Vol. No. 2709 CONCOHtt. N; C. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 1898 Whole No 11786 MONTHLY MEETING AN OBJECTION PERSONAL POINTERS. Of tlie County Commissioners Many - Complaints as lo Bridces Handed In motherless Children Kent to the ronnty Home Telephone tines - IS ranted Tax Books Turned Over. The county commissioners met in their regular monthly session Mon day. On account of the amount of business to transact they could not finish on Monday. Complaints after complaints came in as to the , awful condition s of our roads now since the wftfihmitfl. Contracts were given to , Miss . Mayfield Cole left this morning to attend school at Greens boro. On the Part of the Southern Railway Company As to the Plac ing of Our Sewer i-ipe Above the Depot Good Argument Rendered By Agent Dusenbery.' Mr. Jno. Schenck, ot Charlotte, Editor Standard: Noting your spent today here with his friend, remarks in your issue of the 3rd as Mr. Richmond Montgomery. A -' ' - . L " il I io my appearance oeiore uie uny Mr Jno. C Wadsworth has re Council on the sewerage question, turned from a trip to Connelly's l wisq ii Qisiincuy unaeraxooa BDrings t that I was actine under instruc- tions from the rail road authorities "Mrs. F S Starrette. of'Moores to conanlt with the Mavor of the ville. 8Peut last n'ght at e ihome J " V-A V- &tTJU . J I . . , r . . . . i ni nRr tihtrtils. i jatiL. Run iyith. aibx persons to build new bridges and do city; ana n was Dy nis request " - - ... all necessary work mat i came oeiore me council Fannie, Minnie, John, Barney and and having done this, my respon- Mrs. u B Uoltrane returned ntiR other ffirl. all children of Mr. 81Dlluy in iaG wr w enueu. irom Bessemer lasi uigm, aner ai Harris Dehnis. were admitted to the As yu are proDaoiy aware, we tending tne bedside oi ner aaogn- county home until a place could be draw our entire water supply from' Iter, Mrs. Garrison, who is somewhat found for them in some home. The road supervisors throughout the county were paid for their sers vices. . . ' ' The tax books for the, year 1898 3 turned "over to Sheriff Bach. aaan. I The Concord Telephone Co. a3ked the creek at a point several better. hnndred yards below where the proposed sewerage is to empty into it. Finding that we would neces sarily pump a goodly portion of this unwholesome water into our tank at the station, to the injury of our locomotives (this being a regu lar water station), to say nothing of A FRESH LOT OF Y7 if a ocy Announcement ! v5- US 77 I V -' CJPVKl,Hf I8v for permisaion to erect two telephone the unhealthy odor8 which woald nnea in our coudij uUe iu gu J be wafted hv the wind frnm that 1 - :.J i - it TJ 1 J i ultra d siuing , tn xvu a tank on to our station and cersone -rrVsilfl fhp At.ipr will on ViV M t: v i. .... j .- resiaing in me surrounding com- Pleasant to the Stanly line. The munitv. aDart from the onefltion nf Board granted the right. health, which cannot be dealt with too carefully: in the interest of the Dclfitales From ff ard 1. I . , , ' . x , - utjuuitt wiiu woum HB Kiim?rtfin in Ward-No. 1, in its primary, unlike j. x aDDear6d b6fore the Council to j:j 4. i a. : t .1 i 1 uiuat puiuo uiuuuieiTOJue ueiH- ask as a matter of right, in behalf gates to ue uonnty umrention on of the Southern Railway, that they k AT- As announced about three months ago, we have been closing our store at 7 o'clock p. nr. We will keep open at night from this date, Sept. 5th. Cannon & Fetzer Company . Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5. the lOth, but imposed on its Chairs man, Mr. J B Shernll, the appoint merit oi the delegation. The following is the list ; Dr. R S Younar, R A Grower, Ed. F Whue, M B Stickley, Dr. LN arrange if possible to empty the ''vsrase at some point below M btie weraw our water supply, in order that no damage to the Company's interests in the town would ensue. A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. - The Sfeijrcs BlawwUFp aad Fonr Were 'A terrible accident took place in the Mississippi river below New Or- There was lo desiro on the part leans Saturday morning. Bnrleyson, C- F Hislop, Tobias of the Southern Railway to appear The United States steamer Meiggs TT-r-r . ' I 1 Weayer, K J Moody, W G Boshamer, in the light of antagonizing the was hunting for eome strayed mines D L Boat, D R Hoover, J L Crow town or Council unreasonably. Its and torpedoes that had been placed ell, VV R Harris, A 8 Dayvault, Jno. objections were well taken and forlfor defense in the late war, when it M Craven, M B Hartsell, Dr. J E the good of all it can but be re- earns in contact with one and the Smoot, L D Duval, J F Hurley, B E gretted that the matter was not sat- vessel was blown into atoms and the :Harris, F L Smith, J R Jflrvin, N 8 ifactorily settled. West, D B Morrison, Jno. P Allison, Dr. S L Montgomery, J L Hartsell, J