Vol. No. 2709 CONCORD, N. C. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 ISQH Whole No 117 AN OPEN CHALLENGE To Messrs. Weddington nnd Cntctiln to IIhv a Joint Discussion. Mr. W 'M.-TVcddiogton in a cir- cular which he has issued says : "When tne Democrats held their County Convention and nomi- nated L T Hartsell for Representa- tive, he made his boast that he was ;LhV nrl willing- tn meet the tin- oroitrnpH at. All timAB rtnd nlanwa. Now he is out on the still hunt, ance, one of whom agreed to report fcvery night filling appointments the speeches for the Observer. To made by his chairman An ayery day he informed your correspon township except one. They have , . .. . , . , J . . r studiously avoided any division of .den that h c(mJrd n report any time with me." such speech as Mr. Caldwell made, Mr. W M Whddington and Rev. W T Cutchin could have had a he did say." It is said that Mr. division of time at any of the ap- Kluttz just plays pith his oppo pointments made and already nent as a cat with a mouse. It is filled by us and now as m evi- also re ted that ; Caldwell made on the slump t" jZhZS notified that we Will speak at the following places and time : No. 4 Ed. Cook s store, Satur- day, Oct. 1st, 7.30 p.m. Nos. 5-6 Rimer's, Monday, Oct. 3, 7.30 p m No. 7 Lentz's store, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 7.30 p m No. 8 Mt. Pleasant, Wednes day, Oct. 5, 7.30 p m No. 11 Mt. Hermon, Thursday, Oct. 6th, 7.30 p m When and where they are re- quested to be present and they are assurea mat mey win do given a fair and equal division of time. R L Smith, LT Hartsell. J!r. Harwell's Letter, Concord, N O., Oct 1, 1898 Mr A B Young, Chairman C. Dem . Ey. Com., Concord, N. O. Dear Sir: My daoghter Emmie Vas outraged and murdered at our home ner O?ncord nu Sanday U ternoon, May 29th, 1898, by twone- groes while I and others of my fam ily were at church worshipping God. The two negroes, Joe Kizer and TomJohnsoD, who did these crimes Chairman A B Young has noti were quickly hung to death that fied the Democratic candidates Sanday night by white men of Ca barru? as tbev ouebt to have been. For several vears I haye voted the Populist and fnsion ticket?, because I thought T wB dointr in th.. wav me Desli i CQuiu lor our oiaie xnu i . . T ,,rtm body can know as I now know how I wrong I was in voting these tickets and how I have suffered for it. am sure mat SOCn VOieS tena IO a 1 . t 'A- A J 1. make the negro do such deeds: bes cauee when white men vote and electioneer with the tegro he feels 4i . x. . , . 4, that the officers thus elected and the political parties winning elections with him and by hi3 votes will pros tecthim. in anything he does. And I now appeal to the white men of tection of bar mothers wivee. sis ters and daughters. Use this letter 7 as you please. V Trrily yourp, Samuel J. Hartsell. A Swindler. The Greensboro Record is ad- visinsr neierhboring towns to look out tor Dr. G Smith, a colored in- dividual, who is going about sell- ' . . - A, , , fe m, w"w "7 ""vlxexas, J-'ispaicn, isiin.; ioiks, claiming mai iuo tuuiu would make their hair as straight as a white man's. He swindled a number of Greensboro darkies. To Be a Regular Territory. The Commission has. returned from Hawaii and. have the plans mapped out for the government iuo iBianu; ,at.i regular , iori-iT-. tory of the United States. A bill .ffi! other territories of the creat re -vuuuODO tilU lUiUl TV Lki UO lim.V3 public. " i Bae: As announced yesterday, Kluttz and Caldwell, congressional candi- dates, had a joint discussion at Catawba last night, before a good- j mA v , - 4l 81zed crowd- A number of gentle- men from Newton were in attend-4 for "he took back about everything! nmer0DS aicBt JDam0" crais anu ieiuouraoy, turn wuen called on for proof or authority acknowledged that he had none except his own belief. Mr. Jas. McConnaoghey Dead. Fora number of days Mrs. Dr. Henderson, of this place, has been at the bedside of her brother, Mr. Jim McConnaughey, in Salisbury. After lingering for some time with cirrhosis of the liver, he died Fri- Ljay morning. Jadge Armfielrs Condition Serious. Hon. R F Armfield, who has been i i.i e i in precarious neaun ror several weeks was seriously ill yesterday, and the gravest fears are entertained for his recovery. His condition is such that his restoration to health can hardly be hoped for. Jnde Arcifi14 rws worae last night,' and his condition is not ims proved this morning. Statesville Landmark of 30th IIO,lp Cnaneett for Blscu88,0.n- that on the 20th and 21st of Octc- Der wmca aav8 mey are aue io oe in Nos- 4 and 5 township, they will raeel al luOBH i"atCD iu V "UUJ! ord'r to8et through and 8 to Concord and Mt. Pleasant to hear . . . , . the joint discussions between Hon. . J . . Theo. F Kluttz and Mr. Morrison Caldwell. A Preacher Found Urillfy of tne 51 nr- at r oi his wire. Rev. G E Morrison, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Panhandle