ; The American vessels, Iowa Ins 4iana, Oregon, Massachusetts, Texas Brooklyn and Gloucester engaged them with terrific force. The' Span ish fleetevidently hoped for nothing ban to fieaway and ,it fairly good epfed they made was fairly good speed they made and they sent shot for shot that miht have made it serious but again the aim was bad wnik the American aim was wonderfully accarate an J did terrible execution . One by one the Spanish ships were pierced and set on fire. To save the lives of the crews the vessels were run aground and the crews escaped to the land. ( The burning vessels would soon be blown up by their own maga zines. The crews would sur surrender on the sborej as they.' were in danger of the Cubans who would have been bad on them. T?he Cris tobal Colon is said to have gone about 60 miles under the pelting fire of the Oregon and others when Bhe also yielded by taking down her colors and running aground, when she also was blown up -and her crew surrendered- - j. It was a grand victory ifr which we moixrn the loss of one man, Geo. J H Ellis, of the Brooklyn. : v The Spanish killed are estimated ( the prisoners are estimated at from to 1,600. The destruction of the SpsniBh fleet is Complete, while the Glouces- ter is the only one of our vessels that is the least damaged, and it had the honor of receiving and caring for ' Admiral Cervera and his crew. A pleasing incident was the re ception of Admiral Cervera hi Lieutenant Commander Wainwrisrht. who grasped the admiral by the hand and said, "I congratulate vou, sir, upon having made as gallant a fight as was ever witnessed on the eea.' ne men iook nis aistins 11 T T 1 A 1 1 . . I guished prisoner to his cabin and extended its privileges to him. Bisl wound In the. arm was dressed., Admiral Cervera it is aid wept, and many of. the otbar Spaniards were so pleased at behig' allowed to live that they lit their cigarettes and played games pleasantly, . Gen. Shafter given the city till Monday noon tOkpsurrender. or be bombarded, but yielded to diplo matic ort quests to extend the time till this (Tu8da) nocn to allow all aged men and the women-and chil- dren to get oat of danger. It is fair to presume that the city is now suffering a mo&t destructive fire from our cons and mast 8ur-J render or be destroyed; t Onr Jacksonville Honey. We have received a -'hard "tack" much of the anpearance of (ioin,aM u t -j J . 1 lj beats our ideas 6 what some mcraern fiaCnoiera wouid institute, ' in fdtt if we are going to make money out of the mere stamping of some sort of uarantee npon it this would be doubly goodjor , money. It is round liKe a aoiir ana airnosc aa nara, it is broad as modern finaficlal bases are expend, tg' be.v In color its not green, out aun, wnion .is Deiter, for unlike other money when you could not exchange it for something to eat you could eat the money itself. . . The Inscriptions and the emboss in a: seem to carry the fiat of force, and we need only one more on it, viz,."Thi8 is Mojey." - On the face side is a U S A batife flag with its 45 stars;' a" U S 2-cents, stamp and the E Pluribbs Uonm." This side a so has the words Concord Staitdad, Concord, Cabarrus Co., N. C . , also compliments of H. P. D. The reyerse ; side has American Spanish war, 1898; "In God We Trust," and Camp Cuba Libre, Jacksonville, Fla. '. . i PERSONAL POINTERS.. Mr. alter Smith, of RocI: Hill, spent last night and this mnminer here with his cousin, Mr. Marvin Smith Miss Snow, of Birmingham, who has been visiting her friend, Mrs. John Yorke, left this morn ing for Hillsboro to visit a while. . . .: . - .,. Fresh ' v SARATOQO CHIPS- Made ont of New Potatoes. Hot Stuff, . . ; at , t Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5, Why Not Save a Dime When you can? tt w nen yon eave money it's just the same as making We've just opened a VERY HANDSOME LINE OP SILK CLUB STRAIGHT AND WIDE END, REGULAR 25 AND 40 CENT TIES, ALL TO, GO AT 15 CENTS. T T WENT Y - DOZEN Silk Teck Scarfs at 15 cents. Handsome goods, elegaritly pade and good styles. , vA VERY attractive - line of FLOWING END TFCKS AT 25 CENTS. TAEY ARE 50 CEJNT GOODS. You save a. quarter here. Boys' Waists at &5 Cents, ' FiTWrVnT: priva mt t?otttxt a mvr. si mm m-a j m k. mil i i KNEE PANTS AT 15c. They arft all SOirl ffnr 9$ nanta J " r eTe,rwllf 6 bnt at th,s 8t0 T-?e lUB uu"8 or lDe 8ooas wortn,la cents without the maKing. : .We -Have Barsraiinis " . Every Day I Cannon & Fetzer .V A - '1 w q3 mp M A If your Piano, Organ, Music Box, Clock or anything in the Furni tqre linerhaeton or Buggy looks dingy try "one bottle. You will: hever be without it. No Pusbee no pull-ee, work-ee and if you don't look sharp we will Fumitlire ! I World without I loads of Chairs., Sounds like we floor.; And we don't I Rockers from 75c. to 610.00. Lawn Swin We are in a position to give yen anything you wanton the Furniture line at tlie lowest possible prices.- .-Bell, Harris. & Company. 7 -WUh'our newuFnnei;al Car jastin from Cunningham Sons & Co., erf .Rochester, N. Y.., our Undertaking Department it uneqtialed in North Carolina. a 3 s . tie--,' : ' -4 r . YOU FURNISH THE FEET ' WE DO THE REST. That's all we ask you to do f r nish the feet. We wilt not only dc the rest but we will do it well ior $2.50 ' ? sy We have .everythir in Oxfords except your feet, . . --- An ounce of satisfapuon is worth a ton of talk. Satisfaction goes with every piir of shoes we sell. Respectfully, - - '- . .. i With All Ihe Latest Improrements well-ee, all Biim-ee. CalNee eee-ee sell you. end and more on the wa. Two car do not intend to let people sit on the Respectfully, 9 . m " r ' v. . . ' -.. . : -. V Mr : 64 v ... at 350, the wounded at 160, and the. Store ResidencePoons'n 3- ione 12