V ol. Xj. No. 2709 BiOnrRepreieniatlTefor Allowing unlive 01 iinMMM-Personali. Mt. Pleasant, N. U, Oct. 5; '98. Mr. George Moose has accepted a position as clerk m Mr. C G Heilig's store, "Uncle Dan," who iormeny niled this place, is soing back "down on the farm.'V Mr. Ed. Heilig, of Salisbury , is here on business. Miss Ella Lentz, of Norwood, is visiting Miss Mabel Barrier. Mr. Luke Johnson is spending a tew days in our town, r3ccperta- l.ng irom the accident ha met with last week.. Wbilo riding his fast horse, "J ustice," down street last Sunday the Horse slipped and feF, bruising "kid" up pretty badly.. x-cvoi nab our town naa cucii a ' time as was had here Monday evening as noted by your paper j on luesafcy :?ernoon in regard to Mr. Hinson's action. Tuesday evening ... when Mr Johnson and his briae returned! from Concord he gave another short speech without being mo lested by the officers. There are a hundred men, Wo men and children in Mt. Pleasant that are ready to swear that it is not an, exagerated account, that he cursed at least three hours without ceasing, except at court one oath after another in the blackest, dirtiest language that was ever uttered in our town, and within the hearing of women and children. It is a shame and a disgrace to our town and community that our town authorities did not stop this thing. A number of men went to the Mayor and begged him to nave it stopped. Mrs. Hinson was very sick and he even went to her bedside and cursed and black guarded her. "Let the law have its way" is the cry, but another onence like this and the people will have their way. Mr. Hinson says that he was "mad and out of fix," but he must remember that he most grievous ly violated the law and is ndt ex- uoaoie in tne sight of the. law, aud may rejoice that he was ex cusable in the sight of our un worthy officers. OnDit CONOOUIX N. C. WEUNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 189 1 ' i i "' i ii " " i" 'J "--m I, ' L'" ':" - ' . - -' : ' g A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT Cause By a rlnfengr EngIneer an," Fireman-Terrible Explosion. The Durham correspondent to the Charlotte Observer has the following: ' . - - "Several of the emnWa i ruaa came over on the engine PERSONAL POINTERS. -Mayor T C Linn, of Salisbury, ?9 spending today in oor city.; - Mrs. Hargrave, of Lexington, is visiting Mrs. P B Fetzer. Mr. John C Wads worth re. turned home last night from South- Whole No 11799 to the junction in the tmriv U: P;na oi Saturday mVhfc Th u i ' i : madeihoir L. Z&J&JZZl F. turned to "7 fiHed -up, on "Z SW whiskey. Going back to wW ! r. , D T fhoy had loft tne en-ine h6vN 7 Brown' of 8 boarded it early Snidr.r inL,'. i l-' .bM- "Pdiag aev- and Parted on the 1 p, . !, 'a busiafs'- ct After 6!BC about th I Cb8"ftta moraine- stoDoed to 1nH 0;;' 1J . ! Mrs. Fred a HVlilC VVU(J(t. A ?1 I darkey WUs throwing, the c! on tUB WUUW 3Jia while .waitin- tb'eSr engineer and fireman wpnt to sleep . cue can. The nreman awoke ; before the loading was 'KvUW ! and discovered that the water vas ! xow m the boiler. H 10 turn on some water tTas a terriiie explosion, the sou-d : of which w&s heard for miles. The! boiled had burst,; killing rilf, e ieer and rireman instautlv, tnd l wounding two white men und ir nero. One b?own thvonch a I chunk of trees Viv - . r thetiees where ho we 'itN . All the men were from near; liynehbnrg, Ya. It is i nonght s that the injured mon will c Je. ' ' ; is Stephens r.iv ? If 9t night from Charlotte and topping si the home of her er, Mr. Baxiti Parks. - 1 : I I Pou ring' fx POINTER IN SHOES, You can buy shoes icr A FI1IC8H SUPPLY Or ! tne water :.va& ! :cr, when there : - 1 Lj JjU Li 4-r WAFERS And Cakes e veil. Tiry &re iane. Try laem. rvin & Morrison OROCER5 nnv :m .. . -, i,a dollar that word ' of -Fall, and Winter!3-00 Wh would be a: o uu UIIjQgr 111 daily, bouh on Dry G-oods X o u Clothing A V A. Cannon Wltbdrnns His Pme, To the Toters of Cabarrus County": As is well known I was nomi nated by the Democratic county uuvouuon ror the nos f.ion nf k ----- w ool HeW8 Trom Iredell. A private note from Olin, Iredell county, reads: "Twould do yon good to hear the ' reports from north Iredell. Kepublicans swear they won't yote for Caldwell. Populists are. coming back to Democracy. The sierns noinfc tn victory." Other advices from Ire dell are to the effect that the county is going Democratic by from 500 to 700. This would be an old-time majority. KIntfcz's )peecnes in the county last week ere, by all accounts, vote-win-ers. Keports agree that he "aply play8 with Caldwell, his vPUUSt-LerjnhliftATi nt it is not alone Jfrbm Iredell wat the news is good. The re Ports from all the surrounding -uunues are uniformly favorable Charlotte Observer. Hie Jurofcen Window Abandoned. 