0 fANZ-W i . " CONCORD, N. C. MONDAY. ADJUST 29 180H HI Mil DEAD. Whole No 11779 An Attack of Apoplexy Came While Away From Home. I.oyet Arrive Too Late to win lstrr to Him I?n!y Jftrunglit to Concorrt for Rurlal TJie Faui ily All Present Ada, tb oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8 F Rogefs, of our city. The deceased represented his county several terms in the General Assembly. On the death of Judge McCoy he was. appointed to that place by Gov. Scales and afterwards elected to the place. AbouYtwo years ago he resigned the Judgahip to return to the bar. He was practicing his profession in the city ol Raleigh, associated with Mr. Arimistead Jones The many friends of Judge Ed ward T Boykin were made heartsick on the evening of the 27th, when the news came over the wires that that eminent jarist and genial gentleman had pissed from the stage of earthly action in the very zenith of a life of broad u-efulnees and increasing power. He responded to the call of doty as be saw it and h. 1 thrown his power? ss i pa-not into the political arena. He had addres-ed the poople at Peacocks Store in Johnston conns ty on Friday, and his speech was 63: d to ie o?en a moat masterly ;rc. Ev went to' Dunn, in Har- io .' - where he was to have made uauerDernocratie address 8aturday. He was the guest of his friend, Mr. Lee, whom he told before retiring that he did not feel very well. When Mr. Lee went to awaken him Saturday morning he found him unconcious and in a critical condition. All efforts : to revive him proved unavailing and he breathed his last soon after noon from an attack of apoplexy. Mrs. Boykin wa3 speeding her vay to reach his bedside but ere she arrived the crushing :i9ys were broken to Grier was nominated on first ballot On motion of Mr. Jno. A Sims the nomination was made unanimous. After the nomination of Mr. H H Blackwelder for cotton weigher, At torney Morrison CaMwell arose and made a short speech, asking the members of the convention to re member those members of the Pon. ulibt party who have from the be ginning of Populism stuck to their Pirty, and to let them be the ones to reward by social honor. In We jom a host of friends in the; makicg this talk, he paid a tribute tender of sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family. COUNTY CONVENTION imner of Populism, as he id called, in this county, who is Mr. Watt Barringer . Gradually the speech became a defense, or rather or the PopniisjH Held it Saturday ! recmmendation for Eo . O A Pitts Tue Popuiittt and Bepnwicans 88 tne nominee for register of deeds. 10 Ajcree Exactly t theQ me speech he made a slight re-offiees-KeTertheiess the Popaiists 1 mark as to the election just Drevious mi .INTERESTING. ONE LOT of Lawn worth 10 to goat 5 cents. Worth 25 to go at 15c Worth 15 to eo at 8c These are Remnants. Go Ahad. A good large crowd was in town last Saturday to attend the Populist convention. There was a splendid attendance from all parts of the county . About 12 o'clock a caucus was held among themselves, but in which Mr. Watt Barringer, h3 has stood by the Populist rartv so steadily, cuot aside in the ses lection of a nomine fur Ir.-.tfv, weigher. This was a dart at I'r. Blackwelder Mr. Oildwell at the time not thinking that Mr; Blaok- a weiaer a Jf opaliet pedigree was god. K X 1 oooooaM! Ladies' G-owns YOU FURNISH THEFEEf WE DO THE REST. iuuvo on uan jou 10 ao i r nish the feet We will not only do be rear but we will do it well for $2.50. ; ' . scarcely anything was found out Bu7 r h ' Wa?Wd' during that time, so a Populists J"' " "1 forma no uaving . louna A , xiacKweiaer naa a toleras A while after 2 o'clock the Popu b!v rood r?rA in th i ' listF, and quite a number of Demo- Just aftpr th Ai..f, crats who went to look on, assembled inee for clerk of the court, the de- in the court house. feated contestant. Mr. Jno. A R,rts Mr. Geo. U Goodman was elected arose an(i oiade somewhat of a chairman and Mr. Will Heglar sec- ap8ecn' Before going into the cons retary. yention, the whole "schedule had Capt. J M W Alexander, spokes- e?n. arranSed- w in the con- man for the Populist committee, ap- ll T Cm a gentIemaQ r pointed to-confer with the Republi- ro i to go down - - r j stairs immediatftiv nH Ki-mo- cans as to a co operate ticket, tia gr,p We , . arose and made bis report, though Bpe8Ch depeaded on hlg a3bhe did not state things fully. He ins got the defeat all right, and f-.