Vol- Xi No. 2709 OONOOKIX N; C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 1898 .Whole i No 11799 rn ARK-MILLER WEDDING , utiit HaI1 Presbyterian Chnreh rtnesday JGvcnins: 4. Nnmber ol pltives and Friends Present. AN APPEAL FOR AID. i Confederate Teternns Association Asks for Help for Soldiers' Home. The North Carolina Confederate k wntifal ceremonv was tiers I , . . . veterans' .association ma tee 3 an ap- fM11,:d at White Hall Presbyterian j tQ it8 member8 fo. fnnda jn aid church on Wednesday evening, Sept, Qf tfae soWiers' homa at Raleigh 21et, by the bride's pastor, Rev. Te fonowing ia th6 ap , ... 0 F Raakin, when Miss Mattie Lee iq am octhomed . w Vharr, daughter of Mr.' Fran 0 Stronsch, chairman of the execn vh.irr "Ho Uvea near this place, and . XT 1 DUX LIT? P.OniTn ffpfl nt fVia M nrt h (lorn Jiev. ,;.-7in Miller, of Rowan conn- lina aoldiers, hcms tQ th ,ook e marriage yowa. appropriation for the enrrent year At ; ;ia pointed boor, 5 30 fw tfce of g 60 'rtnok amidst the straina or the . , . . . . o oovk, ,UIUOk , , ,,, . nearly exhausted, that onr brethren 0M in cr march p'p.ved hy Misa Jo?ie ... a , , . p,lftrT of Charlotte, the doors of the , , . .. thrown open for the ' ... I'll .11 J , . w fBtrh con pie PERSONAL POINTERS. . . . I meeting: of the sreneral assemblv in re of the scoato-be marnea r ' -" vb.uv.w4j uv.a.u. jluu ate anaic biiab To ths sacred altar the $8,500 per annum must defray the room whB UWJi C08fco f0oa, medicines, lights, wash- Arndt, ma special , --- ci0tning, fuel, attendants, nursing attired m a oeautiful , . J innerai expenses, repairs, me- tiitj oriue, utti-cu. u trnveiinor auit of blue, leaned jipon 1- and &n Mr. lrank the arm of her father, Pharr. Prefcty little Miss Louise Wilson acted ns " flower girl accompa nied by Scott Yorke. Misi Bernice Phatr, sister or the bride, waa the tn-did cf honor and. waB robed in a beautiful dresa of cream color. Messrs. Archey Cannon and Felix Pharr were the ushera for tjie oc cafion. Affr the taking of the solemn expenses wbftso. ever. The institution ia carefully managed, such supplies being rp.f?&d in the garden and stock pens, as the limited'8pace allows. The veterans are fairly well clothed, but will ur gently need funds for fuel and pros vision. The statement of the case ia sufficient. It cannot be necessary to issue lengthy appeals to North Carolina soldiers and their friesds in hphftlf nf nnr aorpd und flnffarinT beautifal band ring of gold Leroes .g conflaently believed mIaaa rirt nnrrnK AT trial wwpiw-eu uPu fcUC "-" that every camp will ayail itself of tnae Dy coe groom. Qnte a number of relatives and friends were. preetnt -almost a sufs ficient number to fill the chur this privilege in behalf of those v. ho obeyed the command of the State, winning for her icimrrtal renown, and are now stricken and helnlfiss ' After receiving a baantlfnl number .fl r . . , . . . of congratulations from all, the , Qf preeidect nd execntive Driaai coupie ocs-raea sue irain tor Salem, .Va., whare they will spend eoroe time . . committee of the association. Con tributions from, or through, each carrm should be forwRrdp.d to W (3 Kev. Miller is pator of a Lnth Stron4oh Raleigh and wiu be 0. . (ran church near Lnirton and has g number of friendo here. Mi99 Pharr is one of our county's most esteemed pud refined daughters, and has many friendi boh in her ocm nesr here and in Concord, aud all will join us in o inr.jt h.?arty con gratulaticna to them in their new life. A special Term ofCoutt at Charlotte. Uovernor Rasretl hns answered the pstition sent in by the rp'e cf Cbgrlotte and Mocklenburg county, in which petition they asked for a trial at-an early date of Joe Jackson, the negro who stand? charad with n assault on Miss Brown, of Crof ic that county. Goveraor Racsell eays that October 21st will be as tfirlj as he can g2t a trial for him. Hearing that a mob was coming to the jail Wednesday night, the sbsriH took the negro, Joe Jackson, cut of jail to om3 'other pbca. However, the mob proved to ba a very small one, eays the Charlotte Observer. - knowledged. v Very respect IIj, C B DeihSOn." Our commander, Mr. D A Cald well, has received the cill i,i cozs sideiirff a method or &oinn. Pt-r- eons whose 'hesris are toucLed will plea?e give it consideration p.nd we promise toco-cpersta in a movement to respond romp' ly. Seme plan will doubtless be matured &nd op portunity to contribute wiU be tiven very soon. Mr. Frod Nash and a friend, of! Salisbury, spent today here. Mr. D Frank Cannon, Jr., spent last "night in Salisbury on businees. Rqt. J A Arndt returned home this morning, after attending the marriage yesterday evening. Cashier D B Coltrane returned from a business trip to Stanly this morning. . Rev, C L Hoffman, palter ot the Episcopal church at ChorTottp, is spending today with his lrisnd,. Rev. J C Davie. Mrs. Dr. Henderson went to Salisbury this . morning,, having been called by the illness of. her brother, Mr. McConaughey. Mrs. Will Bingham and chil dren went to Charlotte tb! rrrrins to visit for a dzy or two at the home cf Dr. Mheaheimar. . Mr.