2709I CONCORD, N. C. TPfTlPSfM V flr,nm " - um x jiiyj.x)riix o IttSJH MACHINERY ARRIVING liy the Car Loads for thn OfiAii tw tii Billy Wilkinson Wo More Inter- vsivu id me -team Lanndry-Baild ins. Two car loada of machinery from Let Re?. Paipe Tell it. The Newton Enterprise rives th louowing letter to a citizen of News ton, written by Mr Pch ? Whole No 11788 PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Morrison Fetzer has gone back to school at Davirienn Kockingham, N. 0.. Ancr. 2Q q ibo, r t -. ' a- v f I uooin. i .1 nrrion 11 r the Lowell Machine 8ops, at Low- M Dear 8lr and Brother: I was Hoover are spending this afternoon ell. Mass.. have arrived this waalr from home when your favor nam in Charlottp - - - - -1 I ft ; w 4U V . I ' w ww with more to follow, which coneiete 1 have to reply briefly. The -Miss K,in .rfc-.- , of cards, Uppers, slnbbers an 1 speed, the dreadf u re8n,t8 of lenbnrg 8peVt 1"! ers. ruo 4C1" me vilest characters in pnna?n T; nTr,T c fir . ttt?ii ! i . . i t . oUUlO 01 tne PASfprn nnnt;n. I mr. w a wiiKineon nas torn ni3 1 wmumco aiccuti r. XT. , . . - i exaopratori ti, l. l , iuiss JNan Cannon roinm mforPHr. in rhR I lnnrnril iSrPfiTn l.onn I uuccu, lup "oh r hnali . .wiucu d not been told." I am sore if the VM mght after PWHnK Mr. and Mrs. JG Snther, cf f the central and J "T Rock Hill, 8. a arrived m the city 8rn f Br gd W inTf, f .WiDet01V8 J iS f ft t O nnlrl ni i III Our 01 f,V nr htiomaoa i- . Iai, evening, accompanied bj; M.ck ZT.!.""" T Eee ,or th . 3" reK"a 10 MoLelland and Mia. Bettie Eller , ZZH 7 ula IettIa b0 brother and sister of Mrs. Suther. , !L re80,nt!0D ewry one of -Miss Mamie Culp, of New Lon rt . - u . u ' u worK ana vote to he p aon spent last night at the home - Quite a number of new houaes are throw off f h vaU w P nf wttww V . rt .... yoke that is so oppress 01 Mr- H McNamara on her way to in course of erection m this part of ive and m5i5.- . F nww- y 10 I iuiiianuK VU 6I1B Wnif A I the city. I men and whitA wrmo ?; f . -v-,uc caaiem miss ieia vane, of Fort Worth uounnea. n i . . . 1 Yellou Eever Threatens. rp,, ' A exM Wno Das t)6en VIStling at the It really begins to look lika yels MIL 7 uT1 , r T m, JohnSOD' haB gone , ,.?-. ,nin .- i,,, 8me portlonB of " bl'ed State Asheville to visit. keep down in our gnlf coast States !' erf L .Jif Ration, -Mrs. Martin Boger and dau? jet this season. At Orwood, Mias., of this seoti fc P Miss Addie Bo8er, went tc 9 cases are reported, at Taylors 5, mined ,ffopt "'7 3.?.g Cblotte this morning on business Waterford 1, Bennet 1, Meridian 2, men who haditraveT off into th 7 ' t0DigM- and at Frankhn, La., 12. , The fneion combine. J nn J -Billy Weddington went up disease seems of mild type, two the aBi0.eaxon b Elkm this morning to pitch a game aeatns nav.ng been reported. Wew TOte for -honest Government I . 01 U t0r that ,eam aeainst their uneansnas two suspects. Tnese the west heed the" earnMt hoBe probably may prove not to be appea.s of their brethren in the ea renuine. They disturb business a .ii min i.. . ... . I Twin uo wen. xrniv probably worse than all the others. Jessb h p' P 8.; There are hundreds of ne GONE NORTH 9- Li Ou P. and r B 7 y kk Messrs Fetzer w. w. Stiiart have ffone 1ST or th i TT7- 1. ' - 1 . fwc uave everycning in Uxforda UJ KJ LL V fj LLX ciurpi, jour ieec. 11 STOCK OI oods. YOU FURNISH THE FEET WE DO THE REST. That's all we atk you to do f nish the feet. .We will not onlc tne rest, but we will do it wpII fnr $ 5U. eye ofrto the Universitv Concord has sent quite a good Soes many of them "lewd fellows ucicgonuu cu hib uniyersiiy tnis ftvw uuiuxug omce m season. The following have already fche eaatern counties. Some of our crmp rVfooava Will niknnn j t0WU8 and nitinfl nnfolslw w;im;. auvbuas ii tii VilUOUU -LttVJijLUX X I V J II illiilUg CirtoAM nnn4AM A l I tOri. TawWtI riroaviTTt 11a n,A -.tt- icuu, uaaiuu oiitjaua, Auorey i vwii10 uu uwuure, i Mr. r U "age, who also Mr. Frank Craven, of No. 3 Aldjrmen, magistrates and police- paper,' has returned home. He . T I ITlAtt onrl mryv ? - -i l 't. v. . luwaenip. - " -u,a"kC1 in a areaarnl W111 go to Kaleigh next Sunday - : uoDuiiion mere -Th ihinrra I Ornnrnl EAvlx4na Vllo Ta. - 'It ... - orouffntabont hu tho nr,fa;, Keep your on these fellows : they will bear watching. Mr Young Caldwell returns to his place as night operator atthehfnrrk-i JC r7- denot tonight. W-w WU11VU ICtCr a vacation of several days. Mr. P C Page, who has b9en competing team Longtown. Mr. Clarence Ledberrv. froi Polkton, passed thronth here this evening on bis way to Mtf Pleasant 