-formed the convention that the Re. eotthe prin. TT ln f n-, dovn hr thA nhAirmaw f f n . l I - J t v. tiiiQ UUU lint ilt.l iL,. il tt " . t cunuu, wufc mat fcUOV I llio ITODUIISLS) vcumuu ttlicr iloYlDH BDJKfln a ahnrt n . i, v i " n ner tnat aeatn had l.u D0C accept it. ne tnen eaid wullB- -as to nis speeon, oar read- claimed her husband. ' that the Populists made the Rsp'iib ers can iearn of u ln the editoria I MrR. "R V "Rncrprtf ot.M ort I licans a conntp.r nrnrna?t?nn tnhinh COlumn8. - WfbW.WUUVL DULIk A 1 III & I : - rw.wM.VWU .UALfUl I I I . . . m . . . Koers. boardpd th pincT fQ;n was declined bv th Rflnnhlinano "CA 'a8 ciossa tne 0 , .w6 ""'"I r . . xV , . . . . ind hastened to join their breaved As to what these propositions were, roPUilBl loroe ana everything had kntrM.fi, oia vr. . La f. .f. .k. come to a standsstill, Dr. Grier then LMl..' . .u. L..-..., oB.. .w. .v.. ..... aroae and thanked Mr. Sims for his , - vAau mi- -J h i ii n ifri im r m . r. w v 1 k u Kjiain in, m i. . w iiih m. vis. w u I . . . . promise 01 snPDOrt dnrinff ths nam. Jte wiin whom were also the son Kepnhlicans demanded the offices of paign. The tw0 men who fm tfa 40 and 50 cents. Ladies Chemise 20c. Ladies' Corset Covers 25c Ladies' Drawers. We are going to sell them. X Nice Plaid Shjrt Waists Worth 50 and CO cents, To close out at 40 cents. 1 We have everything in Otfords except your feet. 'I r "::;;x:300Cjeci Cannon & Fetzer Company. 2: An ounoe of satisfaction is worth a ton of talk. Satisfaction goes with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, - M Weddington. Mr. Sims' name was again put up in this election, but as it did about a half hour before, it fell far below. Messrs. J L Stafford and Fred Glass were elected the nominees for commissioners. and daughter of the deceased, Mr. ebsriff, clerk of the court, coroner, last while have been working for r ay ooym. xney ou,A ; uummiBBioners. xnis is i tne nomination of clerk of the imved at 9 o clock Sunday night the proposition that the PopulistB court, shook hands before the audi W the body was placed in A!l would not hear to. The Populist eace. wntB Church where vigil was kept. I committee, as per their instructions, Tne selection of a nominee for The funeral was conducted at offered the R-oublicans the offices of ne Legislature was next taken ud. l-'30 o'clock by the pastor Dr. J C sheriff treasurer and one commis- whlch fel1 t0 the lot of Mr. W 111?'', n 3 - J. 11 . f I . ouuuruing to tne rues or tne BluIie -v pscopal church and the body was Though no agreement between the iacea in the city cemetry. Populists and Republicans had been $he paul bearers were, Messrs. P made yet, "a motion prevailed tc pro Fetzer, W G Means, W R Odell, ceed to the nomination of coroner, v ",uauu. i a ruryear, w J surveyor, cotton weigher, register ontgomery, H O Herring, J L of deeds, clerk of the court, mem. foweHand P B Smith . ber of the Legislature and two e nght.hand pews was reserved A motion was carried to leave the r members of the bar. offices of sheriff. trponror on - . 1 WVWWMW UUU UJJO Judpe Bovkin wfl 4i trftarq niH commissioner to be filled hr Via tive of 8ampson countv and J0011 committee. adaateof Trinity College. He 0T coroner Mr. I) A Caldwell was i as first married to Miss Bizzell cf nommated on eecond ballot. paon county by whom there f fiurveyr Mr. Malcolm G ere born to him two sons and one reoeived the unanimous vote5 ber, yiz, Edward Ti- l weigher, H H reenriiia n J 1 Blackwelder was nominated on third 55 -2K r ''-- , ' v wu- oimon 8 unanimous. wno arrived here on the tfo. For register of deeds , Mr. J H auu. LiiH nnnvo mAn;.. uiuudo waa uuuiiuuieu nn Roonnri r. Swiff nf: t I ballot, and on motion of h iuiM uesiy. - - . . 1 ; tr . . ' . r. ---"-w A FRESH LOT OF ancy Dry MUler, ' Shoe Furnishers. ii Is what comes to those that use a "Pir-R Fiber" Mattress. Cures oouerhs. colds r.ri is very beneficial to all lung -and throat trouble. Highly recommended by medical fraternity. Cheaper than Patent Medicme soft as hair and will not pack. Our "Perf po tion Mattress," made irom reginned cotton down, "sold with a guarantee." for solid comfort, stands at the head of the list Hair T cotton, cotton and husk, straw and cotton from a good common to the best mattress for the money always on hand. ' You know that one third of your life is spent in beds In order to have a first class ibed you must have a No. 1 Spring. We have at your command the Silver King Tha Dutchess, the President, -the National, "Raleigh," "Sweet Rest," Morpheons" and "Solid Comfort." Pay your money and take your choice, h s H AT- Being bereft by the death of hi. f companionJIhemarried Miss . m - J -v- Domination was made nnanimong For cleri of;: the court Dr. 8 Aj Ervin & Morrison GROCERY, ine-it of iiooa's Jdiaparilla. xiuuu b tarsnpariMa scils because accompHshe CEAT CURCS Rouse Furnishing Goodsof eveayj description, world without end. Come and see. . ' Bell9 Harris Company. p.. I- . .

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