Vol. Xj. No. 275 CONCOKU; N. C. SATURDAY, JULY 30 189S WholeKo 117 j9 i THEY'RE BEAT. Concord at Last !Wets It. Island ncl ive Sler a (loml anie-?Joltiing More to .Be Heard From ThcmXow 4?f a tbaiiKe in me score waa made by a bad throw on J there was not a single Mountain j the prt of one of our team. Mr. j Island player on the team. Par- while Concord has Somewhat Players. For quite been trying to perfect arrangements to meet Mt. Island this season un the Charlotte diamond, bat not until Friday wrs our desire gratified. Stephens was the man of the day for ker was a substitute, but was not i Mt. Island, having made the only j ca?led out. Rhyne is from Mt. run. Holly and Husy is from Matthews Mains reached the third baee in station, "while Robertson and Ste the fourth inning, and the people j phens are Charlotte's players, thought sure he would score, but Who remainder of their team was the third base was the end of his composed of the Pelzer team. run. TO ; INTERESTING. Morgan made a two-bagger in the It htd been the intention -or our j Bcum mmu, uuu uum .w missed it had it not been for an 1 frr c jiT" w v s. w r r j 1 1 m 1 , ; itj-i - nnnnni kiiiiutrii nor i i ' vsvsuwvsxu wuviiuu vuunuuo 1U team to play only its regular play this game that they could play ball, and we think this is the best game their people there have had era B'ainet Mt. Island Friday with erroron the part of the second bases chance to gee n qaite & cas iaieiy oseu nuucu wi uur - ade a m03fc beautiful play In order that our team could be as- , T,nLfflnB a trrnnnd sured that Mt. Island would not ball on the other side of second play any of the Peker team, our DaBe. Darby held eecond for Johns- management here made a contract, ton. Johnston could only reaoh it which was of course made by an with one hand, but that was enough. offer of money, to them, and this With the motion of his arm that settled the matter. But on Friday caught the ball, his arm pendulum- morning it was found that Crawley, pitched it into the hands of Bailey and Morgan had, regardless DarbV, who got Robertson out on the second bade. This was an excellent play and was done quickly, yet it seemed so easy for Jobnston to do. Instead of Concord accepting a card on which contained the single word "Sympathy" from Charlotte on account of getting defeated by Pelzer, the card has been for warded to Mr. Mountain Island Jordan, who now deseryes all' sympathy obtainable. The teams are playing against each other this evening again. Owing to the action of Morgan, Crawley and Bailey, our team had to furnish them Reid and Johns ton. Reid will catch for them. 9 ONE LOT of Lawn worth 10 to goat 5 cents. Worth 25 to to at 15c. Worth 15 to 20 at 8j. These are Remnants . ( MM ' .- "" 303000q300CXj X I- . i ' j:. :i Rogers knocked a fine tly at the while Johnston will hold down very last of the game but so many the second base. ot the Mountain Islanders didn't I -cf their hoheat contract, signed with Mt. Island. Mains, one of Pelzer's pitchers, al30 played with Mt. Island, but he acted honorably in the mat ter. He was otterea a liberal sum to play for Mt. Island, but would et to see it, they having left the make them no promise. He came grand stand with a very timid to the management of the Concord look hanging on their face. team and told them his circum- Bailey pitched for the Mt Is 00ao tu rr,aff onH opVoH if land team while Crawley did their Ka h H. -m catching. Saunders went in the AHOiner DlOOQiess Victory J It-. C . . 241. A1 JU. Zr, u oox iur -UB, wivu uiuuaui ub uib T.nA BATTIA Mltlft A9 I i ' catcner. It was amusing to see A City 0150,000 inhabitants Sur some of Mountain Island players try to hit Saunder's little drop balls. Thev never knew how to take Saunders sometimes he was throwincr those "wind-burners" Crawley, Morgan and Bailey, and aa and then agftin fae wa8 pitohing v v f 1 Ladies' Gowns 40 and 50 cents. Ladies' Chemise 20c. Ladies' Corset Covers 25c, Ladies' Dravers. We are going to sell them. v X' "oooosooexDoea i 1 .x renders Gen. ItUes Issues a Pro--; clamation - Delighted with the Island. Nice Plaid Shirt Waists Worth 50 and 60 cscts, To close out at 40 cents. 1 . ) ft I o X X x YOU FURNISH THE FEET WE DO THE BEST. That's all we ftsk yoa to do f r nish the feet. We will not or.17 do the rest but we will do it e:l for $250 ' ' Jrf ..." 