Xw-N'o.' 2709 CONCOWX N. C. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 24 1898 Whole No i A LIVELY TIME. Sir. Day Id Hannan Taltes Exceptions to a JLlttle Joke That Appeared In The Standard Assaults Wade Bar rier On the Street the Latter Qets a Blow On the Shoulder flaunan Resists Arrest. On last Thursday the following c Bride is Known In ur City. The Monroe Enquirer has the lowing account of a marriage lich is news to a number in our ' j Tar. of. Mt. Plflas&nt. the wn anu - ide having been a student of put Amrena'for several years : lThat love which laughs at cksmiths-and says "ta ta" to ob- paragraph appeared in The Stand- cting parents, got in some work akd, which was written by the res Ire last Sunday and two more porter, aa a mere joke over which it Li made happy and two was intended the persons named " . . i . . ore hearts were made to beat as nave a laugo: ' ud uctoDer iitn mere will be a On last Sunday 'morning Miss convention of horse "awappers" at Gainesville. Ga. We eee that Rowan oxie ijuuenwiuoi, ft - laav oi luio uoi . PERSONAL POINTERS, ne. nine already elected their ' . -1 -ui A.ar,n nhnnl delegate to this convention and it is ,me ostensiuiy j - :v1' ui n.u i ... , . ; u uufu luai, uauarrus win aisu eeuu it she tailed to apyetn t . , k1-4, D - . assand tell abon the aeat Jesse Garmon and Secretary f the Jews tor ner ue. - & CQnMa een captured by Mr. Lex -Davis, 8oon tQ a de, (popular salesman m the Cotton Tod8, a8 the Jooal reporte Wade mis store, and he was waning w neared court house gate, n the streets for Miss Fullen- Mr. Hannan, after only a few words, ider, with a marriage license m hanled back with a large stick and 18 pOCKer. A auuu .B tuojr mot lftnded & bjQW Q shoulder of ' . -i n f tii ji I ! Ir. Payis ana iuiss r uiienwiaer the young man gheriff Bachanan tent" to the residence of J G Coy- soon intejfdred but could not quiet jietori, Esq., and were united in the man. Mr. Geo. Goodman, after jhe inseparable bonds of matri- being summoned by the sheriff, laid bony. After the marriage Mr. hands on Mr. Hannan also, and ind Mrs. Davis left for tho 80on Chief of Police Boger was on groom's parents, home at Olive hand. The caee was at once tried Branch." before Eq. Pitts, which warrant ins dieted Mr. Hannan: for an assault notice to m rajrew. . with a deadly weapon. After takiog I I will visit the places below for w I.. ,. i . the testimony. Mr. Hannan was Mr. Carl Johnson is spending today at Salisbury. Mr. A B Young went up to Hickory Friday night on business. Jno Craven spent this morning at China Grove on business . Mr, S J Lowe returned home last night. Mrs. S E White and; daughter, Mrs. Springs, returned to Fort Mills, S.C., this morning. - Mr. Mack Ritchie returned home yesterday evening from Rich field. v 7 : Pouring In Mr. and Mrs. H M Barrow and Mr. Frank Garrett went to Char lotte this morning to spend Sun day. Mrs. W S Bingham and chils dren returned noma tnis morning after spending several days in Char lotte. Mr. Hugh Krigler, a student at the college at Mt. Pleasant, went to Zeb, in Rowan county, to spend Sunday. v Messrs. Jno. McD6well, M J Freeman and R A Brown, three of our townsmen, who are now in and then out, returned home last night. YOU FURNISH THE FEEX V?E DO THE BESTV That's all we ask you to do f ni8h the feet. We will not only d& the res", but we will do t well ibr $2 50. We have evervthinsr in Oxford OUT immense StOCk except your feet. ia nnrnnsp nf n.n IpftHnir tftTPH ori (WAJU .www v " f-J tober. - I will be in ray office during the months of September and November, or jou will find a deputy there for the purpose of collecting taxes. Reeky River, township No. 1, Monday, October 17ch', 1898. Poplar Ten t township No. 2, Tuesday, October 18rh, 1898 . found gJilty and bound on a fifty dollar bond for his appearance at next cour1-. Thfo was : an -unfortunate affair, and the writer, who is the party as sailed, deeply regrets the happening, but,, as betore stated, it was nothing more than a mere pleasantry. The Standard, under its present man agement, has never been known to hurt anyone's feeline intentionally Deveese, township No. 3, Wednes- b VBachioke8i and if Mr. Hannan diy, October 19:h, 1898. had come to The Standard office look's, township No. 4, Thara- and expressed himself as not erjoy. aay, uc.oDer utn, 183b. ing the joke, he would have received Mt. Gilead,. township No. 5, Fri- re3pecttul attention and due apolo gy, October 21st, 1898. gy, but, instead, he unthoughtedly J M Faggart, township No. 6, acted as he did. Mr. Hannan has aiiturday, October 22nd, 1898. openly made his threats of ven- Reed Misenheimer s township No. eeance since his bond haB been se- 8. 