jjtmvtm " ,umeyt ": "- ' - 1 ' -' - f '". " . ' - ' ' ' ' - - - ' " - Vol. Xi. No. THE COAST EXCURSION. A Snccf ssfnl Run Illustrations By Contrast A. DellKhtfulieaaon Points of Interest The Bis Guns. , ' '. The annual excursion from Forest Hill contemplating, as it does, a much needed outing from steady ap plication to daily labors for the yar, came off on Friday aDd Saturday, the 5th and 6ch. This year a trip to the coasts of our State wan pros vided under the auspkes of the Ladies' Aid Society of Forest Hill M E Church and nnder the direct supervision of Mr. W R Oiell. Airthe legitimate wants of the innr man were protided for under the management of Messrs. Robbins and Ritz Schedule time founcl the jolly group, not uncomfortably crowded) whirling towards the aqueous bors ders of the pmud Old North State As we fped along some new face would be met. Commodore Schley wa9 not visible but Sly old John Barleycorn put in his appearance. It was not his very worst face at all, but he j qst enriched the occasion by certain addenda to what irgenerally desired m a first class excursion. For instance, for a few to be drunk shows by contrast the admirableness of sdbnety ; a few first class fools makes ths crowns of wisdom sparkle the more brightly; the ,cjss" words that "Old John" makes roll with the trucks of the tram augments the gracefulness of Sunday School language ; a few obstreperous incor ngiWes make you look around and see how many are acting so nicely as ifto- be bending their efforts to make life sweat and joyous to the rest ; a few pisto!a about remind the bra?e who forgot to arm themselves in these wartimes that should the Spaniards be metf shooting irons could be borrowed for the defense of the women and children of the group. In short a display of -the tail end of civilization marks the distance to its head and shows the splendid proportions of the body, and many a thoughtf ul youth, we trust, imbibed new incentives to the beautiful in oharaoter as presented by contrast The management of the excursion wis doubtless sach as to effect the greatest amount of pleasurable auo cess, yet if in the future whiskey cannot be separated from its victims it might be well to try to separate both from those who are discouraged from these splendid enterprises bv the annoyance, lest patronage be withdrawn. A Chapel Hill friend by the writer's side said, "It seems to me it must be a rather bad article of liquor you Concord folks have. ' We simply replied that liquors, like coons, all look alike. But enough of this. It . was a epiendid trip, unattended by acci- uni r adversity. We arrived at fboumo p. m, making the trip 1U mie more than 9 hours. How ever many are entirely conversant with our eastern coast, there are yet u,oay mat are net snd thej form but Blight conceptions of what is bemg mieeed in Dot TIsitiBg onr Atlantic borders. To those who haxe seen onlj the piedmont and mountainous sections, the" lbne stretches of level land from Golds boro to Wilmington, aford keen de. jieht. Thosa who. are accustomed to the creek and rlyer banks only we amazed at the expanse of the swamp, that the vision cannot me8l! e. all crered with rich green, .U. water grass, that could it be utilized b nay wouia ne tne envy or tne or dinary farmer. These swamps are intersected and netted witn creeks and lagoons, all the . t ..... ... lanai breeding, miasmatic imparity! j-- vuC wjiuj uuea renaer tnem harmless. As you cross this boggy space on the piling railroad and ar rive at Ocean View the watery main so grand and majestic spreads out before joa but it h disappointing that the eye can appropriate eo little for eoon the vision stops where the liquid and the vapor forms of water blend with no line of demarkation. But when you've been peppered with the cinders all day and smoked till you fancy yourself to be summer bacon, what a pleasure to gambo- in the surf and be made to feel again like answering to ycur own name. Some of our paity returned to Wilmington at 6 to take in some of the city; others waited for the high tide bathing at night and returned tothe city at.il o'clock, while some remained to breathe all the night the inspiring saline atmosphere and revel in the surf yet Sa'nrday, where they erjjyed the frying powers of old "Sol" like a herring turned on a griddle over a gasoline flame. The "City of Wilmington" steamed up at 9 o'clock Saturday morning and all who wanted a sail got aboard. Many took the Carolina Beach line, but the writer followed the scent of KitzV coffee and sand witches and went all the way. The day was perfectthe breezes gentle, the sun's rays tempered with hazy clouds, the group in good spirits and somebody always kind enough to answer the questions of the learner. Old Brunswick, settled in 1716, is comely and beautiful only as seen by the light of history and fancy. St. Philip's church, erected in 1748 and still standing, could not be vis i ted to the chagrin of the writer. Fort Fisher, the sturdy defender of onr last and longest open eastern port, is gazed upon with almost the awe of sacredness. ; Bat why call it A fort if the aiirftntift walla liV many-storied mansions are called Forts Monroe and Delaware ? Fort Fisher seems to be a continuation of earthworks for a frontage of two miles, and might be passed unnos ticed by one not familiar with com? mon fortifications. New Inlet in now closed with a gigantic rock wall and the strength ot the forti fications will doubtless be at Fort Caswell hereafter. At Southport we met our friend the Rev. Shaw, but recently moved from our county, and also the genial . Brother Taylor, of the Southport Standard. The town has a peculiar charm from its groves of live oak and itsswampless and cleanly shores. There we glanced over old Fort Johnston and saw the only remaining cannon used in fclie great struggle of the 60s. But Fort Caswell is yet the point of crowning interest. It too is but earthwork that conceal the formid- ablene8s of their contents. 