City, who has been on &t Vernon7,for a weekj on the , ( murderine his wife, on October 10, 1897' was today found guilty and his punishment affixed as death. Morrison administered strvchmne to ms wife alter re- turning from church. The jury was ont onlv two hours. Before the death of his wife, Morrison was engaged to wed Miss Annie Whittlesey, of Topeka, Kan-, and whan intercepted he was at her home. It developed in the tria of the case that Morrison was m- fatuated with the Topeka young lady and he chose to put his wife out of the way in order that he Z?7 nie?S appeal win oe taiten. ion vyoriu If continuance in power makes a party careless and reckless of ex penses, as was argued against the ..ueiuwra wu gument is much stronger against the fosionista- this year . ?! If (he- first year of fusion government cost ij5;ooo more inan ine rwenuem 0f Democratic government, as tKe records--bKow; 'wfiaV w6nld the cost be if a long lease of power is 'given it ? Newton Enterprise, : Caldwell No llateh for Itlnttz. A special to the Charlotte Ob server from Newton of Sept. 30th PERSONAL POINTERS. -Mr. iW F Dowd. of Charlotte, was here this morning on business in regard to the sewerage work. --Presiding Elder Brooks came down this morning from Salis- t . . - - bury Miss Gase Jenkins, of Haile Gold Mine, 8. CM arrived this morning to spend Sunday at the home of Mrs. Quantz on East Cor bin street. Miss Lora Wheeler, of Wil minetohpit-ter of our townsman, Mr. Robt. Wheeler, left this morn ing after spending several weeks here. Mr. Ballard, who is employed in the freight department at the depot, left this morning for his home in Greensboro, h aviog been called there by the sickness of his brother. A FRESH SUPPLY OF Received. They are fine. ! Try them. Ervin & Morrison GROCERS As the Case ntnndsi In Wilmington . The following significant letter appeared in Sunday's Wilmington Messenger : "Wilmington, N. C, Sept 24. ditobs Messenger : The white people of this county have the political situation in their .- own hands. The Republicans supply less than 3 per cent, of the emploj- ment to negro wage earners, so that the negroes make their living almost entirely out of the Demccrats. Without employment by the Demo crats the negroes would be outcast, without homes to protect them or food to sustain kheir bodies. The Democrats are not dependent on ni gra labor, and while they have no animosity to warns the negro as such they haye resolyed in their souls not to employ negro help nor patronize negro enterprises that per sist in antagonizing their interests by voting against good and orderly government. No negro is asked to vote the Democratic ticke nor is he expected to do so. But the White employers are determined that negro rule shall cease forever in this country or negro laborers must look for employment elsewhere . This applies equally to domestic help. Onr white women will cheerfully sacrifice any amount of comfort and convenience necessary to remedy the horrible situation. Our women have al ways proved patriotic and selfosacrificing and are equal to any demand put upon them. The whites desire nothing but peace and good will towards the negro, but the issue Is plainly made.4 The negroeb prosperity is conditional on rule by the white maniT - -1 , : i Good Govjeenment . " Hore Good From Dewey. . Admiral Dewey reports the health bo good aiaonV his Eiilors that. only 40 out of 2,000 are on! thV slok list The healtn of the sailors has been uniformly good. And GaKes In Our immense stock of Fall andf Winter goods are pouring in daily, both on Dry Goods and Clothing sides. Cannon & Fetzer Company, Pourirag Is what comes to those that use a "Pine Fiber" Mattress. Cures coughs, colds and is very beneficial to f all lung and throat trouble. Highly recommended by medical fraternity. Cheaper than Patent Medicine- soft as hair and will not pack. Our Perfec tion Mattress," made Irom reginned cotton down, fcsold with a guarantee," for 'solid comfort, stands at the head of the list- Hair, cotton, cotton and husk, straw and cotton from a good common to the best mattress for the money always You know that one third In order to have aifirst class Spring. We have at your command the Silver King, The Dutchess, the President, the National; tRaleigh,,, "Sweet Rest," Morpheous'1 and "Solid Comfort." Pay your money and take your choice, - j s - ' . . a a 1. 1 f i' i D House Furnishing Goods of eveaydescriptionV worE3 without end. J.Comeland see, , . Bell, Harris Corripaor fir i. 1 . Ml YOU FURNISH THE FEET WE DO THE PEST. . That's all we ask you to do f nish the feet. We il) not only de the rest, but we will do it well for $2 50. We have everything in Oxfords except your feet. An on nee of satisfaction is wortb a ton of talk. Satisfaction goe$ with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, Miller, Shoe Furnishers. f I V 9 'w Dry a on-hand. of your life is spentj in bed 1 bed you must hae a No. 1