y0L. Xi.-No. 2709 f MUSTERING OUT PROCESS . Of oar Second Regiment Sow FJd Upon-Thelr lnierinc Ontto Beat the Principal riace m Those farts. vrfa correspondent to tne Tuesday all CONCOR1X BT; C. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 189 Whole No 11799 A GENERAL DISTRIBUTION1 PERSON A L POINTERS J he Ksiei Wrver saja that on Brranemen8 ror me uiu0tOi- ;he Regiment- were There was one 3Ut of the Second .finitely made. change from Mondays programme L-the Rutherford company (Uapt W T R Beli'O will be mustered ont at "Morganton instead of at Charlotte. rAs it'now stands the muater.out is to beilia November 3rd, at Char- : lone, with the Gaatoma company. A ax a Thft Tni3 win rtq'iiie company will rendezvous there on h9.n The Mnrphy, Nanthala aud Aaheyille companies will be mustered out tit Asheville,- begin, ning -November 6th; the Rather f jrdton ana Morganton-Lenoir ccm-piLiea-at Morganton; the Greens-, boro company at Oreen&borG; then th Faj.etteville aufr- Lamber Bridge companiea at Fayettevillf ; the Wils mington company fit Wilmington, and che Tarboro and Greenville companies at Tarboro, this maidng the twelye companies. Oump will be broken here Saturs day morning and the men will all leave. Quite a lot of men Itft today for the wresr, among 'them ten for Nantahala. Guard will ba kepi up to Saturday. ' Much money will beeamjng to the soldiers when they j6e mustered oat.- Here are tne lrems: rav tor Of the Ylctliqs or John Barleycorn On Natnrday Alght at a Corn Shnek 1ns Near Town Bloving Around Iu Otber Plaeea. Mt. Pleasant, Oct.; 19. Miss Ella Xientz. who has been visiting Miss Mabel Barrier, has returned to her home in Norwood. Mr. Frank Patterson, Jr., and Chief Buglar Jay Sims returns to camp at Jacksonville-tonight. Gus Hartsell spent last night in Salisbury. Miss Esther Cook returned Jiome from a visit to Charlotte this morning. -Alvon Watson came home Mica Panlin Thnm nf flliino j. C3 j ' i 1 from Guilford college this morning Grove, spent Sunday here with L . , . . , Mrs. Dr. H N Miller. We came near having a serious fire in our town Monday night. The chimney at the east end of Mr. L J Foil's house caught and burned out. The wind was blow ing from the east, carrying the sparks over on the roof. The Pi. Sigma Phi Society will give a public debate some time in November. Rev. Paul Barringer has moved into his new house on North Main 3treet. r - ' : Mr. David Corzine has pur chased and moved into the resi dence formerly occupied by J D Barrier. Mr. Horace Barrier has gone to Charlotte to spend several days on business. John Barlevcorn was out on the 1 war path last Saturday night. Ee passed by a corn shucking a mile or two below town, and loosened on account of being sick. -Mr. C F Colyer, the landscape artist who spent several months here some. time ago, ; returned here Tuesday night. His home is in Asheville. Dr. Jesae Hamilton left this morning for Uharlotte to accept his new po&ition. He has been staying at Dr. Johnpton's drag store for eight years. A FRESH SUPPLY 0 1 i. 1 J 1 IkJL-L ig Lot of WA Popular Priced and Stylish Goats and Jackets. Fine Beaver Capes, Fine Kersey Capes, Fine Boucle Capes. Can give you nice Boucle Cape for $1, worth 1.75. Children's Reefers made of twotoned Boucle braided. Fine Epingle Coyer ts, Vene tian and Broad Cloths. Prettiest Crepons in wool and silk. rljiAu Cannon & Fetzer Millinery nnn n his war dogs. About three o'clock Ocioberand up to dale in November Sunday morning a call was made when mustered out: pay for rations on the bouthern Express and De- 1 1? - it nr. ilurinff furlough of 30 dais; travel nvery association, ox ..we mi. pay from Raleigh to their homes Pleasant Industrial Union, which (thia latter being agreed on Tnes promptly distributed his victims day); pay in lieu of raiona on their in Jtig;Town with all the ease, way home from muster-out, and last ! grace and dispatch of trained vet- the balance of their clothing allow- erans. ON Dit. ance. The total runs from $65 to $Iqq I J. S. narrlsHas a Fire. Mr. J S Hams had a fire Mon- WHITE GOVERNMENT UNION day night that burned his engine m mm mt m house ana saw mill. .LiKe a mira Organized at Brief In Union County -Speeches By Some of the Best Speakers. Around There. Brief, N7 G, Oct. 17: The "White Government Union" of Goose Creek township, recently ors ganized, met at Brief Academy on ole almost, his gin was saved thoogh fall of cottar end much baled cotton was on the yard. The fire was blown in the direction of the gin, ana tne root ana, some or ine cotton in the yard caught but were " I i! I I 1 ! x. T-v u.fn. :ui. i... o i u eximeuiaaea dv oniv iwo men wuu tons were diatribnted- and several f0DKnl; tie tire tor a COnsweraoie names added, making a total of time before help arrived. A good over half a hundred. The audience mrKc ' ircG Diuuuc.wcou..