-raui rarKs, wno ,t 3w night superintendent at the Cabar rus mills, will aoon enter a textile school at Lowell,'Ma88. Mr. J W Cannon has gone to Philidelphia and New York cn a buBiness trip. He will be gone about a week. Attorney Luther Hartsell went to Asheboro this morning to at tend court, he having a case to plead. Mr. Jno. Yorke came over yes terday evening from Charlotte on his Wheel to attend the wedding at White Hall. Mr. David Henderson and wife, and Mr?. Jno. Frezer, of Jac?:3oa ville, Fla., and Mrs. E B Laird, of Charlotte, Epont today with 1 1 Zsb Morris. Mrs. Frazier is a sister of Mrs. Morris, p ourrnsr In 1 "J,l Our immense stock of Fall and 2 Winter goods aire pouring in daily, both on Dry G-oods and Clothing sides. Cannon & Fetzer Company,. YOU FURNISH THE FEET WE DO THE REST. That's all we ask you to do f r- nish the feet.': We will not, only do the rest but we will do it well fox $2 50. . We have everything in OAfcuds except your feet. 4 3 An ounce of satisfaction is worth a ton of talk. Satisfaction goes with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, Dry -Miller, Shoe Furnishers. A grsrjd monument lvas unyeiled at Quebec on the 21st j in honor cf I tLe grent French explorer Clim" , t!e .founder of that .'city. for Atiuj;nnied Tacm to reyettevtlle. For several dayn after the Second ! feiiiiCiit htid been mustered out nothing could be heard from Mr. icra Johnson by his mother at th:3 Pce. At last a letter came this (Thursday) morning saying that he kad accompanied the Fayetteyille company (that is the company into which he enlisted) to their home, tf&ere a grand reception was given the soldiers. As Mr. Johnson had been with them during their differ ent experiences, and some of thorn in their case vrere somewhat rough, the boys of course wanted him to go with them home.. . In his letter he fiaid he was having a grand time. To Aitenct the Fnacrnl. A large number were, preont this (Thursday) evecing from difsrent places to attend the 'fun?nl of K.q. R W Allison. Among t Charlotte were Mra. Sf.rr-h Yc.nr, Mrs. Sarah White, Mr. and Mrc Geo. Wileon, Mr. ard Mrs. D P Hutchinson and daughter, ana a!so Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Springs, of Lancaster. Mr. Baxter Irisn Very Low. From the Salisbury Snn we eee that Mr. Baxter Parish, of this place, who some time asro went from Raleigh to Baltimore for the pur pose of having an A operation per formed isi atthe point cf death at Johns Hopkins Hcepital. His brother, Engineer Walter Parish, baa gone to his badBide. o- Bis Tbili Broken. Woodly, son of Mr. Robt. Wallace, at Ewtfield, received a serious accis dent Wednesday eyening while fell iog a tree. He waa assisting his father, when the tree fell on him, breaking his left; thigh . The in juries, says the Charlotte Observer, are serious, yet it i8 thought he will recover: Sctlce to Tax payers, j I will visit the places belo tha purpose of collecting taxes on days stated during tho month of Oc tober. I will be in my office during the months of September and November, or you will find a deputy there for the piirpo8 of ccllecng taxea. Rocky River, township; No. 1, Monday, October 17tb, 1898 . Poplar Tent, township No. 42, Tuesday, October 18th, 1898. Deweese, town3hip No. 3, Wednes day, October 19 :h, 139S. Cook', township No. 4 Thurs day, October 20th, 1B98. Mt. Gilead, township No. 5f Fri day, October 21at, ji98. J M Faggart, toiynehip No. 6, Saturday, October 22nd, 1898. Reed Misenheime? s township No. 7, Monday, October 24th, 1898 . Mt. Pleasant township No. 8, Tuesday, October 25tb, 1898. O F Smith's, township No. 9, Wednesday, Octobe26ih, 1898.; Bethel, township ! No. 10, Thurs day, October 27th, 1898. Old Field, township No. 11, Fris day, October 28th, 1898. Concord, township No. 12, Saturn day, October 29th, 1898. Candidates for the different conns ty offices will be present at places and dates named above. Very Rsspectf ally, M L Buchanan, 8heriff. Cabarrus County, N. 0., Sept. 19, 1898. : " is "vvnat comes to tnose tnat use a . 11110 Fiber" Mattress. Cures coughs, colds and is very beneficial to Call lung and throat trouble. Highly recommended, by medical fraternity. ' Cheaper than Patent Medicine soft as hair and will not pack. Our Perfec tion Mattress," made Irom reginned cotton down, "sold with a guarantee," for solid comfort, stands at the head of the list. Hair, cotton, cotton and husk, straw and cotton from a good common ItOvthe best mattress for the money always on hand. You know that one third of ' your life is spent inj bed : Tn order to have a first class bed vou must have a No. 1 Spring. We have at your command the Silver King, The Dutchess, the President, the f National, "Raleigh," 4 Sweet Rest," Morpheous" and 43olid Comfort," Pay your money and take your choice. - s - House Furnishing Goods of eveay description, world without end. Come and gee. ; . . iL-i'WJiJiy n lKwiu u lie? y UJMHjpj&iiiii'V

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