- St : Vol. Xi No. 2709 CONCOKIV N. C. TUESDAY. AUGUST 16 1898 X W hole No 11766 A STEADY MOVE. A CARD Onr Contractors Kept Busy These Day Building Residences for Onr People Other Buildings Also Go intr Vp Concord is not on a boom these and Cm- EE EM To the People of Concord barrns Count j. It is onr pleasure to announce to the people of Concord and Cabarrns conntv that Mont Amcena Female days but is simply moving steadily Seminary has been greatly rtnproved along. Onr contractors t are build ana- enlarged, bo that it offer today ing at different places about in town, ill the uipment of a firstsclasa, and in several different parts "of uptoodate, modern institution of town we hear the noise of the car- learning. Its curriculum has been penter'e hammer and the bricks advanced, its teaching force increase mason's trowel . ? : I ed, and modernj water conveniences As before noted a nice residence installed in the building. Hot and is being built on Spring street for cojd water, and bath rooms con Mies Maggie Bessent It is an renient to every hall. A new eight room house and will have two annex with steam heat will be ready stories. r , for. occupancy by the opening of the Mrs. Kate Goodaon will soon have session, f 'The . new. music depart another beautiful residence on West ment will also be heated by steam. Depot street next to her home now. The Seminary building will soon be This is another two -story house cons directly connected with the Concord taming ten roome DesmcH. i om Teiepnone excnange. An entire room. j year's expense is only $100.00, ins The 'lumber is already being cludine tuition in literarv course . - - f board, laundry, fuel and lights, or less vthan three davB on a residence $130.00 with music or art. or $160 00 j borne this morning from Carthage. lin Cannonville on the other side of with music and art.- f s the pond on the site where the With rlrstsclass advantages and other bnilding was burned a week cheap rates, this Cabarrns county or two ago. This will be a two institution oaght to have a large story house, similar o thoe- built patronage from Concord and Ca- by the Cannon Manufacturing Co, barruB county. Students of any thereabout. denomination welcome to our ads A nice cottage is being finished on vantages, the corner of 8pring and Heilig The next session will open streets. This building belongs to Dr. September 6th, 1 p. m. Apply to Lilly, and as soon as finished, will the undersigned for illustrated be occupied by Mr. D J Bostian. catalogue. Some splendid improvement are! Rbv. Hendersox N Miller, A, M., Ph.JD, President, Mt. Pleasant, N. O. day, and the .General himself will sail' by Sunday. The matter of American silver has righted itselfS at Santiago and our silver coins have their full face value, as it will be from any coun try where it is possible to exchange t for, gold. Gen. Blanco has resigned and issued a farewell address to the Spaniards in Cuba and especially of Havana. ' Of course he harps that reconciliation could soon have been effected but for American inter ference. Having urged resistence to the last extreme he does not wish now to conduct the surrender with out a fight. - It is reported, but not confirmee that Manila has been bombarded and has surrendered, Angusti hav ing .escaped, on a german vessel. VERY : INTERESTING. afjooooooooooacrll m 1 rr nv ONE LOT of Lawn worth 10 to goat 5 cents.' Worth 25 to go at 15c. Worth 15 to go at 8e. These are Remnants. 0 ' V tY' v Mm YOU FURNISH THE FEET VfE DO THE RE i That's all we ask you to do-f nish the feet We will not only fjo the rest, but we will do it well for 9C Kf ' Ladies- Gowns PERSON A L POINTERS. -Attorney W G Meane returned 40 and 50 cents. Ladies' Chemise 20c Ladies' Corset Covers 25c Ladies' Drawers. We are going to sell them. AFTER THE WAR. 4l Grand A aval Parade and Salutes at the Crave of Gen. Grant Ar ranged Jfnyal Militia to Go Home- Commissions Appointed for Occu pation Gen. T-.ee Will Go to llavana The Cubans to Be Disbanded Gen. Shatter's Army to lie Gone Thurs day Blanco Resigns and Issues an Address manlla Said to Have Fallen. Mr. M J Freeman tatamed POOOOOOOOOGH home last night from on a businees - I 5A, ... ... . ' .'' .YKb. lotte.isihe guest of Capt. J M U INlCe Jr'iaia --(J nii P. r, Mrs. Geo. Lore and children W returned from Charlotte yesterday being made on the Baptist church on Spring street, adding much more room to the building and im. pro?ing the appearance -wonderfully. An additional building is .being built to the Cannon mills, with the dimension of 52 by 42 feet. This annex will be three stories high and id bting built to the north side of the building. ' An additional room is being built to the Buffalo mills, to be used as a spinning rcom. . Its dimensions are 65 by 32 feet. I yiuea