Vol. Xil. No. 2739 CONCOttt Ni C, SATURDAY. JULY 9 189S a Whole No 111 r i IT'8 NOW SETTLED. The Lycenm H Wow UM Aside an I important Qntlon -Their FaMlc Meeting Decided at I The Lyceum held their public de- There is a lull in the war situa tate in their hall Friday nighCwith tion. The Armistice at Santiago Attorney Lnthsr Hartsell in the bs been extended to thf il(8aturdaj) chair. With Mr. L D Duval and noon. It would seem like there is a Rey. 0 F Rankin on the affirmative disposition to come4 to terma. and Attorney M B Stickley and Rey. , Gen . Linares wished to communis H A McOullough on the. negative, cate with Gen. Blanco and with the they debated the question, "Re government at Madrid but informed eolved, That it is better to have Gen.,Shafterthat he had no opera loved and lost than never to have tor, 'whereupon Gen. Shafter sent loved at all." him one under the escort of , the Dr. D D Johnson;' the appointed British Consul, F W Ramsden, and cEsayiat of the evening, read a very the 25ngiisq flag. ' ' 7 7 witty production on liars, written Strong pressure iaaing brought by, M. Qaad. V to bear with Uen; Linares for sur- The debate was interesting and at render. It is yet unknown, howeyer, times very humorous, Eich de- whether anything will be acoomp bater clung wefi to his side of the Hahed. question. ' The affirmative strongly It is expected that the reinforce advocate the exercising of thefac- ments will be in line soon and the ulty of love, one of the greatest attack will probably be made. While gifts given up, even though our aspirations sometime are lost. The negative pictured to the audience 'most impressively the horrors . of those who loved and after losing lived only a life of sorrow and dis- content, having even brought in statistics from an asylum, showing the per cent. lLe liyea were wrecked by failing to gain the one wborn they ioved. f As will be no ticed by those who know .the per sons, there was a single and a mar ried man on each side of the qnea tion, or es one, cf the debaters said uvo of tliO debaters knew ssmething about the "pleasure of being trou-i bled with "a wife," ''a . . ' . Dr. noustcn, D B Morrison, Jno. Craven, Mrs. R A Brown and Miss Rose Harris were appointed judges to decide the question. 'They, -of cosree, threw aside, their beliefs about the 'question and took the ar- gument of the debaters for what it was worth. After wrancrlinsr for uite a wiiiie, they ' rendered their decision 4 in favor of the afiirma tivG and 1 for the negative. The appointed critic, Proff E B Lewis, made his report which was witty from beginning to end, though just criticisms of the debaters. After transposing and remodeling Rev. McCuliough's poetry, he had it to read somewhat. different from usual. It cow reads, ''Ti8 sweet to loTe but. oh ! how hitter, to love a girl when her dress don't fit her." i em LIEUT. HOBSON TELLS- THE STORY ) A Sliro;alons Xscape-Nnrreudered to Admiral Cervera, Lieut. Hob3on tells the story of his adventure with the Alerrimac, n which he says he steered the ship where he wanted it, but ffhat only thrte of the torpedoes exploded when he touched the button. A mine exs ploded and tore a hole in the side of the Merrimac: which helped her to ink, but it sank so slowly that the tide drifted her around from across pe channel as 'she at first was. All! t ie while the Spanish batteries were pouring a terrific fire upon her, be side the infantry rushed to ' the shore end fired upon them. They lay perfectly still on the deck wait ing for daylight in which -to surren der. ' When the ship sank the cata maran floated, and! they held to it and surrendered to Admiral Cervera himself who came on a launch QUIET AT SANT.IAGO. Armistice Till Soon Today Gen. lanares vim an American Tele grapher How the Fleet TT111 nelp. uen. onaiier ia maKing ni3 attacK the Aeefc is expected to silence the batteries on the bay and send men to occapy. the forts and launches with grappling irons to rtmcve the mines and open the way for the fleet to enter the harbor. . - A BOUKTY TO THE VIGHTBB8. How tfee Savjr Fis&teys Will Snare the Proceeds, The New York Sun observes' that the goyernmest psjs a bounty to its fighters that will probably amount to 170,000 in the naval fight at ban- tias;o. One hundred dollars; per man on board of an enemy s vessel is given to the crew that defeats her when the strength of the enemy is inferior, and $200 for every man on the enemys's ship is allowed if the enemy is defeated and sunk by her equal or superior. Jnthe case of the Furor and the Pluton which were knocked to pieces by the Corsair the advantage of w ,. , . n strength is said to have been clearly on the Spanish V Bide. There were about 135 men on the two and the victory-will secure a bounty of about $27,000. In 'several cases in that fight it is believed that the.200 rate will be allowed, bringing up the amount of the bounty to something like $170,000. In the division the Commander of the fleet gets 1-20 ; - the command ing -officer.; of -'a division gets 1-50 ; the .fleet Captain gets 1-100 ; e&ch captain of a vessel gets i 1-10 of the amount assigned to that vessel and the remainder ia divided by giving each a, certain per cent on his wages that will dispose of the sum. Baptize 1'tiree Tiniea. A correspondent from Rowan county says : Mr. Z W Koseman 'was baptized for the tnird time on last Sunday by one af the disciples of the meek and lowly Joseph Smith . The mode was immersion, for the remission of sins, the laying on of hands and the reception of the Holy Ghost, His first baptism was in infancy by a Lutheran minister, his second ex perience was immersion by a Baptist brother, and the third by Elder Jeff, of the vLatttr Day Sain ta." Salis bury Sun. " All these were with -cold water andj if it is not -a good job yet it might be well enough to apply hot water next time ' ' " ' ;'"' ;; I -i-4 viiii.i.diL are tis cares by Hood's Sarjsaparilla, bo ?c 5t makes pure rich.- healthy ' L . . til . a . ' .. ' cause CONGRESS AD JOUR N 8 . Enthusiasm Takes Tent in Patriotic Sons in tne Ilonse. - Congress adjourned Friday at 2 o'clock. In the Senate the ' event wad very quiet. 8enator 'Morgan opposed adjournment 'and wished to take a recess till September. The closing in the SouBe of Rep resentatives was J quite enthusiastic. A dispatch to -the ? Morning Post says: v'i77 :7v .7 v ' "When the gavel fell, forty or fifty members broke, into .the song "America," and then the whole House joined. The scene" was mag- nificent and inspiring. Then cheers broke forth for Mckinley, the army, the navy, bpeaker Heed and Gen- eral heeler. r The latter seemed minutes, bursting fcrth asrain at frequent intervals, old veterans ot the civil war on the Union side leading. "The Red, White and ojiuo aiau vvaa buij, lynuweu uy 11 ii Ti l fr - - small flasks suddenly appeared and were waved tranticallv bv mem- Til 9W lill r-1 - I I - y II Mill! I I II bers while "The Bed, White and Blue" was repeated. Somebody shouted "Dixie !" whereupon there was an outburst pt applause and a verse of it was sung. "The Battle Hymn of the 1 Republic" and "Yankee Doodle" followed. The session closed amid the ''singing of a medley of popular songs."' Forest Rill StcsMK : axiasce uiauo auu wulv uo, or unariotte, wno navecepn visiung at Mr. W R Odeira "fof several dais. bate gone to New Lmdon to visit . . - .: J theirandparenta,' 03p, Misa L:zz;e Sergeant, of Greens boro, who has been visiting her sis ter, Mrs . W R Odell . returned hone e this morning. Mrs. E M Andrews, of Charlotte, came over this morning o visit her sister, Mrs. W R Odell. Mrs. J M O dell is expected home from -Baltimore tonight. ' I Mr. J H Kizztah will worship with the Forest Hill congregation tomorrow. j Mi 83 Fannie Austin and her brother Bern imin are viaiting at . .. - H '. . Mrs. Sarah H StoneV. i Supt. F..M Ward, of the Baliiibary Gottoa Mills, is visihng his siater, Mrs. Thomas H ICooic, oa North Ohnrch street. The Best Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, . Chilblains, Corns and; all S tin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles or no pay I required. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded. ?rice 25 cents per box For sale at P;B Fetser's Drug etore - ; Fresh 7-.. SARATGOb :-;''l'CHiPS-r'l-'-.: Made out of New Potatoes. Hot Siaff, . : AT r Erviri & Morrison GR0CER5, It V Why Not Save a Dime when you can ? When yon save money . it's .. just the same as makints monev : We've; just opened , a ; VJERY HANDSOME LINE OP SILK OLUB TIES ' STRAIGHT AND WIDE END, REGULAR 25 AND 5 - A i- w jijiN.TX Silk Teck Scarfs ; at 15 cents.? Handsome goods, elegantly .made and good I styles MB" - " w . . A VERY attractive lice of nrT, -m.x LOWING ; END TF0K8 AT 25 CENTS: :TAEY .ARE 50 CENT GOODS. You save a quarter, here . Boys Waists at : 5 cents, j, 1 . ODOZ. BOYS ..MOLESKIN They are "all sold if or 2 5 nJ cents everywhere but at this stor. The making is worth 15 cents without c,At fk V. -n, ik centa without the making. . W HsiYe BargailOS I ir- ' . IbVSiTy V&y I -& FetZCf Company. MA 0 Z W"S -A..T IS IT ? If your Piano, Organ, Music ture line Phaeton or Buggy looks dingy try one bottle. . YTou will never be without it. - Lawn Swings - No Push-ee no pull-ee, work-ee and if yon don't look shilrp we will Furniture ! r . AVorld without end and more on - the way. Two loads of Chairs. Sounds like we do not intend to let people sit on th&: floor. And we don't ! Rockers from 75c. to 810.00. We are in a position to give you anything' you want ' m the Furniture line at the lowes t 7 ; 7 Belfl9 Harras Company. - ' -7-.-.7,7'- - .., t-7:'v. "-7:'-:": ..;-.:;;-;--. 7tVv v7:: With our newuFnnerarCar;' just in from CunniDghani Sons & Co., of Rochester, N. Y., our Undertaking Department Ito unequaled in North Carolina. YOU FURNISH THE FEET . WE DO TH REST. v Thkt's all we ask yon to do f T nish the feet. AVe will not only do the rest, but we will do it well for $2 50., . "We have everything Jn tOxforcT.. except your feet. An ounce of eathfaoMon is worth a ton of talk. Sitiof&ction 'JrcrSt with every pair of shoes we sell; Respectfully, ry Mill 7- Shoe Furnishers. L E N El Box, Clock or anything: ia the Farjsf- - - til All the latest Improycmenls well-ee, all snm-ee. Call-ee eeei sell you. .r 1 (-. smug SLOOO. 2-. Store 'Phone 12 t3 ice I 1 A J .cacftcinsoiaiunt j Bfa ana iie-alth-