-- wM rftthpr Bmttn -hnffhnBA nrpBAnt doubtless saved the gm, while it were well entertained bv a characs waa a sacrifice to the flames. The teriatic Democratic speech from the en2ine bed waa extinguished before lins of Editor R F Beaslev. of the giving way, so that the engine is I . . j i t. i- Monroe Journal. Dr. -Austin inlros n. - gwauy aamageu. xu iuSB duced the speaker. For about two sustained will probably not far ex nours tne appreciative aaaience was cec-d $200. It was a narrow esa held enchanted by a mellifluence of cape of a heavy loss. elOQiaence, mterepersed here and inere wit u reasonaoie, mirtn-pro- miss arrie winecotr Dead. TOKing-ioKes, some ot wnich. were Fnr Rnmft timfl Misa Carrie the entiraiy fresh. The Union meets at ,x Mlra winpnoff the Price school houBe next Satur- r ft - 1 . V 1 And Gahes Rtceived. They are fine. Try thein. Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 Company, Tom Watson's Paper Done For. The People's Party Paper, the most lDiiuential moutnpiece oi Populism in "the United S tales, of which Thomas E Watson was lately editor, suspended publication 8at nrday on account of a laborer's lien for $500 levied in favor of Mrs. Mackie Sturgis Holcombe, business manager, Mrs. Holcombe is also secretary and treasurer, of Oar Pub lishing Company, which; issued the paper, and of which Watson is pres ident. , Mrs. Holcombe engineered the paper through the exciting campaign.qf 1896, ; when Watson naoA if ts flro VrrQr1oiHpa At MftrlOIl Butler and his clique. Since then K,(J CjJN the paper has been losing monefi and Mrs. Holcombe's salary for that year, so she alleges, hasgoEe to cur rent expenses. Atlanta Dispatch. Onr hats have a dainty touch here and. there that dis tinguish them from ordinary millinery, a touch that stamps them "Pretty." Everything in Ladies' Sailors from the 25 cent ones to the very best. All kinds of Tarns, little fancy caps and hats for little chil-. dren and misses. A line of velvets at matchless mirps " might interest yon. Kibbons for every ribbon wanf. Plain ribbons, fancy ribbons, de pendable ribbons. Cur ribs bon slock is replete with every wantable ribbon style. The silk worm would be jnstly jealons if he even learned of snchrices for his product. Here yon will rind a fancy little line of baby hoods just to please the mother We can interest yon if your wants are not filled for all time to come. ii PAIS I CO. CUTS NO ICE WITH US! For Over Flty Years day night, when and where it is to who iives at Forest Hill, has been ecutive commitiee. be addressed by Chairman Coving- lingering with the dreaded disease, ton, of the county Democratic ex- consumption, until Tuesday about 1 o'clock she answered the death Augustine. txt- tt L.-unn 19 years of age. The funeral jwaa conducted at thf home this Tne Snow Tuesday Night. show gave their fiiritimiioe (rtJ)oo by E,v O on the Morris lot Tuesday after noon to a medium sized audience. The show is not up to the average one of, this grade. J They carry a very good band with themnicely which the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery. Give us your ear and we will tell you the reason why. FURNIT TIRE is the iurden of our song. W e study it by Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 3yrup hasL we dream ofiit bifjiight. Our highest imbition in Deen usea ior over un.y yearn uy millions of mothers for their child-a business way is to give the good people of Concord and ren while teethingwith perfeGt suc cess. It soothes the child, softens country for ' miles around the advantage of a FuRNI f.h crnmo. ftllftvn all nain. nurfia wind coii and is the beat remedy for TV HE STOKE EXCELLED BY NONE and EQ TJJlLL Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor -mi, v 7v. ' n m m w . w m ajmmi i i .1 m w w ma a . . . m a m i i m . a . - i;f4lA at-i PPnyny i mmc.fi 1 a til I XT JSnln hV i druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslowa SootL- iig Syrup," and take tio other kind Ask Your DRUGGIST for a geuerous 10 Cent TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH John Eaton , an Robert Enlow escaped from the penitentiary uniformed ,apd , make, . splendid Monday mornings ach was in mnsio. fnr ilHmt diatillintr. It means more The backward Bomersault of thetinoonshine,x on the market. dogs is good, but none of the ani Jnals are under the best of control. COLD 'N HEAD f-i A dt P f ache ana khetoatism renevcQ QAviib He Wlas'tfsrve Plaster ; 'ELY'S ? CREAM BALM contains no cocalne mercury nor ' any other injurious drug. It is quickly absorbed. Gives relief at" once, It opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages. Allays Inflamation Heals and protects the membrane, restores the senses of taste and smelL Full size 50c, trial size ioc, at druggists or by mail. ' ""; ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street. New York.. TH E r.TQCT remarkable cures on record have been accomplished by. Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is unequalled tor all BLOOD DISEASES Buying in oar lots -for spot cash from the best factories in the United States gives us a long lead, in the direction that interests buyers. We have the REST STOCK, tl e best prices that has ever been our Jpleaeurelto offer our customers- We thank our friends for th&splendidlltrade given u$ in the pastel . We hopp, by close attentioutoryour Hnterc& to merit it in the future -Dont fail to see tlwse handsome Golden Oaks " Come " '' " ' - -.. v. ... i . " tm . . ?it j :. r ' 7 ana1 see us, we wiu uq yuuivuua Bell, JiacciS: Cotnpany' I