X ' " ' ' - is&J OAJU -'M iCv " :-t Vol. Xw-No. 2709 TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. A Good Attendance or Our Teachers From concord and Thronghont lie County Interesting Talks On Different Subjects. CONCOttW, N: C. TUESDAY, AUGUST 23 1898 FIGHT AT GOLD HILL. Pistol, a Knife and a Plank Tsed- Several Hurt. There was a fight at UnlH Win - w . .... The Teachers Institute opened in nraaJ Ing which was pars the curt bouse Monday. Owin to !?.P ln 8eral prominent the delay of the trains, Prof. Joys ' 83ys l"bwj San. ner, of Greensboro, and Prof. 1l08e .Participating -in one way or 8harpvof PineyiUet.did not arrive T 1 Manney, Sid until Monday afternoon. A short Ma?nev w L Snaver and Dr. Shim- tiession' was held that afternoon. Pl' ' Prof. Joyner made a short talk that uifie'tronbIe abont the tele. afternoon to the number accenting ll ?, m-: dePok t0 Dr the imnortance of the nomWH bhlmP hoa8e- - . I AmOTlff thA - WAflom . ... J ,uw nt0uyUB uoeu were terest of the teachers in the work. . and expressed his delight in being with the teachers of our county. This ( Tuesday) morning Prof. a pistol, a knife and a Blank. Sidney Manney was- cut abq the bowels, bat the wound was not PERSONAL POINTERS. Miss Maggie Bessent returned noma irom Charlotte yesterday OVHDlDg. . Mr. Tom Cannon, of finny fan burg, is in our city visiting at the uume oi nis Drothers here. 1 Mr. Jae. Northey, of Charlotte, an omciai ot the -Bell Telephone Co. uere today on business. Superintendent P I, RoKW, i - W.MO ana Mr. Henry Wilson home this morning from a trip to uuiiugion. Miea Sallie Castor Add Yiay friend, Miss Carrie NA?lpr - w spending a day or two with relatives Whole No 11773 A FRESH LOT OF snarpe opened tne session. His flfrn: " "uuun in township. as.wM ..Ti,ft a; struck over the head with a nlank P .nr L r .T F H M..erwodTed,-t es in h ?Dd Mrs, D F Cannon and f 7"L ; the ar om the Doctor's knifp 80n ATCtXQY returned from Chai- ,O J C 'r WTen" or0M- Parties cam .i.un ' .vTl.- 8' J W Wadaworth. rrot. joyner then spoke on the . : " J muiu fiabjct of "Readine ucvciuu Lilt-1, in I ill n rii nnunran rtrr ark I r oriat Bifit w i - w " , v . ou . " - Mr. C W Boabamer. Mr Grav has Jomg showlD8 also the closa rela- Miss L.llie Lit.kar, of Charlotte, been out in the India Territory .tion between the eaoher and the u visiting at Mrs. J 8 Goldston'a on ior some time and came om to see papiU 10 the school work North Onn,h ...... u.- ... Zz . over 10 866 P'uk.-.W .w... .u. - .!,.. urn. aostiamer, Mrs. ."T t:u . j H M Barrow, who has been Kamsenr and MiBS Lize Gray aaoiect, setting tortn the lmDorUnoe 1 4. , . a jvmgs mountain Or tne fltnnv nf niafnrv nafnal I i Ttr ... . .....,. uu aynesviiie for some time, re- ence and normal stndie. and a bets turned homeMonday evening much w.Mj w inoiomic, uub leaving j lujprovea. Pnllpao- a f0f? . Mrs' W R 0deI1 children I11W4J, uo oajB, nave gone to Connelly Sprines should be well started in our public ljr L , y springs, 'schools, then the pupil la prepared TTMrVChae8 fty, of Danville Tor the stet) to.be tkn t Ur va spent Sunday in the city. A most excellent and interesting Mr and Mrp- Charles Williams, address was then given by Prof. of CiJarIoUe who have bsen visiting Joyner on "Lmguage," going deeper lvea ln tne Cltv returned hom mrn tha anKif I Monday. m ww vuw huu cuu aixr-auw m LHr I.HI 1 I - maKing still more branches to the aabject being discu-eed. The subject of 'History" was "rT " Jr aarpe 8D-pulmonary ExerclSes at Betnel. Sieatinff that the nnnil h matrnnfo ... " r a - I V. a ne ocanaara is requested to an- to write nrndnrhrmn nf o ViiatAiol . . u nt V. "Z, & : DOaDCe that on Satday night, An. hf;rt r b. aai!y eer Period, the Period of SetUraent fm c In "e eastern 8eS8Ioos of the Inat.tnte held in the the RevolnhooarTpeld The 7 T WOtDan'8 CDrt frm 9 30 8" t0 13 Period of the Growth of Federal "l'"'uuar'. - P vzsnors are Jdeaa -ceuerni 0,ety. The exercises will consist of welcome to come when they please, Prof Shame informed th fpLlV.T. V. ' y piease ana -ww- huu a gn. an Hdrtrpsa h t ri nro V 1 1 . . I . j i-iui. u - "Aiiwci iiucv wore re HI : JSTEiSTI. I30000C30C-OC.Xi; ONE LOT of Lawn worth 10 to goat ' 5. cents. Worth 25 to o at!5o Worth 15 to eo at 8e . These are Remnants. SEE! S3000000000CXH Ladies' Gowns . 