Vol. Xi No. 2709 CONCOHl), N. C. TUES DAY, OCTOBER 4 189f? Whole No 11198 COMMISSIONERS MEET. The Expenses of. the Ufa: Ruin Still Com ins Before ThemThe Bids Handed In for the Construction of the Iron Bridge at Black's Mill Another Admittance to the County Home, - The expenses caused by our heavy rain some time ago, such as building new bridges over small streams, bills of lumber, repairing forces, etc., still continue to come before the commas jioners this month at their regular meeting. Bills of this kind, amounting to at least .$83 . 00,x ac cording to the ininutes, were ordered paid, not .counting the expense of putting in the large iron bridge at Black's mill over Rocky Rivep. Two bills each amounting to $25, were the largest bill presented. One was for a bridge and abutments on the public road leading from Poplar Tent to Pott'j school house. The other bill was paid to Mr. Jas. K Deaton for building a bridge on Buffalo creek. N Giving to i ha absence of Mr, Ed. Kestler, Mr. Jno. H Moose, of Ko.1 7 township, acted a3 clerk for the commissioners. - Taney Tally, a womun whose mmd seems to be somewhat de ranged, and who hes before been in the county home but is now living in No. lO&Vnship, was again ads mitted to tfeCcounty home. Ten representatives from different iron bridge companies were present Monday and banded in their sealed bids, after making their most cares ful calculations from the plans and specifications Tha bridge will be 12 feet wide on the in side, which will give plenty of room for one ; conveyance crossing. The length of the bridcre will be 170 feet, besides - w some wooden parts on each side. The lowest bid for the bridge was handed in by the King Bridge Co , of Ohio, which company built the one that washed away. Their bid was $1,994 while the highest bid was $2297. Besides the iron bridge there will be a cost or nearly $500 for masonry work and wood works. The contract was let to the King Bridge Co., on a condition. As the county has not the necessary amount of funda to build the bridge, the contract will now await the grant ing of a special tax by our county before it is made. Tniff action will require an act of the Legislature. A special tax will have to be made or else the county will have to issue bonds, either action of which re quires an act of the Legislature. To Take Charge of the Arlington. For several weeks Mr. Will Foil, of this county, and who was re cently married, has been figuring on the lease of the Arlington hotel in Charlotte. From the Charlotte Observer we see that" the papers will be signed up, and Mr. Foil will be a hotel keeper. Mr. Foil is very poplar with the travelling people and will no doubt win a ' good amount of custom. ' We hope success will be the lot of Mr. Foil in his new bus: neep, though .he is somewhat ac quanted with its workings, having been a hotel clerk for some time. Bneklen'i Arniea Baire The Beat 8aive in tk world for Cuts, Bruises, bores,. Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores. Totter DhAnnfld Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all o iin jjrupuons, ana positively cures -rue or nq pay required. It is guaranteed to rive statist? money refunded. Price 25 cents per oox jc or eaie at v a Fetzera Drue store,' 6 A WARM TIME Over at Jit. Ileaant Monday Sisrh -AMarrlage the Cause of the Tron hle I'nesian Arrested With a Pistol In His Hand Snapped at Them Sct eral Times. " ; Not for a while has our eastern neighbor, Mt. Pleasant, had the ex citement it had on Monday nignt when a man of, that town became somewhat unruly and bothersome. As noted in MondajY Daily Standard, Mr. Dei Johnson and Miss Mattie Hinson, both of Ht. Pleasant, went to Fort Mills last Saturday night and were marrud . The case was a slight runaway tffair:. When the father of the bride learned of the esse on Monday evening, it seems that he went into his front yard or in the streets to express his hatred and bad feeling towards the groom's. family, who lived near him . The man's name who caased the disturbance was Mr. Hose Hit s;n, as he is known. His curses dil not cease for quite a while and were ex pressed so emphatically, that they were heard a considerable distance. Tiring of snch a "warm number'' as this in their town, some persons went to arrest him. When arrested ha had a pistol in his hand and soma of the witnesses, so we are in formed, testify that he saspptd at some of the par tie?. Four men share the braverv of arresting him. ife was tried before Mayor Moose and a ledger account amounting to $6 40 was entered against him, his security for it having been obtained. But this did not quiet the angry spirit of the man, and;he; aga:n commenced when he got back to his horns. A" second po.sa had started to maKe a second attack but the gentleman very probably realized that he had already broken our laws enough and had better call a halt. Mr. Johnson, the