9, 7, Monday, October 24th, 1898. Mt. Pleasant township No Tuesday, October 25tb, 1898. 0 F Smith's, township No Wednesday, October 26th, 1898. Bethel, township No. 10, Thurs day, October 27th, 1898. Old Field, township No. 11, Fris day, October 28th, 1898. Concord, township No. 12, Saturs dy, October 29th, 1898. Candidates for the different conns t7 effiese will be present at places and dates named above. Very Rsspectf ally, M L Buchanan, Saeriff. Cib.irrus County, N. C, Sept. 19, 1808. , . A Gratt ful Cdltor. ve are alwsys grateful for friend. lj advice and counsel. No man has grown eo Em&rt that he does not need the advice and counsel of his friends. We have received instruc tions not advice as to how to run 1 1 ims paper from a postoffice where only one copy is sent and that a deadhead signed 'Many Readers." JNow, we greatly appreciate the way V4. . . -uttt irte copy cucnlates, but ins etruction8 from any man who slens his name, "pays his money and takes nia choice' will do as well.-Greene boro Telegram. of Fall and Winter goods, are pouring in daily, both on Dry- Goods and Clothing sides. Cannon & Fetzer Company, t A FRESH LOT OF ancy (Jakes AT- An on nee of satisfaction is wcrila a ton or taiK - oatisraction icob with every pair of shoes we selL ; Respectfully, Dry S Mill Shoe Furnishers. Ervin & Morrison GROCERY cured. Mr. Garmon, who was the other party named in the joke, took it good-naturedly and intended to re turn the joke in some way. He also tried to persuade Mr. Hannan to M. take it as a joke. THE SECOND AFFRAY. Some difficulty occurred between Mr. Will Misenheimer and Mr. Ed Joyner about 2 o'clock. The trial had not taken place at this writing and we can give none of the par ticulars. Mr. Misenheimer is som?s what hurt about tbe head, and Mr. Joyner has a thnmb p obaoly dislo cated. ' The iVork Renewed. Key. S D Steffey, pastor of St. Johns, tells us that he is now tak ing: up the work again on the new Lutheran church near the Plott school house and the purpose is j :-:V- rp T YY TT ' P Acwy .Bmrrfk tosi Is what comes to those that use a "Pine. j Fiber" Mattress. Cures coughs, colds and to have the building ready for oc- lis very beneficial to all lung and throat cupying within the next go ays.L Highly recommended by medical It is not the purpose yet, however, j " - to complete the church for dedi-' fraternity. Cheaper than Patent Medicine-t cation until later. The building is up and under roof now and the order for the doors and windows is made. A Record Bie iker. Mr. P M Faggart, of No. 3 town ship, furnishes us a rocord break er in the way of cotton picking. Five hands picked in one day 1,541 lbs. as follows ; John Bost, his nephew, 398 lbs., Tom Berry, Improvements Couitemplated. St. Johns congregation, we learn, is contemplating the addi tion of a veranda in front of the 'church that will be entirely of metal and will,- beside being a great protection to the door, be quite an ornamental touch. ' a negro man, 388 Faggart 283 lbs; Jane Berry, Toms wife, 248, and Dannie Fag gart 224. Ocean waves "have on a number of occasions dashed over the tops of light-houses which are 150 feet high. As a wave in the open ocean is accompanied by a de pression as deep as the wave is lbs. Ernest i hip;ha sbiP in the trongh of the sea encountering sucn waves would be banked by hills of water, if the term may be used, 300 feet high. Ex. soft as hair and will not pack. Our "Perfec- tion Mattress," made Irom reginned cotton. down, old with a guarantee," for solid comfort, stands at the "head of the list- Haitv cotton, cotton and husk, straw and cotton from a good common to the best mattress for the money always on hand; You know that one third of 'your life is spent in h&l 1 In order to have a first class bed you must have a Spring. .We have at your command the Silver King, Th Dutchess, the President, the National, ' 4Raleigh,,r 4Sw t Rest," Morpheous" and "Solid Comfort." Pay yorr money and take your choice. ? - - sTi ".over s i vhen all o:. 1 13 the O v .1-' care- :by tie; Joys are sweetest as they take their flight, notable, that J one of lying in bed on a September morning. luBltVllRl, House Furnishing Goods of eveay description-, world without end. Come and see. . , Bell, Harris .Company