'A new plate glass has been pat in on the corner at Fetzer'a drag atore after remaining broken for several months. Thia n somewhat ci- c connty -wmmissioiler.- It is also m v 106 n,gh,i of bm .W M. r " ,.alS ay when the members of ...... x Vinson company L, of the First regiment Was nominofo1 Ur -1 -..... - - XUA "jan or wre qaarcerea in Uaton's Hair and oaiu uuaru ana as Mr. Allison, by wnen all of the boys had gathered 1WUWU large interest in JNo l4' Lumr acooacrementa and had 2 township in so far as the inter- ade their 'elativeg, friends and est of the township is concerned 8weethearts "oodnbye," some one is practically a citizen of the town- lnt0 thra dow, one ball ship, I, on mature delihrMnn gTS .t.hrngh centre of the and in recognition of thf.t fi,Jg;!W,i? ther striking on each " v iiudu l HI n O rT h m 1 T7t - . - : . thow;...!. . . W1" JiTer since tnat ,r ,, w w people ot Ume questions have been answered the county require that the differ- as to how. that glass was broken ent sections of the county should. " it had not cotnmenoed hr.i,.n. to as large an extent as practica- in and rendering: the window un ble, be represented on the Board ?afe it is probable that Dr. Fetz?r of Commissioners, dd, therefore, wotlld have placed a nice silver p'ate withdraw my name as a candidate m the .centre dedicating it to the tor the office of county corn mis- members of the Firet remanf sioner and i-finnpst t.i,f manret regiment. il i . i - . . i i m Comp o rwiii took in vaih .for the former here : you ave certain of findinp Oi other barerainis tlie same proportion. The way to buv shn is to see shoes and tho place to see shoec ngJit here. Asfeto our $3, 2.50, 3.00 and o.uo shoes for men. 4 i. good man from anoth - - "vwvrvil A I i- U i '. me county. Most respectfully, WF Cannon. Five faMk W is. GEN. LEE TO CUBA SOON . All persons indebted to me will wujb Hana8 ror collection Mayfc 1898. ' Likes Volunteers for FiKhtin? Bnt in -cace xney Uaye to Manv Km. : Gen. Lee, in an interview re cently,' gave evidenence that he expects to go to Cuba with his command, the 7th corps, about the last of the month. This has been the best kept corns of th arniy in point of health and orob ably discipline too. The General aoes not . contemplate going to juua, wiinouc nis soldiers. He says he had too much trouble to stay there before without soldiers. He says he likes volunteers wW there is fighting to be done but he seems to prefer regulars in time of peace. He says yolunteeW t(? an7. f aIlrs mothers, broth ers,' sisters, cousins and aunts that want to get them out of -the-- sef- vice. CristobolCcnloa's Cati A prisoner of war, who i outivelv rsiueea to be interviewed, was seen at the offices of the United Express Company, 49 Broadway, ypserdav, en route to the United ouppiy siauon, at. Joseph, Mich- wnere ne win be put in custody of Lloyd Clark, a relative of Cflnt. uiar& of the Oregon. The' follow" mg notice was found pasted on the prisoner's perscnaJ effects: . uTo Good Americans Treat me kindly and give me food, as I am a prisoner of war from the CriainhaT Colon, beine: forwarded" hv mx, captors, the crew of the Oregon, to ine gallant ,commanderf Capt. Ciar, whose brave efforts forced the Colon to surrender July 3, The prisoner's name wa MV i nomas C?a:. He was a handsome specimen, haylnz a silver w . r J COat. Wl In Clfrpp at.rinaa and oIiaimJ ' f O wijfvwj MMl BLAfJ f CA no effects of. ha ving passed. throng t the horrors bf war. Althnnvh voi. much incomunicadoVN.CSnu. 2p ea'Mntnuo.te guaranwed tost on Give us your car and we will teUyo?, thz reason why. day,ive dream oj il orj nishl. Our highest vnbtiion in a business zaay is to give the good people of Concord and country f or miles around the advantage of a FURXl- TV RE STORE EXCELLED BY NONE and EQUALL ED by few in North Carolina. Buying in ear lots f0r spot cash from the best factories in the United States gives us a long lead in the direclic.t, that interests buyers. We have the BEST STOCK, the best prices tlvat has ever been our pleacitre to offer our customers- V ' Welhanh ourfrieiidsior the splendid trade given w. in the past. We Jwpe, by close atnUou to your interest to merit it m the future- - ... T)ont fail to see those haiidsoine "Golden Oaks.'' - Come and see us, we will do you Good: a, r Bell, Harris & -.Company.