K J Cochrane and 0 D Bobbins. Yours truly, Gowan Dusenbery, MONTHLY MEETING captain and three men were instant iy killed and two were seriously hurt. Only one man escaped un hurt. YOU FURNISH THE FEET WE DO THE REST. That's all we ask you to do f r ni8b the feet. We will not only d the rest but we will do it well for $2 50. We have everything in Oxfords- except your feet. 4 An ounce of satisfaction is worth a ton rx fait Sot;Pfcrti;rt with every pair of shce3 we sell. Respectfully, Dry & Miller, ri r ? anoe rurnisners. S W TX IT. TIT HORRIBLE ACCIDENT IN N. Y ANuiftTrain Strikes a Trolley Car and Kills 18 and Fatally Wounds 10. : A most appalling accident occur red at Cohoes, N. Y., Monday night. A trolley car was struck at a crosss ing by a dashing passenger train . There were 35 paesengers on the trolley -car and 18 were killed outs right while 10 of the injured will die. ... " It is a point of great danger and is usually so safe guaided as to over come the danger. Jyen tne survivors can not sav whether the usual precautions were observed . Tne engine to the train struck the car about the centre. Human beings were torn asunder and thrown high in the air and dropped in un recognizable form. Bring Them in Decimal Form. Mr. A B Young, chairman of the county executive committeee, ur gently requests that the secretaries of all the precincts in the county bring their report in a decimal form on next Saturday, in order that the calculations will be shortened in the eonnty convention. It is hoped that not a single one will fsil to re spond to this request. W .! T i . it is now understood that black powder in our navy is a thing of the past, or will be just- as fast as it can be replaced with the smokeless kind. Of the Graded Nchool Bord-The 1U,B "rrnM Teachers Assigned to Their Differ. I The record of the Thompson High ent Places For the Coming Session. School, W6 are pleased tQ note, Wa8 The Graded School board met broken Monday by the unusual large Monday evening, this being their attendance for the first day. - Not regular monthly meeting. The since this school has been started Graded School building has now did they ever opan with as many pus been thoroughly cleaned and re I pils as on that day, this time num- painted on the inside and the broken benng 43, while seyeral others will window glass will be put in in a few be put in ranks soon. For the days. I fourth form, or the highest grade in The teachers were assigned to the fc&e school, there are nine this year. different grades for the coming ses sion, whose places are as follower CENTRAL SCHOOL. u First Grade, Mies Mollie Dodson. beconu Grade, Miss Mary Lswis Harris. Third Grade, Miss Addie Strieker. Fourth Grade,- Misa Fannie Hill. Fifth Grade, Miss Pauline Means. Sixth Grade, Misa Fannie Little. Seventh Grade,. Miss Laura Leslie. Eighth and Ninth Grades, Proi. Petty. . Misses Lena Leslie and Ors Hoover Willi have charge of the Cannosville school, and Miss EllaBelle Shirey and Mrs. Cole will teach at the Forest Hill school. Of I" to TrUrslty. Four of our boys left this (Tce3 day) morning for Durham, where they will attend school this coming session at Trinity College. They are Messrs. Fred Odell, and Tom and Langdon Smith. lion, r F Bayard III. The Honorable Thomas F Bayard, that conspicuous figure in national affair?, to whom probably more than to any one else is due the present friendly relations between England and America, is critically ill, though reported somewhat better Monday morning. A Card. I respectfully announce that I am not and was not a candidate for tha office of treasurer of Cabarrus conn ty, and while 1 am not unmindful of the compliment of some vote3 in No. 8 township I ask that that vote be not presented on the 10th. Very Respectfully, D J Bostian. Is what comes to those that use a "Pine Fiber" Mattress. Cures coughs, colas and is very beneficial to all lung and throat trouble. Highly recommended by medical fraternity. Cheaper than Patent Medicine soft as hair and will not pack. Our "Perfec tion Mattress,1' made Irom reginned cotton r rvTTT-n 1 enlfl TTTi"rl-i a om ar-Q-nfoo " fV,kT cnlirt t , - comfort, stands at the head of the list. Han cotton, cotton and husk, straw and cotton the money always on hand. Yoa know that one third of your life is spent in bed ? In order to have a first class bed yon must have a Nov 1 Spring. IVe have at your command the Silver King, TL.e Dutchess, the President, the National, "Raleigh," "Sweet Rest," Morpheaus" and tTSolid Comfort." Pay yoirr money and take your choice. . s ment of HotxiV ' S.;apariIl-.:. Hood?p Sarsapanllu &?U because tffolxXIy need tare ITearaJgla. Qei Dr. MUca Pair. from druggists. ,4Oce ce.n desa". 6 House Furnishing Goodsfof m eveayj description, world without end. Come and see. . Bell, Harris Compamiy

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