Vol. Xw-No. 2709 CONCORD, N. C. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 189b Whole No" 11799 MR; R W ALLISON DEAD. rvSSK AWAY AT 535 A, M. FROM OE4RT FAIIUltE. he ftftnnmnlishftd fchfiTAhv o.nr rmlxr I be reckoned when all thins s are known. Later in life he has been a veri- PERSONAL POINTERS. ,,,1 of iife dearly 90 ifears Fin- table walking encyclopaedia of un- il AVilh Usefulness ana Honor. Some Sketches of Ills Life. - As the night shades were yield ing to the expanding and the un folding light of day on this (Wednesday) morning at 5:35 the breath of lite departed from the venerable and the beloved Uobert Washington Allison, and his spirit greeted the higher light as of an opening; day in the world beyond, that is seen by the strong est faith, asvihrough a glass dark ly. The end was not unexpected by loved ones and not unwelcome to our subject. It was but the gentle going to sleep and shutting out of a life of earthly, aflairs, sur rounded by all that one desires in death save the presence 01 one enrvivincr member in his house- j ... - hold. Mr. Allison was born in Char lotte, April i54, . lfcjuy, mating an age of S9 years, 4 months and 2? days. At the age of about 14 years he came from the Poplar Tent neighborhood, where his parents then lived, and clerked in the store of his uncle, Joseph Younz. the grandfather oi our ' townsmen, A B and E S Young. At maturity he purchased the property from his uncle which has eyer since been familial to all as the Allison corner. j He was married May 31st, 1842, to Miss Sarah Ann Phifer. To them were born nine children, five of whom preceded their parents to the graye. The living are Mrs. Capt.S E White, of Fort Mills, S. C; the Rev. Joseph Y.Allison, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyte rian church of Baton Rouge, La.; Mr. J no. P Allison and Mr3. J M Odell, of Concord. Mr, Allison had the good fortune to have his bosom companion spared to him filiate in life. In February, 1889, be bowed to her bereavement, however. Since then he has calmly await ed death, though he never ceased to manage his business affairs, hich he kept as clearly before his mind as in the zenith of his life. . - ' 1 In: July, two years ago, he was affected with heart failure, from which he rallied. During the last July he again suftered a similar attack, from which Jie again par tially recovered, till about two weeks arm he took his bed trom o which no more to rise. Mr. Allison has been much in Public life. He represented the county in the General Assembly lr- 1SG6. He was a member of the convention in 1865 that framed or present constitution. But it was in the ante-bellum days that he gained the sobriquet ofJ udge Allison, on account of being for a long period the chairman of the Court ot Pleas and Quarter Ses sions. TT. 1 - it " xie oecame tne common coun sellor and arbiter of right be tween man and man and many a litigation was spared through his good offices. The unlimited re spect for his opinions is rarely shared by any one and the good recorded current history through his life, and it was a genuine pleas ure to sit down with -him and ather from his clear cut narra- tions the usages, the ideas, the . j . Mrs. Dr.58te.ven8 went to China Grove to visit home folks last night Rev. J C Davis returned last night from Lexington. Misses'Ethel and Jennie Pat terson, of China Grove, spent yes terday evening here. ; Sergeant Jae. Watson i returned biographies and the various vicis- j to hig home at Salisbury yesterday Biiuaes in me aays oeiore most oi us were born. Mr. Allison connected himself with the Presbyterian church in e'arly youth and has been a model gf consistency for the whole pe riod and a very pillar for much, of the time. His1 home was known far and wide as the Presbyterian preachers' free hotel till later years when age and environments trans ferred this pleasing burden to other shoulders. ! Mr. Allison enjoyed an unusual memory and a faultless hearing to the last but his vision became so detective that he could not enjoy his life-long fondness for reading, especially the sacred book. It was then his early culture and good memory told for his comfort for he feasted on the passages from memory and sang with the heart the hyms that he had learned in other days. The mortal remains of Mr. Alli son will be laid to rest Fiiday morning in the old Presbyterian cemetery, where his wife and the five deceased children await his coming. Eev. Dr. Allison cannot attend the funeral, being enclosed in the yellow fever quarantine circle. We refrain from efforts to prop erly eulogize our subject. It would mar the beauty of the noble char acter to nicture it in our feeble . -x words. We feel like saying with one of old who saw and admired what he could'.not fully grasp, "Let tee die the death of the righteous, and-let my last end be like his!" evening, after spending several days here. f 'Squire W J Hill went up to Asheville this morning to spend a day or two. His son, Captain Hill, will join him at Morganton.