Vol. Xjl No. 2709 CONGOR1J. N. C. WEDNES DAY, OCTOBER 12 I89fc Whole No 11799 MR. KESTLER- REPLIES Ills Questions Not Assertions Sees FTidence of CrimlnalTradlngWnere Ills Own Manic is Bridged wants AH Reports Kef u led or Admitted. Mr. Editor : I take it that one occupying the exalted position 1 I that yon do as a moulder of pub- lie opinion desires at all times to eiye every one, howeror humble, a fair deal in your paper. In the Salisbury Watchman, of last week, there appeared a certain question hv its nnrresnondent in re- Eard to the candidacy of Mr. fitn'nlr 5ind mvaelf for ennntv treasurer. If you will keep cool i. a fl' a. moment and re-read tne corres- ... - .n ponctence ,in question you will iuf wv,f perceive that no charge whatever has been made against Mr. Swink. Tfc. nations .'are asked. "Did , 0rt o "m;j hflar an n.nn Hn r I Jin vnn I i u a,,v, ? rnu know such and such? lhey . 1 1 I A l. ' ?e of . . . f, rt i.wi.L ascertaining the truth or falsehood tcic I I of certain reports that had gained currency. ' Yon, as a professional editor, must admit that the language will adroit ot no other construction. The following queries were asked aho, and 1 await an answer , from them : "Did you know that the Democrats were not in favor of having a treasurer a few years ago and brought suit to abolish the office, yet they are now run ning a man for this office ?" "Did yon know that the Democrats raised Kestler's bond to $66,000 in order to keep him out ?" Mr. Swink says all the reports are false except one. Iam not li- a ?i1 t " 1 wining to agree witn mm wnen the evidences in the matter look so competent and -just. Report L mat l pam interest into ine county treasury from county funds. Swink admits this fact and admits that he paid no inter- est because, he alleges, that he mu. uu uiuuev uu uuu. xuo iaw compeiis tne snerm 10 seuie lue i - r j.1 I SChOOl fund the "first Monday in t rni : ili. I ouuuuiyr xm, iaai year, aiuuu jul- ed to $11,200. This money could not possibly be used for months afterwards, why did the county not .get interest from it ? Report 2. That he belongs to no cnurcn. race aamiuea oy . -1-1 1 1 a 1 1 "l.i Swink. , the balance ot his ticket last year. Denied by Sw ni. I herewith ap- pend a ticket yoted in the last election. You will notice that it is a co-operation ticket except it Jawtte, Miss Emily Gibson and Mies bore Mr. Swink's name on a Kate Gibson. Refreshments were printed sticker over my name. It 8erved a 1Q o'clock, and Misa Elizas must be admitted that he had his beth delighted her friends b pro name printed on that paper and nouncing it- the moat delightful that he got some one to vote it. 1 evening of the summer. any creditable politician in Amer ica to decide whether such work Tnc Ream circle meets, is Dot an injury to the rest of his The Much-Ad o-About-No thing ticket. A man can't have his reading circle met yesterday after name printed on two opposing n0on with Miss Mary Montgom- nereis and De iair ,to potni oi tnem. . l have a number ot such questionthe truth of this allega t; Report 4 He says that the above are falsehoods. This is the construction he puts upon ' the matterothers think different. The correspondent to that paper &Bked several questions in order to get certain facts. He did not say they were true or false. Let the public answer. Hoping that you and Mr. Swink may not get too excited on the eve r .... . imnnvfonf tto .rrr.ll V. . ... ""F uB'eu Juu 1 am Very Respect! ally, Q G Ed. Kestleb. ( to the state- m?nt f Mr. Patterson I will say tha' he also, ran upon the fusion tloket the ,a8t tlme and. ot ctrarae. 1n't. ?ndemn others fr what he gentlemen for wanting the honor 01 running on tne iusion ticket, . . and all the condemnation Mr. . . Swink heaps on our ticket falls . , is own head, for he endorsed by having his name printed on our tickets and so voted. He surely thought it an honor to run . , f , , . T .. , " xicKei. append tne eviaence 01 tne cnarge ana it . f 1 . ,1 1 i uau l uo ueniea. jsn me lerao- crats vote for Swink, the fusionist? The ticket referred to above : For Senate TwentyFonrth. Senatorial District: JAMES B. WHITE. For Ho tise of Kepresentatives: AMBROSE F. HILEMAN. For Sheriff : MUSES L BUCHANAN. For Register Of Deeds ; WILLIAM M. WEDDING10N. . . For Treasurer ; CALEB W. SWINK. . THEIR PLACES FILLED. Sir. IX F ITcbltand Mr. A E Lentz On i ; the Democratic Ticket. Democratic Executive Gom- miUee for th C0Untv of Cabarrus pet at 2 o'clock, Tuesday, 11th, anj nominated Mr. M F Nesbit to fill rthe place made vacant on the tickefc by the resignation of Mr. W F 0annon and Mr. A E Lentz to fiU the place o Mr. J N Brown made vacant by resignation. . -' i i compllmrntary to Sllss Gibson. ... . . . M1B8 ililizabetn lilbSOn W88 glVt-n 4 charming surprise party Monday night. Eleven of her lady friends arranged a dainty feast and pre- sented themselves at her room. She was invited to take a hand at whist ana inree tames were arrangeu. 