40 and 50 cents. Ijadies' Chemise 20c Ldies' Corset Covers 25c. Ladies' Drawi-. We are golne to sell them. m a 3uv YOU FURNISH THK FEET WE DO THE REl That's all we ask you to do-lf r- nish the feet We will not only do the rest, bat w-a wiir ri n" $2 50 "en ior ancy V AT- Mfoa r.;ii;A n ,i t ' , .. miiiD vw, woo nas oeen visiting Miss Marella Ward, at Sal- Frvin & Mrifricn-i isburv. has retnrnH hnmo Cr Vin lYlOrriSOO v 4 Vff 111 J I GR0CER5 I3oo:oooooooci Q Nice Plaid f Shirtwaists Worth 50 and 60 cents, Jaj To close out at 40 cents. Cannon cc Fetzer Company. S x quested to deposit any questions which they wisned the Institute to answer or discuss. The whols number of teachers in the county is, whites, 73," colored 23. The attendance the first day wfis, white3 33, colored 7. The NEWS PARAGRAPHS. leave whenever they plea3e. Their coming and going will not interrupt A 1 ' tne worK Dr, Charles D Mclver, of the Stte Normal and Industrial College, ill deliver-an address Friday morning R The cot cable at Manila has been T T united and commnnica ions are ""'.."f ersitr, reunited and commnnica ions now direct. Five persons perished in the burnt second day there were, whites 47, hotels, National and Windsor at colored 15 . Sixty-two out af Qfi Hot Sunne. Ark ' sfltnrW " w i o r ? wu -J Ui ' I LA" and Hon. C H Mebane. Snnprintor,, dent of Pabiic Instruction, are ex pected to speak also on that day. lechers - are in attendance. nr Arm Broben. Little Frances Craven, daughter of Mr. K L Craven, fell from the gate post late Monday evening and hroKe her arm jast at the elbow . It proved ?ery painful to her that night, but she is reported vto be resting very well this (Tuesday) morning. New Clerk at the St. Cloud. To fill the place of clerk at the St. plond hotel vacated by Mr. De. barry Fisner, Mr. J E Palmer, of near Lexington, arrived Monday af ternoon. Mr. Palmer seems to b3 a Yery pleasant and accommodating young man and we welcome nim to our city and hope that he will be well pleased with our people. It is better to be nobly remem bered than nobly born. Ruskin. ing. 4 The relations between England and Russia are said to be strained to a fearful point.- It is said that neither wants war, but that hostili- ties may be precipitated by Russia's aggressions to a point at which England might Brike a blow The terms of the Manila sarrenn der allowed the Spaniards to retire with the honors of war, officers' to retain their side arms and horses; the prisoners to enjoy libertv ant eat off of Uncle Sam till they can get away; all public valuables toac cxpe. to,..the United Ss&refl Th Spanish arms are to be returned to tbesoldiers when they return or when the Americans leave Manila. Is what comes to those that use a "Pine Fiber" Mattress. oSOures ooue-hs nna - CD wauo ClXXVi is very beneficial to all lung and throat nuuuie. igmy recommended by medical fraternity. Cheaper than Patent Medicine soft as hair and will not pack. Our "Perfec tion Mattress' made from regihned cotton down, "sold with a guarantee." for hiirf ( , . 7 ... icomiort, stands at the head of the list. Hair Home From Jncnsonyllie. Mpnare .Inn A fovanHii anA u lSZZ ?0ttn' COttn and husk straw and cotton e enmg. 4Mr. Jno. Alexander was rm a gOOd COmmOIl to the best mattreSS for called home bv Xhe death of hia ats. ll-ick u-i w- -.ii u n t - vycy cLiwttys on nana. r. while Mr. Dolnh Ham Irnn wftfi u Yon know that one third of your life is spent in bed ? In order to have a first class; bed yon must have a No. 1 Spring. We have at your command : the Silver King, The Dutchess, the President, the National, "Raleigh," "Sweet Rest Mprpheous" and. -Solid Comfort." Pay yorr money and take your choice, s ' - ter, while Mr. Dolph Hamilton was also granted a furlough. Both hae a ten days' fnriongh. So far the doctors have nArsn4W people to have everything else cut out but their tongues Atchison Globe. ' - WANTED To buy 100,0001 pounda of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at once, far which we will pay a fair price. No burnt iron, wanted. alCtf. Concord Foundry Co. When you call for De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure, don't accept anything Don t be talked into accepting substitute, for piles, for soreF s. J JF liibson, else. a for All persons indebted to Archey by account will please tie same at once. W G Means Dr. sel- tf. House Furnishing Goods of eveay description, world :. without'end. Come and gee. v ' BeSfl9 Harris Gompaey. We have everything In Oxfords except your feet. n . oanoe of jtlsiicy.on. is worth a tton of talk Satisfaction goes with every pair of shoes we sell. -Respectfully, Dry Miller, Shoe Furnishers. 4 L . j -

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