- A FRESH LOT OF aocy (lakes AT- Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 Pharr-Mlller Nuptials. ' ' This (Wednesday) evening at 5:30 o'clock, Miss Mattie Pharr, of near tjiis place, will ba married to Rev. Calvin Miller, of Rowan county, who is now pastor of a Lutheran church near Lexington. After the marriage the bride and groom will take the 7:09 train for Norfolk, Va., to spend a while. Pouring In Our immense stock of Fall and Winter goods are pouring in daily, both on Dry Goods and Clothing sides. Cannon & Fetzer ' r Company, v r. 7 ' . f V YOU FURNISH THE FEET WE DO THE REST. That's all we ask you to do f r niah the feet. We will not only do the rest bat we will do t welkfor $2 50. We have everything in Osfordc except your feet. . i An ounce of satisfaction is worts a ton of talk. Satisfaction goes with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, Dry 4 Miller, Shoe Furnishers. Our Fond Hopes Go With Him. Mr. Ben Craven, of this place, left Tuesday night to accept the princi palship of a school at Roper, in Washington county. This will be Mr. Craven's first, experience in teaching and he is to be congratu lited on securing such a position in the beginning, and on receivipg recommendations sufficient to take this Dlace. Mr. Craven will have an assistant. Mr. Craven's stnSent life has been characterized byv determination perseverance and carefulness, and we feel sure his work as a teacher will be satisfactory to the people whom he serves. The best wishes of the c immunity follow him. A. Mad Dog: In Town. There was quite an alarm early this (Wednesday) morning when a brown and white colored pointer came dbwn'Main street. This must have been a mad dog, and not a mere scare, a3 we are accustomed to haying every week. The dog's mouth was sufficient to warn anyone that this was a rabid dog, and the people fled from his path as he came along. Several dogs in town were bittern and it is hoped that every one will keep a close watch i over their dogs. No person was bitten, f ortunatelyV SPIRAL E'tra Adjutant General A D Cowles has presented a beautiful gold watch to Gov. Russell. We are plad eomebody takes pleasure in honor ing the Governor. Jfotice to Tax Payers, I will visit the places belowfor the purpose of collecting taxes on days stated daring the month of Oc tober. I will be in my office daricg the months of September and November, or you will find a deputy .there for the purpose of collectingftaxes. Rocky River, township No. 1, Monday, October 17ch, 1898. t .: Poplar Tentj township No. 2, Tuesday, October 18th, 1898 . Deweese, township No. 3, Wednes day," October, 19th, 1898. L ookV, township No. 4y 1 hurs" day, October 20th, 1898. Mt. Gilead, township No. 5f Fri day, October 2 1st, 1898. J M Faggart, township No. 6, Saturday, October 22ad,1898. Reed Misenheimer s township No 7, Monday, October 24th, 1898. Mt. Pleasant, township No. 8, Tuesday, October 25th, 1898. O F Smith's, township No. 9, Wednesday, October 26 h, 1898. Bethel, township No. 10, Thurs day, October 27th, 1898. Old Field, township No. il, Fris day, Oatober 28th,' 1898. '; Concord, township No. 12. Saturs day, October 29th, 1898. Candidates for the different conns ty offices - will 'be present at places and dates named above.. - Very Respectfully, VM li Buchanan' 8 herifl. f - Cabarrus County, N. 0., Sept. 19, 1898. Is what comes to those that use a uPirie Fiber" Mattress. . Cures coughs, colds and is very beneficial to Call lung and throat trouble. Highly recommended by medical fraternity. Cheaper than Patent Medicme soft as hair and will not pack. Our "Perfec tion Mattress' made Irom reginned cotton down, "sold with a guarantee," for solid comfort, stands at the head of the jlist. Hair, cotton, cotton and husk, straw and cotton from a good common to the best mattress for the money always on hand. Yoa know that one third ofyonr life is spent injd In order to have a ' first class bed you must have a Io. 1 Spring. We have at 1 your comma ad the Silver King, The Dutchess, the President, the National, "Raleigh," "Sweet Rest," Morpheous' ' and "Solid.Comfort," Pay your, money and take your choice. s - ; , House Furnishing: Goods of eveay description, world without end. ,Come and 3ee. . ' : Bel 1,-t'lrl arris j& -'Compainiy. I f

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