1 j A' J. .5 the contract at us honorably he would not play for them. After considering the matte he was released. But the matter 13 different as to in rnwinu i.miinh w i iiii nil i iimih The American arms had another a result they have been discharged those little "town balls" for them. Ploodle8S victory. The city of from the Pelzer team and were left Bailey is a slick pitcher when it Pnce surrendered Wednesday with iu viianuiie rnuay uiguu comes to keemnff a man on the 1 ? ou.uuu lnnauiianiB. incuy.Bur A good large crowd witnessed be J grgt base but this is his best feature. I rendered at the approach of the game in Charlotte Friday evening, Not since the campaign season American Ships. which was called a few minutes has Concord got so gay as she was The Spanish soldiers scampered before 4 o'clock. Mr. Eugene Friday night when the Pelzer and 0ff to the mountains in such haste Graham was selected as the umpire. Concord teams came home. In that (Wen arms and amunition bhu oom Biaes seemea picasea wun this case they were not only cneer- were ieft in the barracks. Vita ifoniainna - 1. . A V 1 nlnt MVknAl uab vkwoiatwuo . I lOkT UUI UULLlD ten LU UUli ttlDU UUCC1' i : ? 3 i i . i A snarp BKirmiBu occurrea at After three of Pelzer's men had ine the Pelzer boys for acting ,r . r acted the way they did, the other squarely Friday with us and not do , . A Ti , . member., cf that team nlaved cn in lik Crawlev. Morgan and Gianica to Ponce. It resulted m r j 0 w. o I J A J,.J J O Concord'a side and were most anxious bailey. The three named did not vvuuuutu auu to defeat Mt Island. come here, as they do not want to ppaniaras Kiuea ana 10 wounaea. Oldham made a rnn in the first face the Concord team, neither are The town is occupied by the inning on a ptsa ball. The ruling they anxious to see the Pelzer Americans. after this run waa changed, not al- team. A large delegation of our boys Oar troops will take position on met the' teams at the depot and high grounds backs of the city. cheered them from the depot to Gen. Miles issued a proclamation . . . 1 i - , i . 5 k s - the nOtel. I tn tliA rtAnnln crivinir ftRSlirannfl of Cannon & Fetzer Company. x. We have everything in Oxfords except your feet. 1 An ounce of 4atisf action is worth a ton of talk. Satisfaction goes with every pair of shoes we sell. "'Respectfully', Dry 4t Miller, Shoe Furnishers. MA ZOLENE w JbL Ar is iit ? lowing but one base to be made" on a pass ball. Geo. Stephens, one of Charlotte's players for Mt. Island, knocked a three-bagger in the first inning, but never got to score on it, three men having gotten out and left' him on his base. Frost also knocked a nice three bagger for ns in the third inning. Unlike Mr. Stephens, ins run was madeand several others. In the third inning Concord called for five runs. This yery probably pnt a downcast look on some of the Mountain Island people on thVgrand etand. One of the prettiest catches of the evening was that one made by Mcln- tyre in the third inning out in his left field. He made a swift run and succeeded in hauling it in. Another fly came to him in several innings afterwards, and he would haye sue ceeded in getting it, but unfortu nately a pile of hay in the field prevented his getting to it; But now came Che time for M Island to get gay, for Geo. Stephens succeeded m making a score. His The following is the score of the relief an(j protection. runs, hits and errors. Concord. " R H E Kogers, cf 0 0 1 Oldham, o 2 3 0 Johnson, 2b 1 1 1 Darby, ss 0 2 0 Saunders, p 1 1 0 Frost, 3b 1 2 0 Mclntyre, If 1 0 1 ! Reid, lb 0 2 0 Neville, rf 0 0 0 6 11 3 Mt. Island R H E Crawley, o 0 0 0 Morgan, 2b 0 1 3 Stephens, lb 1 1 2 Bailey, p 0 1 0 Mains, rf 0 0 0 Robertson, ss 0 1 0 Jenkins, cf 0 0 0 Huey, 3b 0 0 0 Rhyne, If 0 0 0 ' 1 4 5 Saunders struck out 4, hile The General gives a glowing im pression of i the i beautiful -and the ealubrious climate of the island and says too that he does not apprehend any great resistence. ' - i-i. Liiuu.MJMmum Fresh SARATOV O CHIPS Made ont of 'New' Potatoes. Hoi Staff, r AT Ervin & Morrison GROCERY, If your Piano, Organ, Music Box, Clock or anything in the Furoi- ture line Phaeton or Buggy looks dingy try one bottle. You will never be without it- - - - - Lawn Swings 4 WtSSk All the JLatesi IiuprovemenU Bailey struck out only 1. "With the exception of Jenkins, No Push-ee no pull-ee, work-ee well-ee, all snm-ee. , Call-ee see-ee nd if you don't look sharp we will 'aeWyou. Furniture! World without end and more on the way. Two cai loads of Chairs. Sounds like we do not intend to let people sit on the floor. And we don't ! Rockers from, 75c. to 810.00. . We are in a position to give you anything you want m possible prices. Respectiolly, Be!!9 Harris Company. With our new "FuneralSCar'' just in fromJCunninghamlSoD & Co., of Rochester, N.JY., ourUndertakingDepartment i nnequaledjin North'Carolina. J g; Store ' 12 Residence 'Pnone qo,