, I , I I I I .,,,,, . , fc ,. ALMOST A BATTLE. I :"; SEVENTH CORPS TO M OVE. 1 PERSONAL POINTERS. Col. Ray ArrlTes at Stnnzanlllo Too Soon and a Stormy Interview Oc- An exceedingly,, interesting incw Gen. Le Wire Instructions to Jack sonville Tbe First Kortb Carolina to Have ICrasr-Jorcensen Rifles. From the Charlotte 'Observer-we dent occurred ai manzanuio r riaay, learn that the following order was when Col. Ray marched into the received' at corps headquarters city to take possession. It seems Thursday night from Major General Mrs. Jno. P Allison went to Salisbury this morniog. Mr. G W Ould,f of Lynchburg, arrived here last night. Ohas. Phillips, who is attending school at Mt. Pleasa&t, spent today Mrs. Richard Ehmes. of Sali s that after he left Santiago under Lep, who is in Washington: "Make! here at his home. orders to take possession on the 7th, preparations to move Seventh Corps the Spaniards baa gotten tne time to Savannah at once. Let corps bury, is visiting at the home Attors extended to the 10ch, of, which Col. quartermaster make transportation ney Morrison Caldwell . . Ray was not awre. Col. Parron, arrangements. Corps will encamp) -Walter Hopkins went up to the Spanish commanuer, put up a around Sayannah, and later be ' Woodside, in Rowan county, this bold front and a stormy interview moved to Cuba. I will be in 3a. morning to spend Sunday with rela- occurred. The Spanish bugler vannah Monday and Toes lay of 1 tives. called to arms and a Sght was on next week and in Jacksonville the r. ." . , ,, f Koin,r onanWI it all TU a r,.:- rr ,n - MlSS LlZZie Gray and MfS. Cavalry is already at St. Augustine tf , , , . . . , J t J ; & ; from a several days stay in Char- u iuu louiaiu lucre ur tuo prefcem. , lieutenant ilirshinger, ordnance officer of the regiment, made r quU sition Friday for Krag-Jorgensen rifles for the regiment, in compiis ance with the general order. blew over, however. The Americans will occupy the barracks till the 10th, when a for mal occupation will take place. jWiss Craige Dead. A telegram stating that Miss Nannie Craige, of Salisbury, daugh ter of Hon. rierr craige, aiea tms GEORGE SAXON SBOT DOWN. Y-'atnrdaO morning. Miss Craige JL Brother of M rs. BlcKinley JMnrder el By a Woman, Probably. Mr. George Saxon, a brother of Mrs. President McKinley, was shot down on the streets of Can ton, O., on the 7th. it is believed to "be the act of Mrs. Ana C pintky Mrs. iioit. ueorge, wno nas oeen arrested lor Guilford county has the banner tbe crime. There has been a series now for a brave" woman. The Rec- of litigations' in which they were ord Bays Mrs. Mike Holt, who lives involved and she bad made a?iVin twn milpa nf fJrAPnRhnrn. Tfi I threats. Pollrio g: In nas been m bad neaitn ior several rnonthB and her death hus been fore cast. She was- a most excellent young lady and is kcon here. She is a niecs of Mrs . Jno. Allison and Mrs A B Young, of this place. Miss Gertrude Pharr returned home this morning, after a delight ful visit of several weeks at- Mrs. Yorke's. V Dr. A B Tucker, of New York, who hag been visiting at the- home of Dr. Houston, went over to Char lotte last night to spend today'. He will return here tonight and nil leave for New York tomorrow night. v ""' A FRESH SUPPLY OF " Our immense stock of Fall and Winter gooas are pouring m daily, both on Dry Goods and Clothing sides. Cannon & Fetzer Company, turning from a visit Tuesday, found a negro man going through her household efiects. She quickly stabbed up a batcbotand made for him. He drew a pistol1 and threatened to shoot, but that did not check her onset, when he took to flight, receiving a stroke that cut his hat and knocked it off. He bad already obtained some booty a gold bracelet and gold breast pin. Walks Two Miles to His Ntore. We are glad to learn that Mr. D C Furr has so improved that he walked from his" nome to his store at Forest Hill Friday. For about four months he had been confined to his bed and his physician thought he could never recover from his prostrate condi tion. We gladly hope there may yet be. many years of, enjoyable An attempt was made Thursday to wreck the Southern train between Asheboro and High Point by placing croBs-ties and large rocks on the Anathor WtifHt. rinb f Ir&ranlzed. "The Thursday afternoon Whist life for Mr. Furr, Club" had their first meeting of the season, with Mrs. Dr. Young. The eight persons present were eager to commence these charm in sr entertainments and each one slaved with vim and deksht Such rails at a Peint near SoPhia The delight and pleasure, were hard to obBtrnot.on was ducoreted by the repress and were tho' against rules, engineer and the tram wa3 stopped rt. .rm .n rfd Mon ranMB lnto tha obstruction. , , , 1 he