1 11. ' a 1 1 First, MiBa . Elizabeth Gibson, MiB3 1 1 II Belle Means, Misa Janie Ervin and Mrs.- Young; second, Mrs. R Bhave to mo7e. The black Congress Uib.Bon, Miss Margaret Cannon, Mrs. owan Dusenbary and Miss Kate Means; third.Misa Lallah Hill, Miss ery -Almost every member was present, and their subject for disi . - sides the discussion, the names of MiBSe8 ??te .Gf80n' ;Margaret Cannon and Agnes Moss were ixa- sented for membership. They were duly elected members. The i who will -probably , connect rthem oranization will meet next time selves 'with other cuurcnes. The with Miss Naa Cannpn. j ft PERSON A L POINTERS. Mr. M L Ritch returned to Sal isbury last night, v Mrs. Fred Stephens returned to Charlotte this morning, after .visit ing relatives herei Miss Fan Burwell, of Charlotte, arrived this morning to visit her friend, Miss Emily Gibson. A FRESH SUPPLY Oif And Cakes Received, They are fine. Try them. ' ; . j, . EWr: JS Tn MLi yni jlyj&.vsi i icuii GR0CER5 Good Audiences Greet- Them ETery- wherf. It is very gratifying and shows that a great deal of interest is being taken in Democracy when a good audience greets our speakers in the different parts of the county. Pat terson's mill and IJklt. Pleasant gave them the largest audience?, but their circumstances are different. One of the bst of crowds in the country attended Tuesday night at Mt. Gilead, in No. 5 township. It is hoped that a gqod crowd will also meet them at Stalling6, school housa on next Saturday night. Yellow Fever Won't Down. Yellow fever in Mississippi and Lousiana is beyond the hope of be ing suppressed till frost comes to the re8CUQf , In Mississippi there are said to have been up to date 470 cases with 36 deaths, which is a lit. tie more than one death to 13 cases. Tt is ouite disturbing to business and mental tranquillity. Congressman Wnlte Gets Gay On last Saturday, Congre?man Geo. H White, colored, attenHfd a circus at Scotland Neck, and in stead of taking a seat with the other negroes, he went and seated himself I . . . Is t i ; 1 . on tne place preparea ior wnuo Deoole. One of the managers of the X cirCus informed him that he would man not ne to be talked to in that manner, and informed the cir cus man that he was a Congress man. Rightfully this made no difference, and a policeman was called upon to deal with the negro. However, , though, the negro took his children and himself - out cf the tent, very probably .feeling that his standing was somewhat lower than that of the circus man. Kerfval Meeting- Cloned.3 Not in a long time has there been such an interesting and successful revival neeting i as ; has , been; in 8 1 progress at Forest Hill , Methodist ' church for the paet two weeks, con ducted by the pastor, Rev. J D Ar nold, and assisted by , Rev. Bagby, of Gastbnia. ' As f a result of the meetings over 60 new names; have been added to the roli of member ship besides a number of . 'others meeting clpsed on Tuegdniht. nTTrinnn WAFERS For the Litt folks e Boys arid Girls. Just opened and ready for sale, 87 dozen Caps and Hats a ior miie people scnooi gins and boys eyery style. . Etons, Golfs, Band Golfs, Yachts Yacht Golfs, Brightons, Tains, Turbans, Yales, Klondikes, Fine Cloth, Velvets, Lea er' hW Caps, Worth 0' 75 and $1, all go at 25 cents, Etons, Golfs and Yachts at 10 and 15 cents. Yon can't matey them for less than 25 cents. Cannon & Fetzer nave wear. Our line oi La Company, dies fine shoes at 1-45 2, 2.50, and 3.00 might P. S Special attention , is int rest y013 called to elegant line of Pine , , . , Cloth Tarn O'Shanters, mostly The way to buy shoes very fine silkshned goods, is to see shoes and the worth 75 cents and il. all go in thfi yn nonr, lino Five M Uk Cuts I m Give us your ear and we FUBNITUREis the burden day, we dream of it by night. Our highest imbition in : a business way is to give the good people of Concord and country for miles around TUBE STORE EXCELLED B Y NONE and EQ UjlLL ED by few in North Carolina Buying in ear lots for spot cash from the best factories I ih the United States gives us a long lead, in the direction that interests buyers. We have the BEST STOCK, the ; best prices that has ever been our pleaeure to offer our customers- We ihank our friends tor the splendid trade given us in the past- We hope, by close attentiou to your interest to merit it in the future- Dont fail to see those handsome "Golden Oaks." Come and see us, we will do you Good- - : a Bell, iJiarns. Cqptpainiy. POINTER IN SHOE You can buy shoes for a dollar that would be dear at 50c, others for S3. 00 which would be cheap at $4.00. You will look in. vaih for the former here : y on are certain of finding the latter and plenty of other bargains of - , . tile same propuruuii. Our line of childrens L"uAn 4n 1 TZ7 A 9 ' ' i - 1 "I J T 1 plaoe to See shoes is i right here, , : a H ' CO: Hi will tell yon the reason why of our song. We study it by the advantage of a FUmYl II Will s.

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