10 enter ecnool at the college. Company. m, -i t a i n -wwt.w Wy tiio uniair aiyision Ihe Daily Reflector, of Greenville, nf mAa . . - ' - u vucoc iuwub maue uy tne r. C, contains a letter that tells last Legislature. Truly the experience of Corporal Perkins t tt"tI 01 go. 1. in tnat lernbie storm on Tvbpf Wnrrla flvirlontlt; ffito .n f They Sle Him En. J ' vvj www w w a vw xi rij D 'mw a poor idea of the horrors of the It is interesting to note some of etorm and the thrilling experience the expressions of the Populists at of our soldiers that night. Corporal Cincinnati recently . Here is a Perkins seems to haye fared worse specimen: e7en than Corporal Thos. Johnston. "Senator Butler, who is chairman Profirramme For Fnaay Right. of our national committee, preached Duet Misses Lore. diaintegration and demoralization Solo Miss Ada Craven. just as Benedict Arnold stipulated Three 0!d Maids of Jjee Miss f or the scattering of the American Margaret Cannon, Miss Chipmac, ' forces, that the British might tho iss Mary Skinner. Song by Miss more readily overthrow the youcg Strieker.. republic. Solo Mias Lidie Smith. "Mr. Butler taught our forces Billy Goat Language, by Local that the first duty of a soldier was Talent. . I to break ranks and go ever to the Little Rebel. enemy. All efforts to chain the Che of the hits of the evening honndlesa subtlety of this cunning will be the "Bass Ball Song," which man na?e been in vain." e feel sure will immortalize our Mr. Butler gets fed out of his baseball team. own spoon" sometimes. As ittakesa Admittance 25 cents Reseryed rogue to catch a rugue so it takes seats-35 cents. Tickets on sain at one vili - i -J uu auuiucii UlhOfly,' J 4 - I - - - -uuB urng store. ExRn'inaiion Day S where he accepts a position. Mrs. S V Erwin and crand children, Mary Virginia and Billy ,c it auonuiiu, rtsiurnea nome iro Connelly's springs last night, af spending ten days. An ounce of satisfaction is worth ton of talk SatiafW.i with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectf ally, Dry 4t Miller, 5hoe Furnishers. A FRESH LOT OF 7 ancy akes AT- Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5: To Be Shot For Slarder. It is now almost certain that Pri- the vate James Taylor, (col.) a member i 1.1 m ii. n ... county were here thig (Thursday) of fche Tenth Regiment, stationed at mornic? to stand examination under 0amP Der near Augusta, who shot Prof, a T J Ludwig, this being the a corPorl named Mills, will suffer appointed day. To the surprise of d8atn Tbe trial was held by a ur graded echool teacbers they did court martial, and there is e?ery not have to atand an examination, as reaS0u t0 thmk that he will be f0f- Lc(ii? had only last year ebot fueir certificates. y , t t Prof. Coler, superintendent of the 'vouUrlnnlL-e di?aPPointment when Concord. Graded Schools, requests Sre D$ that all the white teachers meet him coX&liUI? pi!ls- They cure in his office at the graded school -on- o'clock. Memorable Phrases. "Don't swear fight !" Colonel Wood's advice to the Roueh Riders at Santiago de Cuba, is be ing quoted all around the English press. Truth mentions several memorable phrases coined by Americans for instance, Stephen Decatur's toast, "Onr country, right or wrong ;" the last words of Nathan Hale : "I. only regret tnat 1 nave but one life to lose for my country." Grover Cleveland de- jclared that public office is a pub- Ijc trust; ' and to William Penn is attributed the phrase ; "I prefer the honestly simple to the ingeni ously wicked." Truth might also have mentioned the celebrated and characteristic utterance of an early American minister to France, "Not one cant for tribute, but millions for defence." Ex. Is what comes to those that use a "Pine Fiber" Mattress. Cures coughs, colas and is very beneficial to all lung and throat trouble. Highly recommended bv priii iraxermty. Uheaper than Patent Medicme soft as hair and will not pack., Our "Perfec tion. Mattress," made trom reginned cotton down, "sold with a guarantee," for solid comfort, stands at the head of the list, ft cotton, cotton and husk, straw and cotton from a good common to the best mattress for the money always on hand. Yon know that one third of your life is spent in bed I In order to have a first class bed yon must have a No 1 Spring. We have at your command the Silver Kine The Dutchess, the President, the National. "Raleigh," "Sweet Rest," Morpheous" and "Solid Comfort." Pay your money ana take your choice. Sis H s -1 House Furnishing .Goodslbf , eveay- description, world without end. Comeand see. BeJI, Harris '& Compainiy: