Vol. No.1 2709 CONCOH1X N. C. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 30 1898 Whole No 11799 BIRTHDAY PARTY LAID TO REST. Given Hy he Oftughters of the Con federacy Thursday Jfflght An En joyable Time War - Songs By Onr excellent Home Talent Refresh ments Served By the Ladles. Mr. J C H Bnrkhead'B Fnneral and BurialMasonic Bites Performed Sweetly Solemn Music. The last tributes of respect were 700 POPULISTS RETURN. Regardless of the fact that some paid this (Fiiday) morning to one of of the people had to pay a reserved Con cord's landmarks.Mr. James Oal- eeat price for their admission into Ya H Burkhead. As noted, Mr. the home of Mr. Jno. Wadsworth Burkhead was a Mason and his Thursday night the Dodson-Ramsenr brethren of the order marched at the Chapter; of the Daughters ef the head of the procession, and bore the Confederacy gave a most pleasant casket,, arrayed m their attractive res and enjoyable occasion to a number galia. ' , of friends of the organization. ' Rev. Alexander read appropriate In a most easy and graceful man- passages of scripture and gave aTe- ner Mesdames Jno. Wadsworth,D B some of the life of the deceased with Coltrane and Misses K.'se Harris, such eulogies as were well borne out Mary" Virginia Wadsworth, Jennie in the life of the subject. Gibson, Jennie Coltrane and Fay The pastor was particularly Brown acted as the receiving com pleased with the relations of Mr. mittee. Burkhead ito the church and hia According to the reading of the bright hope of a happy future. The invitation, the persons came and f nneral remarkg were fniinw with prayer. The music led by a trio of voices contributed greatly to the tender solemni ty of the occasion, especially in the rendering of "How Blest the their meaning. The pall bearers were Dr. D D deposited the number of pennies as they were years old. Some thought that they got oh very light while otberi wished that they were as ''young as they usel to be," Bat the guests, were amply re munerated for their pennies before Righteous W hen Dies" and "Asleep the evening had passed, for the best in Jesus. ' musical talent of our town gave The floral decorations were quite them a most delightful treat by beautiful. At the grave when the singing those songs that will ever pastor concluded the church cere remain fresh to our ears and will mony the Masonio fraternity joined remind us or tne time wnen our nQ reDdering the rites peculiar to parents were on the held of battle. that order beautiful and significant, The chorus consisted of the follow, doabtle8 to t&8e who' comprehend Addie Patterson, Ada Craven, Lidie Smith. Marv Lwia Harris and MeBSra. A E Lentz, R L Keeslerand JohD8ton' Dr- J F Beid and Meaars H M Barrow, Among tbe songs Martin Propst, JXBoger, 1, M Soa- . nu-nii . tt ,.t aamon and David Earnhardt, all of were '-Old Folks at Home," "Bonnie r- -w- , a w - 1 w r m l.l nine Jbiag, ' &iy Uia iventucKy leme." "Tenting On the Old Camp at Home on a Furious Ground" and "All's Quiet Along Harry Odell, whose mother lives the Potomac Tonight." All of these at Mt PIeaiant returned this (Fri- were excellently rendered. The last uay; murmng uu leuua lunuu. named production was rendered by Harry entered the navy a little more Miss Rose Harris with violin and than a year ago, having been put on flute obligate, Messrs. Keesler and the Vicksbnrg, which was a training Reid performing on the instruments, ship, but which was put into service By the hands of the Daughters, when the war opened. At the begin- refreshments, consisting of the nicest ning of the war he was on this boat, cakes and creams, were served to the wnjca lay off the Havana coast. gursw on in wn. wuo Having suffered quite an attack of ent 63 rheumatism, caused he says by lying After the serving of refreshments, on the wet decks at duty, be was beautiful hand-painted souvenir transferred to the hospital ship cards bearing the date of the occasion Solace, which afterwards sailed to and alPo the stars and stripes were Quanunamo Bay. Harry has been given to each one. . , - - , From fchft Pnvplnna th orniza. m the harbor at Boston for several tion receiTed $28.64, which will be weeks. His furlough grants him need for the purpose of marking the only ten days absence, bui he will graves of Confederate soldiers in the probably have it extended. He North. seems well pleased with a sailor's a Pear of Pears. life and wants to' go back. He is, "omo uwuo mhi. ur'r1" of course, dressed in navy costume, cuuua xnursaay w,num r.,i subject to the same regulations as pears, but a pear of pears among all QUV 80idiers in regard to wearing that we have ever seen. his uniform. No one. not even his It measures 121 inches round and mother, knew that he was coming Weighs good Strong 19 Ounces by Sllss Carrie Bothrock Married. the post oflSoe soales. It is of the On Wednesday night, Sept. 28th, Keifer variety. We would like very 8aya the Salisbury 8un, Miss Carrie mch to give the name of the: sucv tfl k Rocfewell w88 married of the comnliment to the newspaper Mr. Frank Marsh, of New York . an, but we can. certainly afford to The ceremony was performed in the not giy our modest friend away m Lutheran church at Salisbury after consideration of getting to eat the prayermeeting by Rev. L E Busby. " . 