JOINT CANVASS To Hi' Mart' the nominees As noted serul dajs ego aa ar rangement aa trying to be mada for a jmnt canvass by Attorneys Theo. F Klutts and Morrison Caldwell, of the Democratic and parties icr Congress. Morrison. Caldwell runner ietr fram Mr. Theo. F K' lttz. of Salisbury, eaylng . . i. i i t r a uthoTouia speai: at jjexinioa on Tuesday, August 6th; Dallas on S?pfc. 2ntb: Troy on Oat. Shels by on Oet..25tb end at Newton on Nov, 1st. Mi. Kluftz informs Mr. Caldwell of these appointments in order that a joint speaking can be had in ce Mr. Caldwell accepts v Mr. Caldwell inforas us that he will atfend these place?. He will go to Salisbury Saturday to arrange muer scneauie tor tne canyass . OON.dOltP. N. C. THUSDAt SEPTEMBER l 1898 HUNDRED. 48T. ! ; S"onAL POTERSi ...iarou Their Way , ri.ei,i W cWntTW ' .'- Germans !u In storm ad Are Mim,. I , - . ' no;0 Chns is VISitiDSr ln- ; ' jwiyes at tr.e city cf Rimer. A " '51 If rv j . . ? Whole No 11;: A ! Tho jTxire:s torapry rys Tax; The matter cf rho shall pay for the expree? stamp c?.mo up before the Raikoad Ccmtoisrion Tr-.e?dp,y, and was argued by Mr. F G Dnb'g- non, of Atlanta, and Mr. F H Bus- Dee, o? Raleigh, for .ths Express Compter. I Tr3bs?t possible argument vr? 3 pf1 -onmj, the Coramis por rred . Ui?.cim;on?Iy that the eoinpany which iPSTies; the receipt in evidence of coatrect jghall pay for the fitamp as in other cases. It also refused to allow an advance of one cent on; the charge which wonld, of bourse, neutralize tho acticn-of the Commission If it bad granted it. J Thus this matter is settled, 77? ope, without rcnch wraDglo and the action seems eminently right. ;ucor& Claims Him. A story 13 told that wh Spanish gunboat Ley te was captured a few weeks ago bv oneof 'DPWPt' veessla she had just cut ' loose three transports that she had in tow with "V uu soiaiera that must haye all been lost. Tney were escaping from one 01 me lsianas wnpre the insnrgeats were about to overcome and massa cre thera. The L3yte had them in tow, hoping to get iuto Manila m the dark or to' surrender to Dewey. A heavy storm caught them'and the Leyte had to leave them to get help. Wnen search was made they could not be found; and it is believed ail were lost. --Mrs. Dr. Stevens is vipitinl w xura. Kov. Miller, at Mt. rieasant. Mrg.Martin Bogeryand daughter, i Auaie iiogsr, Returned from vuariouo yesterday evening. , : "Mr. Alex Lontr. a ira vL?t; an and formerly a resident of concord, 13 in our city on busing 4 m. ' -Miss Laura Wadawortb, of ynanotte, came over this morning and is stopping at Mr. Jno. Wads worth's. Mrs. J L Boger and nh?lflro are spending several days at the home of Mr. Fran t Barrier in No. 9 uwEscap, . Judge Monteomerv an r w " uu?u reraraed .nome from Dur ham;this .mnrirg T7here they'at tendedbe meet;rof the truces ui 11 may college. Rav. 6 B Miller end w?fP 1 f ,"""1 - w AIPS Ora Honrp-r rfttnm u, . 1 this rnomi nsr frn.TTi 7uK Ttie Deed of a Ilastard. ' ?v .... - One of the most foul crimes ever attempted in.Dayidson county was enacted near Wel come Saturday night, with ah most fatal results, j The little three-Year-old daughter of Mr. "Buck" Hiu-ithif " " w.vviug ajo, a, UCU J UUl I 9 " B IDUUCU mo - ONE LOT OF C A LI CO at a-1-2 c. Yard. ONE LOT OF YOl? FURNISH THE FEET WE DO THE REST. That's all weaskvoc to Ho . nish the feet. Wn win , the rest bnt tr-ii! . . $2 50 weii tor B ue We have evervthmw i rj. except your feet. at 3 .1-2 cj Yard, A in. front of an cDen winrlnw During the night its Dai-Ante were awakened by its cries and on investigation "found that some fiend had slipped up tD the window, reached mrongn and stabbed the little girl in the breast. Mr. and iurs. -juiukle heard the man run away, but didn't sftft hin . AAAJLA auu nave no idea as to who committed the foul deed. Tho TIT "111 1 ? maae by a knife, and whii,, M A A J serious is not necessarily fa- missionary convention. Miss Irene Keesler. nf fi3idvI;lM is visiting' her brather. r. -ua. keesler. Her friend, Mhs Biickenstaff. of Asheville. acnrr . pauied her. They will spend a fev. j a ays. A-FRESH LOT OF- Jhmff in regard to r4, cal- Ine "ttie girl's moth ?va if they are ft. aih.r at ' was ln Kington Wednesdav akes ri a i V 7 f ONE LOT OF T N C'ose out at !2 Cents. Cannon & Fetzer Company. - MA An dunce of SAtiaf action ia wcrtii a ton of talk. Satisfaction gcS with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, Dry Miller, Shoe Furnishers. pen if they are in. other StaV was.lni-eiigton Wednesday e refer to the fsct that Mr. Jclian and said sae was able to be peaton, a former 'Co-nnrd w nP. but since bein ctoKKny I 4 i cz ww n -AT- ce being stabbed' c . c Hr ' . iabie to 8peak a brvin & Morrison OROCER5, b9en livmg ia Birmicgham, has been unable to speak a "7 ,w' Uiany jears, tas been "oru iavmson Dispatgb. ected as the delegate from that -7 ' Haw to arrfmri v. . i- . .. n round rn.