VOL. Xj. No. 2709 Tl WAR IS 01. THE DOVE OF PEACE HOVELS OVER US AGAIN. CONCOim. N. C. SATDRDAYAJGUST13i89S Protocol Is Slsned-f roclamatlon Bj i he Resilient and Orders Issned to cease All Hostilities. 123rd. Wtt.t.t By the President, William R . Day, Sec. of Sae. tup? ot tne proclamation has BLOCKADES RAISED. Term of the Protocol In Brief. x oe suspense is ' over and the dove of peace hovers over us again. Thjs protocol was signed Friday evening at 4:23 o'clock by the Sec retary ot fctate Day and the French Ambassador and minister plenipotentiary Cambqn and the United States seal was attached. The following are the terms of the protocol in brief : 1. That Spain will ielinquish all claims of sovereignty over th . title to Cuba. 2. That Porto Rico and other Spanish islands in the Wpf n - dies and an island in the La- cabIed t0 oor army and navy drones, to be selected by the commanders. Spain will cable her United States, shall bo ceded to commander8 like instructions." L t t ii . - me latter. Preparing For Ilis Campaign. d. lhat the United States will! A"orne? Morrison Ualdweli, the occupy and hold the city, bay and DOminee of tfce Populist party for harbor of Manila, pending the 'Jon8reps getting ready for his O.nnnl noln'n i. C 0 mi II P CHmnai cm TJn - c wvOAWil ui a ireaiy oi peace I - ia uuw Mim which shall determine the control, 8 of c,IPPln8 from the dif- disposition and government of the feTeUt Dew8P.aPM oar State, and Phiilipines. wlH ver probably, j when standing 4.-That Cnba, Porto Rico and Q the 8tomP' b"g oat to his peo other Spanish islands in the West P 6 fortard 8trin of reading Indies shall be immediately evac TuJ hPG that tne Hon. atedand that the commissioners uZ bs there whfcn to be appointed within ten days ? T &Ud wil1 re8ent shall, within 30 days from V01?6' the comper. 8inim of the protocol meet at , W d clueless -and Havana and San J nL!' be jed. We 5.-ThafcthTT t0 the P" 5 . . : miuibb ana narj aniirp, and especially of Dr onain win A.ifth tl,.n ;3K"'"U amitb- B 't's wait and umiuisaioners to nego- sae what he does present to ns tiate and mnrtlti . . I . . m LiGn.LV III peace between the two countries ? Kfn.ton. wZ r aDd' Ou Friday-Prof. E-B Lewi,, re Whereas. It is in Btt i ' . . . uewie re- asreed that Dpon itg signature. hostilitiA. hnf . . .5- me at once t0 cept . w,nccu vu lW0 position as teacher at tvf i -ntr-es sha,, bs soapended and been huS Tn that not,Ce , that effect shall be readiness ; to move, but tTL given asanas possible bv eaoh that h'.nH i,:. .-.' KDew J uia i-UIllr null ,rfre. I ft!rent th6 oommDd8 o' Heandlhis familvleft , ,hlt ' its military and naval forces: Idav) .ornin, --ir.-.J b" ""i Now. ik. t or:.... . ' i - is tneir KiW p M: m and ,s also the home -"o.ucui ci me united ot .Frof., Lewis' father OtttteS. dn. 1T1 onnn-mA :L i 11' 8t.pulation of the protocol, declare " 1"" Hm and proclaim-on the part of the , w , Sh'wod, W L Golds United States, a snspension of hoe, 'n Walt Solium and Tom tiiities, and. do hereby command that ? 'mpS,n f &pray N' C- are 'it ordere b. immediately given through I ,D8 reIatl here. . . tne proper channels to the com. ' M,S3'3 Minnie and; Zala-Strai- mandersof the militarv and naval have; ooe to At-heville to farces .of the United States to abstain ! 1 teir-ftat; - 'proclmaS "? 55? -ys r . te Boston Herald, "sioo r.;- - Vi 'STh rl' 1 have 1?erean, Sha,ter n sh:;T o th7naD, ;nod CS'JSed Seal C1P by General J0H wUe of the United States to affi-ed i , . , nLm" Done at the city of VmS 1 this 12 h dav of Aiifynaf in "i" De man wil0 would have - ' - i . - Whole No 1176 111 : INTERESTING X V f I ONE LOT of Lawn woith 10 to aoat i" cen ts. Worth-25 to f?o at 15c Worth 15 to no i t 8 j. These are RemuuU.