63 r r-7. , LOm In) TO - !! ti 3 '4 Vol. XiNo. 2709 CONCORD;- N. C. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 189fc V" v 1 i i x t. I THE TWOFOLD OBJECT the same bow all the eyes ' wonld hav to occupy exactly the same plbC ' whf re two eves were all the t PERSON A L POINTERS. Of Reading Should Hay a Direct. KPHrinir ou lencuinK-An luuireci i ( f purpose Quickening the Ferceptlye Others WOUlll have to DP. It 18 8imiv Faculties. lar with two minds, where the one -Mr Jno. Yorke, of Charlotte, spent yesterday here. ; Mr, Gray. Barber, of Charlotte, spent Sunday here at the home of Mrs. Scott. Mr. Jas. Wadsworth, of Char lotte, epent Sunday here with his brother, Mr. Jno. C Wadsworth. ; Mr. R'J Halton, of 'Salisbury, The object of reading should . . tfa- hot oe Tr.e twofold, tnat is it should have a di- m'nta fft0tg of the otfaer mind ule rect bearing on the subject of teacbs there afld DOwhere eige ing, nnd an indirect purpose of pres When teaching it is ea ily seen paring the mind for managing and that we transfer nothing from our governing a school, by quickening minds to the minds of the pupils. wmpntive faculties. ' au . l.lt - r-r- --"c lucuiai lavus we nave are not BDent vestprdav t thn hnmnnf Mr Dullness of perception -ha. been Btored and placed aWay m 0Gr headg ftt the ?0m8f U' the tarai ruu uvtr wmuu uj hke corn in a crib, to be measured dn otherwise qualified teacher has out in 8niaU or large quantities as stumbled and fallen. The inability may be required. No mental fact to see when trouble is coming has can be taken out of one head and been the cau.e of many a teacher's piaced m another. What the teacner having his sch;ol run away , with do8a is to awaken or arouse the him without hia being -able to. diags pQWer already there in the heads or nose the case or prescribe a remedy. mim)a of the pupils. The pupil's Reading with the proper under- mind dofc8 the work for him and not standing hai given many a teacher a tne teacher's. But this article is aN superiority of mental power over ready too long- ") that of hia scnool, wnicn nas orongnt HT JLudwig him sacceos. It has developed tact, Editor Dan Bivins, of the Stanly. Enterprise, is here today on basiness. Our Harry Odell, who is at home on I of Fall a furlough, spent today with his grandfather, Capt. J M pdell. Mrs. A B Yonner returned home this morning, after attending the daily, both Oil Dry funeral of her niece, Miss Nannie immense stock and Winter mm . goods are pouring m j .i : a quality of mind that is essential to r surprise ew Father, successful teaching and governing It will be a great surprise to Mr. and managing in general. There is Peter Seaford, of Poplar Tent, to eorne knowledge that books can not on0e again meet his son, to whom he give. Books are necessarily devoted wrote ony a few weeka ago and to the actions and thoughts of the gtated that he neyer expected to ?ee past. They may or may not be bis 80n any more Tne adapted to the wants of the present. Qmon at the nin Thev are useful wneii studied in tbe , , J , . , . . of this war. enlisted with a company proper way and with a clear insight - ;. r j into V7hat thev rropoae to do and what they can do. They come out time ne haa been m camp at unicfe- of the dead past, and can now be amauga. Haying been granted a made to meet all the requirements of twelve days furlough Mr. Seaford the living present. The teacher of arrived here -this (Monday) morning today must be a 19th, riot a 14th, on his way out to Poplar Tent to century teacher. He must be able cQrprise hia father. Mr. 8eaford to select ODly such. cQaJterlilfrom WiH soon leaye with the regiments the past as may be adapted to the for Cuba and this is another reason wants oi tne preeent. ne mu uu- why the Jonng mana f ather thought derstand the ase in which he lira, tbat he wonId never ae8in eee his ana must nave a power or uiscerning that will enable'him to see its wantF. Craige, at Salisbury. Mr. Frank Garrett, who form erly worked in the office of the Odell Manufacturing Co., but who is now employed in Charlotte, fipent yesterday here with his friends and relatives. son. Beading and reflecting on what he From our Boys has read, and eliminating the parts I The Charlotte News has the fols not adopted to his wants, using only I lowing Jacksonville news : those parts whioh he needs, are as Corporal Waiter R Linton's friends eesential to the teacher as they are w be pleased to hear of his promo to men who rare engaged in any of tion to .Flag Sergeant of the First the other professions T Brigade. His comrades wish I him j But to read and reflect is not every 8ucceg8 in his new position. enough. It is equally important p. eeflnt Sflm v- f when reading and reflecting that the 0ompany L left thia morning f6r a trnp irlpa Rhnnld hft annrphended . I ii . , , . . -rx..