-. 1 . . , LUte Liner nf thnl va,llong, ivr loesoipp nonnment 0 . vug 1 1 1 ft torn n 4-t m I A iinildaMA I - I r--"-"-" ijpographical Union t. " " BUl rrom 8am"r to MeBB. U H fnryear W G Means To -rrrT,r, jt Syracuse, N. Y., soon. This i8 th.SaIl8b"7 Sun has the following: and W B Odell having been aps Wilat COHieS tO tllOSe that USe a "Pilie 0 AT"- t0n' wd a j;' , .8l,0?t onp Uliarlotte Observer IDer" MattreSS. Cures OOUffhs nnlri L ; T eaton Wl11 Prftve an L.r ., u 1J n DJ tne 8 de commuree to solicit subscript ons Ua ttw "u i , v. uiuuor mat place. ... " 0"Ui,, fiance south 4U oncora ror tne ornpp monument 47 -vwuA ,w au. iuug aLLU 11110317' tum mane NaoVi 1 Wf ara anfkA..'aJ l I ttAii K 1 TT.' 1 1 derno.' x" 7mnJZ v reoommenfled by medical the blond tit t .r. '.' calJ iratftrmtTr nVio-. --t -r-i j , - . "." "es gave nronf Maie. a suo committee to canvass th WJ cauci tllfctll raifiTlT. l orfimnn tespondenr.fl V I that the gentleman had f.n l.ri (town for Rnh;n;n. Ie-f hasfo-- S'- in, sense pack. Our 'TerfgC- fCabirrns and TTninn .... v"88. tske.n P by some nasser. commendable and worthy and-is bnt tl0n -MattreSS, ' made Irom reffintlfirl nntfnr. ,8t8 mo4 W family to Mt. Pleas. ng L entire 1et?h ft'-T8- an WHy for thoEe who have dotll, "sold with a mlfl.rfll1tPP " fXv v, W.V We that if,, t l !f d teJiiA n,eans, not imperatively demanded - f186' fr Sll( i! not able to ,n " W m8 at ot points, to join in the erecs ilU1 U' W at tH6 Head Of the list. Hair ."mily when they m0Ted ha The wonnded man partly regained tion' in the mother connty and in COttOn. COttOn a.TlfJ hnoV eW-rrr " teen sict .;. ea' , "aTIng oonsoionsness. bnt m the Onn.rst. f . J . ' HCl HUSK, Straw and COttOn W "dred to Mt. Pleasant in orier tfl.ttrT " W tf "" H f 8nother hero who8e ? gd C02nm0n t0 best mattreSS for oaehia children jn th Kinttandtha!6 h fc?? the of battle sheds the money always on hand. iresn instre on Carolina's record of i v . chivalry.: on know that one third of your life is spent, in be' : ? Mder t a fil8t ?Ia88 b6d a No. 1 7S "TTTl Tl rr W V. j A man through ignorance U"T 31 Tour command the Silver King, The uujs. a letter in tne tire alarm ; iMluou? ut national, ttRaIeigh,,, "Sweet '?? moved to Mt pZ. Lng M incideat- Ha wi aldrt 'dncatB v.. J.l?mnt ln ord i0Sa''.sbnry. We learn hi. name lMMze st " , '"u bevond Sw """Tr""'uon,e. ,was i "easant is to be coneratnla la.u,?.ston of China Grove, and F-wcnring BT1 , " thonght wa3 in the act of dTs- r .ao uue to the town J ZZZ, fi HI8 woyole at a f oiown. cattleuard arha k rf iTh " -csqi, wno has been Lie tatrnment 8tesmer Olivette ne f the leadin P"PBt of the W, 08 0081 8tand na' 8878 that wants 5it to be " " " l ill WW rw - I ww u k. VI k v u W r W v a a to 1' aB ter rnnnt h8t.8nd that now a Dembcr.t 'lecrew; saok. e shin " W,U T,'e a Democratic Enougli of It. M L Flow; Esq;, who has been k C A. 1 1 - . rye8e' ii 8Ub merged to tV ' naL ! Th n 1 be raieed again r 18 the man who waa sPoken era .prisQnpro ,Jul inojc after the State poultry ;n relpa : ISners have, alii ripn.,.:.i . - p ... i vv uu can u . rvj'uatj name was llnie at Spain's expend 8t KoinK the ron qte mnoh some a--n nr- r 1 Ai4 r ' """ "JHor m ine nre alarm I wwvaw"' tixo auonai, Kaleign," "Sweet box in Greensboro th a Best," MorDlleoua,, and "Sna n- -i v , . " . WVAAV vrvuiiuru - ray your money day which at once called out and take your choice. ' the hose wagons and a large ' . " H - iVff Tl? Ofrli TO ?TrT. crowd of, people. Nothing as aone with the ignoramus. and the r people return d fo tneir places ot business. time ago. When you call for De Witt's Witcir Hazel Salvo fh a cure, don't accept anything else. Don't be talked into accepting a House Furnishing Goodf eveayj description, world without end. "Come and see. . Bell, Warns Company-. :j . " v v.. " ' V.'