r j , i - x V" on ! 1 s i: IV, V- - I ' v.. V Vol. No. 2709 CONDUCTOR KILLED. ; Freight Condnctur Will Mowery i It"ed On the Western RoadLive Only h Mhort While. By telephone to The Standard this (Friday) eyaiog ' we learn of an resident that occurred on the Wests ern road today. This morning Mr. W A Mowery, conductor of a frei2ht train, was killed at Bark cm, above Statesville, having been struck by ,'in overhead bridge, it ia supposed. He left J al iahurv on his regular run this morn ing, but nt 10.30 his body was .brought b,ck. His face was badly braised when the trainmsn got to him, and he was unconscious. He was quickly brought back to Statesville, but just bt fore arriving there be died. JUia remains were then brought to Saliss bury, where a large crowd of his friends were waiting. There is reason to think, we are informed, that Mr.. Mowery had had some difficulty with a negro, and failed' to stcoi when he went under the brjdge. Mr. Mowery has been a conductor for nine year?, and was very popular among the railroad men. He leaves a wife and one daugh ter, the latter bein& a young lady. He was 39 years of age. r For Over Fi-ty rears Mi b. ' Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers, for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the cnild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. I Sold By druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye cents a bottle. Be sure md ask for "Mrs. Winslowa SootL iLg Syrup," and take no other kind SITUATION UNCHANGED. Movements Go on Till Protocol is KigiieoS-SIlles Goes on Toward Man Jnan M erritt Fixing: to Take Ma nila. The situation as regards war and peace amounts to the same as for several days. It is confidently ex pected that Spain will authorize Ambassador Oambon to sign the pro tocol but the announcement is not yet made. The newsjFat Gens Miles, 8hafter and-Merritt have been ordered to cease war movements were premature but may be a reality at any time. Gen . Miles is probably pressing on with vigor toward San Juan. Gen. Merritt also is preparing to take Manila. The monitor Monad nock is now due and Admiral Dewey purposes to gfye it and the Monteray the dangerous bombarding to do :-wnea'the final effort is made to take the city. A Surprise Wedding. Thursday night about 8 30 o'clock at the home of Rev. 0 B Miller Mr. Hoi:-ce Miller -and Miss Lillie Lita Ker were married. This marriage was kept secret all, the while, no one fiercely knowing it until that even .ing.. Only a few invited friends were present. Misa Litaker is the daughter of Mr. Valentine Litaker, who lives on South Main street. Miss Litaker is an excellent and industrious lady and bears a good name from all who know her. Mr Miller is a eon of Mr.R 08Miwho also lives on South Main street only a short dis tance from the home of Mr. Litaker, Mr. Miller is. an energetic and ins duetrioua young man and the engi oeer at the Cabarrus mills .tQg CONCOttlJ, VERY STRIKING A replorable Condition The Croat Need Pointed Ont People Want to Clear (he Trnih. The following extracts are clipped from the Bihlicai Recorder from the pen of a Concord pastor : "There are many places in this and adjoining counties that I have been invited to hold meetings where there has never been any Baptitt preaching. This is one of the great est destitutions in theState plenty of religion, but very little Christi anity. The pure and simple gospel of oar bleseed Lord is supplanted by churchism. "There is a great need of vital godliness. There are many people who really desire to be Baptists who have not the moral courage to break off fora the long standing custom? of pirenta and friends. They are really afraid to follow their own judgment on God's word. Hundreds of people be lieve that they are saved by infant sprinkling, joining the church and taking the Lord'a Supper. But it is remarkable how anxioua many of these people are to htar the truth." . The Lowrance Trial. A apecial from Statesville Thurs day evening to the Charlotte Obsers ver "says : "The court room has been packed to its utmost today, so great has been the interest in the Liwrance trial . The State began introducing i8" testimony this morning and rests ed.at 4 30 p. m. At this point the defence surprised most of the crowd by announcing that it would intro duce no witnesses, but would let the case go to the jury on the State's own showing. The argument, hows ever, will not begin until tomorrow. There will be four speeches on each aide, Judge Montgomery opening and Hon. O B Watson closing, for the defence. B F Long, Eeq., will probi ably close for the State. While it i3 impossible to forecast the jury's verdict, the public will not be surs prised at an acquittal. i Robbed the Grave A starling incident of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated as follows: "I was in a most dreadful conition. My