parties who made the attempt . T-,lAi- . are unknown. Thid is the fourth "llow cnarmmg, ' "isn i mis nice, uHow I do love Whist," escaped from the happy party. When the game was over and refreshments were served, conver sation flowed freely, every one was happy. Mrs. Young served them the dainties of the season in a most charming way. After such a "feast of reason" as whist requires, the inner man enjoys the more, deli cious viands and the hostess was showered with, compliments on her luncheon. G. l hey Struck a Log. The sewerage force is now at ork on Spring street nearing the corners of Mill and Spring - street?. On Friday before striking Spring street a short distance from the dy namo and about twelve feet down in tbe ground they struck a large log. This is very probably some wood of olden times , when Concord was not a town. It is hard to diss tinguish whether it is oak or wal nut. i 5 I i i ' " SPINAL K8S&SS2g MM mm. . ' attempt tnat nas been made to wreck the train on this road within the last year. WA Fnlly Convinced . One Mr. Samuel Pate, a Repubii can, from Martin county, having heard and seen so much in the newspapers regarding the condition of Craven county openly announced that he would like to go to Craven county, and if it was half so bad as made out he would stump the coun ty in behalf of . the Democratic, par ty. And those stalwart Democrats of Craven, hearing of the announce ment made by this Republican, ac tually paid all of his expenses to make Craven a yisit, and after he had visited and seen the true con dition of things, the Anglo-Saxon blood and conscience was 1 stirred and he exclaimed that he will not only stump the county, but the whole State of good old North Car olina in behalf of the white man and his home. Part of Mr. Koonce's letter in the Kinston Free Press. CHEESE .EERS And Cakes Received. They are fine. Try them. Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 A DARK SCHEME. Wilminsrton Kegrois Try to Buy Tire Arms From tne Odell Hardware Co. Their Scheme Detected. From tbe Raleigh News and Observer we notice that negroes at Wilmington, who have been corresponding in regard to buying a quantity of rifles from the Odell Hardware Co., in Greensboro, have been detected in their dark scheme. It is supposed that the negroes are preparing to be armed on election day. One reason to be lieve there is something dark like this behind is the fact that the negro who was doing the coi res ponding for . the arms is the chairman of the Republican executive committee of that coun ty. In the letter, a fac simile of which appears m that paper, he asks for prices of, twelye 38-calibre guns with the privilege of 25, six teen shooters, also twelve 32 and 38-calibre guns. "'-' - v , A POINTER IN SHCE5. You can buy shoes for a dollar that would be dear at 50c, others for $3.00 which would be cheap at $4.00. .You will look in vaih for the former here : you are certain of finding the latter and plenty of other bargains of the same proportion. Our line of childrens shoes is complete. We have the kind that wear. Our line oi La dies fine shoes at 1.45 2, 2.50, and 3.00 might interest you: The way to buy shoes is to see shoes and the place - to see shoes is right here, H L PARKS & CO, Fits hi Gottoa Sub 1 Iti Wit 5. The Doubt Removed. Kobt. Lewis 8a j8 in the Clinton Democrat : "Some of my friends ap pear to be in doubt as to what my future political bffiliations will be. I wish, to remove this doubt by stating that henceforth I am a Dem ocrat. I feel it, my duty r to ipursue this course for the ; best Jnierests of N or h . Carolina, : which j should now and for all 4time be governed Aby its white population. :c .The, -fruits of fusion do not warrant its continu ance and . white men should wash their hands of it." . , , Give us your ear and we will tell yov the reason why -FURNITUREis the burden of our song. We study it by i ' . ... : '." ' day, we dream of it by night. . Our highest imbitionXiii a bzsinessway is to give the good people of Concord and country for miles around the advantage of a FURNI TURE STORE EXCELLED BY NONE and EQUALL ED by few in North Carolina Buying in car lots for spot cash from the best factories in the United States gives us a long lead in the direction' that interests buyers. We have the BEST STOCK, the best prices that has ever been our pleaeure to offer our customers. We thank our friends for the splendid trade given us . i - . " ' . inthepast' We hope, by close attentiou to your interest to merit it in the future- : : . Dont fail to see those handsome u Golden Oaks." Come and see us. we will do vou Good. m Eton suffering! : Try Dr. Miles Pain Pills. Bell, Warns Gdmpamiy.

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