'mt tm - Miss KothrocK is Known by a owes into Effect Tomorrow. V number of people of our county and Aa has been duly adTertiBed i ha8 a nnmber of relatives also ii the this paper, a new ruling goes into countJ. gheis a daughter of Prof, effect tomorrow morning in regard T. .. . A-wiTrw . to cars remain ntiinUshinn LoB Bothrocit, who was formerly a after their arrival, and also in regard Professor at Mt Pleasant in the coN to not loading cats 'within 48hour s 'lege.' 'Mr . Marsh is a northern man after being plaoed in position. This and has been in that community for l"ey rnlin2 greed npon by the- jH different times. He railroad companies of our State, and . . L j . xi. . . ' . agents at the stations have no & interested in the gold.mining ins cretion in the matter, and must Wastry . The newly wedded couple abide by the rules assigned them, will leave soon for the groom's home Tne White People in that Good Old County, Halifax, United Once More. Mr. F L Travis, of Scotland Neck, the chairman of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee in Halifax coun ty, waa here yesterday. Mr. Travis brings very encouraging reports from Halifax. The Democrats there are aroused as they never were be fore. . z Mi Travis says nearly every Pop ulist in Halifax county has gone back to the Democratic party. Four years ago thete wer 700 Populists in: Halifax. NowiMr. Travis says there are not more than 25 Popu lists in the county and that they are returning every day. Recently a whit government union was . organized in Scotland Neck. Citizens closed their stores and 500 people participated. Six teen Populists were present and announced their return to the Democratic party. The work of the white govern ment union .cannot be overesti mated. Chairman Simmons has re ceived information that in one of the eastern counties 29 Populists participated in a newly organized union. At another meeting 28 Populists were ' present. Raleigh Post. - . . The Fourth to Go to JHanzanlllo. The Fourth United States Volun teer Infantry has been ordered des tached from the"7ih army corps to go to Cuba at once for relief at Manzanillo, where a very serious State of affairs exiati. PERSONAL POINTERS. Pouring In r i - ft YOU FURNISH THE FEET , WE DO THE RE6 . That's all we ask 'you to do f r- niah the feet. We will not only do the rest- but we will do it well for $2.50. . and Winter Our immense stock of Fall goods are pouring in daily, both on Dry Goods "'A and Clothing sides. Cannon & Fetzer Company, Mr. P B Beard, of Salisbury, is1 in our city, today. Rev. C L T. Fisher and family returned to Elizabeth college last night. Mrs. Zab Morris went out to - . - . the home of Mr. Will Morris this morning near here. Mr. Bruce Adams, of Monroe, left last night, after visiting at the home of Dr. W C Houston. Messrs. Chas. Burgess and Frank Irvin, and Rev. L E Busby returned to Salisbury last night. Mr. Chas. Isenhour, of Com pany L, who is at home on a fur lough, has gone to Gastonia on a pleasure trip. k - Mrs. D F Cannon went up to Salisbury, her former home, this morning on account of the sick ness of her sister. . - v Mr. Harry Martin, one of the insurance men who frequently drop in to see the Concord people, ar rived here last night. Mies Lily Rhyne, accompanied byf Mr. Hazel Gray, returned to Charlotte last night after attending the Foil-Boer marriage. We have everything except your feet. m Oxfords A .1 An ounce of satisfactran is worth a ton of talk. Satisfaction goes with every pair of shoes we sell. . Respectfully, Dry ' 4t Miller, Shoe Furnishers. A FRESH SUPPLY OF CHEESE Is what comes to those that use a "Pine Fiber" Mattress. Cures coughs, colds and is very beneficial to Call lung and throat trouble. Highly recommended by medical fraternity. Cheaper than Patent Medicine soft as hair and will not pack. Our "Perfec tion Mattress," made Irom reginned cotton down, fcsold with a guarantee," for solid comfort, stands at the head of the list. Hair, cotton, cotton and husk, straw and cotton ' from a good common to the best mattress for the money!always:on hand. . You know that one third of your life is spent in bed I In order to have a first class bed you must have a No. 1 Spring. We have at your command the Silver King, The Dutchess, the President, the National, "Raleigh," "Sweet Rest,, Morpheous" and "Solid Comfot.,, Pay your money and take your choice. s - 's WAF and Lai tes Received. They are fine. Try them. Ervin & Morrison GROCERY. it 1 1 w House Furnishing Goods of eyeay"description,v world; without end. Come'and see. . .. . ' Befll, Harris' & Compaisy. . else lay memseives liable. in flew x or.