--f... J 1 r V i . - N iX. t t ' v y iv v ' I : - ... . fy Ladies, Growns of our Lord, 1898. and of the lZTZZ T be pendenceof the United States thell ! .UDderr Rafter thlrs?x 40 and 50 ctnrg.: Ladies' Cbemipe 2Q Lidiee' Corset Covers 25c. Ladies' rriwfr. We are going to sell them. YOU FITRVISR TUVUrn WE DO THE bk"iv1 m i . i oat s all vre h?K- nisb the ft. will $3 50 ' P .t well f,., V n years later would have been con sidered daft.", PERSON AL POINTERS. t i Nice Plaid Shirt Waists Worth 50 and 60 cents, j To close ont at 40 cents. -. i EJitor J B Soerrili is eipi- roitK tfce chills. Raw Tnn,:. w-. xy vaviH went to Lex'nir o ion yesterday evening. ' Railroad Detective Hainer, of Georgia, wa3 in our city yesterday evening. Miss Lida Smith returned Caiinon & Dfl4A. home this morning from a viit - 'j10"' etZer nneviiie. Mr. Jae. MiPenheimer tva cpPn here' this morning. He was on his way to mi. Pleasant to enend s. J VU aay witn nis wife Messrs. Ed. Mos. Manrv Ri. j - mono, unae. Hislon flnr? t Pua ieft Friday night for VVil mmgion to take some surf hatha. Company. Si 1 f We have evervthma i. . -J to viu Auct jruur reec. An ounce of satisfaction Wrtfu a ton of talk. Sat.sfaction roe with every p,ir of shoes we sell. " R?spectfully, Dry & Miller' Mioe Furnishers. Fifty Fine nftono rrii . . v J I Will Be Made Ihts Fall, peace. lhfi fnTnmiaoir,. x . I meet at ".ro f e State into lifnf n;; ""T"1" M8n tfie three "iy stncts, each to con 6.-On the si'inc i !1Df. r'ieut f f companies of A A. J , -"uBijeuaea until autumn. A month am, an and notice to that effect wiH be ontline of this exit plan was given as soon as nnKaiM u ..... . ceent ptan was Bovernmpnt J M J ttle Adjotant General. SZZml It ?! TtmanderS P- to have a strength fhtarj and ttaval forces. of 63 officers end enlisd men U orders Wertt . -if. nnnki Tir:.. ' . . v" w""cu tu " oston nentinel . "iirai oampaon that the blockade of TEIISSEE COUWTRY H A M S M A Z OLE N E "W"Dai- IS !I'X' ? AT- Ervin & Morrison OR0CER5 If your Piano, Organ, Music Box, Clock or an vthin, ture line Phaeton or Bueev looks Hin -uggy looks dingy try one bottle. You never be without it. l ! - Lawn Swings 'lUi ll (est Ii..norMnenfi, No Pash-ee no poll-ee, work-ee well.ee. all mm TZT and if yon don't look sharp we Wi!i sell yoD. " hj5 sjame . J1' 10 tiairaiea as ioilowg 1 time too dispatches were sent to w a most dreadful conition. Generals Miles, Sbafter, Merrnt and nkP ,Was almost llow, eyes Lee to cease aU hosflitiW tininnailvT.T'!!', ? " The President issued the follow. aPPetite-kept on gradually grow" mg proclamation: ing weaker day by dav T'iroo "Whereas, Bv a" nrotr.n, P"n ha.d m"Vp. For! wiuiam R ?)rtT, K.i. y . ... - onri . .. - j S'eai William B Day, Secretary of State of re umteQ states, and His JJscel- ency. jme8 Cambon, ambassador morainarj and mininer p!.ni potentmry of the Repnblia of Prance, at Washington, respectively repre-, sentmg for this pnrpose the govern ment of the Untted State. ,v. government cf Soain. the Un.ted joy and surprise, the first bo ttle made a decided imr,.. continued their use for thtee weeks a wtJU man. I know they saved mv l?f ,T other victim." :"rf? n.! to try them Only 50 f at P. B. Fetzer's Drug Store- When you call fn TixTiT-. 1 Witch Hazel Salve dermined and death Bm ;L7 . . - more on the way. Twoca uilij 1 innna ot r, i t3 i i nent. For three months1 h . OUnaS "Ke we do not tend to let pecole ,it ,w 11. . 1 I Mnnr A J x i cougnea incessently, and couia nnt wo uun 11 -T- W I aleep. She finally discovered,aiway Rockers from 75c. to 6lb.00. iu recovery, Dy purchasing of iua a 1 . . 1 m t- i oottie 01 JJr. King's New Discoiery o. tub unuea niomv8 me ereat r;io States and Sp.in have formal, ure. accept nsibb? agreed upon the term, nn -i,;u Dn't be talked into . We for consumption, and was so mU --y tuiSive yOU anything relieved on taking the' first dW, you want in the Furniture line 'at the lowest that she slept all night; and with nnscjihlo nvinao . ' j vuq. xvespecti ally. Bell, Harris " 'Company. v With our neWPnneral Car" jnstjin from Cunnfa.n. & Co., of Rochester, N. Y. , our Undertaking Department i & unequaled in North Carolina. mai sue slept all night; and w th two bottles, has been abaolutilv cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz. Thus writes W C Hannilk & CoM of Shelby, N. C. Trial botL free at P. B. Fetzer's drni? stor Reglar size 50c. and 1.00. Everr bottle guaranteed., U ' i Hi 1 l . go'at.pns for the establishment of ' V- 68' for t VJlD30n. Residence 'Pnone oo.