Vol. Xi No. 2709 CONuO tVD, N; C, WEDNES DAY, AUGUST 24 1898 Whole No 11774. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. A Good Attendance of Onr Teachers J From concord and Throntrhout the Connty Interesting- Talks On Different Subjects. Tuesday an 2 p. m , Prof. Sharpe resumed the study of h' story, sug gesting the gentle steps from fairy tales taught orally to such fascinas tioLS as Robinsou Crusoe, then biog raphy, rtc., all the while leading the child by easy stages along win-1 ning paths, At 230 Prof. Joyner treated the subject of .numbers. He would be- gin the presentation of numbers by the concrete rather than the ab Cl aotr . i A child concedes of fife fin- gers more readily than the abstract number 5 . He warned against too much explanation, but also drew the dedicate line where the child must be helped and guided lest it become weakened bv discouragement. vAt 3 o'clock Prof. Sharpe took up the study of teoarraphv. Ic is easily taught, as it is readily adopted by the child. It is well adapted to develop the observation and the im agination. He would begin with local objects, their positions and distanosB relatively to a given point proceeding by gentle steps to the general. 21 aeper mieresi an u more skillful presentation should be &i t -t; . itll exerciseu man merely asKiug tue questions in the text book and re- csiving tne answers. jli 6.M rror. Joyner aweu on auu BwiuuiuB, au luapirawuu breath of life muBt be in the teacher. A Knn f tVia .. foanhor mnaf ha q n ini I A - , , , . .A , , . f - . A mosDhere. Like the srvmnasium to the Dhvsical man is school culture to the child, the teacher bein the trainer or guide. The principle of development is exercise. The teacher must arrange and adapt these exercises. Exer cise that iB pleasant is always profi to able save when abnormally excited. Wednesday morning Prof. 8harpe took up methods of teaching. He sa bdivided bis theme dwelling chiefly cn intuition. We form our con elusions by ob ervatious that must be verified by scrutinizing all the be known after this as the Buffalo ti vJUTm'-' f h ol iucuj artj uiwuuyereu. The coming sessions of school At 10 o'clock Rev. J E Faust ad open at the cleg,Q and aeminary on uicoccu luuutuio uu pnysioiogy, going into tne minutiae or tne ners yous system, showing the mysterious ramification of the nerves and the processes of transmission of sense and the power to act either volun- tarily or involuntarily. i An arithmetical query had been placed in the box Tuesday which Prof. Ludwig proceeded to solve. It was like this: A had a hog of 400 pounds, B had a hog of 200 pounds, They sold in lump for 36, which was 6 cents per pound. But the heavier hog was worth a premium on the market of 1 cent per pound what shall be the amount for each ? The Prof eeaor proceeded by the supposition forsake of solution that had B's pork been worth as much as A's he would have gotten oce cent per pound more, -which would have aggregated $33 for the hoge; $38 600 ponnda .06i. This would be the price per pound for A'a psrk . B'a then would be 051; 400 pounds x 6J cents 25.33 J; 200 pounds x 5i cent3-l0.66i. Th two amounts added make 36. To pro ceed from the smaller basis and add one cent for the larirpr will Krinol - v the same results. Prof. Sharpe then resumed! the subject of numbers and illustrated the simple and easy way in which the young mind gains a conception of the four fundamental processes of arithmetical solution. Prof. Sharpe then treated how to study a subject. He would divide it into tnniOB. T?!Yri trmin oh nnl1 nnn into topics. Each topic should coni taJn a complete idea, o. g.t xpi.,1 btatement of aim. V 2nd, PreparationCall up that which is already known. 3ra Presentation bringing out new material this includes narra- nun. uuyuiHUL. uhvp nnmnnr i j i. j: i r : ' ar !T " ' I h, Association and obserration. II. 5th, Generalization, 6sn Application. A11 tnefie 8teP8 must be taken in the proper study of a subject. Prof. Sharpe again took the study of numbers till time for the neon adjournment LOOKING FORWARD To the Opening of the Two Institu tions A New Holler- Mill Now Per sonal Mention Mt. Pleasant, Aug. 24. Mrs M E Welsh, Miss AHiiie Welsh, Mrs. L J Foil aad Master Fred Foil have gone to Jefferson, 8. U, where they visit relatives. Mr. R L McAlister, who is su- perintenUing the construction of the new mill at Albemarle, spent Satur- day night and Sunday at home. Miflfl Mftrorftrf. "PioVior rrava a rirk, ". . y " f Satnrdav evenmtr. Thfiv ninvAd n J , J straw nae 10 ana rrom tne picnic grounds at Barriers mill. Me88r8' Walter Cook and Prof. G r JUCAU3er oaoaj rrom a yisic to jxorwooa ana Aibe marie. That old song "The Girl I Left Behind Me' seems to be quite popular with them since their re turn. T wonder why." Mr, Horace Black welder, of Con cord, spent Sunday with Mr. Mcs Eachernand 'I ' Vi a rn 1 1 o r rr ill m onhinanj urVtinh ... "u,vu L 1 I 1 iL 1T! Jl 111 uas oeen piaueu 10 me xiuuiey mm, is running now. It will probably September 1st and! September 6th respectively. A public exercise will be given at the seminary on opening day. On Dit. The Firt Bale or cotton On Tuesday the cotton pickers could be seen at work in one of the fields of Esq. R W . Allison, getting out '.their product ready for the ginning. Early this (Wednesday) il T 1 O morning tne iipparas oi carrier cotton gin was singing a new song. Iu a few hours the sample was on the market, the first of the season. This is thefirstoae heard of yet, and to Mr. Allison be ascribed the praise. The bale was bought by Mr. D P DayvauU for six cents per pound. Not Yet Decided. . All of the bids for the putting in of the sewerage pipes were handed in last week, but on account of some points yet, no decision, has been made in regard to the contract. However, this will not delay the work, as the piping and cement has been ordered for whoever gets the contract. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mrs. G TCrowell went to Char lotte this morning. Mr. Chas. Wadswor th was here this morning a few hours from Charlotte. -Miss Fannie Green, accompa- nied by Mr. Frank Garrett, went to Kings Mountain this morning on a I : . f - visit. ? f pu;n nrtn Atn.,j from China Grove this morning whera he has been lookiug 4after some cotton gin troubles. Miss Margaret Cannon return oil ni) m a laoi uiKOi iram ice rtocK - J 1 1 A I J it . T 1 a ' l i t r - . "'"y na8 "vu penamg eome time. A FRESH LOT OF ancy EryiH & JVlOT riSOll GROCERY The 7th Corps Will' Go to Cuba. Jacksonville, Aug. 22. -There ap peared in yesterday's Jacksonville paper an in trvte with--Geutjral-j Lee Btatin8 that the- SeTbnlh corps would go to Cuba about Octo- ber 1 to do garrison duty, but that 1 such regiments as desired could be mustered out. Acting on this, several companies have gotten up petitions asking to be released from service. These pe- i titions are signed by a preponder ance of the enlisted men. No com missioned officer has been asked to sign. rne. great majority oppose the movement. Bennion Co. H,8th N. C. Kefflmeul. I I There will be a reunion of the Lnrvvorfl of Co. H. 8th1 N. C Rem, men? at Mt Pleasant, August30:h. 11 i8 boped r tber7"lbe afuU turnout. Come and bring your baskets. Let's have a grand meet- fog. I st'"ck B tl-ufutn8: . Thia "TnoflavV mnrnintr. our townsman, Mr. c w swink found two of Mb fine Jersey heifers in the by lightning Saturday night during the big ram. ; "What a wonderful painter Ru bens was," remarked Mr. Gibbs at the art gallery. "Yes," asserted Mrs. Gibbs. "It is said of him that he could change a laughing face into a sad one by a . single stroke' "Why," spoke up Johnny, in du gust, t4my school-master cm do that.' Tit-Bits. ' ; W ANrED-rJ " Duv 100 000 pounda of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at once, for which we will pay a fair price. No burnt iron wanted. alCtf. Cqncdbp Foundry Co. When you call for De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure, don't accept anything else. Don't be talked into! accepting a substitute, for piles, for sores, for burns. J P Gibson. AT H ONE LOT of Lawn worth 10 to ?oat 5 cents- Worth 25 to go at 15c. Worth 15 to eo at 8c. These are Remnants. 30030000001 Ladies1 Gowns 0 40 and 50 cents. Ladies' Chemise 20c. Ladies' Corset Covers 25c Ladies' Drawers. We are going to sell them. -3C30O9L" JfC jOOC30jC2 3OCX3OQO0OC3O: Nice Plaid Shirtwaists Worth 50 and 60 cents, To eloae out at 40 cents. 1 . 1 in V V i i lLC:coooc Cannon & Fetzer Company. Is what comes to Fiber" Mattress. iCiires coughs, colds and is Very beneficial tO all lllllg and throat trouble. Highly rBCommended by medical fraternity. Cheaper than Patent Medicine tion MattreSS,'' made down, sold with a comort, stands at the cotton, cotton and husk, straw and cotton UmOw. o rvnrA nnvmnnTi the money always on hand. You know that one third of your life is spent in bed In order to have a first class bed you must have a No. 1 Spring. We have at your command the Silver KfQg, The Dutchess, the President, the National, "Raleigh," "Sweet Rest," Morpheous" and ktSolid Comfort." Pay your money land take your choice, 's fiiiiff II House Ftfr nishin Goods of eveay , description, world without end. Come and see. ; Be!l9 Harris Comrapaey. .. . r .tx . r 9a YOU FURNISH THE FEET WE DO THE REST. That's all we ask you to do f r- niah the feet We will not only do the rest' but we will do it well for $2 50. ; We have everything iu Oxfords except v our feet. An ounce of satisfaction is worth a ...tonjat;-tMk,.u;; SatisfaerigoeB? with every ? pair of shoes we sell. : Respectfully,- Dry Milter, Shoe Furnishers. -1 those that use a uPine IrOOl reginned COttOn guarantee,' for sond head of the" list. Hair, in ho hoet. mnttrPRc; for - "

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