large aaaiuonai ounuing A breath n snell is on with rft- 13 being built to the bleacBery.but at 8pect to the war and the depart, this time we fail to know its dimens meat8 at Washington can let down sions: The building will be built somewhat5 from the strain. Yet to the lower end and will project tnere ia mncll 0jng on aod 8tin almost to tne nrancc, giving room mncH to begone. evening. -Rev. W C Alexander and fam ily left this morning for Virginia! where they will spend several weeks.:. Miss Coleby, who has been vis iting a friend at Norwood, returned this morning to the home of Mr. Jas. C Gibson. Nice Plaid Shirt Waists Worth 50 and 6Q cents, To close out at 40 cents. We have every thin gin Q x f ord, r : : except your feet. , t Cannon & Fetzer Company. for a roadway. Goes to Jail. A negro claiming to be a doctor from New Xork and giving his name as Dr. Doy, was arraigned before It is proposed to have a grand naval parade Saturday the 20th up the river at New York as far as to Gen. Grant's tomb, where a salute will be fired. The ships will Ihen I A 1 1 : A. I 1 1 Esq. Hill today (Tnesdaj) on the relnrnl Y na charge of carrjing a concealed he naval mHitia will .be disbanded ! Weapon. Oa trial the negro seemed 88 raP!dl.y 88 possible. somewhat imoertinent. and had to M"ior GiDeral" Brooke aod be hashed by thethreat of being Schwan and Admiral Schley have .Tpat in jil if he didn't keep his b8ennsmed'011 the commission to t mouth shut, onlv when his tnrn C0Ddnct the ran6fer of occupation came. He was found guilty and in Porto Eico,, and Major Generals now lies in; jail, having failed to give a $50 bond for his appearance at coart. He tried to be a veiy slick duck,'7 but his little antics didn't go in a case like this. Mr. Jno. Yorke came over from Charlotte yesterday evening, on ac count of Mrs, Yorke not being well. She is gradually improving now. Mesarp. James Young, Maury Richmond, EdMoss and Chae. His- lop returned from Wilmington this morning, after spending several days at Ocean View. Mrs. Joe Fink returned home last night from High Point, where she has been visiting her sisters. Mrs. Reith, nee Miss Effie Brown, returned with her and will visit her relatives here. An on nee of satisfaction is worth a ton or talK. batisfaction srees with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, Dry -4t Miller, Shoe Furnishers. M A Z O'.L E N-E! A FRESH LOT OF ' If your Piano, Organ, Music Box, Clock or anything in the Fuxni ture line Phaeton or Buggy looks dinevtrv one bottle. You will , w . - never be without it. - - - Paney Lawn Swin gs WU3i All the Latent IiiiroyemeutM Qakes OrsaniEation Effected. The stockholders of the Lippard 8healy Manufacturing Company & have brought that enterprise up to the point where organization wasde sirable. Therefore on An net 15th they met and effected the . following organization, viz: D B Coltranr, president; J O Lippard, - secretary and treasurer; W P Shealy, super intendeht. Directors: D B Coltrane, J O Lippard; W P Shealy, R T Lippard, Geo. BHiBB. Wade and Butler and Admiral Simpson in Cuba. It seems a set tl d conclusion that Gen. Lee and his corps will go to Cnla. Gen. Lee's fitness to cope with Cuban af fairs seems admitted. TheJGentral takes a hopeful view of the future of Cuba.- He thinks 45 000 troop a sufficient to keep order on the island, while reconstruction is being efs fected. A consultation between the Amer ican, and Cuban. leaders at Santiago is said to have taken place Monday night in which itwas decided that the OabaDS should be disbanded and be paid off by he United States. This will require, about $15,000,000, it is said," but will be a necessity . The la3t of Gen. .Shifter's army AT- Ervin & Morrison OR0CER5 For, Over Fi ty Fears Mrs. -Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. ; It u soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the ! best remedy for Diarrhoea, -It- will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists inreyery part of the world, Twentjfiye pents a. bottle , Be sure ftB4 aif ior Mrs. Winslowa 8ootL iLg Syrup," and take no other kind No Push-ee no pull-ee, work-ee wejl-eev all . enm-ee. Call-ee eee-ee and if you don't look sharp we will sell you. furniture ! World without end and more od the way. Two car loads ol Chairs. Sounds like we do not intend to let people sit on the: floor. And we don't ! Rockers from. 75c. to:$10.00. ' We are in a position to giye'you anytliing you want in the Furniture line'at the lowest possible prices. Respectfally, 'BelI9-lHIarris Compaey. With onr newFunerai Car' jastjinfrom Cunningham Son& & Co., of Rochester, N. Y., our Undertaking Department is unequaled in Xorth Carolina. Residence 'Pnone qo Store 'Phone . t. l Ill ,

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