8ince the Spanish conflict has been a oers tamty there has been no night nor Sunday to check the preparations here till Cervera'a fleet went the way of McUinty. e were assured that the four 8Mncnjmn8 there with the mines and torpedoes were ample for any ordinary attack, bat ii we wori goes on, ana wecwere shown the parapet on which are to rest the two mighty gnns that now CONCORD, N. C. MONDAY, AUGUST ' lie on f ur truck cars at Wilminrv i. ton. These two miohtv a - J UUgB are 66 feet 10 inches lonsr and weigh 120,000 f pounds apiece. We suppose thev would masnrA nf i.a. 12 feet in circumference from breech ! " - ' "aoi j io pivos. iney win carry a 12- inch s iell and are calculated to pierce a heavy, armored vessel 12 miles off. No one is allowed to visit these foits. Bell Buoy wis very entertaining to our sight-seers, bat the waves were so gentle that it did not indis cate that there j was a Sre about . This is the imaginary line than sep, a.abtro i-UC UUCQU AfUUJ. IRQ Q 4y qj rivet's mouth. We passed some 10 miles but, then the daisy boat cut a circular figure and returned to Bell Buoj, where she whirled eastward and capered along south of Ball Bead laiaud known formerly as Smith's island we were soon o;i our way back- and we scrutinized more no?ftSc th- United States quarantine station. It is a couple of neat little cottages erected on piles in mid s'reato. It new has in custody a Norwegian sail boat from Brazil, and if no fever develops within the 10 days of quarantine she will pass up to the city and be loaded. The system of jetties bj which the channel of the river is kept open is also a little wonder. At one point a United Sfatea vessel is all the time kfepmg the sediment out of the channel "by a way peculiar enough. It lets down a hose or tube and sucks up the mud into the boat till a load is gathered when its-earns off and unloads, repeating the pro cess all the while. The half is not told but the reader is tired. The return was unevent ful too. Four cruel freight trains kept us on the side track near Greensboro and we arrived home on the Sabbath day. The writer tenders sincere thanks to the management of the excursion for many courtesies and carries the most pleasant recollections of the much needed and most pleasurable jaunt. PERSON A iTpOINTERS. Engineer Walter Parish is at home on a visit Editor JB Sherrill spent San- day in Marion with his family. Mr. P B Fetzer spent Sunday at Corriher's Springs. Mr. C M Thompson, of Lexine- ton, was here today on business. Miss Nora Rogers, of Enoch ville spent today at the home of Mr. Z E Scott. Miss Rose Harris returned this morning from a visit to Corriher's springs. Mrs. Will Shoemaker returned this morning from Mt. Pleasant where phe has beeo visiting at the home of Mr. W S Hartsell. - -Mr. H McNamara and wifa went over to Mt. Pleasant Sunday evening to spend tne day with relatives tnere. A stubborn cough or tickling in the throat yields to One Minute Cough Care. Harmless in effect, touches the right spot, reliable and just what is wanted. It acts at once. P Gibson. When you caU for DeWitt'a Witch Hazel: Salve- the great pile cure, don't accept ; anything else; Don't be talked into accepting a substitute, for piles, for sores, for burns. J P Gibson. 1 j f m - 8 ISPS TO : II mm B3 ONE LOT ' of Lawn worth 10 to aoat .5 cen r. Worth 25 to so t 15c. Worth 15 to so at 83. The8eare Remnants. X X X X X X X TO-. 1)0000030000(1 Ladies' Gowns 5 40 and 50 cenrs. Ladies' Chemise 20c. Ld!ft8' Corset Covers 25c. Ladies' Drwerd. We are going to sell them. X X X ft X X Nice Plaid Shirt "Waists Worth 50 and 60 cents, To close out at 40 cent?. x X X X X X v x X mm MAZOLENE w h a If your Piano, Organ, Music Box, Clock or anything in the Furni ture line Phaeton or Baggy" looks dingy try one bottle. You will never be without it - " . m m ' . Lawn Swin No Pnsh-ee no pull-ee; work-ee and if you don't look sharp, we will Furniture I World without loads of Chairs Sounds like we do floor. And we don't ! Rockers from 75c to $10.00. We are in a position you want in the Furniture line'atthe lowest possible prices. -' Belli Harris - Company. With our new jast in frpm CuBningham Sot-s & Co., of Rochester, N. Y., onr Undertaking Department k nneqnaled in North Carolina. ' " ' ' ' Store 'Phone 13 3- Whole No 11766 nf V CCPYR YOU FURNISH THE FEET vfE 1)0 ULIE EEST. : That's all we ask yon to do f ni'-lvine f-.-t. We will not only do 'herest. bat we will do .t well fnr $2 50. We have everything in Oxforck: except your feet. 1 An oonce of satisfaction is wortfe a ton of talk. Satisfaction gcoc with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, . Dry Miller, Shoe Furnishers. o? is no? ? Wtgi All the Ltitest Improyements well-ee, all snm-ee. CalNee eeW sell you. end and more on the way. Two xz? not intend to let people sit on ihs to! giveiTyou anytnine Respectfolly, "I.. .. . - rrr Residence 'Pnone wu K I i I '