skin was almost yellow, eves sunken, ; tongue coated,- pain con- tininually in back and sides, no appetite kept on gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. For tunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the other victim," No one should fail to try them Only 50 cents per bottle at P. B. Fetzer's Drug Store- . K. of p. Notice. Concord Lodge, No. 51, K. of P., regular convention tonight &t 8.15 promptly. Work in Third rank. Every member requested to be press ent. J as. C. Fink, C. C. J as. R. Young, K of R & S From Up at Forest Hill. Messrs. Jas. E Young and C F Hislop will leaye for Wilmington, via Charlotte this "evening where they will spend a week. Mrs. M M Kussell and daugh ter, Mrs. JW Bonds, went out to Mt. Pleasant this (Friday) even ing where they will visit relatives. N. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 PERSON A L POINTERS. Postoflice Inspector Dexter was here yesterday evening. Mr. Renbin Holmes, of Salis bury, came down last night. Mrs, Charles S Stone returrpd j to her home in Charlotte last night. Mr. W R Harris wAnt to Mon roe this morning where his family is visiting. Mr. Will. Holt, of Lexington, arrived in our city last night to visit friends. Mr. Jno. Yorke arrived here last night, having just returned from a business trip to New York. Mrs. Che?. Correll left yester day tovisit at. the home of Mr. Isaac Goodnight in No, 3 township. Miss Bessie Grissom, daughter of Rev. Grissom, of Greensboro, is visiting at the home of C-sp A H Props'. Register Weddingtoa a fauiiJy are agridjng the Sunday school conffeiooHn No. 3 township to dav. Mr. Jno, Bost, of Davidson, who formely clerked at the store of Mr. Chas. Bobbins at Cannon ville, is visiting friends here. Mrs. Garrison and Miss Jeanette Coltrane arrived this morning from High Point, where they hav been visiting for a while. Mr. Ernest Barrier, of M Pleasant, passed through this morn ing on his way o Carthage, to ats tend to some bnfit&es in regard to the' estate of Mr. Kenith Matheson. Mr. Hugh Peden, of Norfolk, arrived here this morning to visit his brother, who clerks at the store of H L Parks & Co. Mr. Peden is a printer, and is employed on one of the evening papers in Norfolk. Just Received Fifty Fine GOUWTRY AT- Ervin & Morrison 0R0CER5 Mrs. Harris Dennis Dead. " r ; The wife of Mr. Harris Donnis died Thursday evening, after lins gering for some time with typhoid fever at their home in New Town i t Forest Hill . Mrs. Dennis has been crippled;for quite a number of years, having had her hip broken in Stanly county during the big cyclone. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn the loss of a wife and mother in the family. Smofteless Powder For Our Troops Smokeless powder for the Springs field rjtflea ia now being - supplied .to our volunteer forces. ITae expexi ence atvthe Santiagofight showed the great disadvantage- thattae Amerioan troops suffered -from lak of it. Xhisf evil of hqwing- the m emy where to aim while our trcops had to guess is not to be repeated. Headache stopped In 20 minutes by Dr. WUes Pain Pills. One cent a dose." TEIISSEE IS 18PR. i - iii. . VERY : INTERESTING. mm ONE LOT of Lawn worth 10 to oat 5 cents. Worth 25 to po at 3 5c . Worth 15 to fro at 8c. These are Remnnta. iooGooaoacc m Ladies' Gowns 40 and 50 cents. Ladles' Cheoiise 20c. Lidips' Corset Covers 25c. Ladies' Drawera. We are going to sell them. V Nice Plaid Shirt Waists Worth 50 and 60 cents, To close out at 40 cents. V V I I v 3OC:DiC3eC3eC30C3OOCSl Cannon & Fetzer Company. 4 Z 0 M wh: jkjjo is iit ? If your Piano, Organ, Music Box, Clock or anything in the Furni ture; line Phaeton or Buggy looks dingy try one bottle. You will' never be without it. - m m m , Lawn Swings No Push-ee no pull-ee, wd'rk-ee , Well-ee, all ;snm-ee.' Call-ee see-f e und if jou don't look sharp we will sell you. , Furniture I t World without end and more on the -way. Two car loads of Chairs. Sonnds like we do net intend to 1st people sit on the floor. And we donH ! Rockers from 75c. to $10 00. " We are in a position to give you aiiy thins: you want m the Furniture line'at the io west passible prices. ; ; RespectfaUy, 4 e '. ; ' " r- ' :. ' '. v. . . . .. :.Belflr ttn With our neFttneral CarJLiastin;from Ominingham Sons & Co., of Rooties ter, N. Y., our Undertaking Departnierit i s nnequaled in North Carolina. Store 'Phone i 3- Whole No 11702 p V1 1 M ! "; ; YOU KU8NISH TfJK FEET WE UO THE KKt r. That's nifih the fot. vi'e nt crh the redt, but we will do tt we fnT $2 50. , i We have everything in Osfcrdn except your feet, g An ounce of satisfaction is worth a ton of talk.- Satisfaction goea with every pair of shoes we sell. J ' Respectfully, ' Dry Miller Shoe Furrsiishers. L E N El Tth All the Latest. Improvements Residence 'Pnome qo. 3- I ' 1 2 C 1

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