father of tbe groom was here this (Tuesdav) morning consulting some parties as to what action to take against the man, as it seems that Mr. Hinson has threatened the life of Mr. Dol Johnson and also vowed that their bliss and happiness shall be inters rupted. A. Pretty Good Scheme for Them. The Charlotte News, knowing well that a large number of our boys are off at school and besides that we have never had a football team, now makes a suggestion to1 us in order that Charlotte can "wipe us off the face of the ear tK' as we did them in base ball last season. Here is its suggestion: "The News would suggest that Col. George Patterson and Mr. Jno. C Wadsworth, of Concord, rake up a foot ball team and come over 'the creek to do battle with us. They have been so successful with their base ball .team, it may not be amiss to make this suggestion. Iter. Cha. JT. Rankin to Wed. Cards are out announcing the marriage of . Miss Nettie Mcore Strickler, daughter of Dr. and Mrs . Given Brown Strickler, of Richs mond, Va., to Bey. Chas. F Rankin, pastor of Oannonyille and Forest Hitt Presbyterian churches here. The ceremony will take pJace at Union Theological Seminary at Richmond, at 8 o'clock on the even in? of Oct. 18th. The bride's father is a professor in the Union Theological Seminary. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Clint Ury, of Danville, ar rived here last night. Capt. Edward Hill will return to Jacksonville tonight. Mr. W 'J Moose, the photog rapher who once lived at this place, is here today. - Mrs. W R Barker, of Salisbury, spent last night with her friend, Miss Nannie Alexander. . Mr. Clayton Brown, of Salisbury, is speeding several days in our city on business. - . - - . A FRESH iSUPPLY Oif EESE FERS And Cakes Received. They are fine. Try them. . -. Ervin & Morrison 0R0CER5 A SPLENDID MEETING In Projriss .it Forest Hill Superin tendent Klrhman Again I'a!ts Charge More Jfew Machinery Placed. Forest Hill Correspondence, Rev. Bagley, of Gastonia, came in Monday evening and filled thepnl pit at Forest Hill M. 15. church, preaohing ft yery fine sermon. He will assist R?,v. Arnold in his meet- ings, through the week. Much in terest was manifested at last mght'd meeting, there being seven cenvers sions. Mr. W R Odell is spending the day out of town, on business. Mrs. M H Overchsh has moved her family to Saliebary. We look for them to return in'about ten days. - , Mr. Thoa. Kirk man is again at his post at the bleachery, after a long spell of sickness. 1 . , Mrs. J M Mabery left Monday for McAdensville to visit her son, Mr. Frank Mabery. Messrs. "Osgood and;Shea left Sun day after placing a lot of near mai chinery in the mill. We found them to be very clever men, as well as fir8t-clas8machinist8. MRS. BATCHELOR DEAD. A Widowed Mother Called at 22 Tears From Two ChildrenJoined the Church Two Weeks Ago. - Mrs. Emma Batchelor died at her home in Oannonyille at an early hour this (Tuesday) morning. She had been battling against ' that insidious disease, consumption, to which she at last yielded, as above stated. Some two weeks ago she embraced the Christian's hope and was received into the Presbyterian church by baptism under the minis trations of Rev. C F Rankin who will conduct the funeral rites at 9 olock Wednesday morning.' Her mortal remains will be placed in the Presbyterian cemetery by the side of those of her husband, who preceded her about one year ago. Mrs. Bachelor was young in,yearr, but abonc 22. She leaves two par entless children who are the recipi ents of great sympathy and pity by all who kno 3 the kindly tenderness due such unfortunate little ones.' Cf WA Pooring: In Our immense stock of Fall -and Winter goods are "pouring in daily, both, on Dry Goods and Clothing sides.' Cannon & Fetzer Company, Give us your ear and we Five M itti Cuts FURNITURE is theiurden of our song. We study it by day, we dream of it by night. Our highest imbition a business way is to give the good people of Concord and country for miles around the advantage of a FURNI TURE STORE EXCELLED BY NONE and EQ UALL ED, by few in North Carolina Buying in car lots for spot cashfrom the best factories in the United States gives us a long lead in the direction that inter ests buyers. We have the BEST STOCK the best prices that has ever been , customers- . . - Weihanh our friends for the splendid- trade given us in the past, Wehopp,by close attentiou to your interest to merit it in the future- Dont failto seethose handsome u Golden Oaks." Come and see us. we will do imu tennd, Bell, Harris-Company. FALL DISPLAY. Miss McKnight is in charge of our millinery departm e n t a g a i n. Having srent several weeks in the northern cities she is able to show you the latest in millinery. All are in vited to our fall dis play Wednesday, Oct. 5th. Vevy respectfulb a i It I. will tell 7ov the reason whir. our pleaeure to offer our i . I . . - fit