I Vol. Xi- No. 2709 CON COUl, N. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 J89 Whole No 117S ore Healthful Signs. Mr Josep A Blackwelder called voar cffic today (Friday) atd told , that he wai authorized to Bay at Mr. Jo?l Heglar, a former jpuliat of No. 4, will wash bis mds of his former political affilias db and will vote the entire Demo atio ticket. He will further urge i eons who had thought of staying home on elec'ion day to go to the oils and vote the 'whole Democratic ;cket too. Mr . Blackwelder far her says that at least a dozen former 'opulists in bia community will do he sme including Mr. John Isen- our Mr. liem'ersoa Wineccff and jn. The latter two, we believe, ent into the Democratic primary Je trust that cn the 8:h of Noyem- er we shall fiad that reason and olitical virtue will rise, though rushed to earth, by designing fo tenters and wicked appealers to assion and discontent. Jood For Stf. 2. Mr. W W Morris tella ua that No. 5 - I has two White Government Unions, one at Poplar tent with 35 members ai d one at Patterson's Mills with 36 members. Mr. P P Town Vend, a former Populist, who saw tha front door of D;mocracy wide I open and walked in, is the president of the latter. . Thc "Yoniiff Ladies" "Whist Clab. I The Young Ladiea!7 Whist club, the former name of which was 'The Thursday afternoon club," met yes terday afternoon with M8s Nan DaanoG who at the end of a moas elightful game, and when the pleasure cf 'holding hands" had brocght satiety, eeryed to her guests an exquisite repast in the refresh ment line, and which by some occult influence was also enjoyed by a gentleman who by a good fortune by accident of course to drop in at the onnortnnfi mnmant. ThA "Winner Ladies" club will hereafter meet on Friday afternoon. . The. next meets n will be with Miss Sallie Belle Erwin. Doer and Pony Snow Coming; Here. Don't forget the Great American Dog'and Pony Show, which exhibits here two days Oct. 18 and 19. Pxetty Shetland ponies, wonderful performing dogs, comical monkeys, educated birds, etc. The little ones are invited to have a free ride on the ponies. Courteous attendants. iaie3' and children's matinees at 3.15 o'clock . Come and be pleased. Oar tent will be on the Morris grounds near the cotton platform. At the Graded school. In the place of Miss Dodson, who as caHed away by .sickness of her uncle, Mies Lidie Smith has been teaching in the graded school. Miss Annie Hoover taught Miss Fannie Hill's grade Thursday after non, the latter having attended the funeral services of Mrs. Fisher. Keep the Children Away. We have been requested to ask some of the parents of our town to not allow their children to be about me sewerage work on the streets, as it U yery dangerous. The ditches are very deep and might possibly cave while some of them are near it. It seems that some of the children congregate About there when the force is at their meals. SPiraALffiSBS83358KS The Biergest Cotton Day Yet. I Several different times has Mr. Biggers.seighed over two hundred bales of cotton, but the biggest day we have had this year was today. At an early hour the farmers were here. Between 9 and 10 o'cJook wagons were coming down Main street in a line and were also lined up on Depot street. Fifty-four bales were counted as they passed the corner in less time than five minutes. Seyeral bale3 were even brought from South Carolina here. The street from Fetz?r'd corner to the cotton platform was lined on one side. The number of bales weighed amounted to at least 325 Medicinal Plants. Bulletin No. 150, published by the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, on the "Medi cinal Plants Which Have Been Col lected and Used in the State," written by Mr. C W Hyams, As sistant Botanist, contains a list of 833 varieties of plants which have reputed medicinal value, all indig enous to the State, or so natural ized as to be esteemed native to the State. The bulletin is arranged ac- cording to the natural order of plants, and gives a scientific and more prominent or correct local name of each variety, and has an index at the end for the conve nience of the reader. It is published solely as a matter of record and must not be understood as being an endorsement of the rrooerties of any of the plants mentioned. Be sides the plants enumerated, the bulletin also contains a list of such grasses and ferns as have reputed medicinal value. Any further in formation in regard to the Medicinal Flora of the State will be furnished on application. This bulletin may be had free of charge on request, by writing a postal card to W A Withers, Director North Carolina Agricultural Eperiment Station, at Raleigh, N. C. Isn't This A tv fnl? In South Rock Creek a conven tion or meeting of the committee was held the other day and the names of two negroes were pro posed. The first said he could not read and that some one who could should be put in. Then Borne one nominated a negro named George Smith, who has served seven years in the penitentiary. George told the crowd that he did not think he would do, bo the meeting adjourned without nominating any one. Greensboro Record. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs Ada E Hart, of Groton, S. D.: "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lunge; cough set in and final ly terminated- in Consumption. Four doctors gave me np, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent j ones above. My husband was ad vised to get Dr. King's New Discovery-for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at P B Fetzer's drug store.- . ; . . Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Guaranteed pr price refunded. When you call .. for De Witt's Witch HazelSalVe " the great pile cure, don'.t accept anything else. Don't be, talked n into n accepting a substitute, for piles, for sores, for burns. J P Gibson. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Jones Yorke is spending the afterndon at Charlotte. Sergean t Hope Barrier is spend ing . the day in Salisbury with Messrs. Iddings and Dunbam, who are also members of Company L. Mr. Geo. Pierce, of Greensboro, who is here in .the interest of the sewerage work, returned home this morning. A FRESH SUPPLY OF OllljijOI-i FERS And Cakes Received. They are fine. Try them. Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 NOSE EIGHT INCHES LONG. Surgeons Will Carve the Organ to the Proper Size. New York, Oct. 5. Richard Smith, 22 years old, arrived at Belles vue Hospital with Dr. George E i Maurer, a surgeon attached to Gen . Fitzough Le's division,,. Smith has ihe largest nose of any patient ever admitted. It is eight inches in length and looks like a prize turnip. Dr. Maurer was Spending a few weeks in the Adirondacks in Lewis county. He met Smith, a wood" ohopperi end suggested that he come to Bellevue Hospital and have his nose operated oo. Smith stated that before he was born his mother was struck on the nose by bis father. A Tip to Senator Butler, We have been informed that Mr. Frank Brown, member of the last Legislature from Jones county, told certain parties of prominence end intelligence that Dr. Cy Thompson secretly abetted the election of Pritchard to the U. S. Seriate, to the end that Pritchard; would do a like favor for Thompson to succeed Senator Marion Butler 'in 1900. We get this pretty straight, and if it is denied we will furnish proofs. Yet Thompson pretended to be honest and opposed to the eleotion of gold bug Pritchard. All the big Pop, ulists and Republican bosses in this State are tarred with the same stick. Kinston Free Press. ALMOST A Nine Kegroes JAIL DELIVERY. Saw Bars, But Day Came Too Fast.' Nine jail birds came within prob ably a half hour of ; escaping from the jail in Raleigh Thursday morn ing. The jailer wakecl at 5 30 hearing a noise that was suspicious1 He soon found that nine of his boarders were nearly readyito escape. Some one had helped them to a saw and file and they were working like beavers cutting off t iron bars. He called in some . help and at pistol points theyimarohed into their cells to have t heir privileges? restricted somewhat more hereafter. ' Great Britain, Russia, France and Italy-hayejput their foot down-on it that Turkey, must Jake her troops off of the island of Ofete. WA Soys' Qlothing ! We opened today our sec ond shipment of Boys' Cloth ing. Every boy can haye a new suit. We make prices so that all can afford to buy. We start at 50 cents For a pretty good Boys' Suit. Sizes go up to 12 in this lot You haye never seen as gocd a suit for 50 cents. In better goods we give you the best values you can get in the State. We can please the boys in goods, and please the par ents in prices. Knee Pant Suits up to 16 in full sizes. Cannon & Fetzer Company, Give us your ear and we FURNITUREis the burden M Cuts mi day, we dream of it by night- Our highest imbition Cfe a business way is to give the good people of Concord anti country for miles around the advantage of a FURNlv TV RE STORE EXCELLED BY NONE and EQ Uj1LJ EE by few in North Carolina Buying in car lots for spot cash from the best factories in the United States gives us a long lead, in the direction that interests buyers. We have the BEST STOCK th& best prices that has ever been owr pleaeure .to offer out-customers- We thank our friends i or tJie splendid trade given v:. in the past We hop?-, by close attentiou to your interest. to merit it in the future Dont fail toPsee those handsome "Golden Oaks.'r Corr cm(t?seeus,wewiUdoydi(6ood' Bell, Harras & Company I : ? -, i i A POINTER IN SHOES- Yon can bny shoes for a dollar that wonld be dear at 50c, others for $3.00 which wonldi be cheap at $4.00. Yoxt will look in vaih for the former here :. yon. aie certain of finding: the latter and plenty of other bargains, of the same proportion Onr line of children s shoes is complete. We have the kind that wear. Onr line ot La dies fine shoes at 1.45 2, 2.50, and 3.00 might interest you. The way to bny shoes, is to see shoes and the place to see shoes right here. I i PAIS k 155 will tell yov the reason wTkz of our song. We study it 8 Witt Tl .i -f V.I i lltl i