- - yiBn oi len nays among ; relatives .jKuauw uu rcaua uucuujf i w and friends in Charlotte and Con son why he reads intelligently. oord SerKeant Grier i8 Verv doous Many persons draw the wrong, con- Iar and doQbtle83 he wlll have hia elusions from what they read. Many f Qrl0Q h extended on accoant of n0 seem to be unable to draw the proper h&Ying ampe ime m q conclusion from two propositions. . transact al! of the preS8ing business tieaaing, use ooservauon, win abgolntely neceS8arv to be attended Kive us mental, lauiB. xuo - to at 0nce when he wrote the book, had mental facts which he recorded. The reader writing school closed. Has mental facts as he reads what is Mr. J A Furr tells us that he written. It does not follow, neces- closed a session of his writing school rily, that the writer and reader Thnrsday .night. He is quite grati fied with resultb. A D Caudle took the prize for greatest improvement. Goods and Clothing sides. " Gannon & Fetzer Company, A FRESH SUPPLY OF Ull r 1 1 ikJU WAFERS have similar mental facts. The writer had hia own mental facts. y. uaa xu .r Ml88 8allie sosscnian was his sharp- Or ftiASnpa of montol fuAra or a n.a Tftr I otA, . t, ; j , 4. est .competitor and took the first and reader. Eaoh one is conBCione "nk ln honorable mention, followed of hia own mental facts. It ia like b? Charles Widenhonse and Hanley twn norann a lnnlrinr of fVto rain Knw I Petrea And Cakes R;eived. They are fine. Try them. Ervin & Mdrrisori 0R0CER5 From HelUe, In Rowan County. Our farmers are buey -these days sowing wheat. Some cf the machinery for the new roller mill at Rockwell has ar7 rived. - Mrs. Jane Fisher and daughter have gone to Cresceot, where they will run a boarding house. The dedication of Im mar nel t Eli, in this county, will take pl xe on the fifth Sunday in this jnouth Mr. Geo, Brown contemplates movinalhis family to his farmnear Heilig about January. Mr. Geo. Barringer and wife have moved to the farm of Mr. Lawson Barrier. A few days ago our community lost one of its , best young Jadiee, Miss Dovie Barringer, who died on last Thursday at the age of 18 years. She was a member of Lowerstone church and was a winning and en thusiastic member. The funeral was preached by her pastor. Rev. W H McNairy on Friday, after which the remains were laid in the cemetery! A POINTER IN SHOEr v: -You can buy shoes for a dollar that would be dear at 50c, others for $3.00 which would be cheap at $4.00, Yqii will look in vaih for the former here : you ate certain of finding the latter and plenty of other bargains qC tlie same propdrtion. Our hne of childr ens shoes is comte.-We have - the kind that wear. Our line oi La dies fine shoes at 1.45 2, 2.50, and 3.00 might interest you. 1 The way to buy shoes is to see shoes and the place to see shoes is right here," e l parks co: Five U Gcltti Outs Ko , Im Wi Hi They do not see the same bow. Each sees a bow, and if thert were a thou sand persons they would see a thou sand bows. That is not all, no one would know how the bow appeared to the others. All he would know would behowitappeirtd tohimie With the Sick. The condition of Mrs. Ed . Fisher is no batter this morning, we are sorry to know. Mr. Jno. Kiminonp, who was very sick last Saturday, is much abetter He would be conscious of how the th5a mornin ; bow appeared to himself, but not Mr. Press Freeze is unable 4 to be how it appeared to the nine hundred at his post at Fetzer's drug store. and ninety'nine others who miht He took sick yestertiay eveninj?! ve looking at the bow. In order ' ' fat the lb8d Paeons might eeeglil)ittltgr Chan gre of AdTertlsements. Dove & Bost want to talk to yon about tea in their new ad. The poet is now; employed at. the steam laundry. Read their ad. Mr. Jones .'YorJfee, the agent for Oinco ' cigars, brings out an attrac tive advertisement today. - Read.. th f O N D E R F U L are tne cures t ' Hood's jjarsaparilla, and yet they are simple And natural : Hoodr&-8arsa -uarilla makes PURG DLOODi' Give us your ear and ive will tell yo1 the reason wlnj ' ' .-.'...... , i FURNIT URE is the burden of our song. We study it by day, we dream of it by night, Our highest imbition irk a business way is to give the goodpeople of Concord and. country for miles around the advantage of a TJJRE STORE EXCELLED Y JYqjfl, and EQUALL ED by few in JVorth Carolina-. Buying in car lots for spot cash from the best factories in the United States gives us a long lead in the direction that interests buyers We have the BEST STOCK' the best prices that has ever been our: pleaeure to offev our . r . ..... customers- . ..-:' . .. . ,", . . ' - - . ... ... 'We thank our friends for the splendid tirade given u& in the past iWe hopa, by close attentiou to your interest; to merit it in the future- . J - y , Dont fail to see those handsome " Golden OalcsJ1 Com '6 and: see us, we will do you Qood crii8sjrv m-w Bell,;: Harris.. &T.Company- ,tt"